Ask the Mirror Chapter 305: Breaking the void

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Uh, 12 o’clock or 2 o’clock, I was wrong anyway, I hid my face and ran away…

****************The shameful dividing line****************

When the cold air is swirling in the void, it is the time when the Chongqi Sect has its intention.

As the second most important person in the Chongqi Sect in the Sword Garden, Elder Ma is the mouthpiece to the outside world. With the remaining power of the nine people coming from across the sky, he shouted:

“As the sect master…”

The word “ming” at the end suddenly became mute. The cold air passing through the heart would not have any impact on people in theory, but at that moment, there seemed to be a fault in people’s whole body functions, and their hearts felt like I missed a beat, and I couldn’t breathe out inexplicably.

I couldn’t say it in one sentence, and my momentum was immediately frustrated. Everyone in the garden was at the level of returning elixirs, so they naturally felt it.


Elder Ma was shocked. He used to be a casual cultivator. Although he had a variety of experiences, his horizons were not very wide. However, since joining the Chongqi Sect, he has seen many incredible methods of the master of the sect. His horizons have naturally opened up, and he can respond accordingly. Yes, I am very wary of some inexplicable things, and this is also the case at this time.

But soon, Yu Ci closed his eyes again and took a moment. When he opened them again, although his eyes were sharp, they no longer had the chill that penetrated the heart just now. He slowly stood up and looked around, his expression was very calm.

At this time, everyone could see that this person’s cultivation level was only at the elementary level of Huandan. Among the people, he was ranked at the bottom. The soul-stirring chill just now seemed to be just an illusion and could not be seen at all.

However, Wen Shifei and others still moved slightly to keep a distance from him.

Elder Ma asked, “Is this person a good-natured person? I don’t know his surname?”

“This is Fellow Taoist Yu Ciyu from Banshan Island…”

Dishe was the first to speak out. He had not been able to do anything before and had just been shocked again. Just when he was angry, he wanted to skin him again and brought out the secrets of Banshan and Rakshasa. But just halfway through, Di Tianluo’s cold eyes pierced his face and sealed the second half.

“Banshan Island? It is indeed a high-level sword cultivator…”

Elder Ma took a deep breath inside the armor. If this was really the case, he would no longer be afraid. His eyes swept over the forest of spears, and he drew absolute confidence from them. Not to mention, they had an absolute advantage in numbers: “According to the order of the sect master, the secret realm has been occupied by my Heavy Weapon Sect. Within an hour, , Anyone who lingers again will be killed without mercy!”

As if in harmony with his words, as soon as the words “no forgiveness” came out, there was a roar above the head, and the entire secret realm trembled slightly. The monks who are already familiar with the structure of the three-layer sigil can feel that in the deeper space, two powerful figures are fighting fiercely, which triggers the complete suppression of the sigil.

That is not a level they can reach, but the current situation is really annoying.

Di She was the first to jump out and sneered: “How dare you take a small important weapon door?”

Elder Ma, however, remained calm and said with a smile: “Outside, the Heavy Weapon Sect is nothing, but in the Sword Garden, in the secret realm, the nine of us still have such confidence.”

After that, he waved his hand casually. Among the spears, there were several spears shining brightly. The runes on them were flowing with light. They were not inferior to the ones that emitted a fierce light in the garden before. Thinking about it, it almost tore apart. The powerful evil spirit that split the void made everyone from Wen Jiefei to Xiang Nu feel chills in their hearts.

The most regrettable thing is that because of Tie Lan and Yu Ci, the small group of five people has long since fallen apart. Even if they work together on the surface, they may not be able to show off. No matter how talented Ren Wen Shifei and others are, facing this situation, apart from the word “annoyed”, they can only come up with one more…

“Let’s go!”

A sudden shout rang in everyone’s ears. This shout could be said to be realistic, and it was stuck at the point of convergence of the two parties’ thinking. At that moment, there was a bang, Wen Shifei let out a low whistle, and his entire figure shrank nearly ten times in an instant. It has even lost its human form, with only a black light flying through the sky. On both sides of it, Di Tianluo and Di She turned into a twisted light, seizing the moment when the black light broke through the sky, emblazoned on The weight on it seems to have completely disappeared, without affecting the speed of the black light flying at all.

With another thunder, the black light and two rays of light disappeared out of thin air. A little later, the guns stuck on the ground began to vibrate, and then Elder Ma waved his hand to stop:

“Uleisuo, a man-machine combination, supplemented by the repulsive force of the aurora’s magnetism, is indeed capable of penetrating the void safely. Forget it, I won’t be able to find their location for a while… Besides, in return, The alchemy cultivation level is strong enough to penetrate the void, and I’m afraid it won’t be comfortable.”

Elder Ma knew that this was probably the opponent’s ability to get out of the situation. In this case, there was absolutely no way that there would be no follow-up plan. What’s more, the power of the Demon Sect in the North has not been reduced because of the fragmentation of the Yuanshi Demon Sect. Even if he wears heavy armor to hide his true face, he can leave the Sect after this incident and does not want to cause more trouble. .

As for the other two… Elder Ma said hey, so what if they ran to the end of the garden? No matter how far you run, without the ability to travel through the void, it is still in vain!

The young man seemed a little weird. Just as he was hesitating whether to test it again, someone spoke through the sound transmission array inside the helmet.


Elder Ma turned his head in shock. The person speaking to him was the female cultivator on the other side wearing light armor and a thunder mask. This person’s cultivation is not top-notch among the disciples, but he studies talismans well and can speak in front of the sect leader. His status is very special. He couldn’t help but believe what he said. His eyes immediately turned cold and he ordered:



“What’s wrong with you?”

Xiang Nu withdrew the escaping light, freeing the two of them from their ethereal and unreal state. The twisted void around them was like an open monster’s mouth, capable of swallowing the two of them up at any time. There was one next to Yu Ci, but he didn’t seem to notice it. There was obviously a larger open space on one side, but he stood on the edge of the danger without moving.

It was the same before. The word “go” scared Wen Shifei and others away, but she didn’t make any move. If she hadn’t reacted in time and brought him out, this guy might have been strangled by Zhongqi Sect. Among the guns.

Yu Ci replied lightly: “My eyes don’t work well.”


At this time, Elder Ma shouted an order, and the nine armored monks each picked up their throwing spears from the ground, formed a semicircle, and slowly came forward. Behind Elder Ma’s helmet, his eyes were shining brightly, and he shouted:

“Friends of Banshan Island, stop trying to crack the talisman. If you don’t stop, don’t blame my men for being ruthless!”

“If you can stop it for me, I’d be very grateful.”

Yu Ci replied lazily, then whispered to Xiangnu: “Come here and ask you something.”

Xiang Nu was confused by what she heard, and moved closer to that side unconsciously. Just listen to Yu Ci say: “By the way, let me ask you something, what is the dispute between Fairy Ye Bin of Banshan Island and your sect?”


After holding back for a long time without saying anything, the heavy weapon door over there was already filled with murderous intent. However, knowing that Yu Ci was by no means the kind of person who did not care about life and death, Xiangnu put her mind at ease and secretly activated the trump card she had prepared long ago, and responded lightly:

“Don’t you know that the **** of our religion has a female body but loves women?”

This kind of thing is not shameful in Rakshasa Cult. On the contrary, it is something that should be talked about among the sect members. Although the subject is talking about the secrets of the Lord of God, everyone knows that the Lord of God never cares about such incidents. On the contrary, he is always in high spirits. A few bragging words may be more effective than reciting a few prayers.

Sure enough, when talking about this matter, the thread that had just been connected to the outside of the endless void immediately solidified a lot. The great existence sensed the stimulation here and stared at it.

Yu Ci was really stunned for a moment, then blurted out:


Xiangnu’s lips were cold. She didn’t know why she especially liked seeing his reaction like this. She was about to say something more when a strong force came from her chest. She was caught off guard and leaned back. Originally, this was nothing, but what happened behind her was Something unexpected happened. A small crack in the void was suddenly torn open by a huge force. The turbulence caused by the turmoil in the void swept her away and swept her in.

The female cultivator was horrified: “Why did he suddenly attack…”

Before she could stop thinking, she was already swallowed up by the surging turbulence. The originally clear “connection” was instantly cut off due to the space transformation. For a while, she could only draw energy to protect her body with all her strength, and could not care about anything else. .

The world was spinning for a while, until there was a “bang” in her ears and her shoulder hit the solid cliff, she let out a groan of pain. She also reacts quickly and knows the taboos in unfamiliar environments. She is trying her best to use her will at the moment, and she must first grasp the information about the surrounding environment.

But soon, she was startled. This place was not unfamiliar, but too familiar. There is a corpse with a crushed head at his feet. There are deep sword marks on the surrounding cliffs. That’s all. But at the end of the cave, the dazzling golden light shines. Anyone who has been here is very interested. Hard to forget.

“Innate Gengjin Qi…Shenjian Cave?”

Just when it was unexpected, a loud roar suddenly rose from the golden light: “Despicable villain, you can’t trap us after all!”

Then the light dispersed, and several figures rushed out one after another, and happened to make eye contact with Xiang Nu in the cave. Both parties were stunned.

“Rakshasa witch?”

“Banshan Ye Ming?”

Xiang Nu groaned in her heart, turned around and left without saying a word: “Hello, Yu Ci!”


Yu Ci couldn’t care less about Xiang Nu’s thoughts for the time being. After all, he sent the female cultivator away from danger, which was considered as repaying the favor of protecting him before.

Of course, it is also good to temporarily solve an unpredictable trouble.

Yu Ci said it was not a lie when he said his eyes were hard to use. Of course, it can’t be said that he can’t see, but even though he opened his eyes, his eyes were empty, with only endless fractals of runes flowing in front of his eyes.

But his senses were even more acute. He could feel that because of his actions, the murderous intent on the other side of the Heavy Weapon Gate surged, and those people finally threw their spears regardless of everything.

In fact, it is not impossible for Yu Ci to really throw himself into the newly opened void rift. But on the one hand, the new evil guest from the void in his heart hates this choice. The simple but strong thought has always been beating in his heart; on the other hand, Yu Ci needs to seal his mouth with facts:

“Take a look and see who is right and who is wrong!”

He did not dodge or evade, and slashed with his bare hands. The talisman patterns in the sky in front of him fell apart. There was only a cold light that pierced the flesh and bones, pointing to the sky and scratching the ground, and a chirping sound spread out.

The moment he saw the cold light, Elder Ma narrowed his eyes unconsciously, but then, the **** light that hit his face completely blurred this line of sight.


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