Ask the Mirror Chapter 68: Hook rope

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At this moment, the wind suddenly blew in the valley outside the cave. The wind started without warning. Yu Ci only heard a “wu” sound, and the strong wind squeezed in from the outside, filling the entire cave in an instant.

Yu Ci doesn’t quite understand the mechanism behind the formation of the illusion barrier outside the cave. It seems that it has a certain substance and can block some external influences and make the illusion appear more real, but sometimes it cannot. Just like such a strong wind, the illusion barrier cannot cover it, allowing the wind to pour in.

At the moment when Yu Ci was slightly distracted, the originally entrenched ichthyosaur suddenly started to move, its body suddenly jumped upward, but before its tail left the place, it suddenly twisted around and charged downward. This fake body can be regarded as remarkable when it is used, especially the timing is even precise.

Yu Ci did not move, as if he was confused by the fish and dragon. But when the ichthyosaur broke through his feet and tried to accelerate with all its strength, a curtain wall suddenly rose in front of him. With a faint muffled sound, the ichthyosaur crashed directly into it. The strong momentum pushed the curtain wall outwards, but it was eventually stopped by the tough obstacle.

The Taoist robe, filled with innate energy, still withstood the test.

Yu Ci laughed. In the vast world, if you want to catch guys like fish and dragons, if you don’t have speed, you really need the help of powerful tools, but in some special terrains, a change of Taoist robes is enough.

In addition to using atomized sword intent or drawing talismans, it is actually more difficult for Yu Ci to control the “Innate Qi” very finely. But as simple as Qi Guan Taoist robe, there is still no problem. Then he reached out with lightning and grabbed the fish dragon that was still struggling under the Taoist robe. Even though there was a layer of clothing, he could still feel the strong power under this guy’s smooth scales.

Yu Ci will never let go no matter what.

At this time, the strong wind that poured into the cave became stronger, and the hay that had been used as a nest by the ghost beasts was also blown away and rolled around in the cave. The air in the cave was much fresher.

Then, the rock mass beneath my feet began to vibrate.


Although most of his energy was focused on the fish and dragon, Yu Ci still paid attention to the situation outside. It’s just strange that even though the wind is blowing hard outside, it’s whining, and the soles of the feet are shaking endlessly, there is no abnormality on the illuminated map. Within fifty miles, everything was very clear except for the Huandan haze. However, the rolling clouds and mist that appeared for dozens of miles at an unknown time looked very spectacular.

It’s just that the direction of the wind is a bit chaotic…

During the time when Yu Ci was observing the Divine Diagram, the strong wind that poured into the cave was reduced a lot, but the wind force outside did not decrease at all. Instead, the north wind blew again, and the strong wind cut through the entrance of the cave, sending out a series of muffled howls. .

During this period, the shaking on the ground has stopped. Yu Ci wondered whether there had been an earthquake just now, causing some changes in the weather in the Sky Rift Valley.

“Maybe it was a false alarm?”

Yu Ci exerted all his strength to grasp the still struggling fish and dragon, but he was a little unsure. He understands that everything in the Sky Rift Valley is strange and must not be taken lightly, but now that he is filled with fish and dragons, his mind may not be impetuous. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to deal with the harvest in his hands first.

When he came from Zhixin Guan, he asked the Taoist Master Taizhou for advice on how to place the captured fish and dragons, and the Taoist Master also taught him a method. At that time, both parties just wanted to be prepared, and did not think about what they would really gain. However, they are still using it now.

Yu Ci took out a stone box from the storage ring, which was actually the one used to pick shrimp grass. This box is no more than a foot long, so it is too small to hold this seven-foot-long ichthyosaur.

Carefully pull the fish dragon out from under the clothes. The ichthyosaur was still struggling, but that didn’t stop Yu Ci from looking at it carefully.

Actually, Yu Ci had already seen it very clearly in the Illuminating Picture. Now, rather than sizing it up, he was feeling the weight of the fish and dragon.

Touching the smooth skin and scales of the fish and dragon, Yu Ci remembered that Yu Zhoulao once said that when observing the appearance of the fish and dragon, the three criteria for judging the appearance of the fish and dragon are the transformation of the skin and flesh into scales, the growth of the marrow horn, and the transformation of the eyes into the dragon. The ichthyosaurs are divided into three levels:

First, the body of vegetation is completely transformed into flesh and blood, represented by scales all over the body; second, the transformation from ordinary flesh and blood to the legendary bloodline of heavenly dragons is a long process, often taking thousands or ten thousand years as the unit. , the sign of which is the growth of horns on the top of the head, indicating that the internal bone marrow has changed its nature, and the essence and blood have contained the energy of the heavenly dragon; the third is to completely achieve the body of the heavenly dragon. At that time, the essence and blood all over the body will be turbid, and the true nature of the heavenly dragon will sprout and self-generate. The bright light breaks through the obstacles of the flesh and turns into the light of the gods, shining through the nine heavens and ten earths, reaching everywhere, so it is called the dragon that lights up the sky.

Now it seems that the five features on the head of this fish dragon are unclear, but the scales and armor are complete, and the tender horns on the head are newly born. It has completed the transformation of flesh and blood, and is in the process of transforming marrow and blood, and its appearance is already quite extraordinary. If Either he had grown up in the Sky Rift Valley for many years, or he had some adventures during his growth that caused his blood to turn into marrow early.

But no matter what, this guy’s value is immeasurable!

It took Yu Ci a lot of effort to stuff the fish and dragon into the stone box. Although the body of the ichthyosaur is slender and flexible, not to mention how many times it can be folded, it can be tied into a knot without any problem, but the strength of this guy’s struggle should not be underestimated. In the end, Yu Ci gritted his teeth and felt cruel, first on his hand After adding more force, he followed the example of Elder Yu Xuan of Wanling Sect and threw down a series of soul-soothing talismans. While the fish and dragon were being tossed around to make them dizzy, he rolled them up into a ball and stuffed them into the box.

First, cover the box tightly, then take the special sealing mud that has been prepared and apply it carefully on the gaps in the box to completely seal it. According to experienced experts, the ichthyosaur will enter a state of suspended animation as soon as it enters this environment, which also facilitates portability.

But this box cannot be put into the storage ring under any circumstances. That space is definitely not suitable for storing living things. If you are not careful, it may cause unpredictable changes. According to Lao Dao’s speculation, the fish dragon grass suddenly transformed into a fish dragon last time, which may have something to do with it.

That time he got lucky and got a blessing in disguise, but this time there was no need to take such a risk.

Yu Ci spread the clothes on the ground, preparing to make a package and carry it on his back. But when the clothes were unfolded, something seemed to be covered underneath. Judging from the location, this thing should be hidden in the grass nest, but the strong wind entering the cave blew the grass pile away and exposed the thing.

He casually placed the stone box at his feet, groped under his clothes twice, and then pulled it out: “What is this?”

When he first touched it, Yu Ci thought it was a whip. Now it seems that this thing is more like a long rope with hooks on both sides. It has a weird shape and no idea what it is used for.

The hook rope is about three feet long, and the whole body of the rope is grey-green. It doesn’t look very pleasing to the eye, but it is probably made of very fine filaments, and the workmanship is better than the “Trapped Soul rope” seen earlier. “It also needs to be delicate and delicate, the rope body is tough, and the tentacles are cold. After holding it for a long time, the surface temperature did not change.

The hooks on both sides of the hook rope are very eye-catching. They are the same color as the rope. They are as curved as a crescent moon and only a few minutes in diameter. They are quite delicate. The tip of the hook flashes with cold light and is quite sharp.

Yu Ci didn’t expect that there would be such an exquisite thing in the messy lair of the ghost beast. It must be uncomfortable to just put this thing under your body.

Actually, Yu Ci noticed something strange.

Judging from what happened to Xu Laoer’s “Trapped Soul Rope”, it is clear that the ghost beast hates things like ropes to an extreme. Why is there one in his hay nest? Moreover, it seemed to be completely intact. It was buried in the grass nest, and not even a stain could be seen.

Hold the hook rope and sway slightly in the middle. The two hooks collide with each other, making a pleasant impact sound. The sound was really nice, like a delicate wind chime. After the collision, the lingering sound lingered.

When the sound sounded, Yu Ci clearly felt that there was a weak force trying to penetrate the protection of Lianxinjiao and touch the soul.

Is it caused by the impact of the double hook?

Looks like a good thing. Yu Ci looked carefully through the dim light of the divine map, but could not see any clues. Thinking of the sound of the double hooks just hitting, he thought for a moment, and the “innate energy” was concentrated in the rope, driving the two hooks, and they hit each other again with a “ding” sound.

As soon as the sound started to sound, Yu Ci realized something was wrong. The sound wave changes so fast that it is no longer even the category of sound, but the intersection and collision of two wonderful energies. The “Innate Qi” he instilled became the key to triggering this change. However, there was no way to control it, so he could only let it collide and even mutate.

This time, the protective barrier of Qianxinjiao received a more obvious impact, especially since the impact changed so strangely that it was difficult for Qianxinjiao to melt as easily as before, resulting in a very obvious shock.

At this time, the stone box on the ground bounced sharply.

Yu Cifang yelled “No,” and the stone box exploded with a bang. The gravel flew everywhere, and one of them was heading towards his eyes. When he avoided it, he saw the fish and dragon’s seven-foot-long body in the void. It stretched and contracted, then ejected with force and flew away from the cave.

The incident happened in a hurry. At this moment, Yu Ci could no longer think about why the method Yu Zhou Taoist taught him didn’t work, or the impact of the double hook collision. He only knew that if the fish and dragon escaped to In the vast world outside, I don’t know how many years and months it will take to catch it!

The cave is only about ten feet deep, and with just a flash of Yu Ci’s thought, the fish and dragon are about to jump out of the cave.

Yu Ci was already familiar with the flight path of the ichthyosaur and knew how to intercept it at this time. Without thinking, he threw the things in his hands. He knew something was wrong when he started. How could ropes and stones be the same?

Sure enough, just after flying about ten feet, the hooks at both ends of the hook hit each other with a “ding”, lost their momentum, and fell to the ground. The metal hook collided with the rock, making another “ding” sound.

With every sound, there is an invisible impact spreading out, either strong or weak, conflicting and blending with each other.

Yu Ci couldn’t care less about this. When he threw the rope, he knew something was wrong and had already jumped out. Although he couldn’t match the speed of the fish and dragon, he pulled out the Pure Yang Talisman Sword. If he really chased If he didn’t, he could only take the risk of killing the baby and use his sword to intercept.

However, at this moment, the fish and dragon changed again.


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