Ask the Mirror Chapter 52: Poison Sting Sword from Beyond (Part 2)

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Yu Ci’s pupils shrank, but when he saw the maid who fell in the water pavilion when the void in his heart fluctuated before, he just bounced up, and with just one step, his cultivation level of returning the elixir, which was originally negligible, instantly soared to The standard of Changsheng Zhenren.

The strong blood-colored light dazzled Yu Ci’s eyes, and the “maid”‘s whole body was ignited with blood-colored flames. With another step, the blood-colored light was like a rainbow, and her position in the system of laws of heaven and earth has surpassed that of “real people” “This threshold directly breaks into the realm of robbery.

One moment, one situation, one step, one level!

What a terrifying momentum this explosive growth has created! At this moment, the “maid” pointed her arms forward, and her parallel fingers were like knives. Although she had no sharp weapons, her body was comparable to a magic weapon. The sharp edge of the knife had almost touched the clothes on his chest. It rubbed fiercely with the protective Gang Qi, and it turned out to be a burst of energy. Out of Mars.

But the most deadly thing is not the ferocity of the close-quarters attack, but the explosive impact on the surrounding void when he, as a master of robbery, instantly improves his realm.

This impact is like a heavy hammer. The terrifying shock wave continuously oscillates in the void within a radius of ten feet. The area affected by it does not spread due to the fierce turmoil, but remains at “ten feet” Within the scope, the exchanges piled up, one wave was stronger than the other, showing amazing control.

Yu Ci knew that the opponent’s impact was limited to a limited range, but the destructive power had already entered the legal level and directly affected the structure of his void arrangement.

The impact has already appeared – the turmoil of the void law caused the water pavilion to collapse silently in an instant.

On the other side, Mrs. Hua was protected by a light shield blessed by the Three Elements Secret Array. She did not suffer any damage. She just changed from sitting to standing and hung there, with a calm expression, without any movement.

As for the two people fighting each other, their bodies were suspended in the air. The “maid” advanced forward, and the blood on her body became more and more intense. It really seemed like a fire was lit, and the power it inspired soared again.

And even in the void within the heart, the danger has not faded away.

In the pattern of blood flowers that exploded when the sword-wielding assassin exploded, strange power was spraying out, forming circles of filthy air that filled the air in all directions. Yu Ci has already started the void transformation and wants to block it, but as long as the relevant law energy is touched, it will be immediately defaced and destroyed, and there is even a tendency to take the opportunity to spread the infection.

Same as the previous sky-splitting arrows, this exploding filthy air is still specifically aimed at the magical power of the void, and is a hundred times more effective! If it is allowed to become contagious and get bigger, the void in the heart may be damaged.

Yu Ci knew that this was because his reputation as “Yuanxu Tianjun” and his supreme supernatural power of “creating the world by himself” were the most eye-catching gimmick. These assassinations were really deliberate in targeting this. Kung fu.

The assassin’s serial methods are all designed to “create his own world”. They must attack from both inside and outside to break the void defense like the fortress of Yu Cijian’s city.

Be it the sky-splitting arrows, flesh-and-blood thunder and fire, or the restrictions of the lotus pond, they are all working against his magical power of the void.

In the final analysis, they are destroying his void structure and creating opportunities for the “maid” to assassinate her at close range.

The real killing move is also the fierce piercing of the power of the law of shock by the “maid”‘s blow.

The attack of “The Maid” can be pulled out alone and has the ability to pierce the void.

Yu Ci’s chest was already slightly sunken inward under the strong pressure. If it went any further, the pressure would be directly transmitted to his internal organs, causing a mess. The destructive power of the law of shock will crush his physical and spiritual foundation and completely kill him.

But this is not enough!

If they had replaced another strong person with the magical power of “creating the world by himself”, maybe they would have succeeded.

However, the opening of the void in Yu Ci’s heart was different from the normal magical power of “self-creating the world” from the beginning. It is developed from the “root” of Xuanyuan’s fundamental qi method through a series of steps such as introducing qi into the air and forming the inner scene and the outer scene. It runs through the unique method of the transformation and evolution of mental images and physical images.

And inside it, there is a batch of mysterious true meanings that are far beyond the scope of “self-created world”.

To put it simply, the connotation of the emptiness in his heart is much richer than the ordinary “creating the world on his own”.

What’s more, is Yu Ci’s real capital now just this?

This group of assassins only acted to “create their own world”, and their thinking was wrong from the beginning.

Staring into the stern and cold eyes of the “maid”, Yu Ci had an expressionless face, ignoring the shock of murderous intent coming from her chest. In the void in her heart, a clear sound passed quickly, like the sound of wind and drums, Like the sound of gold hitting jade, the mist comes and goes.

The space between him and the “maid” has been squeezed to the limit.

However, in the system of laws of heaven and earth, in the higher realms, the distance between the two sides is still far, far away…

The situation is so mysterious that Yu Ci can’t help but be entangled again.

In the equal sky, beautiful buildings and jade buildings seem to exist but suddenly appear.

The clear sound is far away, as if coming from outside the sky, and it turns ten times in an instant.

Twelve Yulou Tianwaiyin.

As the ultimate expression of Lunjianxuan’s subtle sword intention, the Twelve Jade Towers’ Heavenly Sounds have been changing for more than ten times. At some point, you will intuitively feel that it is a bit cumbersome.

But in fact, when the sword intent was activated, the laws of sound transmission were distorted and collapsed immediately, and the usual concepts had long lost their meaning.

At this moment, ten tones were sounded in succession, forming one long tone, but the layers were clear and orderly.

Ordinary people only think it is unreasonable. Only those who truly have a deep understanding of the laws of heaven and earth can see that in this ethereal and clear sound, the vastness of the sword’s intention and the extreme subtlety of the control are all integrated. It has also formed an unparalleled edge specifically targeting the system of laws of heaven and earth.

Wherever it passes, thousands of related laws are torn apart, making it irresistible.

Monks live in the system of laws of heaven and earth, are bound by them, and use this to mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

But wherever the Twelve Jade Towers’ outer sounds pass, one sound can cut off a layer of legal structure; one sword can kill a circle of internal and external connections.

Not to mention that the main body is here, even if the likes of Chu Yuanxiang and Wu Yuanchen strike across the sky with their divine will, strike from thousands of miles away, or pass by with their swords, they will destroy all communication media and plunge them into a dilemma of nothingness with no support.

At the beginning of Qingyin’s activation, the suppression of the Three-Yuan Secret Formation was broken.

As for the “maid”, even if she is in the realm of robbery and has a strong cultivation level, is she truly transcendent?

Which of his bones, flesh, muscles, and blood flow is not under the “regulations” of the system of laws of heaven and earth?

The law of annihilation with sword intent is to cut off the foundation of one’s identity in the world.

In particular, Yu Ci’s mind has reached the realm of reality. From a high position, he overlooks the overall system of laws of heaven and earth. He makes ten turns of the sword’s will, each turn is targeted, and what he kills is the most basic and critical. The rule of law is neither more nor less.


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