Ask the Mirror Chapter 67: Lair

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Following the swimming figure of the fish and dragon, Yu Ci was also observing the environment inside.

He knew at first glance that this huge cave opened five thousand feet deep was by no means an isolated space sealed in a thick cliff. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain the scattered bones, black stains of blood, and the sleeping nest made of hay.

Is it a beast?

At first, he confirmed this guess, but Yu Ci soon became confused. If this is a beast’s lair, where is the entrance? Judging from the hay sleeping nest, the beast living here is probably quite big. It can’t be like an ichthyosaur and sneak in through a gap that is no thicker than a finger, right?

Staring at the cave structure shown in the Illuminating Picture, as far as Yu Ci could see, the cave was huge and straight, with no twists and turns from beginning to end, and no obvious ups and downs. If you light a torch, you can probably illuminate it all at once. Such a cave…

He suddenly turned his head. Not far away, what he saw with the naked eye was still a dark cliff, no different from the surrounding environment, and equally thick and seamless. But what was shown on the divine picture was a different scene.

Behind this cliff is the giant cave. The distance between the inner and outer spaces is…

Zero? Yu Ci suddenly took action, regardless of the appearance of the thick cliff in front of him, and punched directly. When the punch touched the cliff, it seemed as if a membrane had been broken, and then it passed through.

On the other side, in the Illumination Picture, half of Yu Ci’s arm is clearly visible.


This kind of illusion should not only interfere with people’s soul induction, but also use other means such as light changes, so it is useless for him to talk about it. It was only through the powerful reflection ability of Illuminating Gods that I discovered the problems inside.

Yu Ci used strength with her feet and jumped directly over. His body felt like it was passing through a layer of water, and there was a slight pressure, but soon he was firmly standing in the cave.

But then, he was almost knocked over by the fishy smell in the cave. There is a downside to having a nose that is too sensitive, but he did not cover his nose. Instead, he looked solemn and carefully distinguished the details of the smell.

This smell seems familiar!

He turned around and saw that the illusion obviously did not work inside. The entrance he entered was a very huge cave entrance, comparable to the gate of a cliff city. Looking from the inside out, he could see the dark area illuminated by the glowing moss outside. It was still quiet, almost dead.

“Either it is desolate, or there is a big guy living there…”

As far as Yu Ci knew, there seemed to be only one giant ferocious beast living in the Sky Rift Valley that could cast illusions. By looking at the divine map, Yu Ci looked at the traces of fierce battles for dozens of miles around the cave, and found some faint clues.

Through these contexts, Yu Ci’s judgment becomes increasingly clear and certain:

The smell lingering in the nose really belongs to an “old friend”, that is, the ghost beast that previously showed its power, fought off the monsters, and then escaped with its tail between its legs.

This smell, from the pine forest battlefield where Hu Ke’s body was first discovered, to the head-on battle under the sky rift valley, to the long period of watching in the dark area that day, left an extremely deep impression on him. Yu Ci was convinced that he I remember correctly.

Is this the home of ghost beasts?

If this is really the case, it finally clears up a small doubt in Yu Ci’s mind.

According to what was written on Yu Zhou’s jade slip, the underworld tree will attract the most powerful creatures in the surrounding area to take up residence here. But the fish and dragons he saw were rare enough, but they couldn’t be called powerful. But if the ghost beast is replaced, this problem will not arise.

However, it seems that the owner of the nest has not returned for a long time.

It can be seen from the traces of the battle outside the cave that the battle did not start from the cave that day, but that the ghost beast suddenly encountered a powerful enemy on its way back to its nest. The two sides started fighting from the sky above the “rain canopy”, and then the ghost beasts that were downwind ran southward along the cliff, and finally entered the reflection range of the Illuminating God Picture, giving Yu Ci a wonderful battle between monsters and monsters.

Even if the ghost beast bluffed in the end and frightened the demons, the direction of escape would not be this way, but continue to the south. They say a cunning rabbit has three burrows. Maybe that guy has other hiding places.

These things that have already happened are of little value even if they are calculated. What Yu Ci was more curious about was the soul that was suspected of being monk Zhengde. Why did it come here specifically after seizing the demon’s body?

Yu Ci couldn’t help but remember that in the beginning, the legend of the treasure in the Sky Rift Valley was associated with the lair of ghost beasts. Before he killed the poisonous snake monk and others, he also heard it from those three guys. Similar news.

His heart skipped a beat, and then he calmed down again.

It is not a good habit to constantly doubt your own judgment. Rationally, he had long concluded that the so-called treasure was a rumor spread by someone with malicious intentions. Now, the slight fluctuations in the world cannot cause any big waves.

What’s more, he has reflected the environment in the cave through the divine picture. Now, except for a priceless ichthyosaur that has been locked up by him, it is just a nest where a big guy with bad living habits lives.

“There has to be some purpose.”

Can’t think of an answer for a while, so Yu Ci put it aside for the time being and slowly walked into the depths of the cave. At the bottom of the cave, the fish dragon was still swimming carefree there. In the Illuminating Picture, it had gradually moved away from the rock crevice it had passed through before. In other directions, Yu Ci did not find anything that could allow it to pass through. of corridor.

If you don’t have a handy tool, if you want to catch a guy like Ichthyosaurus who is super fast but not very smart, it’s best to use the terrain…

Thoughts were running through my mind, but something stepped on my feet.

Yu Ci lowered his head to look and found that it was a rope that was obviously artificially made. It was dark in color and had delicate lines on the surface. It seemed to be made with fine workmanship and was quite extraordinary. It’s just that the rope has now been torn into several sections and scattered on the ground in disorder. The longest section is no more than a foot, but it is also broken everywhere and is in dire straits.

There are many relics of herbal collectors in the Sky Rift Valley. It is not impossible for the ghost beasts to take one back to practice their teeth while the ghosts and beasts are doing nothing, but:

“This thing looks familiar!” Yu Ci was slightly moved, squatting down, collecting the remnants of the rope, and roughly splicing them together. In this way, the little impression in my memory suddenly became clear:

“It’s Xu Laoer’s ‘Trapped Soul Cord’.”

There is probably an example of a monk who became a monk, and Yu Ci can easily associate it with information related to it.

In the fierce battle on the cliff a few months ago, this rope with the rotten soul fire really caused a lot of trouble for Yu Ci, so he still has a little memory. Now that I think about it, this “Trapped Soul Rope” is a rather special craftsmanship. More than a month later, how could this rope, which had already fallen off a cliff with its master, appear again in a ghost beast’s lair thousands of miles away? Why did it become so miserable?

Is this really dental practice?

Yu Ci gently touched the ground. The light in the cave was dim, but with the faint light from the divine map and the touch of his hands, he could still feel that the ground here was uneven and there were still many claw marks left, each of which was several dozen deep. Chi, based on this, he could already imagine how violent the ghost beast would be at that time if it tore apart the “Trapped Soul Cord” and caused damage to the ground!

Grumpy? He has seen the violent temper of ghost beasts once. Wasn’t the sudden commotion among the creatures in the valley caused by the violent and ferocious howls of the ghost beasts? Calculating the time, it seems to match the time when the rope fell into the valley.

“It is very annoyed by things like ropes, so much so that it specially carries the ‘Trapped Soul Cord’ back and cuts it into pieces to vent its anger!” Yu Ci came to this conclusion logically.

“Well, that’s interesting.”

After making a judgment on the mood of the ghost beast, Yu Ci found that he had stayed there for too long, so he stood up and continued to push in. In the process, he picked up a few gravels on the road and held them in his hands.

As he was about to reach the deepest part of the cave, Yu Ci stopped. At his feet was a hay nest made by ghost beasts, which was half as tall as a man. The ichthyosaur was hanging three feet away from him. At this distance, the ichthyosaur finally realized that something was wrong, and its swimming speed increased slightly, and it seemed more like it was accumulating strength.

Yu Ci made a quick decision, flicked his fingers, and shot out a piece of gravel.

Yu Ci didn’t hold any force in this blow. The gravel filled with innate Qi is like a strong bow and arrow, tearing the air, and the ear-piercing whistle sounds, which is even more shocking in the closed space.

Whether the fish dragon’s soul was shaken, Yu Ci was not sure, but when the crisis came, this guy’s reaction immediately improved significantly. He shrank and bounced, avoiding the flying rocks, and jumped away with the trend.

However, as soon as it moved, Yu Ci flicked his fingers, and seven or eight stones flew one after another, scattering to various locations in the cave. Although the directions were different, it took a moment to seal the most direct route for the fish and dragon to shoot.

If it were any other living creature, it would be a fly. At this time, it would also know how to change directions and avoid obstacles. But ichthyosaurs are different. The speed of the ichthyosaur is indeed fast, but its instinctive reaction is in a straight line. The straight collision is indeed very powerful, but it is even easier to predict.

Most of the seven or eight stones missed, but there was still one that happened to intercept the flight path of the ichthyosaur. With a bang, the stone was shattered, but the ichthyosaur was also frightened and shifted slightly.

In the darkness, Yu Ci rushed forward and got into a good position. With the help of the topography of the cave, the ichthyosaur was forced to make a choice: either hit the cave wall and him, or get out of the gap next to it.

The ichthyosaur chose an open space, but the direction it flew was exactly what Yu Ci had planned in advance, which was the narrowest corner of the cave. The ichthyosaur’s slightly weak intelligence obviously found it difficult to understand this problem, so it rushed over without hesitation. With a low voice, Yu Ci closed the passage behind him.

At this moment, things suddenly became very simple. The left and right sides were either stone walls or human bodies. No matter how fast the fish and dragon were, they could only escape from the upper and lower directions. And Yu Ci was the best at making similar choices!

The ichthyosaur finally realized that something was wrong. Its seven-foot-long body turned around in a space about ten feet in diameter and wanted to rush out, but it stretched out half of its body and retracted again. The slender body coiled into a ball in the void. At this moment, it looked more like a snake than ever before.

This is the first time that the ichthyosaur appeared in a state of indecision.

Yu Ci also stopped motionless. In this position, he can maximize the hindrance of his body, and then there is only one thing left for him to do.


Topping last week’s hit list before the weekend is inseparable from the support of my brothers and sisters, and I hope to continue to do so. After all, publishing online articles now is not as easy as when I was writing about the underworld. Sometimes I may modify and change the plot, which may leave a tail. So if there are bugs or the like, please report them in time, thank you. Of course, click to collect red tickets and so on, the more the merrier.


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