Ask the Mirror Chapter 5: talisman sword

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Yu Ci slid down the steep cliff and rushed a few steps later. Behind him, Taoist Yan’s breath had died. But he knew that with the ability of the legendary theosophical monks, it was unreliable to escape through that secret/cave, so he just took a breath and continued to run. At the same time, he tried to calm his mind and drew talismans on his sleeves and fingers. Wen, through the special power of the bronze mirror, temporarily survived.

This is also one of the functions of the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, but the retention time and the number of retained talismans are limited. Only three can be stored temporarily, which only takes half a stick of incense.

The talismans he drew were very complicated. After Yu Ci ran ten miles away, he barely managed to draw two. Just as he was about to draw the third one, the night sky suddenly lit up, red firelight shone from behind him, and the strong smell followed.

Only then could Yu Ci be sure that the smell was burning blood, mixed with the murderer’s own murderous intent, irritating his nose.

He had long thought that Taoist Yan would catch up, but the fact that he was chasing him so quickly was beyond his expectation.

He exhaled a breath, suddenly turned over without any warning, and jumped out from the ground. The next moment, the red line passed by, and the two big trees as thick as a bowl that he had just passed were cut into two halves five feet from the ground, and then collapsed suddenly. Even though it was the middle of the night, you could still see dust and smoke rising everywhere, and branches and leaves flying. Animals and birds were chirping in panic, and the relatively silent mountain forest suddenly became noisy.

One hit missed, but Taoist Yan was still smiling happily. The laughter came closer and closer, and soon he was catching up with Yu Ci: “Little pretty face, is Master Tao’s Nine Sun Talisman sword sharp?”

“Jiu Yang, isn’t it the Three Yang Talisman Sword?”

It was rare for Yu Ci to ask a question, but he slowed down because of it. Immediately, his head felt hot, and Taoist Yan had already flown over with a rolling heat wave, blocking his way. Yu Ci immediately stopped and assumed a posture to meet the enemy. Although his expression was solemn, he did not show any panic.

“The pretty boy is very curious…”

Taoist Yan was joking and talking, eyes wide open, staring at him, but Yu Ci still had the same expression, just like the scene where more than 20 herbal collectors were lying dead, the enemy’s ridicule, and the Nine Yang Talisman. The sword’s divine power could only allow him to express it to this extent.

“Okay, you are very courageous. Master Dao is still afraid that you are just a soft-footed shrimp who escaped from the battlefield!

The more surprised he was by Yu Ci’s courage, the more Taoist Yan wanted to break that ghost thing. Instead, he was not in a hurry to do it. He just took a step forward, only two feet away from Yu Ci, and shook it gently. Fu Jian smiled and said:

“Why is it the Nine-Yang Talisman Sword? Taoist Master can tell you a few words. Hey, Bai Ri Mansion is stingy and stingy, and only uses the inferior Three-Yang Talisman Sword to deal with these ordinary juniors. You are so happy, but you don’t know that in Bairi Mansion, there are Six Yang Talisman Swords, Nine Sun Talisman Swords, and Pure Yang Talisman Swords that are far superior in quality!

“Of course, Bairi Mansion will never take out the last three things. However, no matter how cunning they are, they still want to drink Master Dao’s foot-washing water. As early as ten years ago, Master Dao came into the mansion. After secretly learning this ‘melting’ method, as long as there are enough Three Yang Talisman Swords as a base, one can refine and fuse step by step, from Three Yang to Six Yang and Nine Yang, and then eliminate impurities and return to Pure Yang. This is the ultimate.

“In the past two years, Master Tao has traveled between the Sky Rift Valley and the Cliff City. Although it has been hard work, he has also obtained the Nine Yang Talisman Sword. Compared with the pure Yang quality, it is only a sliver away. Sansanhua Nine, nine is the number of yang poles, and its power has reached its peak. With this sword in your hand, even if you are unlucky, even if you get enough shrimp grass and get a three-yang talisman sword, you will not be able to stop Tao Ye’s sword. The power of one strike!”

After saying this, Taoist Yan laughed again, but in this laughter, Yu Ci still maintained his previous posture, neither relaxed nor panicked, and naturally did not show any special expression. In the huge mountain forest, only the beasts and birds that had been awakened responded with a few chirps.

The laughter stopped, Taoist Yan couldn’t laugh anymore, and his eyes narrowed abnormally. He finally understood that the pretty boy in front of him was definitely not a low-class junior who could be frightened into silence with just a few words. If he continued to pester him, let alone find out. It’s fun, I’m afraid even if it is slaughtered in the end, it will still make me angry.

“Okay, okay, Master Dao will send you, this bold little white-faced boy, on your way!”

As Taoist Yan said this, he took another step forward and raised the Nine Yang Talisman Sword in his hand. He was tall and long-armed, and with just these movements, the red light he breathed almost spanned a distance of two feet and engulfed Yu Ci.

In the heat wave that hit his face, the unique sharpness of Fu Jian reached directly between his eyebrows. Yu Ci did not force herself to hold on, and slowly took a step back. At the same time, the five fingers of her left hand that had been shrinking in her sleeve slowly gathered together, and pinched the talisman stored in the bronze mirror of Zhaoshen.

“Huh?” Taoist Yan sensed something and glanced at Yu Ci’s hand, only to see a large amount of water smoke rushing out from the sleeves of the little white-faced robe in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, a fog barrier formed. Under the reflection of the fire here, behind the fog barrier, the opponent’s figure was looming, and as the light shifted, it became elusive.

“I want to escape again!” With a roar, Taoist Yan’s talisman sword slashed at the wind, chirping, tearing through the fog in front of him in a blink of an eye, and slashing the moving figure behind him.

Taoist Yan knew something was wrong after the sword light passed over it. This was obviously a deception. Instinctively, he turned around and struck again, but his swing missed again.

When he held the sword and looked around, his face became as sinking as water. In just a few breaths, a layer of mist covered several acres of mountain forest. This fog can’t actually block anything, but it’s night now, and there’s no light in the depths of the forest. The only light source is myself holding the sword.

Of course he could see clearly where the fire was shining, but beyond this range, his sight was greatly blocked.

Yu Ci was swimming at the edge of the light, as if he would be plunged into the depths of the forest at any time.

“You’re a cunning little pretty boy, but this kind of superficial blindness is of no use to me, Master Dao!”

After this thought passed, he also felt a little regretful: “It’s a pity that it has only been two years since I broke through forcefully, and my soul still needs to be nourished, so I cannot use some of my abilities freely. Otherwise, how would this kid have a way to survive?”

With this thought in mind, Taoist Yan did not use his eyes at all, but relied purely on his will. All the situations within a radius of ten feet were reflected in his mind. He soon discovered that Yu Ci didn’t seem to have any intention of escaping. Although the figure disappeared and appeared, it always remained within his sight.

No, this pretty boy is waiting for an opportunity!

Ejected from the state of divine will, his tall body suddenly slumped and shrank, almost hanging on the ground for a few minutes. He rolled in the air, as light as a monkey jumping among the trees. In the blink of an eye, he was counting. Zhang distance.

As soon as his toes lifted off the ground, a soft popping sound burning the air passed by his ears. The brightness of the mountain forest that was already illuminated by the fire soared upwards again, and a chain of blazing white light tore through the void and pierced through.

Even while rolling in the air, Taoist Yan noticed the long chain of electric light. The corner of his eye seemed to have been hit by the scorching chain of light, leaving an indelible mark.

There was a loud bang, and the lightning did not hit Taoist Yan. Instead, it crossed the area and hit a bowl-shaped poplar tree on the outskirts of the opposite forest. Poplar trees broke and then burst into flames.

Taoist Yan fell to the ground at this time. He had just recovered from his shock and stood up straight. He glanced sideways at the poplar tree that had been reduced to charred by the lightning, and the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but twitch. If he hadn’t become more and more skilled in the movement of his mind during this period and could enter the state at any time, he might have been hit just now, and he still wouldn’t know what happened.

Thunder in the Palm! If he used it so quickly, he might have some jade talisman or something like that.

“Junior still has some wealth.”

He forced himself to stay calm and sneered again and again, but unknowingly, he changed “little pretty face” to “junior” and then gritted his teeth and said:

“Master Dao, I would like to see whether you have more talismans or Master Dao, I have more abilities!”

Before he could finish speaking, he raised his two fingers, as fast as the wind, and drew ten twisted lines in the void. The traces of red light were like imprints, condensing in the air.

“Wind and fire are like wheels, fast!”

A storm suddenly arose from the plains, bringing hot air to the face and blowing in all directions. Immediately the mist that spread around was blown away. Yu Cizheng, who was on the periphery, was distressed because he missed the palm thunder. When he saw this situation, his expression immediately changed:

“Entraining Qi to form a talisman!”

This is a real talisman for attracting qi!

Even though he had already suspected it, after it was finally confirmed, he still couldn’t help but take a breath and come in. This is not the trick he used to play before using the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, but the real ability of the murderer in front of him.

Being able to draw symbols in the void and attract spiritual light to oneself without any medium is definitely not something that can be achieved by using human body’s gross power. It must be that one has cultivated his body and refined his qi to a very high level, and his soul has grown to a certain extent. He has the so-called cultivation of “distinguishing consciousness and transforming thoughts”, and a little wonderful thing is generated from the soul, which is called “divine will”. Distribute spiritual consciousness and thoughts to replace spiritual guides such as cinnabar and peach wood, summon spiritual responses, and form a truly effective talisman.

In this case, the murderer in front of him must be in the realm of the divine, that is, he has escaped from the “three ordinary levels” and has become one of the legendary “monks” with infinite magical powers.

Both sides make a decision!

Without the cover of the fog, Taoist Yan caught Yu Ci’s traces with his eyes. He turned around and sneered: “Junior, do you know how powerful Dao Master is?”

Yu Ci pursed her lips and said nothing.

Taoist Yan laughed and stepped forward, slowly walking forward, saying as he walked: “What other talismans are there, can you use them for the Taoist master to see?”

Yu Ci seemed to grit his teeth and suddenly put his right hand into his left sleeve. At this time, his left hand was still caged in the sleeve, with a very weird posture.

At this moment, a red light flashed in front of him, and Taoist Yan had already rushed forward silently, slashing down with his sword. Then he shouted:

“Die to Master Dao!”

Taoist Yan was almost struck by lightning just now, and Shang was still frightened. How could he really let Yu Ci take the lead in attacking?

Yu Ci raised his head sharply, staring at the dazzling sword light at the front of the talisman sword. He did not dodge or avoid it, and seemed to be stunned. But when the sword light came to his head, he lightly drew back his hand, and a green light popped out from his sleeve, and he cut it back. And up. The clang sounded, and it actually blocked the edge of the Jiuyang Talisman Sword head-on.

Taoist Yan felt a little surprised, and he sneered again. He slightly turned his sword back, applied force a second time, and slashed down with the sword again. How powerful is the Jiuyang Talisman Sword? After the first blow of the green light, there was a buzzing sound, and the light was about to disappear. With another sword strike, Yu Ci was about to be split into two pieces.

Yu Ci’s eyes widened, and he suddenly opened his lips and mouth. A blood arrow spurted out, hitting the unstable blue light, and then squeezed out a syllable from between his teeth:


The cold light appears suddenly.

Under the unbelievable gaze of Taoist Yan, bright blood threads spread in the green light. As the blood soaked, the green light became more and more dazzling. The light in the central area almost condensed, so that it emitted nearly Substantial sheen.

The Nine Sun Talisman Sword was slashed, and Yu Ci used green light to meet it for the second time. It was still a clanking sound that was close to the sound of gold and iron, but this time, only the peripheral light was peeled off, and the condensed green light area was not at all Lossless.

Yu Ci’s face turned pale, but he grinned.

He never really thought about escaping. The previous escape was just to buy time and draw talismans to meet the enemy. But time was running out, and he had only time to produce the Fog Shadow Talisman and Palm Mine, but they had no effect during the battle.

Thanks to Taoist Yan’s big mouth and a few more words, he was able to seize the opportunity to condense the “Seven Star Sword Talisman” in his sleeves with a quick move. Finally, he activated it with a mouthful of his heart’s blood, turning the void into reality. The process of making this sharp weapon was as smooth as if God had helped me.

Of course, just relying on a talisman sword may not necessarily defeat Taoist Yan. But Yu Ci who uses talismans is very different from Yu Ci who uses swords. He is good at talismans, but loves swords more. Compared to the complicated calculations when using talismans, he is more accustomed to the simple and straightforward choice between life and death in hand-to-hand combat. After twelve years of wandering, he still draws his sword to kill. not enough?

This is his true temperament.

All distracting thoughts were put aside. Facing a murderer who was a level above him, Yu Ci grinned:

“Let’s see how my seven-star talisman sword compares to your nine-yang talisman sword?”


Brother Yubai likes simplicity and straightforwardness. I also frankly say that I like collections and red tickets. The topic will be withdrawn soon. I hope you can give me your support!


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