Ask the Mirror Chapter 66: Treasure land

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Yu Ci said “Oh”, and the expression on his face became solemn.

Even against Tu Lao Monster, the Ghost Binding Talisman Chain is not so vulnerable. This result does not mean that Yulong is far stronger than Tudu, but there is another reason.

When the power of the talisman came into play, Yu Ci felt that the Yindu Black Law Ghost Binding Talisman was not ineffective, but that when the soul was captured and pulled outward, it could not be lifted!

This is a new situation that Yu Ci has never seen before.

Fu Lu has specialization. According to the classification of the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Sutra”, the Yindu Black Law Ghost Binding Curse belongs to the demon pattern ghost pattern system. The ghost binding talisman chain released is purely composed of Yin energy and is extremely effective in arresting ghosts and ghosts. It is effective, but the effect on the living soul that has not left the body will be blocked by one layer. Especially for those who are strong and full of energy and blood, the blood in their whole body is steaming, and the ghost-binding talisman may not even be able to get close to the body, and it will evaporate completely.

If Tu Du had covered the Sun Soul Flag outside first and had a double layer of fire protection, Yu Ci would never have used this talisman to bring trouble to himself.

But the ichthyosaur is not like this. The ghost-binding talisman easily penetrated the flesh and blood of the fish and dragon and touched the soul. However, when it was pulled, it felt that the soul and the body were integrated into one, almost indistinguishable from each other. Capturing the soul was equivalent to capturing the body. The ghost-binding talisman made of yin energy was naturally unable to be held, but was broken by the sudden surge of flesh and blood energy from the fish and dragon.

Thinking again about the ineffectiveness of the black gas poisonous snake’s spell to shake the soul and induce inner fire, it may also be related to the situation of the fish and dragon.

This is troublesome.

He was worried here, and over there in the clouds and mist, the fish and dragon were really heartless to the extreme. The ghost-binding talisman had just been smashed, and now it was swaying in the clouds and mist without any sense of crisis. Yu Ci couldn’t bear it and stopped taking action for the time being. She just kept a close eye on the situation according to the divine plan, looking for the next opportunity.

The fish dragon seemed to feel tired after wandering slowly, so it accelerated slightly and returned to its resting place.

Yu Ci used the Illuminating Picture to follow closely.

This is a dark area about two hundred feet away from the “Rain Eaves”, and it is only a hundred feet away from the “Fragrance Talisman” mark drawn by the black gas poisonous snake. Just now, the ichthyosaur rushed up from here and launched a series of attacks to destroy the black air poisonous snake.

The habitat of the ichthyosaur is a semi-dead dwarf tree. Although there is no daylight in the dark area, the plant is still dying but still alive strongly. There are still a few dark branches on the iron-bar-like branches. Narrow leaves. The ichthyosaur climbed onto a side branch above, wrapped its seven-foot-long body around it, and soon became motionless.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to capture it with bare hands?

Although I have seen the amazing speed of Ichthyosaurus, its reaction is also admirably slow. Yu Ci thought it was feasible, so he took out the jade medicine **** Ye Tu gave him, dug out footholds on the almost vertical cliff, and slowly moved closer to that side.

Quietness and concealment are of course the top priority. From a distance of about three feet, you can give it a try… While digging rocks, Yu Ci kept observing the changes in the fish and dragon and even the surrounding environment. So far, he has It was almost within ten feet, but the fish and dragon still didn’t respond, which was a good sign.

However, Yu Ci stopped.

His eyes widened, and he only had one thought in his mind: What happened today?

With this question in mind, he looked carefully at the short tree where the fish and dragon lived through the divine picture.

The dwarf tree is pale black, with few branches and leaves, no veins on the leaves, white sap on the broken branches, sweet taste, long and straight roots, and tubers. It grows under the cracked valley in the sky where the yang energy disappears and the yin energy disappears. The prosperous place…

The underworld tree?

This information suddenly popped into Yu Ci’s mind. To prevent any fallacy, he took out the jade slip that Yu Zhou gave him and looked at the details of the medicinal materials recorded on it. It was indeed the same as what he saw before him.

On the jade slips given to him by Yu Zhou, there were descriptions of six medicinal materials. They are Blue Sky Lily, Mist Dragon Silk, Seven-veined Grass, Swallowtail Flower, Ghost Flower, and the other is the root of the Netherworld Tree…!

He just found it strange that in the Dark Territory, the most common vegetation is moss. Occasionally, there are some strange grass species, which are also very rare. And a tree, even a half-dead dwarf tree, was the first time Yu Ci had seen it in several days.

Facts have proved that the big anomaly is the big harvest – apart from not cutting down a branch to confirm the color of the sap inside, Yu Ci can no longer find any reason to deny the harvest.

The Illuminating Map shows very clearly that the roots of the underworld tree penetrate deep into the cliff. They are slender and tough. They penetrate into the stone layer about ten feet deep, then vertically downward, stretching for nearly two miles, and finally at the root. The end sections of the beard were all pulled inwards, and an irregular tuber was inserted. The color was bluish and very strange.

According to the jade slip, this tuber absorbs Yin energy and transports it to the Yin world tree above through its roots. After conversion in the trunk, a special secretion is formed on the branches, which is very effective in tempering impurities in the body of living beings. helpful. It often attracts the most powerful creatures around to stay around, often licking it, and exhaling Yang Qi to communicate with it, replacing the role of sunlight and enhancing each other.

Now it seems that this underworld tree attracts fish and dragons.

“Luck, luck!”

Yu Ci did not expect that the two precious things that he had been searching for all these days would appear in front of him in such a dramatic way, as unreal as a dream.

But he will definitely not miss such a treasure like in his dream.

He stopped what he was doing. The original plan did not include this tree. It is conceivable that if the ichthyosaur pounces on it, it is very likely to break the tree directly. God knows what impact it will have on the roots of the tree.

After all, Yu Ci didn’t want anything to go wrong if he was entrusted by others and loyal to others.

Looking at the ichthyosaur again, this guy was still wrapped around the branch, seemingly asleep. Without any hesitation, Yu Ci relied on the power of the Divine Illumination Map to slide down two miles and find the root of the underworld tree.

The process went very smoothly, and no one disturbed him. He used a medicinal **** to cut open the cliff wall, and used the root-cutting technique taught on the jade slips to gather the Yin Qi on the tuber. He successfully dissected it and put it into the prepared In good silk sac.

The rhizome was successfully obtained, and Yu Ci let out a long breath. Only then did he feel that after sinking for another two miles, the Yin Qi in the Sky Rift Valley was even heavier. Except for the blue light emanating from the divine map, he couldn’t see anything around him. The wind blew up the mist and changed its shape. There seemed to be something inside. Mixed with countless black threads, except for the howling wind and the occasional chirping of insects, there is no sound here, and it is as gloomy as a ghost land.

However, there were very few demons nearby. Yu Ci was used to seeing demons walking around at night, so in this quiet environment, Yu Ci felt a little uncomfortable.

Happy to warm up, Yu Ci put the silk sac into the storage ring. At this time, Gui Xianghua was already placed in it. Two of the six herbs recorded on the jade slips had been found, and the progress was gratifying. . He silently clenched his fists in celebration.

Without truly searching for these herbs, it would be difficult to imagine the difficulties in the process. Although the characteristics of the medicinal materials, possible places where they appear, the surrounding environment, and the presence or absence of guarding poisonous insects and evil creatures are explained in great detail in the jade slips, the Sky Rift Valley is so vast. Just based on the few points described, it is like this There are hundreds of places that match this, not to mention some extremely dangerous places that are difficult for him to set foot in now.

In fact, he has never believed Yu Zhou’s reason for entrusting the matter to him, but he is happy to repay the favor in this way, and he has been so far.

At this time, when he took another look at the Zhaoshen Diagram, he was slightly startled. On the branches of the underworld above, the fish dragon seemed to feel something. The body wrapped around it bounced up half way, seemingly looking around, and finally, it bounced out and turned downwards.

“You just dug out the rhizome and found it?”

Yu Ci guessed that the ichthyosaur might be the most sensitive to the “food” it needs most. Whether it was the black gas poisonous snake that was suspected to be the spirit of Zhengde before, or the root of the netherworld tree that was dug up now, they all reacted early, which was completely different from the slow feeling they gave people the rest of the time.

However, the fish and dragon pounced down, didn’t it suit his wishes?

After thinking about it, the body of the fish dragon broke through the clouds and crashed down.

He smiled slightly and drew out the Pure Yang Talisman Sword, but instead of activating the flame blade, he raised the wooden sword body and faced the impact of the fish and dragon head-on.

With a muffled “click” sound, the fish-dragon bounced back, floating two feet away, shaking its head, as if a little dizzy, and the shock it brought hit Yu Ci’s wrist straight into his shoulder, knocking him all over. All arms are a little numb. Considering the size of the ichthyosaur, this kind of momentum is already considerable, but if that’s all it is, it’s not something to be afraid of.

For the sake of caution, Yu Ci also kept the Lianxinjiao in his mouth. In this way, the fish dragon’s move, which seemed to be able to **** the soul, should be able to resist it.

He was already prepared for the second blow, but unexpectedly the fish and dragon failed to collide. It seemed that he found that his opponent was not easy to mess with, so he turned around and left. Yu Ci reacted quickly and pounced as soon as he fit, but his speed was not at the same level as that of the ichthyosaur. When he unfolded his figure, the ichthyosaur’s slender body had already “slithered” into a narrow crack in the cliff a hundred feet away. It never came out again.

Yu Ci was not in a hurry. He climbed up slowly. Judging from the divine map, it should be a dead end. It was only about five feet deep and no more than ten feet up and down. Fish and dragons were among them, and they were still there. Swaying slightly, but…

What is that place next to?

At this time, in the Illuminating Picture, the slender body of the fish dragon twisted a few times, and actually slipped through another extremely small gap inside the crack, and entered a suddenly expanded space next to it. By expansion, how big is the expansion?

The middle courtyard of Zhixin Guan is as big as the main hall dedicated to the Three Pure Ones!

This area is almost completely dark. Even in the Illuminating Picture, the light is very dim and the contrast is not clear. Yu Ci had not noticed before that there was such a huge space behind the cliff.

The wisdom of the ichthyosaur seemed really limited. When it found such a spacious place, it immediately forgot about the threat behind it, swung its head and tail, and started swimming in it.


It was on the click list again last week? I don’t know if this chapter will still be around when it is released. Brothers and sisters, please support me! Click to collect red tickets or something, just throw them here!


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