Ask the Mirror Chapter 30: Tai Yuan briefly explores the beginning of Bai Ling (Part 1)

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Hai Hong is really unwilling to be lonely.

Among the monks present, those who had heard about Hai Hong’s past mostly expressed some “unsurprising” emotions afterwards, while some were truly moved.

At that time, the Canghai Hunting Group had a good reputation in the overseas spiritual community.

“As for Taiyuan City, it is a heroic city of ten tribulations, with countless secret treasures, and many overseas eyes and ears. How can it be hidden from others? However, Lunjianxuan has recently attacked Donghua Mountain with all its strength, and there is no room for it; Seagull Ruins will be completed. There is a tacit understanding between all parties, and they are all eager to get a share of the pie. There will be no big moves. In the past few years, it is a great opportunity for us to take advantage of the situation and open up a new world. ”

These inflammatory words really make some people’s hearts flutter. Being able to hug the thick thighs of Immortal Immortal is a good thing that most monks in this world dream of. But from another perspective, being able to be invited to this party They are not ordinary people, they have their own pride.

For these people, Haihong has another say: “Everyone who is not interested in the sea can also participate. In such an area, the sea cannot swallow a single person, and neither can the sea. Between heaven and earth, we These casual cultivators have no sect resources to squander, and the most important thing is to share what they have. Hai has felt this the most since he has been practicing, and I think you all feel the same way.”

He then said: “In the next ten years, on the first day of every month, Gao will organize a gathering like this in the surrounding waters, specifically for the purpose of communicating about the exploration of Taiyuan City. What treasures have you found? Any information found can be traded here. Gao and Canghai will also report the latest progress on that day. You just need to keep the jade talisman in your hands.”

Exchanges and other things are secondary. The real highlight is the “notification” promised by Haihong. It is obvious that he has spent a lot of money in order to expand his influence.

But in any case, Haihong’s promise is very attractive. Why not participate in such a good thing that costs little?

The next behavior of Hai Hong really put a huge chip on the minds of the monks.

The talisman array came into play and sent a piece of information to the minds of each monk. It was during this period that he discovered several lines in the mist of thousands of miles, as well as some of the related prohibition mechanisms, which are of great practical value. high.

Most of the participants have relevant experience and have a high ability to distinguish authenticity. Because of this, the Divine Will Network fell into silence again, this time mainly due to weighing.

Not long after, this special gathering came to an end, and all the gods took over. Then, Gui Yan opened his eyes.

This party actually did not increase the possibility of Xiao Wu being in the mist. On the contrary, it reduced it a little, but he still went because there were no other clues.

Before that, he had to go to the Maritime Chamber of Commerce to get back the inferior but wonderful fabric.

The efficiency of the Maritime Chamber of Commerce is stronger than the legend. Guiyan just followed the instructions at the party and activated the jade talisman. Almost at the same time, there was a response from there, asking very considerately. Guiyan was preparing How to complete the transaction.


If you want to have a normal exchange, you can go there now. The Maritime Chamber of Commerce can also send someone to pick you up. At the same time, you will be told that Master Haihong would like to meet with the colleagues who completed the transaction and have a cup of tea and chat; Several secret and safe methods are also given.

There is nothing to say, Gui Yan chose the latter.

As a wanted criminal in Lunjianxuan, his identity has not been revealed before because during the recent period, Lunjianxuan’s focus has completely shifted to Donghua Mountain, and he has been active in the North, the South, and especially overseas. , because I am not familiar with him.

In this case, why should he ask for trouble?

The Maritime Chamber of Commerce continued their high efficiency, and after only half a day, the white gauze was in his hands.

When you start with the target and come into close contact, the feeling is naturally different from the previous one. Especially when you see the appearance of the fabric with the naked eye, it is more real and comprehensive than the divine induction.

If he still had some doubts when he exchanged the spice recipe, now all his doubts are gone.

As Haihong said, this fabric is really a poor embroidery. As far as you can see, there are skipped threads and broken lines. Even the barely woven pattern is crooked and unsightly.

However, for him, the sword intention on the fabric is too familiar. Even if there are too many undue discontinuities due to the limitations of weaving skills, the skeleton is there, the soul is there, and the root is there!

Seeing these weave patterns, he seemed to see the flowing writing on the blood-red yarn:

The God-killing Thorn Heretic Training Technique!

This piece of snow-white fine gauze fabric is likely to be the work of the female swordsman Haodian back then, in preparation for the inheritance and improvement of the God-Slaying Thorn. To be more precise, it is the first of six pieces of Huamang gauze in the production plan. That is, it was used to “practice brushwork” before “Bailing Hua Mangsha”.

This complete work of Hua Mangsha has long been in his collection, but the completeness has a complete and wonderful meaning, and the prototype has its benefits.

The fabric in my hand has many flaws, but it is these flaws that Gui Yan is most interested in.

Without such a comparison, how could he know Haodian’s thoughts and considerations back then?

The superb and perfect sword techniques in his hand are enough, but something like this that records the experiences and lessons of his predecessors is more in line with current needs.

Guiyan didn’t take a closer look. The one who needed this thing more now was the sword cultivator’s clone.

After succeeding, only more than two hours later, Guiyan had arrived at the northern sea area outside Wugou, approximately in the central and southern part of the East China Sea, and plunged headlong into the mist.

He was moving very fast, and the little experience he had earlier in the periphery was soon not enough to use. The biggest problem was to identify the direction. If Haihong hadn’t lied, this protection formed by sacrificing the soul of the mirage beast would have to be Going up, there is a further path.

He suddenly moved upwards, and before almost rushing out of the fog, he caught the most regular and rigid airflow inside – no matter how mysterious the formation is, no matter how good the disguise is, it is difficult to imitate nature perfectly, let alone What’s more, no one has been in charge of this formation for a long time, and there’s no telling whether it’s complete or not.

Gui Yan drew an arc and plunged diagonally into the water. The sea surface was still turbid and unclear, but he had mastered this little trick and went all the way down until he encountered the first obstacle nearly a thousand feet below.

That was a fierce fish in the sea. It had already gathered its demonic energy, and its combat power was comparable to that of a monk at the beginning of Huandan. However, in front of Guiyan, it was vulnerable to a blow. It intended to be angry first, but also to kill. , then aroused the real evil spirit and killed it directly.

Only after taking action did he realize that due to the influence of the embryonic form of Mangsha before, this blow was made with sword intent, and it was the method of Bailing Mangsha.

Gui Yan also discovered that hundreds of millions of miles away, through Cheng Qitian, the sword cultivator’s clone was obviously paying attention.


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