Ask the Mirror Chapter 67: Fragrance, magic, magic, divine power (Part 2)

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Above the sea of ​​calamity fire clouds, black lotuses and six-colored lotus leaves spanned an area of ​​a hundred miles, and their influence on the vitality of heaven and earth reached thousands of miles away. Not to mention its grand momentum, let’s just talk about the mystery of the movement and transformation of Qi. , which is enough to dazzle.

It is clear that he used the method of borrowing force to create a grand and powerful magical power, but the loss was so small that it was almost negligible compared with the subsequent force. The beauty of “endless life” has been used to the extreme.

As for the means that are above the calamity clouds, but “peacefully coexist” with the great calamities of heaven and earth, and are almost unaffected by them, it makes the treasures in the edge areas stare at them.

Combined with the interpretation of the scriptures and meanings of the Sutra of Past Solemn Tribulations, and then observing on the spot, I found that some things that I had simply taken for granted before were now referenced, and I was extremely happy for a while.

But after watching it for a while, she felt too fascinated, so she forced herself to move her eyes away – compared with analyzing the divine power of the tribulation, it was still the most important goal in front of her, but the attitude of her companions was quite annoying.

Looking back, he saw Yu Ci sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​clouds, letting the flames around him roar and the lightning like snakes, bombarding the shells of the three-dimensional vitality, but he still stretched out his hands to make gestures.

I have played about a dozen pieces of music now!

“What on earth are you doing?”

Bao Yun swam to Yu Ci’s side like a fish. Compared to Yu Ci, she was more comfortable. Her maiden demonic nature, as well as her years of practice and study, made her more vulnerable to the catastrophe of heaven and earth. , like a fish in water, even this high-temperature fire cloud that sells iron and melts gold is like warm soup to her. Wandering in it is much more comfortable than usual.

As for Yu Ci, it is not difficult to block the attack of the Heavenly Tribulation for a short period of time with the energy from three directions.

So, after they were far away from Yishan Yunzhou, they all quickly came out of Xiaowu’s “belly”. After all, Baoyun’s magic power was all connected with the calamity. If he entered rashly, the consequences would be unpredictable; and Yu Ci is now using It seems that if there is a layer in the middle, the effect will not be very good.

Actually, Yu Ci had already explained to her once that she wanted to do something based on the system of laws of heaven and earth.

Even though Ke Baoyun is some kind of externalization of the will of the laws of heaven and earth, and is naturally able to use some magical powers, she still lacks a comprehensive understanding of the principles. After all, she is closer to the “chaotic” situation of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. .

Moreover, after such a long time without any effect, Bao Yun had seen enough of him gesticulating in the void, “Hey, Lu Suhua is already two thousand miles away, and he is getting more and more adapted to the environment. If he continues like this If you go down, you will be lost.”

Yu Ci did not respond, but still moved his fingers there. Baoyun waited for almost half a quarter of an hour, holding on to his anger, and finally said angrily:


As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Ci’s fingers seemed to have hooked on an invisible string, and they suddenly froze. Only the fingertips trembled slightly, as if they were pressing the string to listen to the remaining sound.

Bao Yun was not an ignorant person. He immediately kept silent and carefully watched the movements of Yu Ci’s fingertips, hoping to see some secrets from them. Unfortunately, her eyesight was still not good enough.

Even if we follow Yu Ci’s instructions and capture some corresponding fragments of the laws of heaven and earth, we still can’t tell the truth.

But she understands that being able to gather these “things” from the surrounding void where the catastrophe is raging and the laws are chaotic has obviously achieved preliminary results.

Yu Ci was also quite pleased, as this proved that his understanding of the system of laws of heaven and earth had deepened.

In his original understanding, the system of laws of heaven and earth is composed of many large networks with complex levels, top to bottom, and varying density. When the great catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, this system built by multiple large networks has been shattered. Compared with the normal situation, it is full of holes.

However, there are two areas that are still relatively complete.

The first is the top level, the originally empty area, which is the least affected; the other is the bottom level, those places that belong to the basic structure of all things and the most instinctive needs of living beings, where the catastrophe of heaven and earth is powerless, and there is no one. It is necessary to touch these two areas.

The connection between these two areas is quite close, even very direct.

In the past, this connection certainly existed, but it was not so clear.

This made Yu Ci further understand something:

If you are looking for an easy-to-understand reference for the system of laws of heaven and earth, then the human body’s meridian system may be the most suitable.

“The meridians are called internal meridians, and those with horizontal branches are called collaterals.”

The top-level law can be called “Jing”, which can be regarded as the backbone of the system and assumes the most important functions. From top to bottom, all the laws of heaven and earth are derived from it; the other levels can be called ” “Networks” are all forks branching off from the main trunk, performing auxiliary functions.

The difference is that the division of stems and branches of the law system of heaven and earth is more thorough than that of the human body.

The highest level of law goes down consistently, touching every corner and every stage of the life and death of all things. However, the further down, the deeper it is hidden, the more complicated or complex it appears, and the more it is hidden in the world. Only in the most extreme circumstances can a claw or a claw appear in the criss-crossing web.

What situation could be more extreme than the catastrophe of heaven and earth?

This is the essence of “overcoming tribulation”.

Under normal conditions, a monk’s practice is as follows:

Through cultivation, part of the complex laws at lower levels are disconnected, some of the relatively unimportant ones that bind them are abandoned, and the unchangeable integration is sorted out, and the context that leads to higher levels is found. The “mesh” is enlarged and there is room for movement and change.

This is a step-by-step process. If you make the wrong step, you may get lost in it and become obsessed.

However, the arrival of the catastrophe provides the monks with an opportunity, an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and reach the sky in one step!

Under the chaotic catastrophe, it is actually easier than ever to grasp the fundamental laws of heaven and earth.

There is the most typical example: Yu Qingxuan!

After practicing for a hundred years, she overcame the forty-nine tribulations and became a master of the Great Tribulation Dharma. Others only saw her natural talent and the ability of the Taixuan Demon Mother to teach. But from another aspect, if she hadn’t happened to meet her, In the fourth and ninth tribulations, no matter how talented she was or how capable Taixuan Demon Mother was in educating her, she would not have been able to achieve this achievement.

Under normal conditions, the law system of heaven and earth would not give her this opportunity.

Yu Ci suddenly felt that he seemed to have grasped something.

He was about to think further, but the time he was “twisting his string and smiling” lasted too long. Bao Yun could also see that this person was obviously distracted, and he felt that Lu Suhua’s sense of urgency was weakening, and he was about to I wanted to get off the hook, but I finally couldn’t help it and gave him a small push:

“What’s going on!”

“Uh, pretty good.”

Yu Ci also felt that his train of thought was a little off track, and he almost missed the opportunity to move mountains and clouds. If he didn’t delay now, it seemed like he was at his fingertips. In fact, it was one of the laws maintained by his mind. The thread trembled slightly, emitting a low echoing sound that only he could hear.

At this moment, his sensing range was transmitted through the thread of law, opening up the perspective of a certain area in the “boiling soup” of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, where the mountain-moving cloud boat is located.

The Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror that has been idle for a long time in the sleeve is slightly warm, and it has obviously responded to the movement of Qi.

Yu Ci ignored this matter. At present, he could clearly see without the precious mirror in his sleeve that tens of thousands of monks were still moving around in the huge cloud boat that was forty miles long and ten miles wide. , watching the battle, talking to each other, but almost everyone has a strange expression of relaxation and confusion on their faces.

They were not aware of it, but to Yu Ci, it looked like a big show, performed entirely by poor actors, turning the solemn atmosphere that should have been shown into a farce.

What caused all this was the scent of magic that covered the entire ship.

Bao Yun came closer. Her perspective through the catastrophe of heaven and earth was by no means inferior to that of Yu Ci: “What should I do? I think she was still playing the trick of a golden cicada escaping its shell, but this illusion was too strong, and Li Bocai didn’t want to do it at all. Contribute…”

For them, the most ideal result is of course for them to get together and restrict each other, making it easier for them to do things, while also exposing some secrets and amplifying the matter. In this case, life will be easier in the future. too much.

But currently, it is clear that the other party does not want them to get what they want.

Yu Ci just smiled and said nothing. His mind passed over the ethereal thread. The thread was so fragile that it seemed to break when it collapsed. However, during the trembling sound, it cut straight into the area of ​​Yishan Yunzhou. The minds and qi that were intertwined with tens of thousands of people melted into it as soon as they touched it… In fact, to use a more accurate description, it should be the other way around – this thread was originally Yu Ci borrowing the power of the law of life and death from tens of thousands of people. It was separated from the human vitality and will, and now it is just integrated again.

Just by entering and exiting, theoretically, the life and death of tens of thousands of monks in Yishan Yunzhou can be determined by Yu Ci’s hands.

This is the beauty of the law of life and death.

Of course, theory is theory, and practical issues still need to be considered.

Based on Yu Ci’s current cultivation level, he has reached the limit at this point. Once the “silk thread” is integrated with the minds and Qi of the monks, its weight will be difficult for him to shake no matter what.

Yu Ci was already prepared for this.

Just as he was about to take action, above the sea of ​​clouds, the petals of the black lotus had bloomed to their limit, and the thing gestating in the darkness in its center was ready to burst out at any time, thus attracting the full attention of Li Bocai and Lu Bo.

But Bao Yun was a bystander, and he threw his arm with hatred, causing sparks to burst out from the calamity clouds around him:

“Wrong, wrong, that person is going to run away!”

Yu Ci remained silent, her mind moved slightly, and a natal magical power was activated.

Because the magical power itself is based on the law of life and death, in the current state, it is most smooth.

In the corner of the ruins where the black lotus had just bloomed and proved to be an illusion, there was a clanking sound, and a black armband abandoned under the rocks, with no external support, swayed slightly. It jumped, then disintegrated, and dark clouds and mist flowed out from the cracks in the bricks and wood, quickly dispersing invisible.


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