Ask the Mirror Chapter 303: Break in

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Yu Ci’s choice has its own reasons: there are thousands of monks in the world, and one in a thousand can be as proficient in swordsmanship and talismans as he is, and those who use sword intention to form true talismans, You may not be able to find one among millions of people.

With this condition, when faced with similar talisman fractals, this true seed talisman has great reference value. As the saying goes, “draw inferences from one example”, if there is no “one”, where can the “three” come from?

Facts have proved that his choice was right. The structure of the Seed True Talisman is just one of the many ways for the sword to transform into a talisman. The specific arrangement of the talisman may not be applicable to the actual first-level talisman, but The principles of talisman construction will not change. Once you grasp the principles, splicing talisman fractals is just a test of your basic skills.

It only took more than an hour for Yu Ci to combine the key fractals into seven or eighty-eight. The overall structure of the rune pattern here can be seen briefly. After that, he focused his energy to confirm whether it was functioning normally. . Of course, it is impossible to actually draw the air into the emptiness in the heart to form a talisman. You only need to drive your mind and walk around in it.

This is exactly what Yu Ci did. If the fractal combination is correct, he should be able to sense the traces of the sword intention left by the senior swordsman who arranged the talisman.

The void in his heart suddenly lit up, and a streak of electric fire cut through the sky, as if someone was wielding a bright sword in the night sky. Yu Ci’s heart was lifted, and he knew that the talisman he had spliced, at least in terms of structural principles, was No problem at all.

However, it seems to be a little different from the cold feeling when the talisman is triggered?

Yu Ci activated the talisman again, leaving a mark on the void in his heart, and turned around to sense the changes in the talisman in the outside world. At this moment, his heart was shaken, and a picture suddenly flowed before his eyes.

This is not an illusion, but the flying divine starlight transmitting irritating information around the parasitic object, but the picture does not come from any of the three spaces behind the rift that he has confirmed.

Yu Ci was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this divine star should have fallen into a small crack in the void. It was initially eliminated by Yu Ci and left to fend for itself, but for some reason, it appeared again. Pass the information back.

Before he could figure out where this was, a clearer and more exciting picture was engraved in his mind.

At that moment, Yu Ci unconsciously entered the perspective of the starlight parasite, and the feeling of the other person’s body was also copied. Stiff, cold, and trembling, his skin seemed to be pricked by thousands of sharp needles, and in his eyes was a dazzling golden light that was quickly occupying his entire field of vision.

In the corner of the field of vision, dozens of sword ghosts were screaming and being catalyzed into smoke.

Sword Garden?

Almost at the same time, Yu Ci received another source of information, and this one was too familiar: the little guy!

Yu Ci suddenly understood where exactly this place was—Shenjian Cave!

For some reason, one of the void cracks in the Secret Realm of the Sword Immortal leads to the Sinking Sword Cave. Then, the parasitic target of the Divine Will Starlight should be someone who attended the banquet of the owner of the Sinking Sword Cave and survived by luck. Lucky man.

However, now his luck seems to have been exhausted – the golden light in front has expanded the limit of his field of vision, and from his perspective, there is nothing else.

“Is that…the Geng Metal Qi?” Yu Ci recognized it as the huge amount of innate Geng Metal Qi gathered in the center of the Chenjian Cave. He heard from Tie Lan that it had a name called “Sword Sacrifice Platform”, among which There is an extremely powerful sword intent, and I don’t know where it comes from.

While the thought was still lingering, a warning sign suddenly appeared, and a powerful sword intent emerged from the golden light and penetrated directly between the eyebrows. The head of the parasitic object instantly turned into a rotten watermelon and exploded with a loud bang.

Yu Ci snorted, even if he was just acting as a substitute, the feeling of his brain exploding would not be pleasant. The red and black colors in front of his eyes were mixed, and the feeling of dizziness was extremely strong, but he could not calm down and recover, because the powerful sword intention somehow crossed the void, followed the trajectory of the divine starlight, and struck straight at him. .

“Your mother!”

With only a chance to curse, the sword intent was already chasing after him. Like a robber breaking through the door, it struck into the void in his heart with a bang, causing chaos among the many supernatural powers and appearances here.

With a “clang” sound, the sound of two swords clashing sounded in the void in my heart. This was the sword intention spontaneously emitted by the seed talisman, colliding with the invading external force. However, the next moment, this protective sword intention was It was shattered, and the void in my heart became even more obviously distorted.

Yu Ci felt a chill in his heart. He finally understood that the level of this sword intent was probably far beyond his imagination.

How did he provoke this guy?

Perhaps sensing the crisis, the life and death talisman shines brightly in the center of the void in the heart, absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth at a rapid rate, and quickly transforms it, pouring the power into the various supernatural powers and appearances in the void. Nothing else, but the figure of the fish-dragon hovering in the void surged, turning into a huge thing ten feet long and as thick as a bucket. The sharp claws formed by the double-hooked palace sash also grew in size, and its forehead “Taoist Master” The four-character mark “Treasure” emits a strong light, shining on the foreign sword intent.

However, the foreign sword intention was not stagnant at all, and its power was activated. What was struck was not the many supernatural powers and external appearances, but the first layer of talisman imprints in the void that had just had a new structure.

With a bang, Yu Ci’s “homework” of the previous few hours was instantly destroyed. Thousands of talisman fractals have returned to their original state, scattered in the outer area of ​​​​the void in the heart.

Yu Ci saw it inexplicably, so what if they broke up? You must know that this is in the void in his heart, and thoughts come and go. As long as he remembers the previous steps clearly, he can reappear in an instant – just like this!

The half-completed talisman reappeared in the void, the same as before. But it only appeared for a moment, and the sword intention struck again…

“There’s something wrong!”

Yu Ci previously felt that the level of this sword intention was as deep as an abyss and as vast as the sea, which was awe-inspiring and intimidating. Now he immediately changed his eyes and felt that this sword intention was purely a child’s thing to vent his anger. Could it be that it Attacking the void in the heart just to break up the talisman he condensed?

After trying again and again, the same thing happened every time. Yu Ci was angry and funny, and the sword intention also wore out his patience. After cutting the talisman with another chop, the fierce sword intention suddenly turned into clear light and pierced straight through. Among the central core runes, the next moment, the fractal runes all over the sky suddenly lit up!


Something’s wrong!

In the garden, Wen Shifei and others opened their eyes one after another and looked around intently. The ground was shaking, getting louder and louder, and the ruins of Sitong Pavilion looked in danger of collapsing again.

People stood up one after another. In this situation, it would be a ghost to be able to concentrate on the deduction. What’s more, when they sensed the talisman, they had already noticed that a huge change was happening in the distance. Under this situation, Yu Ci, who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, seemed very abrupt. It could be seen that he was still in deep concentration.

Xiang Nu stretched out her hand to wake him up, but before she could reach his shoulder, the master of Shenjian Cave let out a low cry: “He may be in the most critical place, don’t disturb him.”

“So what about the key point? I’m afraid it won’t be our turn to crack the first layer of talismans.”

Wen Shifei’s words were sarcastic, but his face actually didn’t look good. For a person like him, his cultivation may not be at its peak yet. On the surface, he can bend and stretch, but he has a natural arrogance in his chest, but he is not convinced by anyone. But the current situation is that an unknown person from far away comes first, embeds the core layer of the first layer of sigils, converts the runes, and absorbs the vitality, and has the potential to crack it in one fell swoop.

Not only that, looking at Yu Ci’s performance in front of him, he may have studied the talismans more deeply than he did. This fact made him very unhappy.

But what was even more unexpected was the reaction of the master of Sinking Sword Cave. This old guy, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, behaved very calmly and calmly. He only said: “The action of the man is not to destroy the first layer of talisman, but to compete for its mastery and even control of the entire sword.” Fairy Secret Realm. This method is not wrong, but at the moment, it is too overestimating… Get down!”

After the light words, there was a sharp counterattack. Wen Shifei and others were stunned when they saw that the master of Shenjian Cave had actually condensed into a figure. Even though he was just a ghost-like shadow, power far beyond their level burst out and pierced the sky.

The ear-piercing sound of tearing silk rang out, and the sky above the garden seemed to be torn open by an invisible hand. Deep in the void, there seemed to be a sharp eye shining here, and then it was even brighter than when the first talisman was touched just now. The pressure ten times stronger burst out.

The shadow of the owner of Shenjian Cave flashed a hundred feet away, and then dissipated. This strong pressure followed him like a shadow, stretching from the sky to the ground. A long trench of unknown depth had been plowed out on the garden ground, extending to Shenjian Cave. At the place where the master disappeared, there was another sharp sound, and thousands of sword energy burst out, twisting the half of the garden with force, and everything in the path was twisted into dust and dust, without any trace.

“Poisonous enough!”

Wen Shifei does not refer to the killing power of the secret talisman, but refers to the method of the master of Sinking Sword Cave. What this guy took the risk to trigger was not only disturbing the first layer of sigils, but also the second layer. The counterattack force inspired by this was ten times that of the previous one, and was mixed with the first layer of sigils. Together, the world is in chaos.

If you want to control the talisman at this time, aren’t you seeking death?

Wen Shifei seemed to be able to hear the scream of regret in the distance.

The voice of the master of Shenjian Cave rang out, and in his calm voice, there was no trace of his escape from the counterattack in the secret realm: “See? In this situation, if the talisman is regarded as a cover, we can break it Just go out and don’t think about doing those extra stupid things!”

The monks thought so.

“Then let’s continue…huh?”

He cut off his words suddenly, just because he felt that in the chaotic two-layer secret realm talisman, there was a new breath penetrating into it, without any stagnation, never delaying, just like a long rainbow across the sky, a It flashes away, leaving only the gorgeous track.

“Out…who is it?”

Dishe said something in a hoarse voice, but no one answered him, and the whole garden was silent.


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