Ask the Mirror Chapter 49: One sword destroys the law and one promise means a thousand gold (Part 1)

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It is so difficult for Lingming to be in other places, not to mention Guiyan who is under the sharp edge of the sword.

Speaking of Guiyan Jiuzang’s demonic body, it has been reshaped twice, and the concept of internal organs, meridians and blood vessels has long been lost. However, when the sword intent arrives, the chest and abdomen are cold, and the blood all over the body is frozen. The feeling is still resurrected.

The sword intent broke into the skull. To say that it was “broken” is actually an exaggeration. Gui Yan’s body was not harmed at all. It was only the soul that was hurt, but it was not cut by the sword intent. That kind of injury was like a blow. An inappropriate metaphor:

It’s more like an ordinary person sees a wild beast rushing towards him, turns over to avoid it in shock, and then… twists his waist!

Enter through the skull and out through the body. Guiyan felt it very wonderfully. The whole process of the sword intention traveling through the body was like water flowing through ice crevices, or like a gentle breeze passing through the treetops. However, such a “light” description was not enough. to describe its mystery, and then his thoughts went back to the beginning.

Yes, this is actually a ferocious beast, holding its head proudly, driving its muscles full of strength and beauty, and rushes past him. He originally thought that the ferocious beast ran over him, but in fact, it just passed him by. Passed by, what swept him was just the strong wind brought by the beast!

In the final analysis, the reason for all these illusions is just fear!

He also saw that within the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, the laws of heaven and earth, which were already somewhat deformed, were now even more distorted, but they were not the kind caused by the addition of external forces – if the will of the laws of heaven and earth had the seven emotions and six desires of living beings, you would know what ” “Fear”, then this must be it.

No law can maintain its original state, no qi machine dares to catch its edge, and eventually a straight gap is formed. The boundless void cannot serve as a barrier. Wherever the sword’s intention reaches, there is nothingness.

The void cracked open, revealing Crow Lao’s face that was too stiff due to surprise.

After the Jiugong Demon Realm was established, Yalao’s method of transforming himself into the sky formed a true seed that pointed directly to eternity. Its own power was secondary, and its real function was similar to that of Demon Lord Yemo compared to Yuanshi Demon. Lord, these true meanings are driven into the void and the eternity where time intersects.

Even if the body is seriously injured, as long as there is this seed of true meaning, it can sprout and resurrect.

The void is immortal, time is irreversible, and the seeds of true meaning are eternal.

Yao Lao has completed 70% to 80% of the work before, and this seed of true meaning has actually been achieved – the five-passage, lust-tainted demon lord of the five palaces, although it is lying there, preventing the true seed from being completed, but in order to His ability to transform his true meaning can also be temporarily bypassed.

He is already standing on an invincible position, whether it is on Donghua Mountain or at the bottom of the East China Sea. Although he is confident of winning, he can also afford to lose.

But when the sword intent pointed straight through the air, Yao Lao realized that his confidence came too early.

When the sword intention first arises, there are no tricks, it is just the annoying pressure of the sword, which forces the laws of heaven and earth to jump like ants, in chaos, like a ferocious beast, after a long sleep, it roars and declares itself wake up. Forced to obtain the will of the laws of heaven and earth, we must also give up one end of the earth.

But after passing through Guiyan, it turned out to be ethereal, unrestrained and agile, and almost returned to nothingness – the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth meant nothing to it at all. This was the beast unfolding its order. Man’s desperate hunting skills have brought his own strength and level to the limit of his sword’s will!

The Nine Palaces Demon Realm and the Endless Void are not even as good as a thin layer of paper, probably because the sword light was struck at the beginning.

Before this sword intention, Yao Lao had no choice. The dark void formed by the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, and the two real-life true intentions projected by Mo Fa’s wings were either unstoppable or too late to arrive. In the Liuzhu Palace, he had already achieved the Demon Transformation Master Dharma, but he could not even mobilize the boundless magic power. He watched the sword intent break through the palace, cross all barriers, and transcend the long river of time before he could sense it. touch.

At this moment, he transformed into his true meaning. He was naked and unarmed, and had a head-on and direct collision with the beast.

Even so, with his ability to transform his true meaning, he would not be completely powerless to fight back.

But the fact is that when the beast pounced, all the mysteries he used to transform his true meaning seemed to be held by an invisible giant hand. He could not stretch it out or use it. He just watched helplessly as the other party clawed at him. Swing it down, and the true meaning falls away.

Why is this so?

Yao Lao couldn’t accept this result at all, but everything was not based on his will. At this moment, he saw that the cracks in the Nine Palace Demon Realm were torn wider, and the black and turbid Xuanming True Water turned into turbulence and impacted. When he came in, the black dragon went against the current, its skin and flesh cracked, and it arduously and slowly made its way to the Jade Emperor’s Palace. It passed right in front of him, but he didn’t even have the strength to stop it with his thoughts.

In the clone body, black light flows, re-forming the body of flesh and blood, as if going back in time, and reverting to the crow that has lost its wings, but it is split from the top of the skull, running through the lower abdomen, the blood line gradually becomes clear, and towards The two sides were torn apart, and he wanted to mend it, but it was irreversible.

From eternity to reality, and then from reality to destruction, how similar is it to the Taiyuan Hidden Star holding the immeasurable law of the demon?

But in essence, it is more domineering and direct.

Watching from behind, Yu Ci’s scalp went numb, and he suddenly realized that this sword could be said to be the ultimate perfection of the method of “praising the strong and destroying the weak”, and it was also a model of the subtle method of sword cultivation, which made him I have seen how the top sword cultivators can break away from the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth and fully display their sword intent.

If you attack it, you will save it; if you attack it, you will hit it; if you hit it, you will die.

Is this the end of the realm of swordsmanship?

It wasn’t until his true meaning collapsed and his clone split apart that two vague demon lords appeared in the void. Neither Void nor Yama had a clear image, only one of them appeared to exist and disappear in the starry sky. , one is like a long river, but its impact is sweeping across the entire dark void. Such a belated help has no meaning to Yao Lao, but after all, it cannot be underestimated.

But at this moment, a bright red light flew from the void.

Yu Ci’s heart trembled. In the underwater valley of Niwan Palace, there were many debris, which were scattered out after Guiyanxukongzang Dharma Gate was breached by Yalao. The shining red light came from It jumped out from those debris, resonated with the sword’s intention, and vaguely turned into a sword. It was another horizontal cut, and a horizontal line that was completely perpendicular to the vertical blood line was smeared on Yao Lao’s clone.

This time, the blood finally splattered, but it turned into mist in an instant. In the blood mist, the crow screamed, the sword edge turned into a three-foot green edge, and turned around.

Split the void and block all its inner core and extension; cut off the long river and freeze all its flow and changes.

The mysterious and exquisite sword intention flowing on it seems to have great dissolving power, dissolving all magic gates in the sky, creating ripples, sweeping across the dark void, even Yu Ci suffered a disaster, and Guiyan Jiuzang Not only did the demon’s body crack, the sword intent traveled further upstream, disturbing the energy of the three parties and almost hitting the main body.

At this moment, the sword intent suddenly stopped.

“Phew, feel good!”

Like throwing away rubbish, he threw away the red gauze in his hands. The little man, no more than three feet tall, stretched out greatly. The double buns hanging down his temples swayed, and some of them were disobedient. Hair strands jumped out.


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