Ask the Mirror Chapter 68: The discussion about life and death transforming into wilderness (Part 2)

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In fact, it is night now, but the sudden change in light color is extremely intense, as if under the tribulation fire, the shadows formed in various areas of the ship have come to life, and in the blink of an eye, they have become one, and just Just when Li Bocai raised his eyebrows to suppress it, he suddenly said “Oh” again and pressed the action in time. He saw the dark shadow flowing like water, flowing directly from the deck to the outside of the ship.

The front end becomes pointed and points directly to a certain direction, and behind it, the shadow shrinks, twists, and changes, forming a very thick and conspicuous figure, as if the sun is shining from over there and is blocked. , projected onto the calamity cloud.

The problem is, except for the glow of the six-leaf black lotus, there is nothing there.

When people seemed to be confused, the shadow moved again, which clearly reflected a certain physical change of the “target”. The change was small, but the whole thing showed some helplessness, which made people think of, The person it faced tit-for-tat looked like this at about this time.

The scene is strange, but also a bit funny.

Just two consecutive magic spell changes, both to cover this person?

Looking at its location, had it been discovered a little later, it would have probably left the range of the Six-Leaf Black Lotus and been thousands of miles away.

Their “ally” who has always been hiding his head and tail, is very good at seizing the opportunity, but he keeps pushing the hot potato into their arms.

Damn it, that sword strike against Gui Yan just now could have been more severe.

Li Bocai glanced at Lu Bo and saw that this old friend had actually reacted. According to the tacit agreement between the two of them, if Lu Bo took action, he would also take action.

After confirming the identity of his opponent, Li Bocai didn’t think much about making a move. At this time, he couldn’t help but regret that he didn’t use his sword to suppress the “ally”‘s magical power change just now.

What this person does is just like a mess!

He wanted to try to save it again, so he coughed dryly: “Do you feel like you are being used?”

Lu Bo glanced at him, and this clear look directly penetrated all his thoughts.

Then take action and give me a share of the action afterwards.

Li Bo was the one who really dared to say such shameless words, but while it was brewing in his heart, Lu Bo had already made the decision for him in the most straightforward way.

The ice and snow storm is coming again, and its freezing coldness is lingering in the Qijian Tianluo Formation. If Li Bocai tries to shirk it again, things will definitely not end well.

He will definitely not be afraid if a quarrel breaks out, but why bother? Instead of being passive on both sides, it would be better for him to take the initiative here and put the rhythm under his control.

Li Bocai immediately laughed loudly: “This is interesting!”

Amidst the laughter, the Qijian Tianluo Sword Formation was operating again, wrapped in the chill in the formation, roaring out. The magic power of the “Five Elements Flag Gate Spiritual Flag” also blessed it, forming a turbulent flow of wind and snow, which was already far away Locking the opponent’s energy.

With such an obvious reminder from the shadow, if they are still at a loss, the two of them can probably start practicing again.

At this moment, a sigh came from above the sea of ​​clouds.

A rainbow light flew up, instantly shaking off the shadow, avoiding the sword energy wind and snow, and went straight into the night sky.

Neither Li Bocai nor Lu Bo made any move to intercept, because the direction of the rainbow light was clearly heading towards the dark area in the center of the Black Lotus, which had been proven to be empty.

Without the supply of soul power, the rays of light emitted by the six-leaf black lotus have disappeared. The tension in the central area that has not been released has turned into a mystery, and the suppressed calamity fire also shows signs of backlash.

But as soon as the rainbow light flew in, a bright light exploded in the darkness, as straight as an axe, cutting the darkness in half.

In an instant, all the monks who could see the scene here, including Li Bocai and Lu Bo, couldn’t help but squint their eyes. The light that burst out in that moment was so intense that it covered hundreds of miles in radius. , are not “bright as day”, but are completely blind to things.

And when people felt the light intensity weakening and tried to open their eyes to see, they almost couldn’t help but close their eyes.

Because light still occupies all fields of view, this sky has become a world of light.

Yishan Yunzhou, people’s bodies, and all physical objects became transparent under the light. Passengers on the other side of the Yunzhou were shocked to find that those buildings, decks, etc., were suddenly emptied of everything. There are only simple traces of color and substance, and in the end even the lines are gone, only light shines through.

Their entire bodies seemed to be suspended in the void, but where were their bodies?

In such a situation, only monks at the level of Li Bocai, Lu Bo, and Wu Da Jie Yin can not be deceived by the light. As for the Three Thousand Sword Cultivators, they are controlled by Li Bocai. They all have calm minds and respond to changes in the outside world. Unmoved.

Li Bocai squinted his eyes and saw a figure walking slowly out of the center of the glorious world.

At the beginning, he looked like an ordinary person, but one step later became a little taller. He walked seven steps in a row, and his body reached six feet tall. The outside of his body was radiant and golden in color. It was similar but different from the world of brilliance. The two movements stimulated each other. In the void, there are faint sounds of music flowing, flowers falling from the sky, and fragrance filling the air, just like heavenly beings descending into the world, Buddha appearing, and his treasures and appearances solemn.


Li Bocai’s smile turned on his face again, but there was no casualness or laziness in it, but a pure coldness that penetrated his muscles and bones.

No matter which sect they belong to in Lunjianxuan, they will not have any goodwill towards those Western monks and nuns. If he was still in his prime, he would have killed them with one sword at this time.

For now, I can only hold on to my thoughts and turn to Lu Bo: “Do you have any impression?”

Lv Bo didn’t respond, he just stared at the six-foot-long golden body and the glorious world, completely entranced.

Li Bocai was surprised, and suddenly a whisper came to his ears, pointing directly to his heart:

“Li Jianxian is a man of great wisdom. Should he know that there are like-minded people in the world?”

“Ha, that’s a good thing. Why don’t we hold a candle and talk about comradeship at night… Tsk, I forgot. With you here, the candle is really saved.”

After Li Bocai uttered a sentence, he realized that his lips and tongue were parted, but there was no sound, but the meaning of his heart had been sent through some channel.

Well, this world of brilliance is obviously a certain kind of realm with special laws. The propagation of sound waves in it is no longer the usual one, but directly points to the root of the mind.

This is probably the case with Green Wave as well.

Isn’t there something mysterious in just speaking with such distinction?

Li Bocai was not in a hurry to break through the shackles of the realm, but observed carefully.

The appearance of the six-foot-long golden body is unexpected. Although it is much taller than ordinary people, its brows and eyes are full, soft and beautiful, and its feminine figure and demeanor will not make people miss certain aspects of their feelings. .

Well, it’s not like an Arhat or a Bodhisattva, but rather like a dharma body of gods and humans.

As for this face, Lu Qinghua, one of the five people who greeted her, said in surprise: “It’s a flower lady!”


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