Ask the Mirror Chapter 302: Retreat

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Didn’t he run away too? Yu Ci scratched his head and stood up. Tie Lan’s red eyes next to him flickered and then went out again.

At this time, the projection of the true fire of the sun had completely disappeared according to the pattern of sunrise and moonset, and the garden was dark. Yu Ci walked leisurely and took a walk in the garden. The scenery of the garden had long been destroyed by the spear-throwing weapon of Zhongqimen, and it was like a piece of scorched earth. And on this piece of scorched earth, the void is twisted everywhere, and the farther you go to the periphery, the more distorted it is, the bigger the tear is, and the garden space is shattered.

That’s it for the locations that people can see at a glance. What’s really dangerous are the tiny cracks, hidden behind trees and masonry. It’s also at night, and they don’t show up at all. If you accidentally hit them, If it is broken, a piece of skin and flesh may be dug out by the distorted power of the void, or even the limbs may be minced, causing loss of life.

After Yu Ci accidentally shredded the corners of his sleeves, he didn’t dare to raise his eyebrows. He glanced further away and prepared to turn around and return. But coincidentally, at this glance, he saw Xiang Nu walking past from the other side of the garden. Her dark robe almost completely blended into the night, making him almost miss her.

I wanted to say hello, but after thinking about it, I felt it was boring, so I just let her go. But I was also wondering, what is the female cultivator’s plan to come to this dangerous place at this time?

From the first time they met, Yu Ci had an inexplicable feeling about this mysterious female cultivator. The more she came into contact with her, the stronger the feeling became. Although he had seen the appearance of the female cultivator while she was injured and unconscious, the Rakshasa religion had the most false and true methods, and Yu Ci could not make a final conclusion.

Thinking like this, Yu Ci unconsciously took a risk and walked in the direction before Xiang Nu.

When I walked there, the scene was nothing special, except that the void was even more distorted. At first glance, there were dozens or hundreds of cracks, hidden in the night. If you were not careful, you might run into them.

“This kind of ghost place…”

Yu Ci didn’t have time to look carefully, and he wouldn’t be able to cry if he ran into a crack in the void. After thinking about it, he used a lazy method, secretly driving the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, releasing the Divine Will Starlight, and prepared to control it to spin in a circle.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the starlight flew out, it disappeared in a flash. Yu Ci was shocked.

His perception was very clear. The Divine Will Starlight crashed into a void crack. In the garden, this was nothing. However, this was not due to a mistake in his operation, but a completely spontaneous action of the Divine Will Starlight.

The Divine Will Starlight can only have such a high degree of consciousness under one situation…

Yu Ci narrowed his eyes, remembering what the master of Shenjian Cave said. We need to continue to trace the whereabouts of the divine starlight, but how can the twisted barrier of the void be broken through so easily, and the connection cannot be said to be completely severed. He was not discouraged, but rather excited. If there was a one percent chance that his guess would come true, the situation he would face would be completely different.

The next moment, thousands of starlights shot out from the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, scattered in all directions, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough! Yu Ci almost held his hands and laughed, but at this moment, his whole body tensed up, and a huge amount of pressure came down from his head, filling the entire garden.

He raised his head in surprise. Isn’t this feeling a sign when the talisman is activated? There is still some distance between now and four hours.

A voice came from far away, it was Tielan: “Is the guest there?”

” Look up at the sky.

Seeing him coming back, Wen Shifei and Di Tianluo both turned their eyes away, with doubts clearly in their eyes. Yu Ci felt a slight tremor in her heart, and suddenly realized that she had been overconfident. Although the Divine Will Starlight is secretive, there is no precedent for it being noticed by others before, and the person who noticed it was a certain demon from the Northern Demon Sect who turned Tu Du into a puppet. Half of the people present were from the Demon Sect. Could it be that he was discovered?

Fortunately, these two people obviously did not have a clear understanding. At this time, the voice of the owner of Shenjian Cave rang in their ears: “Someone triggered the first layer of talismans elsewhere.”

“Is this okay?”

“Why not? As long as you have the courage and means, you can trigger it. It’s not surprising.”

The master of Shenjian Cave said calmly: “If someone else triggers it, although the secrets in the core area will no longer be so safe, it will also let you know more about the first layer of sigils and greatly increase the chance of controlling the sigils. And No one knows the layout of this place better than me. Under the same conditions, we still have the best chance… You might as well take this opportunity and feel it.”

After saying that, all the news about this person disappeared.

Yu Ci and others looked at each other and felt that the situation was strange, and the reaction of the owner of Shenjian Cave was even weirder. None of them were fools, and a similar thought suddenly arose in their hearts: “Didn’t the owner of Shenjian Cave deliberately release this news…”

News was released one after another, including one group of hundreds of monks in the Manifestation Hall, one group of four casual cultivators who escaped outside the secret realm, and another group of Xia Boyang who escaped from the secret realm. When these news came together , the blending will inevitably spread at a terrifying speed. It may not take two days for the entire Sword Garden to know about it.

Gathering the power of all the monks in the Sword Garden, the chance of breaking the third layer of talismans may be greatly increased, but how can the master of Shenjian Cave guarantee that he will be the final winner?

They each had their own judgments in their hearts, but no one said it out loud. Instead, just like last time, they sat down cross-legged, carefully sensing the power of the talisman when it manifested, and deducing ways to crack the talisman.

At this time, Yu Ci had other things to do. He didn’t focus on the talisman, but instead sensed the divine starlight that had just been released.

The Divine Will Starlight will only consciously track it when it finds a target that can be parasitized. The garden is now completely silent, with the only outside monks like Wen Shifei. However, their cultivation is so profound that the starlight of their gods cannot penetrate. So, where is the target that can induce the starlight?

Of course he crashed into those dense void cracks! The owner of Shenjian Cave just mentioned that these void cracks were opened by the owner of the secret realm, leading to many weird and weird places, and may even lead to the Nine Heavens Outer Territory.

In this case, the rift should also lead to other locations, such as a safer place.

Yu Ci did not expect that even through the cracks in the void, the starlight of divine will could also work. As for such a method, I am afraid that only Yu Ci, who possesses the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, or even Yu Ci who has condensed the seed talisman, can do it. Although people like Wen Shifei, Di Tianluo and others are far better than him in cultivation, they may not have the ability to transform the soul power into thousands of sensing stars to confirm the existence behind countless cracks. space situation.

After the thousands of divine stars crashed into the void cracks, more than half lost contact instantly; the rest crashed into those small and difficult-to-pass cracks, and were of no use; Even through induction, some special circumstances that Yu Ci could not understand were eliminated.

The remaining places are very few. Yu Ci took a while and found only three places.

These three places are parasitic in the brain palaces of three living beings. One of them is a very ordinary bird, chattering and jumping on the branches. Perhaps because of the gap in the void, its surrounding environment is blurred. , all I can see is green trees, clear springs and flowing rocks, very lively – now it is the time when heavy snow has closed the mountains in the Duanjie Mountains, where did the green trees come from? If we really have to go there, it might be hundreds of millions of miles away…

Yu Ci shook his head and changed his target, but then he felt a chill on his back. The target turned out to be a demon. The surrounding area was dim and dim, filled with vaguely grotesque creatures. The occasional splash of blood made it more dazzling… Forget it!

The last target was a monk, who was probably at the intermediate level of theosophy. As for the location, Yu Cizhen didn’t see it. He only thought it was a snowy wasteland, and it was more likely to be somewhere in the north.

Yu Ci is more inclined to the last one, but unfortunately, that fissure is too remote in the garden. If there is any accident, he may not be able to get over it, but he will get there in a hurry. The road is densely packed with people. The void rift might tear him apart.

Tsk, you need to think about it carefully.

At this time, the pressure of the first layer of sigils was already obvious. The feeling of the talisman’s power this time is actually different from the last time. When the master of Shenjian Cave exerted his force, he activated all the power of the talisman at once, very clearly. And this time, the person who triggered the talisman should be As he continues to test, the power of the talisman changes. In the most intense places, although the garden is not the core area of ​​stimulation, it still sets off a violent roar, making people’s clothes rustle. I really don’t know what it will be like in that place.

Yu Ci put his mind back into the void in his heart to sense the mystery of the talisman. Comparing the situation of the two talisman activations, he prefers the current one. Because of its changeability, the information collected is more detailed and has more reference value.

His mind wandered in the void in his heart. After confirming the fractal pattern of the runes imprinted on it, he finally made further moves.

As early as in the Manifestation Hall, the owner of Shenjian Cave set a topic on the jade board, asking the monks present to fractal the runes on the first layer as much as possible, using the idea of ​​”overlapping orifices to form” Simplify it and use it as a criterion to distinguish between “predestined and not predestined”. Now it seems that it is clearly preparing for the situation at hand.

Perhaps, the key to cracking or controlling the first layer of sigils lies here.

Yu Ci first copied the previous “homework”, but soon discovered the shortcomings. Because he didn’t know the function of the talisman before, when simplifying it, he only started from the structure and failed to grasp the key points of the function. The slightest difference was a huge mistake. Now I have to start over.

“The central core rune remains unchanged and is still the word ‘sealing’. As for the periphery, looking at the current situation, it only responds to living beings, so there should be a sensing center in the fractal; another center is needed to control the vitality; the sword Immortal sword energy, this sword must also be reflected…”

Perhaps because he found a way to escape and was in a good mood, Yu Ci just felt like he had divine help, peeling off the cocoon layer by layer, and soon had a general idea. The subsequent work is to take the central “sealing” character pattern as the core, connect the key fractals found on the periphery to form a skeleton, and then lay out the more peripheral fractals layer by layer. principles, begin the process of simplification.

The previous work on the central talisman can be retained, and not long after Yu Cizhi made the Shangdong Zhenxiao Chenguang Sensing Divine Thunder, this thunder talisman also spontaneously senses living beings and exerts its power, because “sensing” one place, it is also It went smoothly and the results soon came to fruition.

After that, Yu Ci spent a little time thinking about the simplification of the two key symbols for controlling vitality and evolving sword energy. The former is related to the key fractal that drives the energy of the talisman, and its importance goes without saying, but the latter is closely related to the user of the talisman, and the context is easier to grasp.

In the end, Yu Ci chose the latter.


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