Ask the Mirror Chapter 49: One sword destroys magic and one promise means a thousand gold (middle)

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Yu Ci swore that he had never seen this one before… uh, a female doll.

She is even younger than Xiao Wu, no more than five or six years old at most, but the subtle sword intention that passes through her body, the way to kill the crow old man and his true intention with one blow, and the Bailing light. The method of resonating yarn into a sword clearly points out a direction and an answer.

If that’s not enough, there’s something else.

Before the sword intention stopped, Guiyan’s body had a clear contact with the trace of sword energy due to the practice of Bai Ling Hua Mangsha. The wonderful touch extended to Chengqi Tianzhong, the sword cultivator’s body, Extending to the main body, it seems to resonate like a hundred spirits turning into light yarn.

Cheng Qitian, Yunlou Tree, had a clearer reaction, and it was very familiar.

This feeling was actually encountered when I was comprehending the Feixian Sword Sutra. I didn’t find any clues at that time, and I forgot about it later. Looking at it now, it was conclusive evidence. Yu Ci was already thinking, Is it the trace that Zhemo left behind in the Yunlou tree when he came out?

It’s no wonder that the timing was so accurate before, and he cut off Yao Lao’s clone with one sword. This kind of skill is difficult for Xiao Wu to use even if he has it.

However, the difference between the top-notch person in his mind and the image of the young girl with a bun in front of him was so huge that he, who had always been very decisive, felt a little nervous and could not form a complete sentence:

“Hao, Hao…”

“Diandian! So awesome!”

Xiao Wu, who had just been holding his head to seek refuge, suddenly jumped up, clapped repeatedly, and wanted to rush in for a hug. However, the young girl with a bun holding her chin up raised her chin and glared at her coldly. She smiled and retracted her hand. Sticking out his tongue, he seemed to be more lively than in previous years.

Of course Yu Ci is also very concerned about Xiao Wu. As a result, he can’t help but be a little distracted. At this moment, the young girl with a bun in her bun didn’t even look at Gui Yan. She took a step forward, and there was a colorful light in the void. For a portal to contain her, it was Xiao Wu’s self-created void.

At this moment, Yu Ci’s thoughts were spinning like a windmill. Long wires were connected behind them and twisted into a ball. How could he give up? He drove Gui Yan and chased him in. He couldn’t even care about the impending disaster outside. , Xiaowu was still a little hesitant, but he didn’t dare to stop him, so he could only follow behind.

In the vast world opened up by the Five Mountains True Shape Map, without Xiao Wu’s help in positioning, it is normal for them to enter one after another, with a difference of thousands of miles. Fortunately, Xiao Wu did not make any mistakes, that is Moving forward and backward, Yu Ci came to a very quiet place between mountains and rivers.

In front, the petite body of a young girl with a bun in a bun is walking on the waves. It seems that she is preparing to cross the river to the green grass on the other side. Yu Ci is behind, not far away. If she calls out, the other party will definitely hear it. But what if she is offended and strikes again with the sword?

After a moment of hesitation, I saw that the person who was about to reach the other side of the river suddenly felt heavy and fell forward. Half of his body fell on the grassy bank, but he was still wading in the river down to his calves. … Behind, Yu Ci was stunned for at least a breath before he remembered to step forward to check. He first reached out and poked the opponent’s shoulder with his fingertips. There was no response. Then he let out his anger and swept over quickly. The reaction was very calm, just like the previous one. The sharpness that pierces the body and soul is completely different.

At this time, Xiao Wu rushed over and shouted: “Oh, I fell asleep again!”


Yu Ci pulled the other person’s young shoulders and turned him over. Just as Xiao Wu said, this person’s breathing was even, the corners of his lips were slightly upward, and he was sleeping soundly!

Sleep to death… really sharp.

“Your mother…”

“What?” Xiao Wu didn’t understand.


Yu Ci pressed his forehead, and with a little force, he moved this person to the shore and assumed a comfortable position.

Looking again at this moment, on the green grass, the young girl is breathing softly, her limbs are relaxed, and her face is soft and cheerful. She is exactly like a female doll who is tired from playing, lying down on the spot and sleeping soundly.

There is no vigilance, no murderous intent, and I can’t even feel any strength.

What’s going on with this guy?



“This, this…”


“Okay, Diandian, what’s going on with Diandian? How do you know each other? What’s her name?”

After saying that, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth. Are you really treating this person like a child? But that’s what Xiao Wu did. She came over with a smile and greeted Senior Brother Yu Ci obediently – the image of Gui Yan bothered her a little, but only a little.

Then, she responded: “Diandian, we have known each other for a short time. She was trapped in the Land of Eternal Destruction for a long time. Only when you, senior fellow apprentice, became the true meaning of Yuhua, did she grab the Yunlou tree and follow Cheng When I came out of Qitian, my flesh and bones were merged with each other, so I had to be reincarnated. In the past few years, I was able to get rid of the fetus mystery, and I was ready to come to Chengqitian. At that time, I was fighting with those people, and she came to help. Me!”

Okay…that’s clear.

But can you stop taking it for granted?

Of course Xiao Wu didn’t know how Yu Ci felt, but she still remembered another question, shook her head and said: “Hao is the sky, it is the vastness, it is the infinity; it is the Dharma, it is the scripture, it is the teacher, my name is Haodian , its meaning can be understood… Actually, I don’t understand it! But Diandian is right.”

It’s really her, what a… conceited guy.

Yu Ci still has many questions to ask, such as the details of Haodian’s emergence from the Land of Eternal Fall, the current status of the other sixteen sword immortals, and how she recovered to be a sword immortal in a short period of time after reincarnation. With a level of strength, what do you mean by sleeping on it… Xiao Wu can answer two of these questions: “Dian Dian’s cultivation has been integrated into the sword intention. It seems that it is not much worse than when he was in his prime. Of course it can be retained after reincarnation, but this physical body is still a little unable to bear it, so I should help her seal it. It is very powerful to temporarily unblock it, but she needs to sleep soon to recover.”

“How long will you sleep for?”

Xiao Wu started counting on his fingers: “About three, um, six months? The last time I failed, she blamed me for unblocking too little, but she still slept for so many days, but this time it was a little better. There are so many children…”

Yu Ci understood, but still sighed. Some things seemed to have to wait for a while before he could ask them clearly.

Putting aside these thoughts for the time being, Yu Ci had a change of thought. In fact, the sleeping Master Haodian was the really good Master Haodian. It didn’t matter if he pinched her face… Of course, just think about this kind of thing.

Yu Ci also drove Gui Yan to sit on the grass by the river. On the left was Haodian, who was sleeping soundly, and on the right was Xiao Wu, who was smiling and very happy. His mood suddenly relaxed. It was only then that he was in the mood. Go observe your surroundings.

The green mountains are misty, the green water is long, the white clouds are gentle, and the gentle breeze is blowing, the grass is moving, and the rustling sound is like a whisper in the sky. In fact, the area of ​​​​this area of ​​​​landscape is not very large. If you live behind it, you will feel that there are mountains outside the mountains, clear water flows, and the meaning is long. It can transform the beauty of heaven and earth into the limit of a corner.

Such a scenery does not look like Xiao Wu’s handiwork. Perhaps it was created at Haodian’s request?

But this is not a problem, nor are those unsolved doubts. He took a long breath, exhaled, and then lay back heavily. The feeling of collision was like the time when three voids collided, but this time, But something was knocked open.

Looking at the green mountains and white clouds, my mind suddenly broadened, as if a heavy burden of ten thousand kilograms had been cast aside. Finally I couldn’t help it and laughed:

As evidenced by the green mountains and clear waters, this matter was finally accomplished!

Qu Wujie, I don’t owe you anything anymore… Damn, I never owe him anything, why can’t I always get around this detour?

The laughter surrounds the mountains and rivers, the lingering sound curls up, and then comes back, as if there is a group of sword lights that cover the sky and the sun, breaking through the nine heavens, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, across the void, passing through disasters, and disappearing at the junction of heaven and earth. Here, only this lingering sound is left, melting into the green mountains and green waters, like a mournful sound, like a happy language, whispering to people’s hearts.

In the Chengqi Heaven, Yu Ci patted the slender branches that had poked out from the side of the altar at some unknown time. He laughed dumbly. Suddenly, he heard a sharp roar coming from the distant void. .

In the true form of the Five Mountains, Gui Yan suddenly turned over and sat up. Oops, there are still things he forgot!


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