Ask the Mirror Chapter 336: Relatives

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The whole garden was silent, and the old Taoist’s questions seemed particularly clear.

Hua Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief. As a disciple of the sect, he had heard many legends about his uncle from his elders, but this was the first time he had a positive experience. In comparison, Li Hong and Wang Jiu, two disciples from the Realistic Department, were much more prepared than him.

Of course, compared to Wen Shifei, he was already quite calm.

Including Wen Shifei, the remaining twelve Demon Sect elites had different expressions, but the glances they cast towards the veteran were all full of disbelief, and they were all obviously shocked. .

In the past seventy or eighty years, Yu Zhou Lao Dao has been stuck in the realm of returning elixir, unable to make any progress in his cultivation, and he has settled in the meditation of the mind. He behaves in a low-key manner, never going out to practice, and even rarely goes back to the mountain gate. Except for those who rely on Li Chen How many of the small sects in Zongbixi know his name?

After today, things will definitely be different.

As for Yu Ci, Hua Xifeng knew that the junior brother was recommended to the sect by his uncle Yu, and his relationship was unusual. But how should he word the situation in front of him?

After a moment of hesitation, a voice sounded from afar: “Yu Ci? Is this the Yu Ci who created the mirage in the middle of the mountain?”

The person who spoke was Wen Shifei. With his identity there, he could not be suppressed by the old Taoist forever. As soon as he got the opportunity, he used every opportunity to say: “I always thought that he was a hero from Banshan Island, but I didn’t expect him to be from the Lichen Sect. .”

While speaking, he secretly contacted Di Tianluo and others, and changed the peripheral layout through a few gestures. Several branches of the North Demon Sect gathered here, and of course there would not be just a few people there. Except for the Dongyang Orthodox Sect, which was really massacred, the total number of several sects was about seventy, most of whom were members of the Jiuxuan Demon Sect and the Ice and Snow Demon Palace. These people are just cannon fodder if they really rush forward, but if used properly, they may become important bargaining chips.

Only seeing Yu Zhou Laodao’s overwhelming combat power that far exceeded his own level of cultivation, Wen Shifei had already put the head-on approach at the back of the list.

When he mentioned Yu Ci’s name, Yu Zhoulao turned his eyes over and nodded after a while: “‘King of Killing’, right? He is also a powerful figure in the North, a great rising star… That kid really understands Some Banshan sword intentions are correct, but what’s wrong with them?”

The old Taoist’s mouth was calm, but his eyes were as cold as frost blades. Wen Shifei was stared at for a moment, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body. He was secretly annoyed, but he reached out and wiped his half-bald head, and his face was filled with anger. Putting on an unpleasant smile: “What’s the matter! It turns out that it’s really Fellow Daoist Yu. When Shen Jianku was born a few days ago, I had some interactions with Junior Sister Tianluo and others, but it’s been rare in the past two days. Why? , something happened to Fellow Daoist Yu?”

He started chatting.

Here, Hua Xifeng took advantage of the opportunity and briefly told them about Yu Ci’s reunion with them, from the shortcut to Guixu, and how he was captured by the leader of the Chongqi Sect. He even just lost his sense of Yu Ci’s aura. He didn’t hide anything, Yu Zhou listened carefully, his eyes were heavy, but there was not even a wrinkle on his old face.

This made Wen Shifei, who had been listening carefully, a little disappointed.

“The leader of the Chongqi Sect and the owner of the Shenjian Cave? What are the origins of these two?” the old Taoist asked.

Hua Xifeng could only shake his head. Due to time constraints, Yu Ci’s description was fragmented and it was difficult to assemble a complete background. After thinking about it, he turned his attention to Wen Shifei.

Wen Shifei’s smile became more and more annoying, and he clapped his hands: “It depends on the situation. Fellow Daoist Yu is single-handedly, and he knows the secret realm of the Sword Immortal in more detail. If he is here, we people will have to face it.” Fell to the ground.”

It seemed that he was making sarcastic remarks, but before arousing the murderous intention of the old Taoist, Wen Shifei suddenly made a suggestion: “Master Yu, please look, you and I both have things to be busy with, why waste time here, just Wouldn’t it be great if we broke up and went our separate ways?”

“That’s fine.”

Yu Zhoulaodao’s response was beyond everyone’s expectations, but then he said lightly: “Before you leave, you might as well keep a copy of the information you know, especially about those two people. It’s a good relationship.”

Wen Shifei was slightly startled. He turned to look at the allies around him, and the corners of his mouth trembled several times: “Good luck is of course good, but if the Taoist priest is considerate, everyone will have a black eye, and no one is better than the others. I know a little bit. Besides, if you ask me something about the right time, right place, and right people, wouldn’t it be like asking a blind question?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold and sarcastic voice suddenly came from the garden: “I don’t know what else, did the King of Killing forget to return the red soul to the spirit pearl?”

The sound was deep and flowing, like an underground river. Only the sound of calm water could be heard, and no ripples could be seen, making it difficult to distinguish the location.

Wen Shifei’s expression remained unchanged, he just secretly contacted Di Tianluo, Yuan Wang and others, and once again changed the peripheral layout, trying to locate the incoming person. As for his identity, there is no need to think too much, Wen Shifei laughed and said:

“Ever since I entered the secret realm of the Sword Immortal, everything has been wonderful. In the past, who would have thought that in the past five calamities, thousands of sword cultivators were about to overwhelm the sword garden, and there would still be such mysteries; neither would Come to think of it, the Rakshasa cult figures will resolve their feud with the disciples of the Lichen Sect… Miss Xiangnu, I just thought that at that time you were dedicated to protecting fellow Taoist Yu, but you didn’t want to worry about that bead.”

He deliberately exerted his strength, and his laughter was like thunder, resounding throughout the Garden of No Life and No Death. Xiang Nu in the dark responded **** for tat: “The Red Soul Returning Bead is the soul treasure of the sword ghost beside the master of Shenjian Cave. If you get the bead, you can control the sword ghost and keep it secret so that you can’t hide it from others.” , can I hide it from you?”

“It’s a pity that I am not very proficient in the art of controlling ghosts.”

“Controlling ghosts or hiding demons? Kill the King, but I know that the backstage of the owner of Shenjian Cave is related to your family.”

The mocking words passed by, and Wen Shifei suddenly fell silent. Beside him, Di Tianluo and others may have some expression changes, but if they look carefully, they don’t seem particularly surprised. In this way, the atmosphere in the garden Became very weird.

Just when Li Chenzong and others were getting excited, Wen Shifei grinned. In his smile, he shook his head:

“This is a huge misunderstanding.”

As he spoke, he reached into his arms and took out the porcelain bottle that once contained the Red Soul Resurrection Pearl. He shook it, causing a crisp sound in the garden. Then he opened the bottle cork, and a wisp of black light came through. The red smoke was released, and it seemed to be transformed into a squirming form, but there seemed to be a layer of confinement in the void body, making it difficult for it to fully perform its functions and could only maintain a half-smoke state.

“This is the sword ghost of the master of Sinking Sword Cave, named Tielan. He has been restrained by me at this time, and he is half-conscious, but he is obedient… Tielan, please tell me, in recent years, and Who is the person your master has the closest contact with?”

Tie Lankong has a tall and wonderful cultivation level, but he is under control at this time, but he is confused. Ask and answer:

“The master said, it is His Majesty the Brahma Demon King.”

As soon as he said these words, Yu Zhou and other Lichen disciples felt their hearts tremble.

Wen Shifei raised his head to look at Yu Zhou, and said with a smile: “Taoist Master Yu must know that although our Demon Sect and the Great Brahma Demon King are both from the heavenly and magical sect, one is in this world and the other is in the blood. Prison Ghost Mansion has different beliefs and the relationship has always been bad. According to Miss Xiangnu, there is a relationship, but if you go further, even the Ghost King may not believe it.”

He said it easily, but Yu Zhou and others thought more.

Great Brahma Demon King? Is he the first person in the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion to worship the Demon Lord of the Origin, alongside the God Lord of the Infinite Void, the ultimate demon who is revered as the ‘Great Brahma’s Vow-Yearing Demon King’?

Other times, I would just hear it, but not long after the incident in Cliff City ended, wasn’t the person that the Blood Monk Isin hooked up with the Great Brahma Demon King? The conversation between Isin and Zhili, the demon general under the Great Brahma Demon Throne, has been sent to the desks of several Lichen Sect bosses as the most core information. Yu Zhou only learned the details after listening to Yu Ci’s description.

After going back and forth, this thread was actually drawn!

Wen Shifei also let out a long breath at this time: “Now, is Taoist Master Yu satisfied?”

In the Garden of No Life and No Death, there is silence.


Yu Ci walked out of the house. This was the former residence of Haodian. The main house continues the simple and exquisite style of the courtyard, and the limited furnishings are all of high quality. The same is true for the original owner’s resting area after passing through the door. However, except for the initial stroll inside, Yu Ci never went in during the next two days of rest, in order to maintain the minimum courtesy towards the female swordsman who “only heard her name but never saw her”.

To say that Master Wujie is really a man of temperament. When he built the so-called “former residence”, although he did not really move the residences of those people here, every detail in it was suitable. It has a unique temperament. When walking, sitting or lying down, you can seem to feel the grace and grace of the original owner. This is really a great effort.

Moreover, living here for a long time is also very helpful in understanding the original owner’s techniques.

Yu Ci understood it deeply…even though he took the wrong path.

He has already walked out of the courtyard. At this time, he no longer has any resistance to the mysterious illusion in the clouds. The “other party” also reciprocates the favor. The strong induction on the spiritual level is not so much “pressure” as it is “guide”.

That power seemed to turn into a magnet, attracting the fluctuations of Yu Ci’s soul to connect and harmonize with it, ultimately achieving the effect of “merging two into one”. That is to say, Yu Ci was allowed to put himself in the shoes of the monk who was suspected of being Haodian and experience the whole process of using the God-killing Thorn to understand the subtleties of the method.

This is a very good design, but Lord Wujie probably did not expect that the conditions of the juniors who came here are somewhat different from those of ordinary people – the void in Yu Ci’s heart contains the true form of Tianlong!

Coupled with that thousand-foot-long heavenly dragon, the imitation was so successful…

In the end, Yu Ci merged not with Haodian, but with Tianlong!


The tragedy is that he is irreparable, such as his useless speed, bad rhythm and crazy time…


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