Ask the Mirror Chapter 323: Waiting for the Rabbit

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The first reaction of the awakened Xinggui Sword Domain was to lock the sword with its will – the so-called locking means to scan the surrounding threats and lock them. Its first target is naturally the person who directly attacks it.

“Inside? Outside?”

The situation suddenly changed in an instant. Yu Ci was a little dazzled for a moment and could not see clearly whether the person who came was inside or outside the sword area, but the result made no difference. That area was swept away by the sword’s intent in an instant, and no one, no matter the one who took action or the “innocent” one, escaped.

The master of Shenjian Cave let out a roar. It had done it perfectly, and it had indeed managed to hide it from the Star Orbit Sword Domain. However, “the demon is invisible” is just a description after all, and it cannot truly be invisible. Without quality, at least it must retain its fundamental sword intention, which is also the foundation of its enlightenment. At this time, it was this ray of sword intent that conflicted with the Star Domain Sword Domain—although they came from the same source, they were different after all.

In the past, this was the most satisfying thing for the owner of Shenjian Cave, but now, all the previous achievements have been wasted.

It wants to kill people in anger, but the person who ruins its good deeds is “a wall away” even though it is close at hand.

From invisible to visible, the leader of the Chongqi Sect stood outside the Star Rail Sword Domain. Although logically speaking, the Star Rail Sword Domain should “hate” him more, but this is a defensive ban after all. Besides strengthening the protection against him, what else can be done?

All the consequences will still be borne by the owner of Shenjian Cave.

Under the impact of the powerful sword intent, the master of Shenjian Cave finally appeared, and he faced off against the sword intent in a panic. Before the seal gathered into a real killing move, he headed towards the central area with a sharp roar. Escape. Above his head, on the sky, the stars gradually lit up, obviously still unwilling to let go.

Outside the Sword Domain, the leader of the Heavy Weapons Sect was resting and waiting for the focus of the Sword Domain’s attack to move away before he stretched out his hand to press on the invisible barrier in front.

Yu Ci was in a daze for a moment. After several contacts, seeing this person massacre the Dongyang Orthodox Cult and easily defeating him, Hua Xifeng, and Wang Jiu combined their efforts, I thought that he was the best at using power to overwhelm others. Now it seems that there is no shortage of scheming people.

At this moment, the armor around the man shook and the talisman patterns on it lit up one after another and connected into a string, seemingly forming a new talisman. At this time, Xinggui Sword Domain had already released sword energy to reject it, hitting the armor with a jingling sound.

“Using a talisman to break a sword? Isn’t that wrong!” Yu Ci squinted his eyes and took a closer look. He felt that the sword energy and the talisman patterns were in conflict with each other, not a blind collision. Inexplicably, he felt that the talisman looked familiar.

With a flash of inspiration, he took out a piece of iron and took a closer look at the fine lines on it. Wasn’t it similar to the rune pattern on the armor? He found this from Pang Ji who was blocking the road. It can resist sword energy three times a day. It is a token left by a certain senior sword cultivator. Yu Ci had never used it, but now, the lines on it were reappearing on the armor, and he could see that the lines were still changing, as if they were adapting to the actual situation of the Star Rail Sword Domain.

It is not unreasonable to say that the senior sword cultivator who passed away in the sword garden has some relationship with Qu Wujie, and that the ban on the sword garden and the ban in the ruins are involved. But those connections must be very insignificant, very few. If we can find a way to break through the Star Orbit Sword Domain from them, this…

“By drawing inferences from one instance and knowing ten by hearing one, it’s about people like him!”

Yu Ci was shocked and admired. He watched helplessly as the leader of the Chongqi Sect resisted the sword energy and slowly walked into the confinement. He didn’t know what to say for a moment.

“Wow, don’t waste any more time!”

Xuanhuang, who had been numbed by repeated blows, finally thought: “They both went in, it must be dog biting dog. Taking this opportunity, let’s go to the Tianqiong Sword Pond first to make my Yuanling and the sword Combining the two bodies, controlling the three layers of talismans, and then using the power of the Star Rail Sword Domain to kill those two **** here!”

Not to mention how likely its plan is to succeed, at least its thinking has not completely collapsed. Yu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and wisely did not express any objection. He followed its request, came out of his hiding place, and put his hand on the invisible barrier of the Star Rail Sword Domain.

What Yu Ci is doing now is different from the previous two. Whether it is the owner of the Sinking Sword Cave or the leader of the Heavy Weapons Sect, all they have to do is “cheat”. They just want to hide from the induction of the Star Orbit Sword Domain. Everything will be fine if they enter the central area, but they still have to be restricted inside. If you let go of your breath and fight inside, you won’t get any good results. With Xuanhuang’s help, Yu Ci wanted Xinggui Sword Realm to recognize his aura and be completely open to him. The comings and goings were completely different.

Of course, this also requires that Yu Ci’s sword intention cannot differ too much from Qu Wujie’s preset conditions. Therefore, under Xuan Huang’s guidance, he improvised and imitated the so-called “Shangzhen Jiuxiao” sword intention.

Yu Ci’s keen sense of the sword’s intention impressed Xuanhuang, but this was what he revealed: “Fortunately, I have been able to get started with Shangzhen Jiuxiao with the Sword of Infinite Sword. Your half-mountain mirage seems to have some knowledge of the Flying Immortal Sword Sutra. It’s not too difficult to change the shadow… Don’t be distracted, I worked hard to make it!”

It has gradually regained its vitality, and Yu Ci left it alone. After three falls and two falls, the connection between the swords was established. The Star Rail Sword Domain became familiar with Yu Ci’s aura and spontaneously made fine adjustments. Its mystery is really unimaginable. This was set up thousands of years ago. means.

“Soon, soon…”

Seeing that success was imminent, Xuanhuang’s thoughts became more and more excited, while Yu Ci remained calm. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he took the time to familiarize himself with the operation of the Star Orbit Sword Domain. After a while inside, he wanted to deal with the two monsters. Without the help of this thing, he would just die.

After a few more breaths, Yu Ci could already try to stretch in half of his arm, but it was just a little suffocating. When he flexed his fingers, there was a sudden jolt at his tailbone.

Yu Ci’s sense of crisis was already quite good, but the speed at which the crisis was approaching was beyond his imagination. The blade of the sword was cold and passed by silently. Before it penetrated the body, it was invisible and shadowless. If it weren’t for the natural movement of Yu Ci’s life and death talisman, the energy flow would be reversed in an instant; The iron piece that resisted the attack of the sword energy remained on his body, and he was already dead at this moment.

His body twisted suddenly, like a spiritual snake, and the invisible sword behind him opened a deep slit on the back of his shoulder, and blood surged wildly. At the same time, the Star Rail Sword Domain was hit hard. Although it could not break through the defense, the force of the counterattack broke away the sword connection between Yu Ci and the Star Rail Sword Domain. Xuanhuang’s earlier efforts were ruined. In other words, Yu Ci’s arm that reached in was almost crushed by the Xinggui Sword Domain that “turned against him”.

It was only then that a cold sneer came into my ears: “Fellow Daoist Yu, where are you going?”

“Bucuo… Panhuang’s Three Swords!”

Xuanhuang roared angrily in his heart, but Yu Ci remained silent. At the critical moment, he pulled out the cracked arm, and then swept it back, the blood flow was catalyzed into blood mist, and the sword intent of the Mid-level Mirage used it as a medium to spurt out, turning into a layer of blood in mid-air. Light.

The color of Bu Cuo who was about to rush forward changed when he saw it, and his fat body jumped into the air with a whoosh, staying at a height of seven or eight feet. Xiao Bo and Chen Guang were separated on both sides. The three of them formed a triangle, and their Qi machines immediately connected to form a triangle. net. Bu Cuo’s huddled features revealed a smile again, and he looked down from a high position.

“As expected by the Patriarch, Fellow Daoist Yu must have merged with the Xuanhuang Sword Spirit, otherwise the entry and exit would not be so smooth. Where is Lord Xuanhuang? Can you come out and see him?”

“Kill them, kill them!”

Being respectfully called “Sir”, Xuanhuang didn’t have any consciousness at all, he just screamed in the void in his heart.

The corners of Yu Ci’s lips moved. The two external injuries on his arms and shoulders were serious, and the internal injuries he suffered in Wuyingtian also showed signs of recurrence, but he had nothing to say. Obviously, Shen Jianku The master guessed his purpose and ordered Panhuang Sanjian to wait here, but he didn’t notice it. It was obviously a wrong move, and he admitted it!

However, it is impossible to let him suffer death.

He glanced at the three people. In terms of cultivation level, after forming the true seed talisman, he was only one step behind these three people who were still at the beginning of elixir. But it really had to be a one-to-one comparison. Sword, he has the confidence to win the battle. Unfortunately, there is no need to count on this situation. Panhuang’s three swordsmen are famous for their combined attack skills. Even when killing dogs and chickens, the three of them came together.

Born out of the “Yin-Yang Pan” created by Qu Wujie, it is a powerful sword formation that can overwhelm the upper-level Huandan monks. Not to mention other methods that the three of them must have used to hide something.

“If you want to win the battle, you must know yourself and the enemy, that is… reveal their trump card!”

Thinking of this sleep, Yu Ci gritted his teeth and smiled, his whole body jerked backwards, and hit the invisible barrier of the Star Rail Sword Domain.

The sword energy bursts out!


I’m speechless. Fortunately, I’m almost done.


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