Ask the Mirror Chapter 304: Open your eyes

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Dishe’s doubts are the doubts of everyone present. After these years of understanding, Wen Shifei and others all understood that most of the secrets of the secret realm were tied to the three inner and outer talismans.

This talisman looks like a restriction, but it is also a division of space. Every time a layer of sigil is broken, it is equivalent to going deeper into the secret realm. If the third layer of sigil is broken, you will stand in the center of the secret realm. . Of course, if we could go one step further and control all three layers of talismans, theoretically this secret realm would have to change its owner.

The person who turned into a rainbow was really extraordinary in his actions, and his actions were even more straightforward. He grabbed the talisman on the first and second floors and was attracted by the owner of the Sinking Sword Cave. When they influenced each other, they actually took advantage of the chaos and defeated this in one fell swoop. Two layers of obstacles, reaching the place closest to the core of the secret realm.

In addition to being bold and careful, this hand also needs to have extremely profound knowledge of talismans. In order to be able to escape the suppression of talismans and walk in danger in just a few seconds, it only talks about talismans and writing style. The talents selected by the master of Shenjian Cave who are skilled in swordsmanship and talisman are probably not as good as a finger.

The silence in the garden continues, but in fact, people are now waiting for the response of the owner of Shenjian Cave. At this moment, facing an opponent who has broken through two layers of sigils, Wen Shifei and others’ role has been infinitely close to nothing. Only a “big man” like the master of Shenjian Cave, who can trigger the power of sigils at any time, can compete with them. Get right with that person.

Finally, they heard a sneer: “He is seeking death!”

“Seeking death?”

“I have neither cracked nor controlled the talisman, so I just rush in and rush for quick success. When the time comes to attack from both inside and outside, even the best Earth Immortal will be in a state of embarrassment. I have done such stupid things in the past. Now he is just repeating this path!”

The tone of the master of Shenjian Cave was full of confidence, but Wen Shifei said calmly: “The master of the cave also got the order to kill thunder and prevent calamity, didn’t he? Who knows what opportunities that person has? ?”

The garden suddenly fell into silence again. The next moment, amid the ugly faces of Wen Shifei and others, the master of Shenjian Cave reappeared, laughing and saying: “I am here, I want to take advantage of the opportunity. How can it be so easy? ”


Wen Shifei and the others cursed, and without caring about anything, they flew in all directions to avoid the impact of the secret realm. Tie Lan brought an extra Yu Ci with him, and his reaction was earlier than theirs.

As expected, the power of the first two layers of talismans that had not yet fully settled immediately began to react. The sharp eye in the void stared again and instantly locked the position of the owner of the Sinking Sword Cave. But before the sword energy burst out, the target it locked onto He has exhaled and spoken, and his figure has become three-dimensionally solid again. There are countless pale lights appearing and extinguishing outside his body. Looking closely, every flickering place in the light is filled with distorted shadows of heads and faces, densely packed. Touching each other, they howled silently. The temperature in the garden dropped sharply, and the cold wind blew up, seeping into the clothes and robes, making the cold feel even more intense, penetrating into the heart.

In the eyes of those who are interested, the owner of Shenjian Cave is suddenly exposed.

Di Tianluo said softly: “What a heavy resentment…”

“Even monks who specialize in ghost ways would not dare to contain this level of resentment in their bodies.”

The smile on Wen Shifei’s face twitched, and he didn’t know whether he was happy or angry: “This person is not a living being!”

Corresponding to the words, the master of Shenjian Cave suddenly released his breath, and broke through the two layers of talismans without restraint, but did not stop, and hit the third layer again!

Everyone’s ears felt stuffy, and the surging air waves pressed against the eardrums, making a buzzing sound. Then there was a thunderbolt that broke through the obstruction of the air waves. The garden was shaken, the dark sky was torn apart, and the thick electric light was whipped down like the whip of the gods.

At the moment when the lightning flashed, everyone in the garden trembled. This had nothing to do with courage, but an instinctive reaction deep in the soul.

“Three layers of talismans work together…waiting like a tribulation thunder?”

Wen Shifei originally lay on the ground, so he lowered his body even lower. Tribulation thunder usually has a clear purpose, but being so close, no one can guarantee that the huge calamity force of heaven and earth will not bring them in!

The next moment, dazzling light waves swept across the garden, and everyone ignored the observation. They all behaved like ostriches, lowering their heads and shrinking their shoulders, and using all their body protection, just to withstand this wave of impact.

The master of Shenjian Cave burst into laughter, then disappeared amid the rolling thunder.

After a long time, Wen Shifei raised his head and saw a piece of white land in front of him. The garden had been completely destroyed. The center of the confrontation between Jie Lei and the owner of Shenjian Cave was even more in shambles. The original height was in a mess. The ruins of Gao’s Sitong Pavilion were completely wiped out. There were scorch marks left by the calamity thunder everywhere, as well as deep cracks cut by the sword energy.

“Are they all alive?”

Wen Shifei called out and wanted to go there first. After a while, Di Tianluo, Di She, and Xiang Nu all gathered together. They looked at the same place for a long time, and they made eye contact again, and then they all turned their gazes to On the other side, Yu Ci was sitting cross-legged on the ground, still in trance. His level of complete devotion left people speechless.

In this case, he was able to avoid the impact of the tribulation thunder. The reason was the ghost shadow that flickered and disappeared in front of him.

When the master of Shenjian Cave detonated the three-layer talisman to counterattack, it was Tielan who took Yu Ci away, and then stood in front of him when the thunderstorm was raging. If it were anything else, that would be fine. The power of the thunderbolt was born to kill all ghosts and ghosts. No matter how advanced Tielan’s cultivation was, he could not withstand it. At this time, most of the ghost body was evaporated, and he could not move for a moment. Only the dim light in his eyes could be seen. The red light was still flickering slightly.

“What a sword ghost, with a heroic spirit!”

Wen Shifei sighed in admiration, and then said: “It’s not good to hold on like this anymore. It’s best to put it away and warm it up for a while… Is the cave master here?”

He raised his voice and called out, but there was no response from the white garden. Several people released their senses at the same time and checked carefully, but there was still no response, and they exchanged glances again. Finally, Fang Youwen said nonchalantly: “Time is urgent, and the matter is urgent. Please rest here for a while.” ”

As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle engraved with a picture of a hundred ghosts walking at night, opened the cork, and pointed at the ghost. Just as he was about to recite the magic formula, Di She next to him suddenly sneered:

“That ‘Iron Soul Returning Pearl’ is really good.”

Wen Shifei kept his face straight and said with a smile: “That is the basis for people to gather spirits, so it is naturally a rare treasure. This is also the proper meaning.”

As expected, no one present is a fuel-efficient lamp. After Iron Lan was severely injured, everyone saw that its foundation was all on the Iron Soul Resurrection Bead hidden in the ghost’s body. It seems that it can grow from an ordinary sword ghost to this point because of this bead. The reason.

This bead is not worth much in the hands of people who don’t know how to do it. However, in the eyes of the monks of the Demon Sect, it is really an excellent product that can unite souls and become a puppet. When used properly, it is no different from One more life. The Emperor’s house just couldn’t let go, so he just said:

“Since you have a kind heart in killing the King of Killing, you might as well pity Junior Brother Xiao on our side. He has just become a blood shadow and is about to gather spirits with different treasures. This bead…”

Just as he was talking, Di Tianluo glanced at him coldly, and Di She immediately fell silent and stopped talking.

Wen Shifei smiled slightly and secretly thought that it was no wonder that the late disciples of the Light Demon Sect, headed by Di Tianluo, didn’t talk about her abilities, but just looked at Di She’s mind and structure, and they all understood. It is true that the Red Soul Resurrection Pearl is a treasure, but in this situation where the future is uncertain, because this thing ruins the fragile tacit understanding, and is eager to break up the gang, this person is cunning and wise, and does not have much future.

However, at this time, Di She was under the control of Di Tianluo and did not dare to cause trouble again. Although his face was not good-looking, he still turned his head and tried to stay out of sight.

Wen Shifei nodded towards Emperor Tianluo and glanced at Xiangnu again. Seeing that this already extremely weak female cultivator did not overestimate her capabilities, he smiled with satisfaction and flattened the mouth of the bottle. Sure enough, there was no one there this time. After stopping him, a suction force came out from the mouth of the porcelain bottle, covering the iron railing, turning him into a black and red light bead, sucking him in. The beads landed on the bottom of the bottle and made a crisp sound.

Wen Shifei shook the bottle, then put it away with a smile. At this time, there was no obstacle between them and Yu Ci, and people’s eyes naturally focused on it.

“Hey, this kid…”

Di She smiled very happily. This time no one stopped him. Even Di Tianluo just said “leave him alive for now”, that’s all. Di She responded casually, and just as he was about to step forward, he felt a chill in the back of his head.

He was slightly startled and then turned around, staring at the female cultivator covered in black robes with the others, and said solemnly: “What do you want?”

Xiang Nu responded calmly: “It’s not your turn yet.”

“Oh? Are you coming then?” Dishe used a mocking tone, but his suppression of Xiangnu did not diminish at all.

Covered by a burqa, Xiang Nu’s reaction was not visible, but her energy became increasingly elusive and unpredictable. The illusions taught by Rakshasa are best at using virtual reality to counteract more, so even though Wen Shifei and others have the advantage in numbers, they are not careless. It’s just strange that these two people usually don’t look too deeply at each other. Come and go, why are you going crazy again now?

Of course, they will never understand someone’s feeling of being depressed to the point of vomiting blood.

Seeing that a meaningless battle was about to take place, a sharp sound broke through the air. Before the monks could react, more than a dozen spears fell from the sky, forming a forest of spears, trapping people in them.

Looking back in shock, he saw nine armored monks forming a circle in the void of the garden. The armor talismans on their bodies were intertwined, turning into an extremely magnificent wall of light, surrounding them, breaking through the void and falling from the sky.

Dishe was dumbfounded for a long time, and when the nine people landed, he uttered a curse word: “You **** don’t do this!”

At this point, people finally understood why these **** from the heavy weapons sect destroyed Sitong Pavilion so neatly. It turned out that they had been confident for a long time!

Wen Jiefei had a stern look on his face. He watched the nine monks coming across the sky and then dispersed, arranging them in special directions. During this period, he kept trying to make a move, but although their movements were different, they all had the same momentum. People are impeccable.

When he was having a headache, he frowned again. Not only him, but everyone felt the reaction, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes gathered.

At the center point, Yu Ci’s eyes opened.

There was a sudden silence in the garden. Somehow, when this monk who was at the beginning of Dan Huan opened his eyes, everyone felt a chill passing through their hearts. It was very light, very light, but it was impossible to miss or ignore it. .


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