Ask the Mirror Chapter 52: Poison Sting Swords from Beyond (Part 2)

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The assassin finally exhaled, but at the moment, it was more like a howl of despair. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Because he had to lock his breath, the sword energy that could not be restrained burst out at this moment, but it was all in vain.

It was only then that the beautiful maid outside the water pavilion realized something was wrong. She called out “Madam” and rushed into the water pavilion. However, she could not get close to Mrs. Hua who was only three or five steps away.

At this time, more than a dozen gold-painted red pillars supporting the main structure of the water pavilion began to tremble one after another, and the surrounding magic circle restrictions were activated. The air above the lotus pond was filled with energy.

No matter how Mrs. Hua responded, Yu Ci turned around in the void and captured the assassin. He stretched out his hand to restrain the blind assassin.

But at this moment, the movement of emptiness in the heart was clearly stagnant, and the crisscrossing qi machines outside were like scattered fishing nets, disrupting the originally orderly flow of vitality.

The magic circle in this **** place suppresses the enemy and makes it impossible to distinguish between friend and foe!

Yu Ci did not expect this scene and had already restrained the assassin. The void in his heart was shrinking. Unexpectedly, the void shook slightly and became unstable.

The most direct impact was that the maid outside bumped in, lost her balance, and fell to the ground.

Yu Ci only glanced at it, and a sharper and more direct warning sign exploded in his heart.

Looking back, he saw a figure suddenly appearing on top of a leafy green willow at the corner of the lotus pond leading to the outer waterway thousands of feet away. It was unknown when he sneaked up there.

The man was drawing his bow and holding an arrow, aiming it this way. The next moment, the arrow shot straight out, and in an instant he lost his shape.

The bow strings vibrated violently, making a sound of gold and iron, just like thousands of sledgehammers striking down at once. Just this explosive impact shattered the green willow into pieces.

And when Yu Ci sensed it, the arrow had just left the string, and the sharp edge had already reached his chest.

The void in my heart is shaking, trying to turn the square inch into the separation between heaven and earth, but whether it is the magic circle on the lotus pond or the arrow that has arrived in front of me, there are wonderful fluctuations and vibrations, and the relevant laws and structures are Distortion and destruction, in a hurry, even with 100% strength, may not be able to have an effect.


Yu Ci suddenly realized that the assassination of Mrs. Hua was clearly aimed at him!

If it were Mrs. Dui Hua, even if she had laid an ambush earlier, if she saw him, Yuanxu Tianjun, with a normal mind by her side, she would definitely change the date. How could there be any reason to attack by force?

The other party simply took advantage of the special environment here to set up a trap for him. Now that Tu Qiong Dagger appeared, not only the two of them attacked in a row, but also the protective circle on the lotus pond was also an important part of the game.

What role does Mrs. Hua… play in it?

Will Yechi and others who are still in the cold spring be implicated?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yu Ci shouted again with angry eyes. The void in his heart forcefully occupied the territory in the shock, resisting the oppression of the outside world.

Even the Rakshasa Ghost King could not break through the void in his heart in a short period of time. No matter how mysterious the magic circle here was, and no matter how powerful the bow and arrow, could it still be stronger than the Rakshasa Ghost King?

The magic circle in the lotus pond was distorted by the void in the heart. The sword-wielding assassin had been suppressed like a dead dog. The seemingly omnipotent arrow was only an inch away from his chest, but it seemed to fly to the end of the world. , can be reached.

Things are coming under his control.

Yu Ci stretched out his hand, like picking up a leaf, and took the arrow in his hand. Immediately, his eyes pointed at the bow-wielding assassin who used force to rush backwards when the green willow collapsed, and his energy was locked.

At this moment, Mrs. Hua’s voice came to my ears. Even in this dangerous situation, there was a leisurely and even mysterious meaning: “Be careful of the three yuan…”

The words suddenly died, and at this moment, a wave of light flew down from the sky and swept across the entire lotus pond. The red flowers and green leaves on the pond, as well as the towering halls, waterside pavilions, pavilions, etc., suddenly lit up.

The majestic power contained in the light waves is like the rolling waves of Xiyu Lake, coming towards you with no way to avoid it.

Yu Ci could feel that its vast source power and the tight structure that further transported it were like a dragnet, and the “mesh” was so small that it was difficult to breathe, and the momentum was strong and oppressive.

Under it, Yu Ci’s divine sense was forced back into his body, and the joints in his body made a rattling sound. In response to this, he exerted all his strength and resisted the pressure, which made him feel better.

Such a suppressive force seemed a bit familiar. Thinking of Madam Hua’s half-tip, Yu Ci immediately realized:

Three-Yuan Secret Formation? Is this thing also indistinguishable between friend and foe?

He wanted to be with Mrs. Hua again. He turned around to look, but saw a three-foot-square and ten-foot-tall light shield covering Mrs. Hua, isolating the inside and outside.

When the mask of light appeared, it was completely integrated with the light waves. No murderous intention was revealed towards Mrs. Hua. Yu Ci was completely unresponsive. Her voice was cut off before, and this was probably what caused it.

Then he discovered that the mask had a protective effect. It seemed to be a thin layer, but it was interconnected with the entire forbidden air mechanism and could not be easily broken.

Mrs. Hua remained calm and motionless. Although she was in the center of the whirlpool, she was already outside the incident. She seemed to view the scene in front of her as a scene in a drama. The previous reminder was simply like an illusion of nothingness.

Yu Ci’s eyes flashed with coldness, and he slashed Mrs. Hua’s body, but she didn’t say a word. She quickly shifted her gaze and continued to lock the bow-wielding assassin.

This man’s blow seemed to be made with the power of a bow and arrow. In fact, his own cultivation is quite commendable. He can control the strong bow and hard arrow without being hurt by the shock. At least he is an immortal.

His sword-wielding companion is not bad either. Bu Xu has an advanced level of cultivation and specializes in concealment. His instantaneous explosive power can definitely reach the level of a real person. If he hadn’t encountered the void in his heart, he wouldn’t have been defeated like this. awful.

As soon as he thought of this, Yu Ci was shocked: No, the gap is too big!

Things like “assassination” have always been about living within one’s means and making precise calculations. No matter who is behind the scenes, do you really expect these two assassins to succeed?

As soon as he thought about it, he knew something was wrong.

However, the assassin’s grasp of human psychology has reached its peak. At this moment, the sword-wielding assassin who has been trapped in the void in his heart, the only eyes exposed on the mask are in pain and madness. It opened wide, exploded, and then the whole body exploded into pieces.

The dirty blood flowers bloomed in the void in the heart.

Yu Ci instinctively strengthened the evolution of the void to isolate the blood stains, but in a blink of an eye, he was shocked to realize that when the assassin’s blood and minced flesh spattered, they clearly formed a circle of vague and demonic patterns, which gave him a very bad feeling. .

Before he could make any further response, the tense string in his head sounded again.

Only three steps away from Yu Ci, a figure suddenly rose up, and its murderous intent was like a spike, driving hard into his brain.


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