Ask the Mirror Chapter 54: A once-in-a-lifetime fragrance debate (Part 1)

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When Haihong talked about Jiuyan, Jiuyan and his group in the distance were almost finished talking.

Zhan Shuicheng’s Maowei was originally the most wary of the returning Taoist priests, but he was also in chaos, and among them was the Ruizhu Palace. To be more precise, it was because of the special relationship between Yu Qingxuan and the Shangqing Sect.

Although at the end of the last calamity, due to various complicated reasons, Taixuan Demon Mother, Yu Qingxuan and Shangqing Sect were in a very tense situation, no matter how you say it, the mark of Shangqing Sect on Yu Qingxuan cannot be washed away. of.

She is the most accomplished “Shangqing person” after the collapse of the Shangqing sect. This also makes her status in the eyes of “old and young” such as Huifeng Taoist priests special.

Back then, the teachers of Wu Yu and Wu Hui Taoist priests had never thought of taking the path leading to Yu Qingxuan, but they were completely unable to get in.

It was because of the teachers’ failure that the returning Taoist priest unconsciously looked up to Jiuyan. He couldn’t even help but wonder, was that Four Spirit Dharma a gift from Ruizhu Palace and Yu Qingxuan?

If they could borrow Jiuyan and connect with Ruizhu Palace, their legacy might not have to work so hard anymore.

In the end, the returning Taoist priests were already a little distracted. They almost forgot how they reached the agreement. They only knew that Jiuyan finally agreed to exchange the mental skills of the Four Spirits with them. As for what they paid…well, what they paid. Coming?

Jiu Yan and Wu Yu went down the cliff together, and the Taoist Hui Feng’s thoughts could not be hidden from him.

What does Sidingyuan pay for Jiuyan, in fact, Yu Ci, and what use is it?

Now that Wuyu is his demon dependent, he is not controlled by anyone whether he lives or dies. Everything in Siding Hall has no secrets from him. Today I came to Haitiantai specifically to meet with Huifeng Taoist and Zhang Miaolin. The main purpose was not to meet. The most important thing was to appease Wu Yu.

Yu Ci values ​​Wuyu very highly. Although she has average qualifications, she is determined, has a highly cultivated mentality, and has an unusual obsession.

This is the most valuable “quality” of the Demon Familiar.

Their obsession, that is, the root of the magic plant implantation, is the revival of the Shangqing Sect.

When the tasks and goals assigned by Yu Ci coincide with this obsession, there is no doubt that she will develop amazing potential.

Yu Ci is very optimistic that this person can reach the level of “extraordinary demon species”. For this reason, I would not mind giving her some reassurance, not to mention that this goal coincides with Mr. Zhu’s unfinished wish, and it is exactly the responsibility that Yu Ci must have.

In addition, he can also use this to make “Nine Smokes” appear and make a cut with Guiyan, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

As for the “conspiracy” still going on against him on the cliff, it was an unexpected gain.

Yu Ci’s heart was filled with murderous intent, and it gradually increased.

If either the sword cultivation clone or the ghost wearer clone were threatened, he would not react so strongly. The reason for this is because this “nine smoke” is exactly his true body.

Mrs. Huanrong became the Demon Lord of Desire. Although she did not reach perfection, she was still a “half” of the free demon seed and was nourished by it. To exaggerate, Yu Ci’s true body was simply the one who had been cultivated to perform the supreme deeds and wish for immeasurable Buddha’s light. Exposure to the sun not only greatly replenishes the skin, but also tends to overdo it.

The effect of Wumeng Chan’s “Eternal Meaning” had passed a few years ago. His body could not break out of its shell entirely because it was squeezed by the three-party energy.

As he took a super-pulling demon seed, his understanding of the system of laws of heaven and earth deepened, and with the day and night support of Mrs. Huanrong, the structure of the three-party vitality was bound to change, and the scope of his control also expanded. A lot.

At the moment, the energy of the three parties was still closed, but it was enough to open a “circle” for his body to stretch and relax.

Although the feeling of being a **** master is okay, the cultivation of the original body cannot be given up no matter what. His “coming out” is also to find some opportunities to further increase his cultivation and consolidate his foundation.

Who would have thought that before he saw the opportunity, he would be put on the list… When he reached the bottom of the cliff, he sneered in his heart, said goodbye to Wu Yu and others, and strode away without looking back.

Haihong was condescending and could see clearly, his smile gradually faded away:

“It is better to be famous than to meet, and to meet is even more famous. This person’s own Qi is so thorough that he has only seen it in his life. Although he talks and exhales just like ordinary people, if he can sense it with his mind, he can discover all the sounds, The Qi movement does not exceed five feet outside the body. Beyond this limit, it becomes chaotic and difficult to discern… What kind of method is this?

The ghost in the pavilion was tired of laughing and said nothing.

Hai Hong turned around and looked over: “Brother Dao, are you interested in taking over this job?”

Shaking his head, Guiyan continued: “Not to mention the one-time relationship, we haven’t even seen the specific news yet…”

Hai Hong was surprised: “Brother Dao, haven’t you put your thoughts into the number plate yet?”

Gui Yan then remembered that when they first met, Mr. Wu Gu had given him a bronze medal, saying that if he had an idea, someone would come to guide him. How could he want to join the society? Even when he got into trouble with the Demon Sect later on, he just said it casually and naturally forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, Sihai Society is quite active?

I turned over in the self-made void. Fortunately, when Xiao Wu led him to escape from the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, he used the Nine Earth Yuan Magnetic Divine Light to sweep through it. It was considered to be a cleansing of the battlefield, but nothing was missed.

Taking out the bronze medal and thinking about it, it turned out to be just like the original Qinglang Mountain Master’s brand, showing dense information about his achievements. Gui Yan was also familiar with the task, and he quickly found the relevant entry on it, which was exactly what Hai Hong said was the “article” for killing Jiu Yan.

The so-called “listed articles” are messages that are specially marked and separately included in a prominent block to distinguish them from ordinary meritorious messages.

There is no cause and effect or details written on it. It just says that the perfumer Jiu Yan will be killed, and the reward will be a magical weapon from the sixteenth heaven.

Yu Ci is in a special situation and has a higher vision. There are top-notch magic weapons and swords like Xiao Wu and Xuan Huang swaying back and forth around him. Even the Jade Divine Cave Spirit Seal has to be queued to the back. But in the world of cultivation, such a thing Magical weapons are usually coveted by the Immortal Master, and they are not without riches.

But this entry also sets two conditions:

First, a time limit is set, that is, before spring next year.

This is normal, but the second one is very weird. It directly limits the scope, that is, before Jiuyan leaves Wugoucheng.

This… Guiyan looked at the bottom and saw that the time of the announcement was today. It was half a quarter of an hour after he first appeared behind him.

As for what?

He felt really weird, but at this time another list came out, and the name “Nine Smokes” on it was quite eye-catching.

At a glance, he didn’t even see the reward, and he couldn’t help laughing.

Compared with the previous one, its content is quite different. It doesn’t seem like much if you look at it alone, but in comparison, it’s quite ridiculous.

Recruit perfumer Jiuyan to join the company, and the reward will be certain.


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