Ask the Mirror Chapter 48: Reunion under the catastrophe (End)

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The sea water is shaking. Originally, in the area covered by the Nine Palaces Demonic Domain, all terrain and changes in the outside world are meaningless. However, the sea water is coming with strange force, huge waves are turbulent, and the power of each impact is increased crazily, that kind of explosion. The power of the style made Yu Ci understand that if it were not for the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, the black dragon would probably be crushed to pieces in the third wave.

The next moment, the vast water vapor actually broke through the boundary and entered the nose. As soon as it entered the mouth and nose, there was the deep power of coldness and stagnation of energy. The weight of the whole person seemed to be a thousand times heavier in an instant, and it would eventually kill me. When everything is twisted and melted, it will naturally be dead and cannot die again.

Huanrong warns: “Xuanming True Water!”

This water is the first-class five-element wonder between heaven and earth. It often has to be in the extremely dark, dark abyss or deep sea to get a few drops. One drop weighs more than a hundred kilograms. If you want to see it in large quantities, It can only be done under a catastrophe.

But it was originally hundreds of millions of seawater, and it was completely transformed into the mysterious world. What is the concept of this?

Although it was a mistake, Yu Ci was still a little unable to stand due to the Nine Palace Demon Realm blocking him, and he would not be exploded by Xuan Ming’s true water pressure for a while. With a thought in his mind, he temporarily left Gui Yan’s side. , pulling away the perspective, intending to overlook this area from a high place.

But as soon as this perspective was formed, he groaned, as if he was punched in the face, black and red colors were smeared, and a brilliant impact like a volcanic eruption burst out “in front of his eyes”.

If it were his real body here, Yu Ci would definitely shed tears, or his eyes would simply explode. The strong wind blowing from the void in all directions, or the vortex formed by the chaos of heaven and earth, formed a cross The sea and the sky connect to the storms of the deep sea.

The wind was still carrying fire, as if it was rolling down the fire clouds in the sky.

In fact, instead of being blown away, the fire cloud was suppressed even lower. Thousands of lightning flashed in the fire cloud, occasionally showing a little edge, but most of the time, they only swam in the middle of the cloud. Go, accumulating strength, only a little away from the opportunity to pour out.

All of these are just symptoms. Yu Ci has not yet “laid the net”, and the level of perspective is not too high. Even so, he still sensed:

The so-called wind is clearly the wind disaster that breaks the laws of heaven and earth and puts them together, which is the “Great Thousand Upside Down Wind”. But it would be a big mistake to think that this is some immortal immortal who overcame the storm.

Because there is still the fire, which is the impact of the successive shattering of low-level laws; and the thunder, which is accumulated in the destruction, is intended to generate the power to reshape after the wind disaster wipes out the existing laws of heaven and earth. As the saying goes, thunder moves all things, and the sound of thunder spreads everywhere.

This is indeed a catastrophe…a catastrophe of heaven and earth!

Yu Ci looked far into the distance and saw that between the sea and the sky, the scope of the wind disaster was rapidly expanding outwards. The fire cloud seemed to have set off a huge wave and spread far away.

Yes, yes!

After all, Yu Ci had enough understanding of the system of laws of heaven and earth. After being stunned for a long time, he finally came to his senses:

Because the seven earth immortals are fighting in the sky above Donghua Mountain, stirring up the laws of heaven and earth, it is the most active time, and it is also the most unstable time. At this time, a sudden disaster is like going to the oil pan. Throw a spark into it, and if a little smoke comes out, the whole pot will burst into flames.

The powerful immortals in the war are certainly the culprits of all this, but these few have mastered the laws of heaven and earth to the point of perfection, like top dancers dancing wildly on the tip of a knife. On the contrary, nothing would happen, but the black dragon had to force himself through the tribulation, but without this kind of control, sparks suddenly burst out, and then got out of hand.

The current state of the laws of heaven and earth remains unchanged, and this burning will not stop until it expands to the entire world.

The message from Mrs. Huanrong was surprise, but more like a moan; “What have you done!”

Yu Ci was speechless, and even so, they didn’t have time to worry about what happened to the real world.

You must know that the Nine Palaces Demon Realm was originally forcibly pulled up from the earth’s veins under the sea. Its structure relied entirely on mysterious formations. Now it contains three to five tribulation levels of power. Once the energy connection with the outside world is released, , detonating a catastrophe, the will of the law of heaven and earth is like a tiger that has been touched on the butt. It is furious and wants to bite and smash all the targets that collide with its territory.

Yu Ci and the others were having headaches. In Liuzhu Palace, Yao Lao calmed down again after his initial emotions.

He didn’t believe that a powerful man of the God Lord level would not know the stakes involved. Because of this, he was either unreasonable or had a premeditated plan.

The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not happening at the critical moment, or is slowing down, it is more conducive for the Lord of God to take advantage of the lively and clear opportunity of the law to spin silk and web to attract believers, and it may also make those who may interfere with the situation avoid the rat.

Therefore, there are always those apocalyptic legends in sects in the world, but if they explode like this, not to mention forming a net, ten people in the immortal world will be driven out of the territory to seek refuge, so as not to cause disaster and end with hatred. Even for a Rakshasa ghost king, his “cobweb” will also be impacted, and he may end up in the blood **** ghost house to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

In this way, the little **** of Buxu and Huandan will have a chance to become active in this world.

One thing that can be confirmed is that the catastrophe of heaven and earth is irreversible. The sects in this world that have just recovered some vitality after the last forty-nine catastrophes are afraid that they will jump and curse.

Yao Lao has already scolded him, but no matter how much he scolds, the disaster will come and it will be irreversible.

The foundation of the Nine Palaces Demon Realm must be further solidified!

Yao Lao thought so and did the same, but at this moment, he saw that the black dragon that had just caused a huge disaster suddenly rose up, and through the flaws washed out by the water of Xuanming, he also Using its natural ability to control water, it rushed into the depths of the dark void with a desperate posture.

Looking at his direction, he must be jumping over the Liuzhu Palace where he is and breaking into the Jade Emperor’s Palace. Once they break in, the position of the Fearless Demon Lord will have something to suppress it, and Mrs. Huanrong can use this to hinder the transformation of the “other transformation of Zi Zi Tian”. Ya Lao will never let them do so.

The void here was trembling, and magical powers were secretly emerging, but at the same time, he heard Gui Yan shouting: “Let the Yuanling of the Five Mountains come out!”

Mrs. Huanrong suddenly woke up. The true shape map of the Five Mountains, which was suppressed in the Nine Palace Demon Realm, was useless. Release it at this time. Although it was difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, it was the easiest way to break the situation. Heavenly catastrophe, demonic realm, powerful enemies, all kinds of factors are intertwined, and the clues are complicated. At this moment, no one has any perfect plan, and it all depends on instant judgment.

Mrs. Huan Rong made a judgment and immediately took action. Through the Nine Palace Demon Realm, she and Ya Lao formed a direct conflict and fell miserably at a disadvantage.

In the bridal chamber, while Mrs. Huanrong vomited blood, there was a loud bang, and the five-color divine peak came out majestically, breaking the shadow of the void, and the light shined, sweeping in all directions.

Yu Ci, who was originally thinking about how to inform Xiaowu, was pleasantly surprised:

Why such a clever trick?

Without a thought, the five lights condensed, and in a blink of an eye, a girl with combed yellow hair appeared. Yu Ci couldn’t care about anything else, and shouted through Guiyan,

“Xiaowu, I’m here!”

Looking back, the little girl was confused at first, and then surprised. But soon, she felt the catastrophe surging around her, and there was clear fear on her little face.

Then, she squatted down… and held her head in her hands!


Just when Yu Ci almost imitated Huan Rong and spat out a mouthful of blood, a figure jumped out from behind Xiao Wu’s head, and a stream of true meaning ran through the darkness, without light or color, without wind or sound, but inside and outside the Nine Palaces Demonic Domain, But everything Yu Ci felt, and all the emotions, whether they were surprise, embarrassment, urgency, doubt, were all frozen and suffocating.

Jingtian Sword roared and broke through the skull. At this moment, Yu Ci had only one thought in her heart, beating hard:

Your mother, one of my own…


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