Ask the Mirror Chapter 321: Awesome

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Since escaping from the Shuangxian Sect, Yu Ci has never had the experience of being carried away by the collar. For a moment, she forgot about the humiliation and became stupid. The fingers on the back of the neck are wrapped in metal, which is cold and penetrates directly into the bone marrow. It has the power to freeze other people’s thoughts. By the time he came to his senses, he was already ten miles away, and all he could see was the deep and silent starry sky. He couldn’t distinguish the four directions of heaven and earth, and now he was even more confused.

In the void in his heart, Xuanhuang didn’t know why, and his shouts became quieter. He just announced the names of places in succession: “Zhengxin Hall, Xijian Lake, Tianxing Hall…”

This is exactly where Yu Ci passed by. Slowly, Xuanhuang’s thoughts revealed a serious meaning: “Jiejian Pavilion, Tianlun Dharma Hall, and the Garden of No Life and No Death! Why is he so familiar with them?”

“Can you explain it more clearly!”

Yu Ci has never suffered such a shame and humiliation in more than ten years. When he came back to his senses, he was angered by a series of place names. He finally couldn’t help but roar loudly in the void in his heart. Affected by it, the entire void shook. When he got up, the talisman of life and death flickered and disappeared, and even the surrounding magical powers were twisting and turning, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

Seeing this situation, Yu Ci’s heart became clear and stern. The emptiness in the heart is a direct reflection of the physical, spiritual and physical phenomena. Such turmoil is obviously not a good thing. He calmed down and felt a shock, as if he had been washed with ice water, and his mind suddenly became much clearer.

“Can you find out the origin of this person?”

Being able to ask this question proves that Yu Ci has completely regained his composure. Xuanhuang did not answer directly, but gave him a warning: “This person went all the way to the center of Guixu, and many of the nearby restrictions did not work.”

“Could it be the shadow of another sword immortal?”

“A traitor is an accident, and another one, do you really think Lord Wujie is a fool?” Xuanhuang replied angrily, and then emphasized: “This person is powerful, be careful, be careful, be careful again… …”

While speaking, Yu Ci’s body shook violently and he was thrown to the ground. He reacted quickly and got up from the ground. He instinctively put up a defensive posture. However, on the opposite side, the leader of the Chongqi Sect did not react at all. , just looking up at the starry night sky.

Here, it is no longer the fragmented appearance of the periphery. There are everything you need in the garden and palaces, and here, Yu Ci finally found the feeling of heaven and earth, and because the boundary is the endless starry sky, if you open your eyes, the entire area is like a piece of dust floating in the starry sky, vast and mysterious, More vivid and lively.

In the void in his heart, Xuanhuang reported the situation here:

“It’s the edge of the Garden of No Life and No Death. Beyond here is the central area of ​​Guixu. Master Wujie sleeps here, and Master Yuandao…”

Xuanhuang’s thoughts were sad, but he quickly picked up his energy and said: “The restriction here is not a talisman or a formation, but the ‘Star Rail Sword Domain’ set up by Master Wujie himself. It is purely restricted by the sword’s will. There is no With his permission, anyone who wants to enter will have to collide head-on with Lord Wujie’s sword… This person also knows the opportunity and will hit him if he takes ten steps forward!”

The implication is that the leader of the Chongqi Sect cannot survive.

What he said may be right. The leader of the Chongqi Sect did not move forward anymore. After observing for a moment, he turned around and spoke to Yu Ci:

“Help me.”

You’re not going to ask me to hit the Star Orbit Sword Domain, right? Yu Ci raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something. When he turned around and thought about it, he felt that he was too careless about life and death, so he used his childhood skills and smiled on his face: “I dare to ask the sect master, how do you want a defeated general of mine to stand out?” Meaning?”

“You won’t die.” The leader of the Chongqi Sect saw through his thoughts, but his response was really speechless.

Yu Ci’s lips twitched: Is life worse than death?

The response from the leader of the Chongqi Sect was still plain: “I owed something to the Lichen Sect in the early years, not to mention that I have already attacked you three times… I will not do it again.”

Obsess the Lichen Sect? This person really has a loud tone, but there is indeed a sense of truth in his words. Yu Ci couldn’t help but think, if I stab you with a sword now, what will happen to you? No matter what, when the person in front of him expressed his attitude, Yu Ci relaxed a little, and even after having a conversation with Xuan Huang, he took the initiative to ask: “May I ask how the sect master got here?”

The leader of the Chongqi Sect just looked at him, and was a little surprised why he asked such stupid things: “Of course he walked in!”

Yu Ci choked heavily. He found that this person had a very unusual way of thinking. He had no choice but to ask more bluntly: “The ban here…”

The other party finally understood and said: “It’s rigid and rigid, with no organic change. What’s the problem?”


Yu Ci couldn’t answer anymore, but Xuanhuang was annoyed in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: “Promise, promise! In Guixu, watch me play him to death!”

Yu Ci automatically ignored these words, and just maintained a distant but polite attitude, with a little bit of awe. In short, it was very suitable for the situation at hand, and returned to the previous question: “What is the matter with the master?”

“You know the art of distance viewing.”

Yu Ci was stunned for a moment, then responded: “Serving living beings and entrusting spiritual consciousness is nothing more than a small skill.”

The leader of the Chongqi Sect didn’t say anything, but just looked at him. Yu Ci suddenly felt cold all over his body. The secret deep in his heart seemed to have been lifted, and there was no cover at all. He knew that this was an illusion, that the other party used powerful divine power to blast away his inner defenses, which was the same method as the Ten Directions Ultimate Prison Method to Shake Ghosts and Gods.

So, he pushed the life and death talisman with all his strength, incited the energy of Tianlong’s true form, and resisted it. However, the leader of the Chongqi Sect accepted this magical power and said calmly: “I want you to do it. Check the void cracks here and point out all the corridors leading to the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion.”

Void rift… Blood Hell Ghost Mansion!

Yu Ci and Xuanhuang were confused for a moment. What is this and what? The other party’s answer is like someone who asked about “feathering” before and then pointed out a goose later!

But based on these words, Yu Ci and Xuan Huang knew that this person must know some details.


Yu Ci wanted to ask again, but as soon as he started talking, the other person’s empty eyes swept across his face, and an invisible force hit his heart, making him almost breathless. This made Yu Ci understand that the unpredictable and profound person in front of him actually didn’t like to talk. He led the other party to talk so much, and he was already bored!

It was impossible to think about it right and left, so Yu Ci could only try his best to break free from the Wuli fog. However, at this time, another fatal question came to mind

Does he really know my details?

The existence of the Illuminating Bronze Mirror is his biggest secret, especially in the Sword Garden. After it was discovered by the Dongyang Orthodox monks and the “Infinite Void Divine Illuminating Code” was derived from it, Yu Ci became much more cautious than before. . At this time, even Xuanhuang, who had trespassed into the inner void without authorization and had no conflict of interest with him, knew little about it. This person could be said to be the first official meeting of Fang today. How could he know so clearly?

Maybe it was before the Dongyang Orthodox monks were massacred…

At this time, the leader of the Chongqi Sect stretched out his hand, and the five fingers wrapped in metal moved flexibly, releasing energy and drawing a series of images on the ground. Yu Ci took a closer look, and with Xuanhuang’s suggestion, she realized that the image was actually a simplified topographic map of Guixu that they had just passed.

Looking at these image circles, Yu Ci was fine, but Xuanhuang’s mind was trembling.

Several circles, each one is stuck at the junction of several layers of bans, clearly divided into inner and outer levels. To be honest, the idea is a bit clearer than Xuanhuang, who has not been here for five thousand miles.

Next, the other party indeed proved that he was more moral than Xuanhuang. In just a few words, he pointed out more than a dozen very powerful forbidden arrangements within a five-mile radius, asking Yu Ci to pay attention. It is also clearly stated how many void fissures are nearby, how they are distributed, and which ones should be focused on reconnaissance.

This time, even Yu Ci was shocked: I have to continue to observe how the person in front of me behaves, but I can only judge it with my eyesight. It is really the only one I have seen in my life.

“If you encounter any treasures during this period, you can take them yourself, just don’t miss the business.”

Uh, are you asking him to do whatever he wants? So generous! Yu Ci visually measured the distance and found that this area and the location between him, Huaxi Peak, and Wang Jiu were about ten miles away…

Looking at the opponent’s face again, Yu Ci stopped talking nonsense, said “I’ll do my best”, and walked away until he was dozens of feet away, but the man didn’t say anything. Instead, he turned back and continued to observe the layout of the “Star Track Sword Domain”. It was obvious that his next target was the center of Guixu.


Yu Ci muttered, but he would never do stupid things just because this person was “generous”. After all, just looking at the Divine Bronze Mirror would have blocked his vitals. That person did say that he would not harm him, but as long as he leaked this matter to the Dongyang Orthodox Church, would he still have a way to survive in the future?

About a thousand feet away, Yu Ci stopped. God’s will penetrated into the Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror, and he decided to “obey” temporarily to see what the person’s plan was. After confirming the positions of several void cracks, the divine starlight immediately burst out without any hindrance, traveling to the other side of the cracks to search for living beings.

But in this way, you will definitely not be able to hide the emptiness in your heart. Xuanhuang exclaimed: “So you have something like this!”

“You know?”

“Of course I know about the Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror, one of the five major sacrificial vessels of the Yuanshi Demon Sect. But isn’t this thing placed as a decoration in the Heavenly Demon Palace all year round? How did it fall into your hands?”

“God knows.”

Yu Ci dealt with it with one sentence. In fact, he really wanted to ask for specific information about the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, but at this time, a large amount of information had been transmitted back from the opposite side of the void rift. In terms of the chance of life appearing after the rift, it was far greater than There are many more in the garden under the first layer of talismans.

“The cracks opened here have been carefully calculated by Master Wujie. Although they are only slightly different, the space behind them is much more valuable… Hey, now is a good opportunity. ! ”

Xuanhuang unconsciously made the vibration of his mind more obscure, showing full fear.


Yu Ci’s mind was almost bursting with the confusing information, so she just asked casually.

Xuanhuang let out a laugh: “Didn’t you see? The Garden of No Life and No Death is the only way to enter the center of Guixu. The thief will definitely come too… In addition, the Sky Sword Pond is far away from here. Not far away! ”


Before 8:30, it can be considered around 8 o’clock… There is no doubt that it is sophistry, and I beg for a red ticket to hit my head!


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