Ask the Mirror Chapter 54: The ruined door of the dying

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The pattern is like two snakes intertwined, and the texture of the scales is meticulous, especially the four points representing the snake’s eyes, which are simply full of color and the color is like ink. In the red area, it is even more dazzling. 79 free reading

Yu Ci himself probably felt it. Although he couldn’t take action for a moment, his brows still jumped, which also caused the intertwined snake seals to twist and change, which was very mysterious.


Another person applauded: “It turns out to be the Chixiao Curse Killing Seal!”

The secret was revealed in one word, so that everyone who entered the darkroom was in an uproar.

Someone reacted quickly and revealed the real answer: “It turns out to be the ancestor of the Blood Mansion! No wonder Pavilion Master Zhao said that no one was killed. Those assassins are all blood puppets collected by the ancestor!”

Zhao Xiangshan smiled slightly and stopped talking, but that was his acquiescence.

“Tsk, tsk, ancestor of the Blood Mansion! Brother Xiangshan is really generous to invite this person. The Chief Assassin of Chixiaotian, the Tiandu Sect must also show courtesy… However, it is not that he was in the last calamity. The final tribulation failed, the body was broken, and he was reincarnated? Unexpectedly, he was still alive?”

“Reincarnation is not that easy. It takes 1800 years to prepare. Chixiaotian has suffered such a big loss, and only the ancestor of the Blood Mansion can truly make it back. Moreover, Wuji Pavilion Zong’s ‘spiritual jade’ is also of great benefit in getting rid of the ‘pregnancy myth’.”

After all, these are all guesses. People can only be sure of one thing: Yu Ci suffered a big disaster this time!

The seal of the red sky, the yin and yang disk, the curse in the flag, the prison is endless.

It seems that there are many famous things, but in fact they all describe the fierce power of the “Red Sky Curse Killing Seal”.

Chixiaotian is a well-known killer sect in this world. Although it is not as direct as the Tiandun Sect’s “Tiandun Killing Sword”, which directly points to the ultimate killing method in the sword, its various methods make it difficult to guard against. Especially the Chi Xiao Curse Killing Seal, which is known as “the first curse killing secret technique outside the Wumen”. In the last two tribulations, it was carried forward by the ancestor of the Xue Mansion, the number one assassin in Chi Xiao Tian.

It is said that this curse seal was created by a certain senior powerful person who was inspired by the “Three Yang Soul Seal” born in the “Three Yang Tribulation”. The power is terrifying. Once it is blessed on the target, it can immediately summon thousands of monks from hundreds of millions of miles away to kill them by chanting the curse, which will make them immortal for a while. The subsequent attacks are also continuous day and night, endless, and there is no end.

Coordinated with it are the 133 “Red Hell Banners” worshiped in the secret place of Chixiaotian, which are stained with the essence and blood of many generations of Chixiaotian monks who have been proficient in curse killing for countless calamities. , when the curse is issued, the flags and banners will link up and evolve various cruel killing techniques. The person who is cursed will feel like falling into the endless hell.

This kind of method is said to be the power of the Earth Immortal. After being tempered for several months, even if the spirit does not collapse, it may not be able to use 50% of its ability.

Although I have not heard of any instance of an Earth Immortal being tortured, judging from the few known examples of the murder of Tribulation Masters, it is shocking.

However, this spell also has a very fatal flaw, that is, it is extremely difficult to apply it to the target.

At least two monks with good cultivation are required as sacrifices, and their resentment will be entangled on the target soul to form a seal. The control of the heat is very important. Sometimes five, six, seven, eight or even ten people thrown in may not be able to make it, and it will only waste resources.

However, two tribulations ago, an amazingly talented person appeared in Chixiaotian, that is, the ancestor of the Blood Mansion.

Based on the “Zangfu Heart Transformation Sutra”, he deduced a “Blood Phase Sutra”, which is similar to the Demon Sect’s method of planting demons to control monks. It only requires reverse infusion of spermatozoa and the sustenance of the mind. A kind of “blood puppet” was formed.

The blood puppet is average in other aspects, but because it can make people become human figurines, full of hostility, and has the mind of the caster, precise control, it is simply created by the “Red Sky Curse Killing Seal”. Nine times out of ten, his blessing seal will be perfect.

It was precisely by relying on this method that the ancestor of the Blood Mansion became famous all over the world and became the king and ancestor.

But also because the evil reputation was so strong, it had such bad consequences that at the end of the previous calamity, both body and soul were almost destroyed. Although he is still alive now, he is still lingering.

Whether he is gambling for a treasure this time in order to be reincarnated, or whether he is using his remaining energy for the sect, it doesn’t even matter how he ends up. It’s just that Zhao Xiangshan invited this person to come out and deal with Yu Ci. It was a stroke of genius.

Noisy discussions in the darkness were endless, and most of them were shocked by this “big man” who suddenly appeared.

In a short period of time, many people could only express their admiration:

As expected of the “poisonous crocodile” Zhao Xiangshan, one bite will cut off the tendons and penetrate deep into the bones.

Think about it, facing Yu Ci’s supreme magical power of “creating the world by himself”, there are only a few ways in the world to get around it.

The art of curse killing is one of them.

Amid the admiration, someone wondered: “The Red Sky Curse and Killing Seal has been completed. Under the attack of the Red Prison Banner, there is no way to avoid it, even if we are hundreds of millions of miles apart. Pavilion Master Zhao has also used this method, Come to think of it, Lord Yuanxu can no longer escape this disaster, so why should we be invited to participate again?”

As soon as a word is spoken, echoes are heard endlessly.

The smile on Zhao Xiangshan’s face did not change, but he sneered coldly in his heart: a group of people who bully the weak and fear the strong.

The characters he found were all sect leaders who had some grudges and interests entangled with the Shangqing Sect back then. The sects under their rule are in the Xiyu League, and their status cannot be lowered or lowered. If the Shangqing returns, they will definitely be affected. Naturally, they are the easiest group to provoke.

However, the common shortcomings of this kind of sects are short-sightedness and lack of courage. They are like flies chasing odors, coming and going away in droves. They just want to wave the flag and shout out from the outside, share some benefits, and want to What they do is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, he never counted on it.

“Everyone, before the dust settles, we can’t make a conclusion lightly. After all, this Tianjun Yuanxu has obtained the True Transmission of the Supreme Pure Reality and is protected by the Queen Saint. No one knows if he doesn’t exhaust all his cards and reach the end of his road. Will he have any means to make a comeback?

“To be honest with you, Zhao and the friends who arranged this matter never thought that they could finish their work in one battle and deal with the rising Yuanxu Tianjun. Even if they could deal with it, the Master Housheng would be What should we do? So, we chose the Chixiao Curse Killing Seal instead of others.”

The more Zhao Xiangshan says this, the more it arouses people’s curiosity.

In the darkness, voices from all sides communicated several times. Finally, one person said: “Pavilion Master Zhao, do you mean to deliberately keep Yu Ci’s life?”

Zhao Xiangshan shook his head repeatedly: “I just said that Chi Xiaotian and that person have a deep hatred. With the temperament of the ancestor of the Blood Mansion, how could he hold back? If it was just a show, how could he test Yu Ci’s background? ”

Most people understand the implication,

In the final analysis, it is to push Chixiaotian out and serve as a touchstone, and then adjust the next methods based on the results.

Some people wonder, are you selling me as a touchstone?

But there are also people who get pleasure from this “transcendence” that makes everything clear.

Zhao Xiangshan could feel the subtle atmosphere and raised his voice:

“I invite you here today just to witness this matter. You should know that Zhao is a hard-working man who does dirty work. He has always relied on the Xiyu Alliance to earn some money to support his family. He will not be with him. Everyone in the alliance is in trouble, but they are never polite to outsiders. When others pay, Wuji Pavilion handles things. One is one, and two is two.

“Zhao’s eyes widened when he saw money, so there’s no need to elaborate on the reason here; but the reason for taking the liberty to invite everyone is very simple: Xiyu Lake is already full, where is there any place to insert the Shangqing Sect? ”

There was silence in the darkness.

Zhao Xiangshan smiled and said: “I wouldn’t have said this ten years ago, but now, the Yinjian of the Siming Sect is not far away. Just look at the food signs of various people, and you can understand that under the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, everyone will My son is so hungry…”

Someone chuckled, but Zhao Xiangshan grimaced:

“If not, maybe you want to see the Taixiao Divine Court fly again in the 95th? Or do you want to see the Sixth Divine Lord suppressing all nations? What was the scene when the Shangqing Sect led the purification of the Jade League? Everyone should still remember it Still new…

“In my opinion, instead of getting entangled in the future, it is better to cut the knot quickly and set the basic tone before the remnants of the Shangqing Sect make trouble! This is the first thing I said.”

Zhao Xiangshan spoke frankly and openly, without any hesitation.

In fact, nine out of ten people agree with it. However, smart people will never believe that this is Zhao Xiangshan’s “own” opinion.

Wuji Pavilion’s consistent style makes people think a lot.

As Zhao Xiangshan said, he himself has never taken a stand. As long as he gives enough money and treasures, his own father and mother can be killed for you.

This time, he took the lead in convening the powerful figures of these sects to communicate through the air. It is likely that there are major sects in the Xiyu Alliance who dislike Yu Ci, but are worried about the name of Shangqing orthodoxy and are embarrassed to come forward. , and then Wuji Pavilion came forward.

A group of people were invited here. If they knew what the purpose was and still participated, they must have had some ideas.

Just listen to it now, there is still a lot of knowledge to be learned as to whether or not to go deeper and how to go deeper.

Zhao Xiangshan also knew it well. In his opinion, compared to the huge Xiyu Alliance, the voices of these sects are still relatively limited. But when the voices are gathered together, before other opinions are formed, they can occupy the commanding heights and have a preconceived impression. What follows is a series of The operation is much easier.

Of course, it is not easy to convince these people. At this time, some people still have doubts:

“Dealing with Tianjun Yuanxu is by no means easy. How many of the three lakes in the North can do such a big deal like Pavilion Master Zhao? Not to mention the ancestor of the Blood Mansion, just use the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, just ask him to do it The price for a supervisor is… quite high.”

Because he is a rotating supervisor and temporarily controls the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, he has too much power. The Xiyu League has always used severe punishments to restrict the behavior of the relevant monks.

According to the rules, as a rotating supervisor, you must stand on an absolutely neutral position. You must not deal with culprits lightly based on personal likes and dislikes. As for the exchange of benefits, it is strictly prohibited. Once discovered, not only will the supervisor be in trouble, but the sect where he is located may be demoted, and all corresponding benefits will be wiped out.

Although there have been many supervisors who have taken desperate risks over the past many tribulations, as long as they are related to interests, the number is frightening and far beyond what ordinary sects can afford.

After all, Zhao Xiangshan is the master of Wuji Pavilion and one of the top figures in the dark zone under the rule of Xiyu League. His strength, connections, and wealth were beyond the reach of other attendees.

Faced with such doubts, Zhao Xiangshan responded with a smile: “Well…”

“Ha, junior, Xiyuhu is not a place where cats and dogs can just come and build a nest!”

The monks here in the dark room cannot hear the laughter thousands of miles away. In fact, in the heavily guarded center of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, no one can hear it except the person who laughs. Not this crazy voice.

Staring at the real-time image transmitted by the magic circle, which locked the snake-wound blood marks on Yu Ci’s forehead, Sun Weijian touched his knees and laughed while coughing.

Of course, such a mood will never be exposed to the public. When using the magic circle to convey messages and orders, he will definitely know how to do it. Well, he must show his authority in the ordinary.

Sun Weijian has fully assumed the role of “supervisor”. Before getting involved in “business”, he also handled two emergencies on the lake. Feeling the awe of the monks involved, he was happy and even more excited.

Have you ever thought that you could control the destiny of a place here?

But just before his life was about to burn out, he got this opportunity. Because of this, he came happily even though he knew it was being used.

Looking back now, I see that he came to the right place… so refreshing!

Of course he knew who he was trapping with the magic circle.

Tianjun Yuanxu… During this period, even though he spent most of his time in seclusion in a dark secret place, he heard about this person’s deeds more than once.

However, unlike what most people focus on, Sun Weijian is more sensitive to one thing:

This guy is so young!

Legend has it that after only fifty years of practice, he has advanced all the way to the realm of real people, and even earned the name of “Heavenly Lord” with his supreme magical power of “creating the world on his own”.

It makes these hard-working old men look like old dogs… Hey, it makes people jealous!

He hates this kind of juniors who become famous at a young age and become arrogant. There was nothing you could do before, but now, the situation is very different.

Why is Tianjun Yuanxu **** like a pig, with life and death in my hands?

How to deal with him next?

Sun Weijian’s mind turned around a lot, and he suddenly became resentful of the monk who designed the “Supervision Center” of the Three-Yuan Secret Array.

Everything else about this place is good, but the design of the attack circle is too awkward.

Under normal circumstances, he controls the Three-Yuan Secret Formation. On the premise of not alerting the other two supervisors in a short period of time, he can only use the technique of confinement, and the corresponding attack power is very weak. Once you want to have something “refreshing”, you need to report the relevant situation to the main supervisor, and only after receiving his evaluation and approval can you continue to activate the offensive power of the magic circle.

If the two people disagree, another deputy supervisor will be asked to express his position to confirm the final measure.

The Xiyu League designed it this way because they were worried that one of the supervisors would suddenly become enthusiastic and use the power of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation to do something irreversible.

In the past, of course Sun Weijian had no objection, but now, he is so anxious to wait!

He is observing the overall situation in the supervisory center, and at hand is a collection of magical powers, methods, and famous objects specially prepared by the Xiyu League for analysis and inquiry. Therefore, when it comes to grasping every detail of the situation, he is the best.

At this moment, apart from the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, the most powerful thing is the Taihao City Destroying Bow in the hands of the bow-wielding assassin.

Sun Weijian was really looking forward to the power of the heavy treasure known as the “City of Destroying Gods”, but the charging stage of that thing was really boring to wait and made him jump with anger.

Look at Yu Ci struggling under the “Red Sky Curse Killing Seal”, what a great opportunity, shoot him through the ball with an arrow!

However, the power of “Taihao urges the city bow” is not transferred by his will. It is still piled up layer by layer at the speed of an old ox pulling a chariot.

Perhaps in that assassin’s view, since he was bound by the “Three-Yuan Secret Formation” and his target was a dead target, he had plenty of room for manipulation.

People’s emotions will always cool down. As time went by, Sun Weijian regained some sense, and his eyes fell on Mrs. Hua.

To be on the safe side, he cannot offend Mrs. Hua too severely. Otherwise, if he is investigated later, even if he insists that it was Mrs. Hua’s attendant who sent the signal for help, he is acting impartially, and it will be difficult to win people’s trust – at least it will be very difficult. operate.

But judging from the development of the situation, this woman is most likely having an affair with Na Yu Ci. She has defended her several times in a row and her position is very clear. This is not easy to handle.

Should we… cause an accident?

Obviously this is far beyond the scope of the “script” and may lead to an uncontrollable situation. But once thoughts arise, they are difficult to get rid of.

So, he kept an eye on Madam Hua and used the magic circle to send messages: “What Madam said needs to be confirmed. If there is any error, I will give you an explanation… The situation here is unstable, please move away, Madam. Get out of danger first.”

You say you are justified, but in your heart you are thinking: If you continue to be irritable, I will crush you to death with one finger! No, no, it’s too cheap for her. How about taking off her clothes and throwing them in a crowded place? Which one should I choose among the Three Immortals?

However, Mrs. Hua behaved very quietly, which disappointed Sun Weijian. But he would not be polite. He immediately controlled the magic circle and picked up the light mask surrounding Mrs. Hua. At the same time, he glanced sideways to see Yu Ci’s reaction.

Unsurprisingly, even in a difficult time, Yu Ci still managed to find some concentration and turned his attention to Mrs. Hua.

However, his eyes were so cold that Sun Weijian felt chilled just from Mrs. Hua’s perspective.

It was a look that completely froze the surging emotions. It was as if an erupting volcano was pushed back into the ground, roaring in the strata, ready to break through the crust at any time and fight back.

Sun Wei suddenly understood that the sharpness in Yu Ci’s eyes was definitely not directed at Mrs. Hua, but at himself, who was thousands of miles away!

Death is imminent, do you still want to cause trouble? Sun Weijian laughed and didn’t care at all.

At the same time, with a flick of his hand, he was dozens of feet away from Yu Ci. The entrance to the secret waterway was sealed tightly. Luo Yuniang was trying to sneak out to help, but it was blocked. After several consecutive bombardments, it was difficult to break through.

“Hey, I was on guard!”

The turmoil on the lotus pond cannot be hidden from the nearby monks. In the past, it was easy to deal with the situation when the rabbit was rising and the falcon was falling, but now once it reaches a stalemate, people will react one after another. But as long as he, the “temporary supervisor,” is here, no one can even think of causing trouble inside!

Of course, he has already thought of the reason: the situation is unclear and no one can cause trouble for the time being!

After doing all this, Sun Weijian looked towards Yu Ci proudly: Junior, this lonely man, you are destined to be the one today!

But at this moment, he ran into Yu Ci’s eyes that were as cold as a bone but suppressed like magma.


Sun Wei frame is very strange. He has changed his perspective this time. Based on the three-yuan secret formation, he can observe the target from any angle above, below and four directions. At this time, he chose the side perspective.

Yu Ci is now **** so that he cannot move, and there is also the threat of Taihao destroying the city bow. He has nothing to do, so why is he looking here?

As soon as the question formed, his heart was throbbing inexplicably, and he immediately changed his perspective. This time, it was to the other side. And when he looked over from here, he met Yu Ci’s eyes staring at him!

He can really see! Once was an accident, but what about two or three times?

Although they were thousands of miles apart and there were countless magic circles and restrictions in between, Sun Weiji’s heart still felt chilly and he didn’t understand what was going on.

I have long heard that some people with great supernatural powers have the secret technique of locking souls. They can lock the target from hundreds of millions of miles away. Even if the target goes to heaven or earth, it is difficult to get rid of it.

But can this be achieved without any contact between the two?

What frightened him the most was that even though he knew that looking at each other would cause him discomfort, he still couldn’t help but want to look at it a few more times, as if there was an iron hook on it that he couldn’t break free or remove. .


Sun Weijian relied entirely on the “Three-Yuan Secret Formation”. Once the Secret Formation failed to give him a sense of security, he was simply thrown naked into the ice and snow, and his mind was shaken and he could not calm down for a long time.

At this moment, there was a clear thought, which looked at the layers of secret array restrictions as if they were nothing, and came directly, as if someone was whispering in his ear:

“Trash is still trash even if it is covered with a tortoise shell!”

Sun Weijian suddenly choked. At this moment, he had forgotten even his anger.

Yu Ci’s eyes can really speak. The thoughts that suddenly broke in were transmitted through those eyes, like an ice knife, violently stirring up his skull, causing pain and coldness in his brain. Penetrating to the bone.

He instinctively took half a step back. Somehow, his feet were so weak that he couldn’t use any strength, so that he staggered and almost sat on the ground. He finally managed to stabilize his body, but he couldn’t stop the blood. After coming back to his senses, he became even more angry!

“You bastard! How dare you use sorcery to cause trouble!”

He roared, but his hands were shaking, but even he himself didn’t know whether this was due to anger or fear.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but have a thought in his mind: Is this Three-Yuan Secret Formation useful?

Just when he was extremely manic, there was a sudden “collapse” sound. Isn’t this familiar sound the sound of a bowstring vibrating? Sun Weijian became energetic and blurted out:

“Shoot him!”

After the words were spoken, he was shocked to find that the bow-wielding assassin still had not yet fully prepared his momentum and had not drawn the bow yet. Where did the sound of the string breaking come from?

He quickly shifted his gaze and saw that on the arrow that Yu Ci had been holding in his hand, the green light of vitality lingered outside it. Yu Ci’s face was extremely pale, but his gaze was still pointed at his angle of view without any deviation.

Sun Weijian shivered again and felt a little dazed. At this moment, the center where he was located began to buzz with a loud warning sound.

After all, without special training, Sun Weijian was a little slow to react to the location and nature of the alarm. When he came to his senses, he could only watch a green light, like a meteor falling from the sky. It crossed half of the sky and fell straight down. The direction it pointed was clearly the lotus pond where Yu Ci and others were!

It was only at this moment that the rumble of thunder came from Xiyu Lake.


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