Ask the Mirror Chapter 54: A once-in-a-lifetime fragrance dispute (Part 2)

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Gui Yan stopped reading the news about his achievements, put away the sign, turned to Hai Hong and said, “You have been paying attention to this person for a long time, isn’t there something secret about him?”

Hai Hong also saw this strange scene, but he didn’t take it seriously: “The morals in the society are complex, and all kinds of strange things can happen, but this one… is indeed a little different.”

Having said this, he pondered again and then continued: “Before I talk about this, I have one more question to ask.”

Seeing how solemn he was, Gui Yan didn’t know that he had unintentionally touched the core of a certain problem, so he said directly: “Say it.”

Hai Hong stared at him: “Brother Dao, it is not easy to regain freedom. If you are involved in some things, you will inevitably have to control yourself. Therefore, I want to ask, what is Brother Dao’s plan for the future? Temporarily avoid the disaster in this world and go to the outside world; or…”

Guiyan laughed and said, “I always do what I want. I go wherever it is interesting. Where there are beauties, I go ahead on my own. Mr. Hai, you don’t need to test me. If you have anything, just tell me. That’s it! ”

“Okay, what I’m waiting for is Brother Dao’s words.”

Hai Hong also laughed, waved his robes, and sat next to Gui Yan, but his voice was much deeper: “Brother Taoist, you should know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us casual cultivators… ”

Guiyan rolled his eyes upward: “That’s not necessarily the case.”

Hai Hong is not annoyed either: “Indeed, even if a catastrophe is imminent, we will not have an advantage compared with the large sects that have been passed down for thousands of years. However, there are always some deformed sects in the world that seem to be strong. In fact, we are extremely weak. As long as we seize the opportunity and insert a strike at a vital point, we can say that we have a great chance of victory. Once such a sect is eliminated, wouldn’t the gap cleared out be our opportunity? ”

“Hey, how can those big sects keep their fat and not swallow it?”

“So, the selection of sects and regions is very particular… Taoist brother, come and see.”

Haihong took out a mirage jade slip and released the graphics inside. Guiyan could see it clearly. It was a set of maps of the East China Sea. The drawings were extremely realistic, with various terrains on the coast and numerous stars on the sea. The islands are clearly delineated regardless of their size or terrain.

Of course, the vast area covering countless billions of miles is all reflected by being condensed to the extreme proportions. Even if the islands distributed in it are displayed, they are hundreds of times smaller than dust particles. If Without a pair of sharp eyes, I’m afraid they would all be ignored.

“This is Wugoucheng.”

Hai Hong clicked on their current location: “Although this city is currently the most prosperous place in the East China Sea, when Haiou Ruins is completed, I am afraid that this title will have to be given to Hailong City.”

He moved his finger to the south marked on the map, crossing the southeast Linggang Mountains where Lunjianxuan is located, and moved to Hailong City, where Sidingyuan currently resides. Another symbol of this city is the starting point of the Haiouxu system built by the Maritime Chamber of Commerce.

Hai Hong’s fingers drew a smooth arc starting from Hailong City and headed towards the northwest sea.

Every measured move on the map is a long journey of millions of miles.

“The Maritime Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of effort to build Haiou Market into the first one in history. It is actually of great benefit to us casual cultivators. At least it will provide an additional channel for money to come in and out. In this situation, it is possible for Haiou Market to be built The nature is great, and by then, the surrounding area will be prosperous.”

Hai Hongda has the appearance of pointing out the country, and there are many comments: “Mrs. Hua is indeed a generous person, and she knows how to behave. Such a long sea route to the outer sea, including Lunjianxuan, Rakshasa Sect, Xiyumeng and other seven There are more than a hundred sects who can eat some soup and water, which has reduced the resistance to a minimum. In a sense, it is the boundary of those sects…”

He clicked a few times on both sides of the arc: “For those sects, this maritime trade route in Haiouxu turned possible border conflicts into a place where interests converge. Sandwiched in the middle, the Maritime Chamber of Commerce The pressure will be great, but the greater the pressure, the greater the benefits.”

Gui Yan smiled: “So, the club wants to get a share of the pie? What does this have to do with Jiuyan?”

“To gather wealth and create treasures, we can’t grab the Maritime Chamber of Commerce’s head. Even if we do, we will make a mess. But Brother Dao, you can see that this maritime business district is actually divided into internal and external areas! ”

Hai Hong pointed again: “Look, Lunjianxuan and Rakshasa Sect, most or even the entire sphere of influence is within the circle. They can develop multiple routes and connect with them, giving them more initiative. The benefits are greater, but there must be more competition here; and Xiyu League, represented by Feihun City, is located a bit north, but half of it is covered by the business district.

“As for the outside of the business district, it is actually a place where treasures are gathered, especially the southern area. It takes over the resources of the outer sea and the South China Sea and handles trade. It is conceivable that in the future, there will be countless rare treasures. Those monks who want to go to the outer sea, more I’m afraid I still want to come here. And there is another thing. The Maritime Chamber of Commerce is here to isolate the pressure from behemoths like Lun Jianxuan. The order is more chaotic and there are more opportunities.”

Gui Yan looked at where Hai Hong was pointing and smiled suddenly: “But there seems to be another big sect here…”

“Yes, there is also a mountainous island!”


Yu Ci did not enter the main urban area, but walked slowly along the beach near the sea despite Jiuyan’s identity. Information from Guiyan was flowing in continuously. Haihong made a judgment Next one:

“Over the years, Banshan Island has not been able to get rid of the problem of lack of manpower. Only with the elite of the sect and the subtle relationship with Lunjianxuan and Rakshasa Sect, it has been able to encircle an area in the sacred land of the East China Sea. However, with the great catastrophe, how many of the ten immortal sword cultivators in the sect can fight?

“Although Ye Bin is the best swordsman among the Changsheng masters, over the years, he has borrowed foreign objects to temporarily avoid disaster, and provoked the demon lord from outside the territory. Together with the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the situation has only become worse.

“It would be fine if she was hiding on a mountainous island and could not come out of seclusion, but the mirage is about to open. This is a major matter for the replacement of her sect. Both Jianxuan and Rakshasa Sect will send powerful Earth Immortals to suppress the formation. If she didn’t go, if something went wrong, the sect’s backup might be broken, and the consequences would still be serious.

“The ones who plotted the mountainous island were never from the Sihai Society. Ye Bin showed his talents in his early years and forged grudges against more than just the demon lords outside the territory. When the wall fell and everyone pushed him, the Sihai Society did not want to monopolize the profits. As long as this The best result is that both clear and dirty areas are developed and a hundred schools of thought contend.

“As for Jiuyan, it is a huge help for Ye Bin to avoid disasters. With him here, Ye Bin might have one more chance… Actually, so what? Ye Bin’s method of avoiding disasters, what a The secret thing is now known to everyone on the street, doesn’t Banshan Island know about it? There is nothing we can do! From this, we can see that the situation has been achieved, and all we have to do is increase our efforts.”

Yu Ci could hear every word clearly. He slowly stopped, turned around, and looked across the vast sea. Beyond that, he seemed to be able to see swords blazing into the sky and a scene of murderous soldiers. .

The memories that have settled in the bottom of my heart are naturally recalled. In the rift valley, the wonderful fate that intertwined for a short period of time but has continued to this day is unexpectedly clear, as if it was yesterday.

The Sky Rift Valley was turbulent and the East China Sea was turbulent, but his mind was surprisingly calm.

After looking into the distance for a long time, he suddenly laughed: “Who dares to follow you, Uncle Jiuyan!”


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