Ask the Mirror Chapter 65: Soul Eater

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The long line came so fast, and it hit the black gas snake that had just completed its rune pattern. In an instant, black smoke exploded, and it no longer took shape.

The incident happened in such a hurry that even Yu Ci, who had been watching, was a little stunned.

“That speed…”

The Illuminating Picture shows very clearly that the starting point of the “Long Line of Black Light” is a hundred feet away from the side of the cliff, but it arrives in an instant. With such explosive power and speed, not only him, but Lao Tu Du The blame lies here, but we should also look back on it.

Of course that was not a “long line”, but the afterimage of a slender guy shooting away.

Even with the divine picture, Yu Ci could not see the whole thing clearly at the first time. On the other hand, the black energy snakes that had just been scattered suddenly reunited and formed a formation, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Outside the “Venomous Snake”, black energy lingered, turning into a thin layer of black flames. It looked somewhat similar to the flames caused by Yu Ci’s Yindu Black Law Ghost Binding Talisman.

At this time, the “long term” has arrived again.

Still at that amazing speed, the reaction of “Venomous Snake” was already very fast. The snake’s body bounced, trying to avoid it, but then its tail exploded again, and little sparks splashed out. It tried to get on the “long thread”, but it slipped off one by one and was extinguished in the air.

After two consecutive impacts, the “Long Line” seemed to be about to take a rest. It was suspended in the mist and void about ten feet away from the cliff, revealing its true appearance, and was seen by Yu Ci in the Illumination Picture.

At this moment, Yu Ci felt as if someone had punched her chest hard. After a moment of suffocation, she blurted out:


That must be an ichthyosaur!

Although the size is dozens of times larger, the color is much darker, and there are two extremely tiny protrusions on the head. The appearance of the black gas snake is completely different from the previous gossamer bugs that are harmless to humans and animals. However, Yu Ci still Recognize it at a glance:

That’s right, it’s an ichthyosaur!

There is no difference in the delicate scale ring armor pattern, the slender body shape, or even the twisting posture of the body when it shakes its head and tail.

The ichthyosaur didn’t know that someone dozens of miles away was observing it in a magical way. It just swayed its body slightly in the void, as if it was loosening its muscles and bones, and seemed to be preparing for the next wave of impact.

But at this time, the Black Qi Viper has suffered two small losses in a row, so how can it be willing to give up? It suddenly opened its mouth wide, just like a real snake, almost pulling its upper and lower jaws into a line. Then, a clear circle of ripples spread from the snake’s mouth, and in just the blink of an eye, it encompassed all the void a hundred feet ahead.

Yu Ci could see clearly that just as an unlucky flying lizard passed by, it extended its membrane wings and flew into the range of the ripples. As soon as it touched it, the whole body of this unique creature in the Sky Rift Valley shook violently, and it fell down like a stone. Halfway down, another flame exploded on it. It was not caused by external force, but flames burst out from inside its body.

The flame is black.


Yu Ci raised his brows as he saw this. This was probably a move to directly attack the soul, causing the target’s inner energy to become imbalanced, and being attacked from both inside and outside, eventually triggering internal anger. If he encounters this kind of method, if he is prepared in advance and keeps an eye on it, he will be safe. However, if he is caught off guard, the consequences will be worrying.

How should the ichthyosaur resist – don’t let the “demon” destroy such a treasure!

Changing his mind, he was shocked to find that the fish and dragon were still swinging their bodies leisurely in the void without any reaction.

Not only was he surprised, the Black Air Venomous Snake also looked a little stupid. It still kept its mouth wide open and forgot to move for a moment.

At this moment, the ichthyosaur struck for the third time!

This time, the Black Air Viper escaped in time.

Yu Ci saw it more clearly. On both sides of the war, Yulong only knows how to collide with his body, while the Black Air Viper is better at attacking the soul with spells. The methods of the two sides are exactly the opposite, but they do not have a good effect on each other. This inexplicable confrontation is very… It might end in a draw – if it remains of that nature.

Just as he was thinking about it, the black gas poisonous snake made a move. It no longer tried to attack the fish and dragon, but turned into a black gas and jumped back. Over there is its physical body.

The ichthyosaur’s reaction didn’t seem to be too sharp. Seeing the appearance of the black gas snake, it was a little unable to react. It floated in the void for a moment before thinking about pursuing it. Its speed was incredibly fast, covering a hundred feet in an instant, and it pulled out a long line of black light in the void, splitting the clouds and breaking through the sky, and its movement trajectory was clearly visible. But the Black Air Viper was not slow either. While the fish and dragon were in a daze, it had already jumped two miles away, and its speed was still increasing.

“Five miles, four miles…”

Yu Ci is calculating the distance between the black energy snake and its body. In fact, he is also measuring the distance between the other party and himself. Because not long after the battle there, he had already arrived next to the body of the “demon”, and the Pure Yang Talisman Sword was resting on the opponent’s neck that had just become slender.

At this time, the chase between the ichthyosaur and the black gas viper changed again. The ichthyosaur approached at a super speed to a distance of about a hundred feet. Suddenly, it trembled. Its body, which was twice thinner than chopsticks, suddenly expanded to the thickness of two fingers. The facial features that were originally too small and blurred immediately It was much clearer. Although the outline was not obvious yet, Yu Ci could clearly see that there was a gap where the mouth should be. The bright red mouth was exposed to the air, and there was an obvious vibration in the surrounding air.

“Sonic attack?”

Illuminating pictures cannot transmit sound, so Yu Ci could only guess based on the images. Soon he knew that his guess was wrong. The surrounding air does not flow outwards, but flows rapidly back into the mouth of the ichthyosaur. But the strange thing is that the body of the ichthyosaur maintains a body shape as thick as two fingers. No matter how much air is inhaled, it will no longer expand.

Looking more closely, the concentration of clouds and mist around its body has increased. The air that entered its belly seems to be expelled into mist through some channel. Only the strong suction force remains the same.

Ahead, the Black Qi Viper was clearly affected. Its flying speed dropped significantly, and traces of black air emerged from it, seeming to resist the suction behind it, but it soon became long lines and flew backwards. The fish and dragons that were caught up waited and sucked them all in.

The posture of the black gas viper seemed very anxious. The move used by the ichthyosaur was the nemesis of its current state, so it could only try its best to move towards the physical body, and worked very hard to close the distance to within two miles.

At this moment, Yu Ci began to think about a question: Will destroying this body have a fatal impact on it?

Yu Ci was very curious, so he did not hesitate to use his strength. The Pure Yang Talisman Sword that had been placed on the demon’s neck was wiped, and the ugly head fell off, and his breath became calm due to the soul leaving the body. The blood flowed out gurglingly, and the background color was red, but with a slight green tint.

Almost at the same moment when he swung his sword, the Black Air Viper was shaken. His posture was clearly looking this way. Of course, Yu Ci hid it well, so that guy definitely couldn’t see anything.

The posture was only maintained for a moment, and the strong suction force from behind was already approaching. The fish dragon seized this opportunity and bumped into it with its slightly “fat” body. He sucked it all into his stomach.

After doing all this, the ichthyosaur just seemed like nothing had happened and was swimming in the void. The slender body slowly returned to its most slender state, and at the same time, circles were drawn one after another in the dark mist, which was moistened with a shiny black luster, as if it had just been washed out of the water

The fish dragon was very relaxed, but Yu Ci did not relax, but kept a close eye on this natural creature. Yesterday, he just witnessed a scene of seizing a body, and now, even though the ichthyosaur took the initiative to **** the black gas snake down, there was no guarantee that there would be no trouble later.

Sure enough, not long after the Ichthyosaurus recovered its body shape, its body suddenly shook, and then a puff of black smoke was discharged from all parts of its body. Yu Ci’s heart tightened: Another robbery?

But then, there was no movement. The ichthyosaur seemed to have eaten and drank enough, and its slender body slowly circled around again before turning back and flying towards the bottom of the cliff.

The black smoke just emitted was completely dissipated when it was swept by the strong wind in the canyon.

Yu Ci stared at the Illuminating Picture to lock the target. It’s a bit embarrassing to say that his heart was beating loudly, and as time passed, the force of the impact became heavier and heavier, so that his chest was obviously rising and falling.

That’s an ichthyosaur! A natural ichthyosaur!

Yu Ci has never paid much attention to external objects. No matter how valuable the trophies he has acquired during this period are, as long as they are not of special use, he doesn’t even bother to look at them. They are all piled up in the storage ring to get moldy.

But ichthyosaurs are different.

In the Lichen Sect, what is the purchase price for a fish and dragon that is born to last forever? At least two thousand five hundred gong!

Good deeds themselves are meaningless, but what they represent is his greatest hope of seeking immortality and attaining enlightenment. This is the fundamental reason why he will never give up:

Gotta catch it!

Yu Ci calmed down slightly and began to draw the talisman. He still has experience with this kind of small thing that is extremely fast and difficult to catch with bare hands: he had already proved it in Nanshuang Lake.

As his fingers moved in the void, the Yindu Black Law Ghost Binding Talisman quickly condensed into shape, and was sealed in the green light spirit guide of the Illuminating God Bronze Mirror.

Then he jumped off the “rain eaves” and followed the path of the fish and dragon.

The ichthyosaur looked really leisurely. It was not as sharp as lightning just now. It was slowly descending all the way, and it didn’t look too sharp. Even when Yu Ci approached within a hundred feet, it didn’t react.

Perhaps it is more sensitive to souls and the like?

There is no point in worrying about this. Yu Ci had found the best time to activate the talisman. He did not hesitate and crushed the talisman. The invisible long chain penetrated the void until it suddenly appeared near the fish and dragon. On the chain, which is darker than the scales of the ichthyosaur, the talisman’s light flashes and shrinks inward with a clattering sound.

Having the experience of observing and learning the condensed talisman patterns of the two-headed demon, as well as the test of dealing with Tu Du, Yu Ci’s use of this talisman is remarkable. During the period when the fu power was sneaking in the void, it became increasingly invisible and unpredictable, and its explosion was also extremely sudden. Although there were no other changes, it became more pure and powerful.

But in response to such a “chain”, the ichthyosaur just flicked its tail.

There was an air explosion, and the ghost-binding talisman was shattered.


Ichthyosaurus is very important, but the support of brothers and sisters is more important – clicks, collections, and of course red tickets!


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