Ask the Mirror Chapter 52: Unpredictable Shangqing Legacy (Part 2)

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“This time is bitter.”

The Taoist priest Hui Feng was worried. Seeing the sword light approaching, if the three of them took the initiative to retreat, they would look guilty and it would definitely be dazzling. Now I am afraid they can only watch one step at a time.

Wuyu didn’t know what was going on here. She just glanced at the flying sword light, then followed the mountain road and temporarily hid among the stone pavilions.

When she comes here… there will be a war here.

The returning Taoist priest secretly boosted his energy in preparation for any eventuality.

However, things seemed different from what he imagined.

I saw those sharp sword lights, which deviated from the direction he expected. They were not on Guiyan’s side, but flew to the highest level of Haitian Terrace.

Immediately there was a sword cry, and someone’s sonorous voice resounded throughout the high cliff:

“The main city defense array is warning that there are demons nearby. The city guard sword hall is inspecting. Please cooperate with us.”

There was a slight commotion up and down the Haitian Terrace, but it quickly subsided.

Since Wugoucheng can temporarily prevent heavenly catastrophe, monks from all walks of life gathered here, and a few people from the Demon Sect came in. For this reason, the city guard sword hall has been raided many times in the past few days, except for a few This is actually my first time in Haitiantai.

Zhang Miaolin sneered: “On Donghua Mountain, the Sword Immortal and the Demon of Freedom joined forces to attack, and finally caused the fall of True Lord Donghua, and now they have turned their backs… Is this an alliance of villains?”

Although his grudge against the Demon Sect is overwhelming, it is difficult to clean it up. Lun Jianxuan’s repeated behavior is also despised by him. In comparison, he feels more sorry for Donghua’s lineage. Feelings.

The Taoist priest Hui Feng glared at him, blaming him for talking about something and not even looking at where or when this was! Although the surrounding vitality is also blocked, if you encounter someone with advanced cultivation, you may not be able to leak even a few words, and then it will really be a disaster.

Fortunately, no one seems to be paying attention here…

No, Gui Yan clearly turned around again, made eye contact with him, and seemed to be smiling but not smiling. At the same time, he picked up the palace lantern on the table and handed it to the cute little girl next to him.

The palace lantern was left by the beauty in purple dress who drove away with Qing Ge’s sword. It has four pillars and eight corners, divided into upper and lower leaves. The pictures on it are exquisite and gorgeous. The little girl held it in her hand and looked left and right. She liked it greatly. look.

Huifeng Taoist priest is very knowledgeable, and because he knew the identity of Guiyan in advance, his thoughts always went to the magic gate. Suddenly he remembered a rare treasure, just like the clear and unexplained space, on the top of the cliff Sword light has already swept down from above.

The little girl stuck out her tongue, and the palace lantern disappeared in her hand.

“Oops, wrong!”

“Brother, what did you say?”

Zhang Miaolin just felt baffled. After hearing what he said, the Taoist priest Hui Feng realized that he had lost his composure, but he was secretly worried. If the palace lantern was the magic treasure he thought about, how could it be received in the storage ring? It can be covered up.

Uh, wait a minute, it seems like this kind of self-created void treasure cannot be stuffed into an ordinary storage ring!

When my mind was full of random thoughts, I saw the monks from three consecutive cities guarding the sword hall walking past Gui Yan. Their eyes were sharp, but they turned a blind eye to that one. Occasionally, their eyes fell on his face, and they were both touched. passed, no response at all.

Are these people blind?

In Wugou City, the masters of the city guard sword hall include the elites on the Juxian Bridge and the inner disciples. They all used their spiritual thoughts to imprint the image of Guiyan deeply in their hearts. How can they not know each other when they meet? The truth?

But that’s what happened!

Looking at Gui Yan again, he had already turned his back. What made the Hui Feng Taoist priest stunned was that his back was straight and his neck was straight. He looked like a sword in a trance, sharp and sharp, and the pure sword intention was flowing around his body. Even the monks from the City Guard Sword Hall wandering around are inferior…

Well, he is indeed a big devil who can turn the Southern Kingdom upside down. His magic power is so profound that it is really unpredictable by ghosts and gods.

Of course the returning Taoist priest can shout “The big devil is here” – he is full!

He just thought he was blind and drank tea, but a question came to his mind:

“No one else can see it, how can I see it clearly?”

These details may seem complicated, but they are actually just counting the breaths. Next to him, Zhang Miaolin has stood up and welcomed Wu Yu with a smile.

Wuyu is still dressed in a simple female crown, and her appearance is as before. She suddenly went to the sea some time ago, her whereabouts are unknown, and she only came back recently. But she didn’t mention a word about these things. As soon as she sat down, she got straight to the point. :

“I asked you to come to Wugoucheng because I received news from Mrs. Hua. There is something I need to let you know, and there is something I want you to do.”

The returning Taoist priest was still a little confused, but Zhang Miaolin said straightforwardly: “Sister, just say it.”

“Recently, the Maritime Chamber of Commerce will hold multiple auctions in succession to build momentum for Haiou Market…”

“Still open? This is about to happen!”

“The more this happens, the more you have to do it.”

The returning Taoist priest finally managed to cheer up, and Dai Wuyu explained: “If not, the vigorous momentum ahead will be completely wiped out due to successive changes.”

“Yes, but we don’t have to worry about what the Maritime Chamber of Commerce does. There is only one thing that is relevant to us, but it is Mrs. Hua who said that in these auctions, a mental method has appeared, called “Fetal Essence Untying Knots” The “True Book” was left by the Shangqing Dynasty.

“I remember that Master and the others said that this is one of the most superior auxiliary training methods for the sect to cleanse golden elixirs and natal golden talismans. It is the most righteous and peaceful, and can be practiced by most disciples. This can eliminate all kinds of difficulties in practice. ”

Zhang Miaolin was delighted: “That must be taken down. It is exactly what the children in the hall need to lay the foundation.”

The returning Taoist priest was silent, what Zhang Miaolin said was absolutely correct. At present, there are actually qi methods, alchemy techniques, and step virtual techniques in Siding Hall. For example, the “Five Dou Sanyuan Zhenyi Sutra” practiced by Wu Yu is a wonderful method that directly points to immortality. However, although such methods are extraordinary, , the requirements for disciple qualifications are also quite high.

Like himself and Wu Yu, they were all talented people. In the early years, they were led by their masters, so that was it. But when they started to practice, they were stumbling, and those disciples were even more waiting, and it was difficult to even get started. It would be great if you could find such a minor skill at this time.

It’s just…

“Since Mrs. Hua mentioned it, can we take action in advance?”

Wuyu shook his head: “Whether she wants it or not, these techniques are all available to monks from all walks of life. At most, they can contact us privately. We still have to handle the specific redemption ourselves.”

“Then we can’t use the name Shangqing Sect or even Sidingtang.”

“Not bad.”

No one in the world is a fool. If the person who takes action knows their origins, they will undoubtedly demand death and add more twists and turns.

In fact, even if it is purchased at a reasonable price, Sidingtang, who is already in a dilemma, may not have the capital to buy it.

Wu Yu then said: “In the past few days, I have seriously thought that our goal should not be the Heart Method Alchemy…”

Zhang Miaolin shouted: “What do you want if you don’t have the mind? The mind is the foundation of practice.”

Wu Yu glanced at him: “The heart is the basis, and it also needs people to practice it…”

Listen to the voice, the Taoist priest came back and said curiously: “You want someone?”


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