Ask the Mirror Chapter 55: Plan to go north to Qingdi Baoyuan (Part 1)

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For most of the day, Ji Yuan walked back and forth in the yard, worried about the next decision, but in the end, he gritted his teeth:

“Let’s go! Find someone.”

With two long followers beside him, Ji Da immediately followed. Ji Er hesitated for a moment, but Ji Yuan’s eyes had already turned around. Ji Er was startled, but heard Ji Yuan say: “You, come to the city and give it to me. Send a letter.”

Hearing that there was no need to see that terrifying figure, Ji Er took a deep breath and hurriedly agreed. Fearing that Ji Yuan would regret it, he took the sealed jade slip and left in a hurry. .

Ji Yuan was still a little hesitant, but Ji Er ran away so simply that he couldn’t call him back again, so he stamped his feet and strode out.

Not long after, he arrived outside the hotel where Jiuyan lived. He no longer hesitated and walked inside with his head down, but he happened to bump into a monk who came out.

As they passed each other, he shivered, as if his neck had been sliced ​​by an extremely sharp sword. He was startled. When he looked back, he saw that the man had stopped. Zheng looked over with a smile.

“Hey, Deacon Peng.”

The man’s attire was very eye-catching, with armor and robes, a jade belt around his waist, and a crown on his head. He looked like a heroic general. With such an image, Ji Yuan recognized him immediately.

This is naturally the “Golden Eyed Divine General” Peng Suo, one of the twelve deacons on Lunjianxuan and Juxian Bridge, a master who has advanced to Buxu.

It is said that if it were not for this sudden catastrophe, he would have entered immortality in recent days.

It was also because of this disaster that this person was sent by Lun Jianxuan to sit in Wugou City to strengthen the city’s guard sword hall.

Peng Suo’s golden eyes swept across Ji Yuan’s face, and he quickly understood: “Ji Jiu…are you here to find Jiu Yan?”

Unexpectedly, his intentions were revealed at a glance. Although Ji Yuan was embarrassed, he also knew that because of the incident on the beach outside the city, Jiuyan had been targeted by the city guard sword hall.

Private fights among monks are strictly prohibited in the main city of Wu Gou. The location of the beach is considered to be marginal, and it is something that can be cared about but not cared about. However, judging from Jianxuan’s domineering attitude, Peng Suo personally came to Jiuyan’s residence today, which was obviously either a threat or a warning.

But on the other hand, it can also be seen that it attaches great importance to Jiuyan.

Ji Yuan really doesn’t have the confidence to communicate with Peng Suo on an equal footing.

Although Feiyu Sect can be regarded as the best among medium-sized sects, it is not qualified to be compared with Lunjianxuan at all; he, the “nineteenth hero” in the “Xiaohanzhang Dharma Assembly”, is far less qualified than others. The one above can be regarded as Lun Jianxuan’s unique golden-eyed general.

He responded vaguely, thinking about just getting over it, but Peng Suo didn’t let him go:

“Ji Jijiu, are you transporting spices here?”

“Uh, exactly.”

“Feiyu Sect has always adhered to the rules of Wugou City and enriched the city’s supply. We naturally welcome it. Because of this, we must also be cautious and keep some distance from those who cause trouble. Naturally, There is less right and wrong.”

When Peng Suo said this, Ji Yuan almost turned around and went back, but thinking about the precious spices piled up in the warehouse and the related future of his glory, he could only be cruel and pretend to be confused:

“What Deacon Peng said is that no matter what, you must do normal business so that nothing happens. Our sect has always been prudent and prudent in our actions, but we just don’t dare to ruin our sign.”

Listening to the hidden burr in his respectful tone, Peng Suo smiled slightly, without getting angry or saying much. He said hello again and walked away.

Ji Yuan wiped away the cold sweat. Now that things had happened, he could no longer retreat. He took out the post from his sleeve and walked into the open front door of the inn.

Next, he met Jiuyan smoothly.

As soon as they met, he sent the post: “Master has come from afar, and I want to show my friendship to the landlord, so I will hold a banquet at Mingjian Tower tonight and ask Master to move over…”

Jiuyan took the post and didn’t read it carefully. He placed it on the table and said with a smile: “We haven’t seen each other for many years. Fellow Daoist Ji is very different from back then.”

He said “fellow Taoist”, but his tone was that of an elder, but Ji Yuan still took it for granted. Dang Ji responded:

“When I was young and frivolous, my actions were often arrogant, but Master was magnanimous and did not care about them.”

His mentality was simply unimaginable in Fengdu City back then.

Not to mention Jiuyan’s miraculous spice refining method, nor his close relationship with Zhan Shuicheng, just looking at the two corpses of Buxu monks who died miserably and strangely on the beach is enough. He crushed him in terms of cultivation and status.

In less than a day, all the well-informed people in Wugou City knew that a killer came to the city. In less than ten breaths, he defeated two powerful Buxu warriors, regardless of whether they were Neither the City Shou Jian Tang nor the Four Seas Society could figure out the basis of his methods.

When Peng Suo came over, didn’t he recognize his strength on a certain level?

Most of the time in the cultivation world, strength is still the most important thing.

Ji Yuan was about to say a few more compliments when he heard Jiu Yan’s calm tone: “Now that you’ve made progress, there’s no need to beat around the bush. I’m not interested in making things difficult for you with those banquets and the like. If you have anything to do, just tell me. That’s it.”

Hearing these words, I couldn’t say he was very polite, but Ji Yuan felt as if he was being pardoned. He stood up and bowed to the ground:

“Please save me, master!”

During this period of time in Ji Yuan, he was almost driven crazy by the backlog of spices in the warehouse. It was a rare opportunity to talk, so he talked a lot. Of course, there was a lot of nonsense and emotion in it, but he finally got it. The matter is almost made clear.

Speaking of which, he brought this upon himself.

A few months ago, before the great catastrophe, he received a sect mission, which asked him to **** a batch of valuable spices to Hailong City to prepare for the Seagull Market that was about to open in the near future.

Because there was still plenty of time, and Ji Yuan was on the verge of a breakthrough, he postponed the time a little, hoping that it would not be too late to start again after the breakthrough.

This was a normal thing, but God just couldn’t get along with him. As soon as he was postponed, he happened to encounter a catastrophe.

That’s all. Spices are not a big thing. Just throw them into the storage ring and let them be struck by lightning, burned, or flooded.

They are immortal. Some of the spices need to remain active. They are planted in special soil and can be used as they please. They cannot be stored in the storage artifact no matter what. This part has the highest value. , it is this part that cannot escape the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Although Ji Yuan and his party tried every means to protect them, these spice plants were still exposed to a round of sky fire and were infiltrated by its firepower, polluting their roots.

The value of spices is secondary. The most important thing is that this is an important relationship that Feiyu Sect has been operating. The other party planted spices in Feiyu Sect’s medicinal fields because they took a fancy to the environmental advantages of the Fountain of Youth. , this time was supposed to be the time of harvest, but now it has been stained by the calamity fire, and the three hundred years of hard work are about to be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Such an unfortunate incident occurred in Jiyuan Stall, especially since there was a previous plot that actively postponed the time. You can imagine what kind of responsibility you have to bear.

His status within the sect is likely to be fundamentally shaken because of this incident.

Yu Ci didn’t take it seriously at first, but when he heard what he said, he felt troubled – it wasn’t that he cared about Ji Yuan’s future, but that what Ji Yuan mentioned and what he was good at were actually different. Not much of a boundary.

“If we talk about preparing spices, quenching and extracting them, it’s just a matter of hands, but this kind of harvesting plants…”

“No, no, no, there is absolutely no problem. On the other side of the plant, Duanmu Zhenren of the Qionglu Society happens to be here, and with his Qingdi Baoyuan there, it will be no problem to collect it. But after collecting it, the matter of refining is not Nine Smokes Master, don’t do it!”


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