Ask the Mirror Chapter 294: Magic Tree Alien Tribulation Chaos (2)

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There was silence in the corridor. When both parties were speechless due to an accident, the weaker one usually spoke first. Perhaps because of this, the two parties were in a stalemate for a while, but finally the one opposite said softly:

“What a coincidence, I met Yu Xianchang here.”

Yu Ci nodded, his eyes swept around the hood that covered the head and face of the female cultivator, and said, “Xiangnu, you are here too. Is your sect also here to seek opportunities?”

Xiang Nu hummed.

Yu Ci was suspicious. He remembered that at that time, the Dongyang Orthodox Sect, the Rakshasa Sect, the Panhuang Swords, and himself were all decorated behind the Chongqi Sect. As a result, the leaders of the Chongqi Sect went on a killing spree. The Dongyang Orthodox Sect can be said to be The whole army was wiped out, and he also suffered a disaster. The Rakshasa Sect and the Panhuang Three Swords had already avoided it – but no matter how much they tried to avoid it, they would not end up in the opposite direction.

“Has the owner of this place ever given anything to you?”

“There are thousands of sword ghosts.” Xiangnu sneered.

After all, everyone has been on the same front, so there is no harm in exchanging experiences. They quickly learned about their respective situations. Xiangnu did not say how she came to the cave, but after arriving here, the fate of the six of them was not as good as Yu Ciyuan, but similar to that of Di Tianluo and others, who were all forced by the endless sword ghosts. To death.

But what is very strange is that there is a half-deployed talisman array in that place. In a hurry, Xiangnu and his party made use of the talisman array to keep the sword ghost away. The situation suddenly turned around. The ghost tide receded, and the group, especially Xiang Nu, who actually used the talisman formation, became honored guests and was invited here.

Yu Ci understood what he heard, but also felt strange: “So you are also familiar with talismans.”

For some reason, after saying this, Yu Ci felt that Xiangnu glanced at him, and there was some kind of elusive emotion in the hood, and the corridor fell into silence again. It was said that Yu Ci had “life-saving grace” for Xiangnu, but neither party took this seriously. On the contrary, bringing this factor into the mix made someone unhappy, and the conversation became unsustainable for a while.

At this time, Tie Lan finally interjected: “Two guests, please go this way, the manifestation hall is in front.”

After walking for about half a mile, Yu Ci finally broke away from the pattern of switching back and forth between corridors and caves, and the space in front of him suddenly expanded.

I don’t know how deep underground, a huge amount of earth was cleared, and a group of buildings was spread out, standing between huge hollows. Gray clouds and mist surged under the feet and also rose in the sky. In the clouds and mist, most of the buildings were clustered together, and the distance between them seemed a bit large. They were not necessarily all grand and tall, and there were also some small courtyards with different styles. Uniform, but perhaps due to the clouds and mist, the dark tones make the place seem a bit depressing. Such a weird layout does not give people a feeling of emptiness.

And… Yu Ci raised his head and looked up. There was a bit of golden light in front of his head, which was quite eye-catching, but the gray mist was separated by layers, covering the outline of that light. Even so, Yu Ci probably knew the location here.

That should be right below the place where the huge amount of innate Gengjin Qi is entangled. Just now Tie Lan said that the seven people from Banshan Island have already bypassed there, and they should be here now.

What Tielan took them to was the outermost part of the building. It looked like a palace on the outside. Once inside, they saw a spacious hall for entertaining guests. There are about fifty steps from the palace gate to the main seat at the end. There are several short seats scattered in the middle, arranged neatly. There are hundreds of them. But most of them were idle at this time, and there was no one even at the main seat.

Scanning around, there were only three or five people in the hall. There were no acquaintances. The monks from Banshan Island that I had imagined earlier were not among them. However, judging from their appearance and behavior, they were not easy to get along with. There was not even one who was in the realm of returning elixirs. The following characters. When they saw Yu Ci and Xiang Nu walking in, most of them looked at them with curious or scrutinizing eyes.

One of them made the most profound impression on Yu Ci. He was handsome and sitting at the seat closest to the main seat. He was wearing a dazzling golden robe decorated with all kinds of weird patterns, which was very eye-catching.

Seeing the two people coming in, this person didn’t even look at Yu Ci. He just stared at Xiang Nu on the side. The light in his eyes flickered, as if it could penetrate the shadow of the hood. After a while, he looked away and took the table. A piece of jade board stood up and turned to one side of the screen, which should be the path out of the hall.

Xiang Nu hummed, and Yu Ci was a little amused. Knowing that the two people must know each other, he asked, “Who is that?”

Xiang Nu hesitated for a moment and then said: “Xia Boyang, the young leader of the Qianshan Sect in the Xiyu Alliance, is also the nephew of Xia, the wife of Feihun City.”


Yu Ci has heard of Xia Boyang’s name. This person is also a person that the Shanmen brothers pay more attention to. He is a person who must pay attention to in the sword garden event. The Qianshan Sect started with witchcraft. It is said that it has the inheritance of ancient celestial witches. It also worships the witch **** and behaves differently from ordinary monks. However, its own strength is only mid-range. It only grew in strength after marrying with Feihun City.

The Lord of Feihun City, You Can, has no heir, and Xia Boyang is the same as his own son there, so he is highly valued. As the head of the family, he himself is also an extremely talented person, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

However, what Yu Ci is thinking more about right now is another person with similar status: “How is he compared to Murong Qingyan?”

When he said this, a figure with ever-changing grace and radiance appeared in his mind. The impression was so clear that he was surprised. Xiang Nu responded calmly: “How can it be the same? Murong is a godson, and Xia Boyang is almost an heir, but Xia prefers a goddaughter.”

Yu Ci said “Oh”, and suddenly was startled: “Are you familiar with Murong Qingyan?”

“We’ve met a few times.” Xiangnu said in a polite manner, and then fell silent.

Tie Lan said from the side: “Two guests, please choose a seat each. The seats covered with jade boards are all empty. The seats that are not available have been picked by the guests who arrived first. Please don’t move again. , two hours later, the banquet will begin, you can just sit down and sit down.”

“Banquet? What banquet?” Tie Lan had never mentioned this before, and Yu Ci was confused.

“The reopening of Shenjian Cave has attracted many heroes to gather. My master is willing to hold a banquet to meet you, which can be regarded as a good relationship with you.”

It seems that the noise here at Shenjian Cave has really attracted a lot of people, and the owner of Shenjian Cave is also very lively… Yu Ci asked again: “Where is your master?”

Tie Lan said in a steady voice: “My master is in retreat and cannot be distracted. He will only meet you after the banquet begins.”

Yu Ci and Xiang Nu looked at each other and said nothing more. They walked to the central aisle of the hall. Hundreds of seats were lined up on both sides. Yu Ci glanced at them. They were simply arranged. They were just a few short seats. There is just a cushion, and on the low table, as Tie Lan said, there is a square jade plate, about a foot in diameter, with writing on it.

“Just sit here.”

Yu Ci didn’t sit down either, so he picked up a jade board at hand and chose a seat. Then he looked at the writing on the jade board. Xiangnu hesitated for a moment and finally chose the seat next to him.

Tie Lan added: “Guests can wait here for the banquet to start, or they can rest in the quiet room at the back. We will notify you when the banquet starts.”

Yu Ci had clearly identified the words on the jade board and sneered in her heart, but she didn’t say anything more and asked casually: “What are your plans.”

Xiangnu could hear her teeth gnashing secretly. Yu Ci must have known that her identity was not as simple as the maid next to Master Bichao, but she still treated her like a slave. I really don’t know what her intentions were!

She didn’t speak, and Yu Ci didn’t care about her. He just nodded, asked Tielan where the quiet room was, and walked behind the screen without looking back.

Yu Ci couldn’t stand the mysterious things the master of Shenjian Cave did, but it must be said that the quiet room he arranged for people was quite good.

The indoor display is very simple, with only a golden futon. But as soon as he sat on it, Yu Ci found that the hostility and Gengjin aura that were always mixed in the sword garden were filtered out. Only the pure aura lingers around.

“This is the ‘Worry-Free Seat’ specially prepared by the master. It can ward off Yin Qi and Geng Metal Qi. After a little sacrifice, you can also extract the first two separately as you wish and practice in the Sword Garden. The most useful thing. If guests find it useful, they can take it with them when they leave.” Tie Lan also came in and introduced how to use it.

“Oh, this is a good thing. Does everyone have one?”

Tie Lan said yes, Yu Ci muttered something, but Tie Lan didn’t hear it clearly. When he wanted to ask again, Yu Ci waved his hand and stopped talking, and Tie Lan agreed to withdraw.

After taking two steps in the quiet room, Yu Ci finally sat on the worry-free seat. The mellow spiritual energy cheered him up. He took out the jade tablet again and looked at the writing on it. He sneered again and said Using my index finger as a support, I turned it twice around my fingertips, then closed my eyes and fell into concentration.

Two hours passed quickly. Tie Lan was standing outside the quiet room, his red ghost eyes flashing, a little troubled. The other monks had already gone, but the man inside the door had not moved yet. Thinking of the master’s special instructions, Tie Lan felt that his always calm mood had turned into a pot of thick soup.

The voices of the idle monks in the hall seemed to be able to penetrate the void and reach here. Maybe those people were dissatisfied, but it remembered its master’s instructions again:

“This is very important, very important…”

Just when Tie Lan wanted to push the door open and enter, the closed stone door of the quiet room opened silently. Yu Ci rubbed his brows and walked out. When he saw Tie Lan outside the door, he was also startled, then smiled and said:

“Can the party begin?”

“Not yet.” Tielan felt that since he learned these three words, he had never said “not yet” so contrary to his will.

“It’s better if it doesn’t start.” Yu Ci walked forward with a smile, looking much better than before entering the quiet room.

With Tie Lan hurriedly leading the way, Yu Ci once again entered the hall called the “Manifestation Hall”. As soon as he entered, he knew that he was probably the latest one to arrive. There were hundreds of seats for about After 20% of the seats were filled, there were about a hundred people. The remaining jade tablets were still placed on the table, presumably never taken away.

The arrival of him and Tie Lan was quite eye-catching, and attracted most people in the hall to look back. Nearly 40% of the hundred monks are Dan-returning monks. Speaking of which, even at the mountain gate of Lichen Sect, such a large gathering of Dan-returning monks is extremely rare.

Speaking of which, the feeling of having these people pay attention is not a good one, especially since there is not much goodwill in it.

Yu Ci slowly walked back to his seat. Next to him, Xiang Nu saw him coming and seemed to want to speak. But at this moment, a dark crack opened above the central seat, and a figure stepped out of it and stood in front of the seat. .

Everyone looked up, but they only saw a pair of dim eyes. It was as if all the clouds and mist in the sword garden were concentrated in this person’s eyes. They were so dim that they couldn’t see the bottom, but they seemed to be able to grasp them. Everyone’s minds were drawn out.

Until this voice sounded in their ears, everyone woke up like a dream:

“Very good, they are all heroes of the moment.”


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