Ask the Mirror Chapter 334: Qingliu

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Screams have become the most common sound in Guixu, so that when the sounds slowly become denser, most people are completely unaware of it. Only the most vigilant group of people noticed that there were a few more faint shadows in the blood-stained ruins. They were drifting in the ruins, seemingly aimlessly, but once they encountered those noisy monks, they would be indifferent. Take action without hesitation and kill people.

“The shadow of the foggy sky?”

None of the four members of the Lichen Sect have truly experienced the power of the three-layer talisman. However, Yu Ci once talked about this matter before, and even if it was unclear, the four of them paid attention to it. But it’s one thing to pay attention, but it’s another thing to actually see the power of these shadows. The four of them are all famous swordsmen with extraordinary attainments. They were all in a daze for a moment when they saw the sharp sword intent and the invincible posture of those few shadows passing by.

They are all rising stars of the Lichen Sect. At least they have been trained and immersed by the elders of the sect for decades, and they all have great vision and knowledge. Because of this, they understand very well how extraordinary the level of these shadows’ means of transporting sword intent is.

For a while, the four of them were silent and sealed their breaths, so as not to be noticed by those shadows and carefully discuss their next actions.

“All junior brothers are in Donghou’s tomb. The situation is chaotic at this time. They have no power to protect themselves and need to escape as soon as possible.”

“We came up from a shortcut. We don’t know the way back at this time. There are many restrictions in the Sword Immortal Secret Realm, so it’s best to have someone to help.”

“Has Senior Brother Xifeng noticed Junior Brother Yu’s location?”

“It is difficult to continue in this garden. I can only feel it vaguely, and just now it disappeared completely…”

The four people expressed their opinions and were all worried. The Lichen Sect was originally a very strong force in the Sword Garden, and they had even better geographical advantages. However, unexpectedly, they unexpectedly jumped out of the secret realm of the Sword Immortal. This was something they had never heard of before, and their geographical advantages were completely offset. , and even incredible strong men like the master of Shenjian Cave and the leader of the Heavy Weapons Sect,

“No matter what, three things must be done. The first is to save the lives of all the sect members; the second is to notify the sect elders as soon as possible; the third is to try one’s best to stabilize the situation here. Since the Five Tribulations, the Sword Garden has been our own One of the most important training places for the sect, the impact of losing this place is immeasurable.”

At the critical moment, Hua Xifeng no longer wasted time and made a decision as the chief disciple of the fourth generation: “Junior Brother Xiao, please do your best and find a way out. Together with Junior Brother Zhao, we will **** all the junior brothers out of the Sword Garden and find a gap. Release the news and inform the elders of the sect that the Donghou Tomb must be kept intact, especially the Great Sun Palace.”

Xiao Lu was born in the Discipline Department. He is taciturn and selfless. He usually behaves in a low-key manner, but his resilience is unparalleled. Zhao Fu, who is still in the tomb of Donghou, is proficient in the talisman formation and has considered it carefully. The two of them are doing this kind of defense. Suitable, Xiao Lu had no objection, no delay, nodded and left.

The remaining three people, Hua Xifeng, Li Hong, and Wang Jiu, wanted to stay and “stabilize the situation.” It’s just that their clear goals are different from Xiao Lu’s:

“So, move forward?”

The three people looked at each other and nodded. They didn’t know the name of the Star Track Sword Domain at this time, but after staying in the Garden of No Life and No Death for a long time, they could see that this level of ban was also in danger and could collapse at any time. This cannot be hidden from anyone, and many discerning people are staring at it, gearing up, just waiting to advance to the core.

“Junior Brother Yu’s aura has been memorized, and I will follow this route later.”

Li and Wang both nodded. Although Huaxi Peak’s Heaven and Earth Sympathy Method is not harmful at all, it is indeed of great use in this situation.

Just when they were about to discuss it again, the three of them all stood up and moved, standing back to back. I could see many figures silently approaching from the outside. In this chaotic background, it was extremely difficult to detect them. If the three people hadn’t been sharp, they would have been bullied and surrounded.

Hua Xifeng shouted: “Who are you, my friend, who is so secretive? Do you really think that I, the Lichen Sect, are easy to bully?”

“No, I have always admired Master Xifeng. I have already said hello before entering the garden, so it is not considered rude now.”

With the words, one of those figures stepped forward. Under the starry sky, I saw this man with gorgeous black robes, sparse hair, and an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling. He was very annoying. With such an image, there was only one person in the sword garden.

“It turned out to be the killing king.”

Hua Xifeng glanced at the visitor’s face without any emotion, then turned his eyes around again, and this time he frowned a little. There were about a dozen of these people who gathered around, relying purely on induction, and the worst among them was also at the elementary level of Huandan. Looking at the flow of their Qi, they may be fierce, evil, or cold, and they may also have some sense of origin, so the identities of these people can be easily revealed.

“Tsk, Jiu Xuan Sect, Light Demon Sect, Ice and Snow Demon Palace… It seems that this time it is a large gathering of the Demon Sect in the North.”

Li Hong patted his protruding belly and laughed, very leisurely, but Wang Jiu, who also came from the Evidence Department, knew that this senior brother had secretly released a magic weapon.

Any name that comes out of Li Hong’s mouth must not be taken lightly. Back then, the Yuanshi Demon Sect split and was divided into hundreds of branches from one behemoth. Among them, the Jiuxuan Demon Sect and the Ice and Snow Demon Sect can be ranked in the top ten. The Light Demon Sect may be worse, but at their level, the Emperor Tianluo and Dishe are absolutely strong. Being surrounded by such a group of people is not a good situation.

They are sizing up others, and others are sizing them up. It was also thanks to the determination of the three of them that otherwise there would be more than a dozen elixir-returning monks, including five or six masters who were not inferior to them, and a circle of pressure would have come, and it would have been difficult for someone else to withstand it.

Looking at the expressions of the three of them, Wen Shifei, who was in charge, stopped pretending. He took another step forward, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he was laughing: “Please, three of you, this secret realm of the Sword Immortal is indeed extraordinary, you can hold it in your hands Do you want to come here to get a share of Donghou’s tomb?”

Hua Xifeng said coldly: “The Sword Garden was built by two seniors, Wujie and Yuandao, who made an agreement with our sect and cut out the land. Later, it was opened to monks from all over the world as a place to find fate and improve their cultivation. So. As the landlord of such an important place, Lichen Zong has the responsibility to maintain it and do his best to deal with the situation. But why are you here?”

“It’s natural to look for fate.”

Seizing the handle of Hua Xifeng’s words, Wen Shifei patted his sleeves and said very calmly: “The secret realm of Sword Immortal is opened, and every five thousand years, it is the opportunity for thousands of monks in the Sword Garden. Wen is not talented. , I also want to get a piece of the pie, and there’s nothing to hide about it.”

Hua Xifeng frowned again. Compared to Wen Shifei, the information he knew was too little. If he continued to talk, he would definitely not be able to gain favor. At the same time, with the absolute advantage in hand, Wen Shifei had no intention of going around in circles anymore. He grinned and said:

“This time I came with many fellow Taoists and met three of them. It is indeed a coincidence. The so-called ‘chance’ is nothing better than this. How come, Master Xifeng, Fellow Daoist Li, and Fellow Daoist Wang, such a great opportunity , no matter who it is, it is definitely not something that can be swallowed up in one bite. How about working together to make a fortune together?”

The following words are really ridiculous, but it can also be seen from it that Wen Shifei’s tyrannical attitude is hidden in the joke. Hearing this, Hua Xifeng’s long and narrow eyes narrowed into a straight line, and the light in his eyes was like a frost blade, slicing across this person’s face, and he said after a while:

“The Lichen Sect considers itself to be pure and does not disdain to pollute itself.”

“Very good.”

Wen Shifei laughed loudly, and at the same time there were some cold scoffs from people outside, and the air around the three people at Huaxi Peak suddenly became a hundred times heavier. Wen Shifei stopped laughing and said calmly: “All desires are born in the human heart, and there is no clear stream in the world. I like the beauty of adults the most, so I will send three Taoist friends to the thirty-six heavens to find you, the Supreme Saint, to find purity. Go find it!”

As soon as the words were spoken, the demonic energy of the No Life and No Death Garden suddenly surged into the sky, covering the stars and the moon, and poured down.

The three people from Hua Xifeng roared at the same time. They all activated the sect’s secret method, mustered up all their strength, and determined to fight to the death.

“Everyone in the world is filled with desires, but if you say you can’t find a pure place, that’s not necessarily true.”

Wisps of words rang in everyone’s ears, and then a man walked out of the shadows of the garden. Under the starlight, people around him couldn’t see clearly. The first thing they confirmed was that the person coming had white hair and wrinkles on his face, and he was already very old.


Yu Ci slowly opened his eyes. His chaotic thoughts were like twisted clouds, changing into thousands of shapes. It took him a long time to adjust.

This is the fourth time.

It was exactly the same as the previous three times. He only remembered that when his consciousness penetrated into the entangled clouds, he was counterattacked by a powerful force inside, knocking him away, followed by dizziness, coma, and… There are all the other uncomfortable feelings.

Covering his forehead, Yu Ci almost thought his skull was cracked, but in fact, except for some scratches, there were no suspicious wounds. In contrast, his spirit was extremely weak, and there was a void in his heart. The supernatural powers are just superficial. Even some of the runes on the periphery of the life and death talisman have been somewhat displaced, and their operation is far less smooth and agile than when it was in its peak state.

“It’s reached the limit.” Yu Ci confirmed that this almost reckless behavior finally sent him to the edge of danger. It was as if he had been hit hard four times in a row. It was nothing more than pure pressure that made him look like this.

He did not get up immediately, but lay on the ground, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the “canopy” in the distance. If the entangled clouds were the “Shangzhen Nine-Flying Immortal Sword Sutra”, Yu Ci had indeed felt it. Powerful. What bothered him even more was that even though he suffered such a big loss, he failed to gain a better understanding of the situation in the “Tree Canopy”. He was obviously “hit” in the face, but he felt like he had been slapped with a sap… Or four times in a row!

That thing is really not something I should touch right now.

Yu Ci slowly stood up and calmed down the last restlessness in his heart. He is not a fool, and the four consecutive almost stupid attacks are just to verify one thing: he can’t escape the “trap” designed by Xuan Huang yet!

Because he took the “hammer” on his own initiative, Shenhun’s injuries were still within control. What he needed now was to rest. Fortunately, everything is lacking here, only accommodation is definitely enough.

He stepped on the cloud path again, turned a corner halfway, and headed towards the courtyard he had visited before.

The outline of the courtyard could be seen in the distance. Yu Ci was walking on the road, still thinking about the previous problem in his mind. However, at this moment, there was a loud roar in the air that shook his head. Yu Ci was agitated when he heard the sound, and suddenly remembered something he had ignored, and screamed in his heart:

How could you come here when your soul is at its weakest?


I apologized dejectedly, I overestimated my speed… It’s impossible tonight, and I don’t have the guts to guarantee tomorrow, but I’m trying my best to move forward.

Who can teach me a secret technique among those powerful people who can write three thousand words, five thousand words, or seven thousand words an hour?


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