Ask the Mirror Chapter 335: The passing water

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Still from that distant perspective, the thousand-foot-long Tianlong appeared for the third time, piercing the clouds and fog, and the giant body swung like a hurricane that shook hundreds of miles. But it was actually struggling in the blue sky. Continuing from the previous situation, it had reached the final stage. There were cracks everywhere on its thousand-foot-long body, all caused by a blow from the figure who was suspected of being the Sword Immortal Haodian.

This is not the first time Yu Ci has seen this, but this time, it is different from before.

Inexplicably, a strong dizziness came over him. Yu Ci wanted to resist it instinctively, but his weak soul was very unwilling to give him face. Internal and external attacks struck him, and his eyes went dark. When the light came in again, there was a ring in his ears. The wind howled, the thunder rumbled, and when I opened my eyes again, the familiar perspective had been turned upside down.

In front of you is a mountain made of thick scales. The edge is like a knife, but there are several cracks in the middle. Blood pours down like a fountain and waterfall. There are golden light spots inside, and the scalding heat is like boiling oil. It is very It was unusual, but the smell of blood did not diminish at all. In an instant, it was poured all over his head and face. The energy of heaven and earth was also burned by it, and his skin squeaked.

He snorted miserably, but fortunately his mind was still spinning. He figured it out just in the blink of an eye. The perspective of the distant view was already over, and he was “thrown” to the place where Tianlong and the Sword Immortal were fighting. At the moment of enlightenment, the external pressure suddenly increased to countless levels! At this moment, he felt like he was compressed into a tiny point and almost completely wiped out.

“This is an illusion!”

Yu Ci’s mind must be clear. He knew that there must be something wrong with the clouds in front of Haodian’s former residence: there should be some illusory magic in it, or it might be like Wu Yingtian, who was born from the mind of the Sword Immortal and possessed mystical powers. Unfathomable power.

No matter what, the power inside will work through Yu Ci’s soul. Before, Yu Ci was full of energy and had some injuries, but the roots were not affected. He was also protected by the true form of Tianlong, and he was hit several times. He was quickly alert, but now, after several hard knocks with the thing in the “canopy”, he was in the weakest state, suffering from all sorts of diseases, and was finally invaded by the power in the clouds. The divine soul works vigorously.

Yu Ci tried his best to maintain his composure, but now he was in a urn, and every move he made was involuntary. Such stubborn resistance would only lead to greater pain.

“Are you going to die? Don’t be kidding!”

Yu Ci didn’t believe that he would die here in frustration, and Xuanhuang couldn’t torture him to death in this way. As soon as he thought about it, his mind suddenly became clear: If there is no murderous intention in the clouds, what is the use of resisting like this? The words “Extremely strong will be humiliated, but extremely strong will easily break” is not just talk.

Facing the legacy of the Sword Immortal, as a junior, you should have the most basic courtesy.

Yu Ci suddenly realized that he no longer resisted the effects of the illusion and relaxed his body and mind. This was equivalent to letting down the barriers he had set up. The mighty power instantly overflowed, like an electric shock passing through his body, shaking his defenses. Whether it is Tianlong or Sword Immortal, their images have become much clearer, and their pressure is like a mountain falling, ten times more than before.

But these scenes only serve as the background. What is truly manifested is a series of spell writings, red in color, like fire and blood. They are arranged neatly in rows, and each one is as big as a bucket. The edges are even more golden and red, burning into the mind, and then disappear without a trace.

The feeling that invaded his heart and mind and was deeply imprinted on it finally made Yu Ci understand. This illusion is indeed not meant to hurt him, but to force him to understand, understand and even learn a technique from the images of the battle between Tianlong and Sword Immortal.

There is no doubt that the magic formula comes from the bright red yarn he grabbed from the clouds – Yu Ci has already thought of a name for it, it is called Dragon Slaying Huamang Shakeye, which is exactly the same as Bailing and Shiyin. into one place. Maybe at another time, Yu Ci would be very interested in learning such a shocking method that can kill dragons, but now…

“Learn the God-killing Thorn?”

Then it will be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?


“The sword garden barrier is wide open, and people from outside are pouring in. What is going on here?”

The old man came slowly, holding a long sword in his hand, combing his white hair into a bun, wearing a wide robe and long sleeves. It was a reprimand. The three people from Hua Xifeng were both surprised and happy, while those behind them lowered their heads and said, “Uncle Yu.”

Uncle Master? A third-generation disciple of the Lichen Sect?

After hearing the names of Hua Xifeng and the others, the elite demon sects outside were all shocked. If a monk with Buxu’s cultivation level really came, the Taoist alone would be able to kill them to a great defeat. At the moment, they all looked back and saw the person coming. Those who were better informed breathed a sigh of relief:

“It turned out to be him.”

If you don’t know its origin, don’t worry. When the Qi machine is released, there is a rough sense of the strength limit of both sides. These heroes of the Demon Sect can all see that this white-haired old Taoist is an upper-level Huandan at full strength. There are many people with the same level of cultivation here. In the current situation, it will produce No decisive impact. And its half-dead appearance is even more “reassuring”.

Just when this group of people relaxed, the blade of the sword rang, and the passing water sword in the old Taoist hand buzzed out of its sheath. The moment the sword blade touched the air, it completely lost its shape. Only the strong sword intent spread across the garden, covering a three-mile radius, almost covering the entire garden of no life and no death.

Few people would have thought that this veteran would be so fierce, and he would just take action regardless of his seniority, status, etc.! What’s more, I didn’t expect that this man looked half-dead, but his sword intention was so powerful that with one strike of the sword, the stars in the sky seemed to lose their color.

Wen Shifei let out a sharp roar, and regardless of his experience, he led seven or eight masters and charged forward. He saw Hua Xifeng in front of him with a serious expression on his face. He had already drawn his sword and used force together with Li Hong and Wang Jiu. The sword energy was densely packed and the energy was connected to form a sword formation to resist the powerful enemy.

“Not even close!”

He roared, and Uresuo had already manifested outside his body, wrapped in a layer of electric black light, and rumbled over. On his two wings, one is Di Tianluo, and the other is Yuan Wang from the Ice and Snow Demon Palace. This person is also an advanced Huandan cultivator. He wields the “Nine-Ren Bengxue Sword” across the north and has made a big name.

Three people are the main attackers, and the other six are waiting for the opportunity. He needs to use the advantage of numbers to gather his strength first and break through a little. As long as the few people left can trap the old man for a while.

Wishful thinking was very good. At this time, Ulesuo’s soul-destroying thunder light in front had already come into contact with the sword energy. He felt that the temperature in the garden suddenly dropped, and more **** smell was sprayed unscrupulously, stirring the already mixed things. Qi machine caused chaos in the world.

In the back, Dishe’s curses were only half heard before he was forced to block them back, and in the end he even let out a pitiful groan in compensation. In Wen Shi Fei’s flank, Di Tianluo was always a little concerned about his fellow disciples. When he turned around, his cold face also changed. The aurora magnet flashed, and his figure was like twisted lightning, and he separated from the flank in the blink of an eye.

“It’s going to be bad!”

Wen Shifei is an extremely vigilant person. He knew something was wrong as soon as he saw something happened to Di Tianluo. At this time, his shirt felt suddenly cold, as if a cold front had penetrated him. Uleisuo’s soul-destroying lightning could not reach him. He gritted his teeth and reversed his energy. With a “boom” sound, the shuttle separated, and the body shrank to the size of a fist in an instant. Transformed by the magnetic force of the lightning, Ejected away.

Just a moment later, the sword energy cut the Soul-Destroying Thunder Light in half like cutting tofu, but it could no longer catch his shadow.

“What a demon!”

The old Taoist’s words of praise were in his ears at first, and then he quickly pulled away, and there was an avalanche of roars when Yuan Wang swung his sword. Wen Shifei’s heart relaxed, and blood burst out from his heart. Earlier, his Uresuo body, which had been sacrificed to the tenth level of heaven, made a crisp sound and cracked from nowhere.

A mouthful of blood spurted out with a “swish”. After moving a mile away, Wen Shifei’s body returned to normal size. He could no longer maintain the smile on his face, and even the blood color faded completely. Uresuo is not his natal magical weapon, but it is something that he has been practicing and immersed in his blood for many years. They were hit hard there, and he certainly couldn’t escape.


He took a strong breath and shouted to stop. The monks in the garden also cooperated, and a series of Qi energy collapsed, cutting off the connected Qi machine, and temporarily stopped. Wen Shifei glanced over, but his eyelids twitched twice.

The remaining sound here has died down, and another person staggered out and fell to the ground, then became motionless. There were already two corpses of guys like this in the garden, both of them. He gathered fourteen people to come over, and in a blink of an eye, one-fifth of them were finished. Many people, including him, were injured.

At this time, the old Taoist slowly sheathed his sword and turned to look at the three people from Huaxi Peak who had not yet had time to take action. His snow-white eyebrows moved a few times:

“Can we see your Junior Brother Yu Ci?”


Sigh… let’s wait to make some compensation and calm down.


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