Ask the Mirror Chapter 52: Unpredictable Shangqing Legacy (Part 2)

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Wu Yu nodded slightly: “The most ideal situation is to obtain both the method and the talent.”

She further explained the background: “The Maritime Chamber of Commerce’s momentum actually provides us with a good opportunity. According to Mrs. Hua, due to the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, the world’s pattern has temporarily changed, and some things that were difficult to expose in the past have also I can temporarily shine. The initial plan is to have a few special events for similar auctions, especially for a sect like ours that has died out due to various changes and is almost extinct. “

Hearing this, the Taoist priest Hui Feng didn’t feel happy at all.

Actually, what the Maritime Chamber of Commerce means is that only in this extraordinary period, “lonely ministers, evil sons” and “young and old” like them can have the opportunity to take the lead and avoid being eradicated by relevant hostile forces.

Thinking about the might of the Shangqing Sect that dominated the north and was the leader of hundreds of sects, comparing the two can only make people sigh more sadly.

Wuyu is not as sentimental as him. He always has a calm mind and continues his analysis:

“If a special session for the Supreme Purity can be formed at the auction, I believe that the vast majority of people will take action because the method they used is incompatible with what they have learned and they do not want to die in their hands; but there are also some people who are Want to start… These people, out of ten, have mastered the sect’s methods, and may even be from the sect’s lineage. It’s just that when the great catastrophe was approaching, they were scattered in all directions, and it was difficult to communicate with the news. This group of people is what we are fighting for. ”

“This, a special event may not be possible, and similar people may not be encountered.”

“Yes, this is just the most ideal situation. Therefore, our goal is to wait and see. If the sect’s legacy is not seen by other sects, we will choose those who have no foundation, but have practiced the sect’s methods and are good at talismans. Xiu. The name of Tianzhuan Society can still be used. With my current position, I can still achieve something. As long as I can grasp it first, the future will be long, and we will always be able to make progress together. .

“I can’t find anyone who is good at talismans. Those who meet the first two conditions are fine, but at this time, we don’t have enough bargaining chips. Sidingyuan itself does not have much appeal. It can only be passed down. The Bu Xu Technique, etc…”

Wuyu’s unfinished meaning, Huifeng Taoist priest, understood very well: Siding Academy does not have the reputation and strength to attract talents, but the relatively complete Xuanmen cultivation system inherited from the Shangqing Sect is suitable for anyone who is aspiring to it. It is a great temptation for those who live forever.

The problem is that without sufficient strength and strong centripetal force, the people recruited in this way are also the most unreliable.

Once you have mastered the mental method, you will fight back. Similar examples are not uncommon in the world of spiritual practice.

The Huifeng Taoist priest is cautious about this: “We still need to make a total calculation on this matter.”

Wuyu nodded first, then pondered for a moment, and then said: “Actually, there is a candidate right now, although I don’t know what his attainments in talismans are…”

“How come you found it now?”

Zhang Miaolin was tired of listening to their analysis, which involved the human mind and legal principles. He finally found an opportunity to interject, how could he let it go?

Wu Yu smiled slightly and said: “I didn’t find him, but he found me. I brought a Ziwei Drinking Moon Essence Taixuan Yin Sheng Talisman to the meeting in advance to bid and display it. The person got the news, and in a sudden change Find me and ask for a price privately.”

“This is a good move.”

Zhang Miaolin shook his head and praised, then asked curiously: “What did that person take out? Which mental method is it? How does it compare with the “True Book of Fetal Essence Untying Knots”?”

Wu Yu could not help but laugh: “The True Book of Fetal Essence Jie Jie is almost equivalent to a superior elixir, how can it be so easy to obtain, and only a Tai Xuan Yin Sheng Talisman is not worth it. . What the man came up with was a set of heretical techniques called “Transformation of Ten Evils.”

“Transformation into ten evil spirits?”

Huifeng Taoist frowned and thought for a while: “A few years ago, there was an advanced master of Huandan in the North, named Fulong, who was able to use the Ten Evil Transformation Skills. Later, he committed an offense and offended Qingxu Daode. The generous Taoist priest of the sect was knocked down by one finger… Is it him?”

Wu Yu shook his head slightly: “It’s not him. I’ve heard of Fulong too. He behaves arrogantly and brings disaster upon himself, but his Ten Evil Transformation Skills are extremely clever and can be used to defeat real people. A monk’s attack is not simple…”

Zhang Miaolin was a little disappointed: “The Ten Evil Transformation Techniques are not left behind by the sect.”

“Yes, but this person brought up information about another method that is closely related to the Transformation of the Ten Evils.”

“Which one?”

“Four Spirit Dharma Appearances.”

Huifeng Taoist priest and Zhang Miaolin were both refreshed: “Four Spirit Dharma Appearances!”

“But that door is specially prepared for monks who have moved back to the palace…”

“If you don’t move the palace back to the wall, you can use it as long as you practice the Xingjun method. Senior sister, your “Five Dou Sanyuan Zhenyi Sutra” should be fine. By the way, the Zhenwu Emperor Dharma you just realized, if there is any This method can help, or you can gain a deeper understanding of the wonders of Xuanwu and make further progress!”

When he talked about the practice method, Zhang Miaolin kept talking, and the second half of Hui Feng Taoist’s words was stuck in his throat. In the end, he had to cough heavily before he could speak, and hit the most important words. At:

“Who is that person?”

“He calls himself ‘Nine Smokes’, have you ever heard of him, junior brother?”

“Nine smokes?”

The returning Taoist priest lightly twirled his short beard under his chin and said thoughtfully: “It sounds really familiar. He should be a famous figure, but the area is limited and he is not known to the world. Let me ask a few questions later. Friend…by the way, where did he come from?”

“It was said to be in the north, but now, he is already in Wugou City.”

“So fast!” Huifeng Taoist priest and Zhang Miaolin were both surprised.

The Huifeng Taoist further speculated: “This person must be determined to obtain the Taixuan Yin Sheng Talisman, or is he interested in the magic behind this talisman?”

Ziwei drank the moon essence Taixuan Yin Sheng Talisman, which Wuyu obtained by forcibly interpreting the “Taiwei Lingshu Ziwen Shangjing” with the “Five Dou Sanyuan Zhenyi Sutra”. The former is already a first-class method for meditating on gods and flying high in the sky. As for the latter, it is the most superior method among all the scriptures of Siding Hall. Together with the Eight Powers of the Shangqing Dynasty Zhaolong Baolu, it can be said to be the “Siding Hall”. “Double Jade”, its value is immeasurable.

The questions raised by Huifeng Taoist are indeed worthy of vigilance.

Wu Yu said with a calm mind: “Rather than just guessing, it’s better to meet and get the clues.”

“The head of the hospital means…”

“I have sent a message to him, asking him to come to Haitian Terrace to discuss the exchange. We also want to see if our solicitation can go ahead and what the effect is – he has already arrived.”

Huifeng Taoist priest and Zhang Miaolin raised their heads at the same time and followed Wu Yu’s line of sight. They saw a dark-skinned, bald man on the high cliff path, steadily approaching. He had an extraordinary bearing, but his face was still too fierce. So much so that the people guarding the sword hall in the city stopped him to ask questions, but they quickly waved him off.

When he reached the corner of the high cliff path, he seemed to sense the line of sight here, turned his head and smiled, showing his white teeth, as a greeting.

Soon, he walked closer and bowed to the three of them: “I’m sorry for being a little late. I’m Jiuyan.”


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