Ask the Mirror Chapter 53: I don’t recognize the master of perfumery when I meet you (Part 1)

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Wu Yu stood up and said, “Fellow Taoist Jiuyan has invited me, but Taoist Wu Yu, these are my two fellow disciples…”

It seemed that it was also the first time for Jiuyan to meet Wuyu. They exchanged greetings for a while before sitting down. After the initial greeting, the Huifeng Taoist silently observed.

This Jiuyan looks tall and mighty, but in fact, his conversation, advance and retreat are quite polite, and he doesn’t feel bad, but he always gives him some very strange feelings, and he can’t tell them apart for a while.

However, he still discovered one thing: outside Jiuyan, there was always a layer of light and transparent smoke that was flowing endlessly. At first, he thought it was the flowing mist on the high cliff, but he could observe it carefully. When he got off, he discovered that this was the hair on Jiuyan’s body. Could it be that he had practiced some unique method?

He regarded it with the secret method of observing people of the Qing Dynasty, but he was actually not sure about the other party’s cultivation level. Based purely on perception, it gives people an elusive and mysterious feeling.

The name Jiuyan is indeed worthy of its name.

While thinking about this, I forgot to speak for a moment.

Whether it is doing business or soliciting, it is always difficult to talk clearly at the beginning. Usually, at times like this, the more stable Hui Feng Taoist is always the one to take action. But now that Hui Feng is silent, Wu Yu simply brings the topic to Talisman. In terms of practice, Zhang Miaolin was immediately tickled. He held up Jiuyan with great interest and discussed the talisman systems of various Taoist schools, which heated up the atmosphere.

As soon as the two sides started talking, Taoist Huifeng discovered something else. Jiuyan should have certain attainments in talismans. Although he didn’t talk much, he always spoke in agreement and never expressed his own opinions. , but never spoke layman’s language, which made Zhang Miaolin, who was obsessed with this way, feel like a confidant and couldn’t stop.

In addition, Wuyu, who has always been calm and strong, has not spoken since Jiuyan arrived except for the initial introduction and guidance of the topic. Is this also an attitude?

However, there are still some questions that need to be asked. After Huifeng Taoist had an idea in his mind, he began to interject, and then he seemed to inadvertently ask about Jiuyan’s origin and past.

Jiuyan was very frank, saying that he was originally from the Western Frontier, and later hung out in the Northern Wilderness. He had already achieved some success, but was unlucky and ran into the world-famous battle in Wutuo City. I was seriously injured and had no choice but to find a place to practice in hiding. I didn’t move around for many years. It wasn’t until last year that my injury healed. I remembered that I had an appointment with someone in the south, so I went south and traveled around the world to further recuperate my spirit and body. .

The returning Taoist priest said, “Brother Taoist is still injured? You really can’t tell.”

Jiuyan shook his head and said: “The physical body is fine. The main reason is that I was robbed that year and my soul was torn apart. It was almost like being cut in half. I am lucky not to die. It is really difficult to fully recover. Because of this, I saw the treasure talisman of Wu Yuyuan on the list issued by the Maritime Chamber of Commerce. I was very interested, so I thought about it for a while…”

It sounds very convincing. The Ziwei Drinking Moon Essence Taixuan Yin Sheng Talisman does have the power to gather moonlight and nourish the soul.

However, when Huifeng Taoist looked left and right, he couldn’t see any signs of injury on Jiuyan – his eyes were indeed slightly dim, not as powerful as his appearance, but Huifeng Taoist would rather believe that this was a A clumsy method.

After all, he still couldn’t figure out where the strange feeling coming from this person came from.

During a moment of deep thought, Zhang Miaolin said next to him: “It turns out that Brother Dao also has old acquaintances in the South Country. Are you planning to stay here this time?”

The Huifeng Taoist is really convinced by him. Even if the talks are speculative and you want to recruit, don’t do it so directly, okay?

Before Zhang Miaolin made things get out of hand, he said first: “The scenery in the South is very different from that in the North. Besides fulfilling your promise, it’s also good to go sightseeing…”

When he said this, he saw Zhang Miaolin looking at him like a fool. He was startled, his face turned red, and he smiled to himself: “Of course, at this time of year, it is difficult to see any scenic spots. ”

“Yes, I came from the sea. The moon is lingering, the sky is blazing with fire and clouds, the grass and trees are withered and yellow, and the mountains and rivers lose their color. It is said that the farther north you go, the more tragic it becomes. One of my two old friends lives near Donghua Mountain. , Now that I think about it, if I want to find it, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.”

Jiuyan smiled slightly and agreed casually. The Huifeng Taoist composed himself. Unknowingly, he had become the main force in this meeting. After the gaffe, he had no intention of rambling any more and started to get to the point: ” Brother Jiuyan, I heard from the head of the academy that in exchange for the magic talisman, you used the ‘Transformation of Ten Evils’…”

“This method is modified from the Xuanmen secret technique. It is very powerful. In my opinion, it is of equal value to the spiritual talisman of Wu Yuyuan. Naturally, if you can provide higher quality spiritual talismans, , one form-transformation and ten-evil power can’t defeat it, so naturally there are others.”

After secretly praising “You are truly on the right path,” Hui Feng Taoist priest immediately asked: “For example, the Four Spirit Dharma Appearances?”

Jiuyan’s smile did not change, but she did not let go easily: “Whether it is the four spirit dharma signs or other treasures, they must be of equal value…”

Priest Hui Feng was about to say more when he suddenly felt someone looking at him and stopped talking. People in the pavilion here felt the reaction, and saw a monk on the mountain road outside. He seemed to be passing by, but suddenly stopped and looked straight this way.

He has a handsome face, luxurious clothes, and a purple band on his forehead, decorated with gems. The light is blue, very eye-catching, and he has the air of a wealthy family. There were several people around him. Seeing him like this, they all focused their attention on him.

The returning Taoist priest Wu Yu and Zhang Miaolin looked at each other and confirmed that they had never seen this person before. Just when they were wondering, they saw the person pointing towards him:

“Nine smokes…”

Halfway through the words, he seemed to realize that his words and deeds were inappropriate, so he quickly put his other hand up, made a bow, and added the suffix: “…Master!”

As he spoke, he hurriedly came forward and bowed his head again: “Master Jiuyan, let’s say goodbye to Fengdu City. I don’t want to see you today!”


The Taoist priest and others in the pavilion were all at a loss.

The same goes for Jiuyan. Although the person who came here was very enthusiastic, he didn’t feel like he had seen him before.

Seeing Jiu Yan’s expression, the person who came over was also embarrassed, but he finally knew which was more important, and hurriedly tried to awaken Jiu Yan’s memory: “Master, don’t remember? In the next Ji Yuan, I was a disciple of Feiyu Sect.”

At this moment, the well-informed Huifeng Taoist suddenly realized: “It turns out to be Ji Shiba, the ‘Diao Ling’, a hero at the Zhongcang River Hanzhang Dharma Assembly.”

The so-called “eighteen” refers to the ranking in the Hanzhang Dharma Assembly. Although it is only a small regional Hanzhang Dharma Assembly, it is really a high achievement among the younger generation. Not to mention that there is a considerable force like Feiyu Sect behind him.

Unfortunately, the praise from the returning Taoist priest did not help Jiuyan’s memory at all, and he could only vaguely say: “Uh, Taoist Fellow Ji…”

Yeah, I still didn’t remember it!

Ji Yuanjun’s face was feverish. Since he became famous, he has been a well-known figure among the younger generation. How has he ever fallen into such an embarrassing situation?

But now he is in a desperate situation, and it is the time when he is urgently seeking medical treatment. Even if he catches a liar or a magician, he will recognize it, let alone meet a real master like Jiuyan?

Having no choice but to move out one more person: “I was in Fengdu City with Miss Ziyuan…”

“Purple sweet potato?”

Looking at Jiu Yan’s blank expression that was absolutely hypocritical, Ji Yuan wished he could slap…his own face. In his opinion, Zi Yu was already someone who needed to be fawned over, but in this person’s eyes, he said Maybe there is really no impression or intersection.

He took a breath and said with a wry smile: “He is the attendant of Fairy Zhan Shui Cheng Zhan. Master, do you have any impression?”

As soon as that name came out, there was a sudden silence inside and outside the pavilion.


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