Ask the Mirror Chapter 53: Deception of the Dark Room with a Sourceless Curse to Kill

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It is like a voiceless turn.

As soon as she turned around, the “maid”‘s tyrannical cultivation was to cut off a layer, which was to touch the high-level laws. The destructive power of the sword will be weakened, but after ten turns, the “maid” activated the secret method three times in a row. Zhen’s strength was also reduced by more than 70%, and he fell directly back to the level of Changsheng Daoist.

As a result, the gap between the two became even more vast!

The attack of the “maid”‘s hand knife, which was like a stab and a shock, no longer had the power to shake the void. Instead, it seemed to be stuck in the mud, one flourishing, two declining and three exhausted, until it was gone.


Spontaneity is difficult to come by, and the “maid” spoke for the first time, but it became more and more sharp, and it was difficult to distinguish between male and female, and at the end of the sound, her throat was broken.

Because of this, at this moment, blood was already splattered from this man’s throat.

Although she has never really faced the sword attack, the “maid’s” face has swollen into a purple color. His body was even worse, his energy and blood flowed backwards, his veins were on fire, and his body almost simultaneously opened with dozens or hundreds of smooth wounds nearly a foot long. The wound in his throat was one of them, and each of them felt as if he had been struck by a sharp knife. Cutting, blood mist sprayed, and in the blink of an eye he became a **** man.

It would not be wrong to say that he was injured by a sharp blade. After all, it was caused by the Twelve Jade Towers Tianwaiyin. However, this was not a direct injury, but the backlash of the broken law.

No matter who is bound by the law, he will be hurt when the law is broken.

You can’t dodge or block, you can only fight hard.

If you are a person below immortality, you are afraid that your body and soul will be destroyed. However, people in immortality will eventually earn something “independent” from the will of the laws of heaven and earth.

Especially for the Tribulation Master, the three major and minor disasters have passed, and he has earned his own area of ​​laws outside the law system of heaven and earth. Therefore, the “maid” still maintains her form and spirit, and still has the power to strike. There is still the possibility of a comeback.

In response, Yu Ci just sneered.

I can kill the laws of heaven and earth, let alone you!

The voiceless sound turned again, and the strands of sword energy finally took shape, hanging in the air and shining down, hitting the “maid”‘s eyebrows.

In an instant, the sound of breaking glass vessels seemed to be heard in the void.

The “maid” let out a harsh scream again, overwhelming the sound that seemed to be an illusion, but the sword energy that had broken into the body was still unable to do anything.

The sword energy is as thin as a gossamer, and the sword pressure is as surging as the sea.

“The Maid” desperately charged forward, but a layer of blood mist burst out from her already riddled body. Compared with these, the disintegration and tearing of its foundation was the most deadly.

The sword in his palm was still pressed against Yu Ci’s chest, but his eyes turned dark, and all life was wiped out with one sword stroke!

The next moment, the body fell straight down, landing in the lake with a loud bang, causing a large splash of water.

But at this moment, Yu Ci’s brows trembled slightly and he killed the enemy with one sword, but it felt a little weird.

It is indeed difficult for Master Jiefa to withstand the sharp edge of Twelve Jade Towers Tianwaiyin, but the problem is that he ended it too smoothly, and it seems that he did something wrong…

Before he could truly confirm the source of the problem, another wave of light came from the sky. When it reached the sky above the lotus pond, it was like sunlight turning from a mirror, gathering into a beam, and shining directly on him. What followed was a gloomy and hoarse voice:

“Who dares to act unscrupulously in Xiyu Lake and kill people!”

In the blink of an eye, the pressure outside Yu Ci suddenly doubled. Apparently, the Three-Yuan Secret Formation “couldn’t bear to see” the fighting here, and made further intervention.

But what the **** is this interference?

Yu Ci resisted the pressure, but her thoughts were deflected, and she could not help but divert her attention a little. She also saw Mrs. Hua next to her, who was protected by a light mask. She finally opened and closed her red lips and said something.

Judging from the lip reading, he probably introduced his identity, and also said something like “the traitor has misled him, so he can withdraw from the formation.” His stance was more upright than that of the supervisor in charge of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation.

However, even after Mrs. Hua said this, the light shining on Yu Ci still did not diminish at all, and the gloomy and hoarse voice spoke again:

“What Madam said is slightly different from what the Three Yuan Secret Array discovered, but it is not enough to clear her name!”

Yu Ci raised his brows slightly, admiring this person’s blatant behavior.

But in this case, the suspicion of certain sects will become smaller.

When he was ambushed, Yu Ci originally thought he was from the Tiandun Sect, but there was no such news from Yin and Yang. Now that he carefully studied their laws, there were some differences. At least using the “Three-Yuan Secret Formation” really doesn’t look like the method of the Heavenly Escape Sect.

Yu Ci once analyzed with Mrs. Huanrong that the Tiandun Sect is one of the largest sects in the world and is independent of other sects. Because of its characteristics, it can be said that the world is full of hatred. The more this is the case, the more cautious you will be when it comes to things that may cause taboos.

The “Three Yuan Secret Formation” is the fundamental center of the Xiyu League. If they dare to blatantly intervene in it, it will be like a slap in the face of the various sects of the Xiyu League, which will immediately cause a strong backlash.

It seems that those who want to take his life are really emerging in endless new ways!

At this thought, Yu Ci’s heart shook violently, and her spiritual sense finally caught the drifting omen. She lowered her head and looked down, only to see the body of the “maid” floating on the water with her face facing up. Her lifeless face had an unknown expression. When it turned out to be a mysterious smile.

Yu Ci’s heart sank slightly, and she was anxious to prevent the other party from making any further moves, but the body of the “maid” decayed and disintegrated at a visible speed, and finally turned into a circle of ashes, which quickly dispersed with the waves, and then No trace.

At the same time, Yu Ci inexplicably felt that her heart was not very happy. Her soul seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, waiting to be cleaned with the method of dispelling evil. The filthy air left behind after the sword-wielding assassin exploded. , suddenly seemed to have a backbone, no longer scattered, but further movement and reaction within it, as if it was gestating something.

How can Yu Ci make it successful?

Immediately, the stars in the sky were shining brightly, and the three lights of Yujing broke through the magic-eliminating talisman and flowed down. Two events in Chengqi Tian were also ready to happen. He wanted to fight quickly, even if the void structure was injured, he would not care. .

At this moment, the bow-wielding assassin who had escaped before suddenly stopped, dozens of miles away, pointing his bow like a full moon, pointing this way.

Since blocking the first arrow, Yu Ci’s energy has been chasing this person. He wanted to reward him with thunder and fire, but was restricted by the serial killing situation and could not free his hands.

Looking at the assassin now, the Qi at both ends of the bow arm surged like a tide, and its level of power continued to rise like a “maid”, almost endlessly. Even though they were dozens of miles apart, they still felt chills on their backs.

That bow and arrow can accumulate such great power, it must be the magic weapon of the two-wheel sacrifice, but he had no sense before!

Yu Ci’s hair stood on end, and she wanted to strike first when she was angry again. But at that moment, a gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in his ears:

“So brave and dare to resist.”

Under the third round of light waves of the Three-Element Secret Array, the air buzzed and trembled, and in the blink of an eye it turned into the sound of trembling iron ropes. And this is not a metaphor, but there are really several black and shiny lock lotuses as thick as shins, which are formed out of thin air and intertwined down.

It was also at this moment that Yu Ci sensed the scene in the distance: the bow-wielding assassin had already taken off his mask, and there was clearly a cold sneer on his lips, and the opening and closing of his lips were four extremely clear words. Changes in mouth shape:

Welcome back!

The arrows were activated, turned into light and flew through the air, passing by in a flash from a distance of tens of miles, until they were in front of their eyes.

There was an almost inaudible muffled sound in my ears.

Large areas of void structures are “decayed” – this is the situation.

“Self-creating the world” is the distortion of the structural system of the laws of heaven and earth by the powerful power of the monks, and it is also a compromise with the will of the laws of heaven and earth. There must be a “boundary” to form a temporary balance.

This is also the most solid outer defense of “Self-created Heaven and Earth”. The alienation and distortion of the laws are enough to strangle most external attacks.

But when the arrow arrived, the boundary immediately entered a state of “imbalance”, and the laws were chaotic, triggering a confrontation between the internal and external voids. The structural laws that had been firmly formed in the large area immediately lost their foundation, and naturally “decayed” rapidly, and the arrow impact At least 80% of the strength is still retained!

If it hits, make sure the front chest goes through the back, there is no second possibility.

At this moment, Yu Ci had no time to think. Instead, he was driven by fighting instinct and reacted instantly.

Before the arrow’s sharp edge, the chill was intense.

The Taixuan Ice Break has sealed off a corner of the void. Before the power of the Realm of Reality can be fully destroyed, the relevant laws of movement and stillness can only be exerted a little bit. But even with such a small amount of law, the growth and decline of physical properties were “fixed” for a moment.

The arrow penetrated, like falling into a quagmire, and most of the terrifying impact was immediately dissipated. Especially the powerful power conversion between movement and stillness caused the hard arrow made of unknown metal to tremble violently, and the structure was on the verge of collapse.

Yu Ci punched down and blasted the arrow.

But a feeling of weakness also followed.

Yu Ci’s old wounds have not yet been healed. Suddenly, he went through such a series of killings, and used the two great magical powers of Shangzhen Jiuxiao and Taixuan Ban, especially the short burst of the latter, which made the innate vitality The consumption is immeasurable. Now I have to take a breath no matter what, otherwise the injury will be aggravated.

He couldn’t even restrain the shattered arrow fragments. The surrounding void, including the “self-created world”, was full of cracks, which were the traces of the broken and shattered arrow feathers.

Because of this, when the thick black chains formed from the void closed, he did not resist at all, and was immediately locked tightly.

On top of the chain, there must be a great magical power. The emptiness in the expanded heart was compressed back, blocking only a few feet outside the body, preventing the chain from actually falling on the body.

At this moment, Yu Ci felt as if a huge mountain was pressing down on his head, and he seemed to be surrounded by a giant python. He was unable to move for a moment, but there was a hissing sound like a snake swallowing, lingering in his ears, making people sick:

“The methods are vicious and cannot be followed with orders. They are outlaws in ten cases! Madam Hua, you must be too frightened and restless. It is better to wait until the mood eases in the future before stating the matter to the alliance. .”

This is definitely not said to one person.

Mrs. Hua, who was “protected” by the light mask, glanced at Yu Ci again and said no more.

Yu Ci calmed down his turbulent energy and blood slightly, but saw the bow-wielding assassin in the distance pulling out the bowstring for the third time. On his side, he was still **** and couldn’t move. He couldn’t help but laugh. He met the Three-Yuan Secret for the first time. The ‘communication’ behind the array:

“What about the archer over there?”

“Scumbag, shut up!”

The voice was cold, but the mood was very exciting, almost crazy.

Yu Ci’s already cold smile disappeared completely. He narrowed his eyes. He was not a Buddha. He had all the seven emotions and six desires, and there were quite a few of them. He was naturally angry when someone scolded him. What’s more, this A series of serial killings is really unpleasant.

Before I could react further, I felt a slight pain in my soul, a burning sensation that spread from the nerve network.

The pain is so sharp that even though he is bound by chains, he is twitching unconsciously. There is ringing in his ears, and thousands of people are chanting in his ears, as if monks and Taoists are chanting sutras and chanting mantras, but there is something indescribable inside. The sinister and evil meaning.

This is definitely not an auditory hallucination, the curse sounds come one after another, and they have never stopped since then.

In the mantra sound, the negative and filthy air of death, disease, decay, poison, yin, death, etc. is like a bulging pus cell tumor, trying to plant and breed in the soul.

The root cause is actually in the soul. The resentment after the death of the “maid” and the sword-wielding assassin merged into one place, and the yin and yang evolved and could not be removed, forming a mark like a brand.

The foreign curses and foul air evolved from this core, and are still spreading, as if there is a flame burning all the time, and every burning pain is the growth of “toxins” that corrode the soul. Under the severe pain, even the words that came to his mouth were blocked.

Yu Ci’s abrupt silence only further fueled the supervisor’s arrogance. After the void, the man continued to reprimand:

“The secret formation has just been activated, but two lives still returned to the west. Hey, where do you place the Xiyu Alliance? The territory of Xiyu Lake cannot tolerate thugs who kill people at will!”

As he spoke, a blue-white electric current was even drawn from the void, following the chains and wrapping around Yu Ci’s body. It’s just that I couldn’t break through the defense of the void in my heart for a while, and it was just a waste of energy.

Such a situation made the supervisor even more annoyed: “A stubborn person, a person who refuses to repent…”

Yu Ci’s face was expressionless, completely ignoring the noise in his ears.

At this time, he was standing on nothing, without any support, and the pressure from inside and outside continued to soar. The disease of the soul, the power of the heavy arrows, and the binding of the three-yuan secret formation, attack both internally and externally.

All of a sudden, the situation took a turn for the worse!

Compared to the first two, monitoring words and deeds is purely a clown, but it is also the most hateful!

With the suppression of the “Three-Yuan Secret Formation”, the bow-wielding assassin dozens of miles away can fully accumulate his power to the maximum, aim calmly, and wait for his weakest moment.

But the “disease” in the soul is still spreading. Yu Ci has blessed himself with the Tianhe Prayer Curse, and even used his divine will to gather the Yujing Three Lights to break the Yuan Demon Eliminating Talisman and a series of magical powers. To subdue the evil spirit, it can only slightly suppress its spread. He still has some methods in the future, but he can’t use them now.

The reason is that the sound of the curse is endless, as if there are thousands of masters of curses performing the curse and killing technique. It is difficult to determine whether it is true or not, and it is difficult to eradicate it. He wanted to search for the source of the curse sound, but when he started to look for it, he saw a dark red light like blood, covering the void and blocking the induction.

Where did it originate?

Before and after arriving at Xiyu Lake, Yu Ci also thought that some people would “welcome” Shangqing’s return in a more violent way, but he did not expect that it would be so swift and straightforward. Especially when it comes to on-duty supervision of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, people have to think about the worst.

How should he break the situation?

This matter is from beginning to end, above and below the water, seen or not seen, link by link, tight and ruthless. There was clearly a venomous snake in the dark, watching for him, but he was still unaware of it until he took a bite and the “venom” hit him violently.

Who was responsible for the layout?

Three questions with no solution, they are just three hard stones, just stuck in my heart, unable to be blasted or kicked away. They still collide and rub against each other, igniting sparks.

This is anger…but it can’t be called violent. It just burns deeply, piercing the ventricles of the heart and brain, burning the heart, blood, and brain.

In the center of a dark room, the light waves in a water mirror that is as tall as a person are shaking, making the image less clear, but all the viewers do not care about this. The image in it has been locked and appears on the mirror surface.

It was a pair of eyes that turned blood red with anger.

At this moment, a figure appeared next to the water mirror. He was of medium height and slightly fat. Under the light of the water mirror, the colors on his fair face were intertwined, and it was difficult to see his eyes clearly.

This person is stretching out his hand, and his index finger is like a sharp blade, swiping through the mirrored eyes, causing a long ripple:

“Look, how interesting this look is!”

Low laughter came from the darkness, and it seemed that many people agreed with this statement.

But in the dark room, except for the person next to the water mirror, there was no one else. The laughter was transmitted through special magic tools across thousands of miles. Similarly, the images in the darkroom are transmitted back in a similar way.

Amidst the laughter, someone even raised his voice: “Tianjun Yuanxu, that’s all.”

This time, there were only a few responders, and the person in the dark room smiled and said: “What exactly is Tianjun Yuanxu like? After this meeting, I believe you will have your own judgment… Okay, just look at this, if you continue Continue the operation and check later, I still have some troubles.”

There was another voice of laughter in the darkness: “How can Pavilion Master Zhao’s Wuji Pavilion cause any trouble? But there is one thing I don’t know. On Yu Ci’s side, in addition to the suppression of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation, Taihao destroyed the city and broke the bow. Is there anything else besides the attack?”

“Well, fellow Taoist has a keen sense.”

The man in the darkroom, the master of Wuji Pavilion, Zhao Xiangshan, nodded in approval. He was 100% sure of identifying the speaker’s identity, but he was vague about it. This is also the instinct of experts who do dirty work.

“Some things cannot be explained clearly, so if you are brave enough, I will take the risk again and let’s see what happens next…”

While talking, light waves flowed in the water mirror and the images changed. Those characters hidden thousands of miles away saw the changes in the scene on the lotus pond again.

At this time, the situation was still at a stalemate. Yu Ci could not break free from the suppression of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation for a while, and it was difficult for the supervisor to make further actions.

What is more eye-catching is that the assassin holding a bow in the distance is charging the bow, causing the surrounding void to distort. The arrow on the bow arm has completely disappeared, leaving only a nearly void light, which is overwhelmingly powerful. It seems even more amazing than last time.

If he succeeds again, Yu Ci, who has been bound by the chains of vitality, will really be in trouble.

Some people sighed: “Taihao’s city-destroying bow is said to possess the power of the Earth Immortal to destroy the city of gods. It can penetrate even Bai Yujing and Lingxiao Palace. I wonder how powerful this arrow is?”

“It would be good to have 30%. It is said that this bow was used as early as the Middle Ages. When the Tiangang Earth Demon Sacrifice and Refining Method was not perfected, something went wrong during the sacrifice, making it difficult to charge. Otherwise, how could it be possible? Falling into the hands of an assassin?”

“Yes, 30% is also very impressive. Look at that Yuanxu Tianjun, his energy and blood are retrograde, and the void is shaking. Even if he is not shot through, he will probably be seriously injured.”

“Who recognizes it? Which party is behind this serial killing? Pavilion Master Zhao must have played a role in it, but this doesn’t look like Wuji Pavilion’s style.”

At this time, the “communication” in the darkroom has begun to develop into showing off knowledge.

“In the past, the sword in the hand of the ‘maid’ shook like a thorn, breaking the void, like the ‘space-shaking sword’ of the Taihe Sect in the Southern Kingdom. Now the Taihe Sect has declined. Only the elders of the sect have been able to master it in the past two calamities. Chen Qi is alone, but he has been missing for many years and is rumored to be dead.”

“The blood light turns into a rainbow, one step at a time. Similar techniques, the most famous one is of course Li Chen Fang Hui’s ‘Blood Burning Curse’. It is his unique technique, but even if he feels aggrieved, he will not As for going to the North to do it in person…”

Laughter burst out in the darkroom, and amid the laughter, all parties quickly reached a consensus:

“Other than that, only Chixiaotian’s ‘Zangfu Heart Sutra’ is so miraculous.”

“Yes, that makes sense. Chixiaotian ate the ‘Nine Nether Feast’ from Lord Yuanxu. Not only did more than 10,000 people turn into ghosts, but even Yin Yuming, who was proficient in the ‘Zhongxu Sun and Moon Glow Technique’, was also involved. , up to now, the shortfall has not been filled, which is called a hatred as deep as the sea!”

Some people also grabbed the previous words about “style” and laughed: “Using Chi Xiaotian as the head of the gun is Pavilion Master Zhao’s usual method. But it is only when Chi Xiaotian is willing to sacrifice two or three lives to lay out the plan. It’s really amazing.”

“Hold on, this statement is untrue!” Zhao Xiangshan laughed loudly, “Although Zhao is still well-connected, if you say this, how can I explain it to Sect Master Nie later? On top of this, I can give you a Tip… So far, Chi Xiaotian has not lost anyone!”

“Oooh? Is it possible that everyone is lame?”

“I think Pavilion Master Zhao means that when a person dies, it is not the person from Chi Xiaotian who dies… Assassination is Chi Xiaotian’s old profession, can it be outsourced?”

In the darkness, some people laughed, and some were surprised. The sound was chaotic for a moment, and suddenly there was the sound of heavy palms hitting the case: “I know it!”

The sudden cry surprised all parties, and then they heard the attacker raise his voice: “Everyone, look at Yu Ci’s forehead!”

The words caused everyone to shift their attention, but they saw Yu Ci’s figure reflected in the water mirror. Dozens of chains with condensed vitality outside his body tied him tightly. His face was stiff and cold, and he was so angry that his eyebrows and forehead were all red!

However, Yu Ci’s emotions are not the focus at the moment. All parties will only find it interesting after watching it.

Everyone’s attention was still focused on Yu Ci’s forehead, which was stained with blood red and deeply colored. The center seemed to be consistent with the texture of Yu Ci’s skin, and a pattern gradually appeared.


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