Ask the Mirror Chapter 333: Dilemma

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This was obviously an unexpected response. Yu Ci could understand the so-called sword scripture and tree crown, but the second half of the sentence contained a strong ominous meaning.

Yu Ci’s face darkened, and some of the things he had thought of before came to mind one after another. Xuanhuang’s failure to kill the master of Shenjian Cave in time meant that an accident had occurred, but the current situation was beyond his expectation.

“Hey, reply!”

Yu Ci once again summoned through the divine starlight, but Xuanhuang has remained silent since then. Not only that, Yu Ci gradually felt that the divine starlight in the distance was getting weaker and weaker, and seemed to be under great pressure.

You must know that with the power of Xuanhuang’s killing sword, the Divine Will Starlight cannot be defeated. It is able to stay in it all because of Xuanhuang’s help. What’s wrong now that makes Xuanhuang even use this little energy?

Yu Ci gritted his teeth, roughly estimated the distance, and moved his mind.

The Star Rail Sword Domain is not that big. Strictly speaking, the distance between Yu Ci and Xuanhuang is only about ten miles. However, there are many restrictions in it. It is difficult for ordinary people to move forward at all. However, with the divine starlight as the medium, naturally That’s another story.

With the experience of “little guy” and others in front of him, the method of changing the mind is not difficult for Yu Ci. In just a flash of thought, the soul has separated a ray of consciousness and flew away across the sky. The distance of twenty miles can be reached in the blink of an eye.

There was a “clang” sound. Before Yu Ci could really get in, he was shocked by Qingyue’s sword chant. The shock feedback came back. He let out a sigh and sat down cross-legged. Finally, he was not dizzy. Knocked down, no matter what happened, the sound of the sword roaring from his soul to his body, and a line grinding in, still made his whole body vibrate, and he felt absolutely uncomfortable.

“Let me in!”

Yu Ci was a little angry. Twenty miles away, the ray of consciousness he had branched out could only sense the divine starlight. If it was rejected by the sword energy, it would be meaningless.

Xuanhuang did not respond.

Yu Ci was about to communicate again when the bronze mirror in his sleeve trembled suddenly. The next moment, the majestic sword energy burst out, and the bone-chilling murderous intent was like a storm, instantly dividing him. The spiritual consciousness that came out was swallowed up. Yu Ci didn’t even have a chance to yell, because earlier, the only channel of communication between him and Xuanhuang was cut off.

The divine starlight that merged with Xuanhuang was crushed to pieces.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Yu Ci was in a daze. Speaking of which, this was the first time he “saw” the Divine Will Starlight be destroyed, and the Divine Soul was also bitten and injured. But compared to the crisis behind this matter, that is nothing.

Once the divine starlight was destroyed, his connection with the outside world was cut off. The surrounding clouds ebb and flow, but it was silent. Here, he felt unspeakably lonely and cold.

As soon as this mentality appeared, Yu Ci shook his head vigorously. Just waiting here, how could it be his temperament?

He jumped up, regardless of Xuanhuang’s instructions, and hurried forward. He wanted to get out from here, but he walked along the cloud path to the “trunk” and returned to the location where he originally entered the Return Village. The archway was still the same. No, what Yu Ci could see was still an endless blue sky, with no edges visible. If he jumped, the possibility of falling to death was 100%.

The ability of Master Wujie to “plant trees” in the void is really amazing.

Yu Ci had a headache. He now has the Seed True Talisman with him, which can be regarded as a real pill-returning cultivation level. However, because the advancement time is too short, some of the abilities that some pill-returning cultivators should have have not yet been fully developed. For example, flying with a vehicle is a very important one.

He also knows the method of controlling a machine to fly, but it requires both a suitable flying method and a long period of time for the human and machine to get used to it. If he had this hand, Yu Ci might risk taking a spin in the blue sky… Well, when it comes to flying with a vehicle, he still has a treasure in his hand.

Yu Ci turned over his hands and took out a pile of plain white gauze. It absorbed the water vapor and quickly expanded to a size of six feet in diameter, floating on Yu Ci’s chest. This is a ghost gauze cloud. Yu Ci borrowed it from Baoguang after entering the mountain gate. It would be just right to use it now.

With a finger, he led Gui Shayun away from the edge. Just as he was about to jump up, his face suddenly changed, his body shrank, and he moved back.

The ghost yarn cloud that can fly thousands of miles in the air falls like a stone as soon as it flies out of the “Return Village” range. If Yu Ci reacts a little slower, it won’t be a matter of being embarrassed or not. . After landing, he reached out with his long arm and narrowly caught Gui Shayun before it fell out of the control range. This prevented this special treasure from falling and saved him from the trouble of explaining and apologizing to Bao Guang.

“What is this?”

Yu Ci didn’t expect that the void outside would be so strange. It didn’t have any buoyancy at all. The ghost gauze cloud, which was as light as a feather, was actually pressed as hard as a stone. I don’t know why.

After thinking about it, he became a little annoyed, but more importantly, he was helpless. There is a 90% chance that this Return Village was arranged by Qu Wujie. This man has cut through three thousand worlds to find the place of eternal destruction. He is extremely accomplished in the magical power of the void. Maybe we can arrange this place in some empty corner that no one has ever set foot on. Yu Ci has no idea about the so-called “void” theory, so he is stuck here.

Did Xuanhuang already know this, so that’s why he let him come? So, it seems it’s pretty safe here…

Yu Ci laughed at himself, his desire to leave was still strong, but he was slightly suppressed. He turned and walked back. Halfway through, he was suddenly startled:

“Sword Scripture?”

Xuanhuang just sent a message back, saying that “above the tree crown is the Sword Sutra.” The so-called Sword Sutra is undoubtedly the “Shangzhen Jiuxiao Feixian Sword Sutra”. It is the reward that Xuanhuang has promised a long time ago. As for the former, it should be relatively In terms of Yu Ci’s environment. The Guilaizhuang where he is now is a large tree structure suspended in the air. Haodian’s single courtyard is on a “branch” next to the big tree. From here, it is not clear where the “tree crown” is. And it’s a metaphor.

In any case, the “Shangzhen Nine Heavens Flying Immortal Sword Sutra” is the top cultivation method in this world. In terms of status and value, it is still above the Lichen Sect’s “Tianfu Xuanwei Tongzhen Nine Degrees Sutra”. Such a Sutra of Swords cannot be missed no matter what. Moreover, according to common sense, the “end” of the road should be the most likely way out, right?


Yu Ci kept moving forward along the cloud path. In fact, it was going upwards. The terrain was getting higher and higher. Occasionally, he looked back and saw the branches stretching out and the looming buildings in the long clouds. Some are simple, some are gorgeous, some are majestic, some are weird, the styles are completely different. Counting them, there are exactly seventeen things that are right.

Seventeen corresponds to the seventeen sword immortals trapped in the land of eternal destruction.

Further up, the clouds are even thicker, with large swaths of clouds coiled and flowing down, really similar to the crown of a tree, and covering an area of ​​more than fifteen acres, it is very spectacular.

“The Feixian Sword Sutra is inside?”

Looking at the lingering clouds, Yu Ci did not go in hastily. He thought of the wonderful illusion in front of Haodian’s former residence, and at the same time, he also thought of the dangers that Xuanhuang had mentioned to him more than once about the dangers of coming into contact with the Feixian Sword Sutra before his cultivation level was low.

In the end, he decided that it would be better to use his soul to explore the way.

Close to the periphery of the cloud, a ray of spiritual consciousness penetrated, like a cat’s tentacles, swaying inside. Gradually, we went ten feet, twenty feet deep, and almost reached the center of the “canopy”. We still found nothing, and there was no danger.


Yu Cizheng was thinking about it, when the feeling there suddenly changed. The speed was so fast that he didn’t even have a chance to react, or even have time to sense it. The overwhelming power had already exploded in his brain. He was confused, and his body flew backwards like a cloud and mist, flying along the path. I just walked up the cloud path and fell down all the way. I didn’t know what was going on in mid-air.


“This is the famous evil magic sword Five Poison Edges from before the Five Tribulations!”

“Sacrifice and refine the ring of fire clouds in the tenth heaven…”

“My dear, that’s a house made of wood without wheels. If it’s made into a magic weapon, it’s worth a sky-high price!”

“Go away, whoever dares to seize this Lei Ze Sword will be my enemy!”

“I will destroy you all!”

“Mine, mine, all mine!”

The noisy waves gathered, intertwined, and spread, and scenes flashed and distorted under the endless starry sky.

There is nothing wrong with Guixu being vast, but there is a limit after all. When thousands of monks broke through the collapsed three-layer talisman and swarmed in, the situation was completely chaotic. This is still the result of more than half of the people being trapped in the outer void interlayer, but as time goes by, more and more people will escape, and the situation inside the ruins will become worse and worse.

In the eyes of most monks, without the three layers of talismans, the Sword Immortal Secret Realm is like a naked beauty, ready to be kneaded. Although there are many separate banning mechanisms in the secret realm of Sword Immortal, after killing many people, the monks learned to circumvent and avoid them. Some people took the opportunity to detect the clues and cracked them in one fell swoop. The harvest was enough to make everyone People are jealous.

One jealousy is enough to dye Guixu blood red.

I don’t know who made the move first. In an instant, there was murderous intent under the starry sky. At least hundreds of people were killed on the ground in the first moment of the conflict, and countless others were injured. Since then, Guixu has lost any hope of returning to normal.

“Jianyuan will be troubled from now on!” Li Hong scratched his head.

“Is there any chance for anything else to happen?” Wang Jiu sneered.

The other two, namely Hua Xifeng and Xiao Lu, were silent. In a corner of the Garden of No Life and No Death, four rising stars from Lichen finally came together after some hard work, and their strength was greatly increased, but they were not in a happy mood. The seemingly tit-for-tat answers are actually all about the same question.

Also, almost all the monks have forgotten one thing. The collapse of the three-layer talisman lifted the restrictions on the monks, but at the same time, it also liberated another force that was originally sealed in the talisman. . At this time, they had no restraints. After a period of chaos, they swarmed towards the most popular place.

The four members of the Lichen Sect are now barely onlookers, so much so that Li Hong even gloated: “Look, those shadows have entered the scene!”


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