Ask the Mirror Chapter 294: Magic Tree Alien Tribulation Chaos (1)

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Above Wutuo City, the three extraterrestrial tribulation demons surrounding Fang Cun Mo were struggling to resist the wind disaster, but they were unwilling to lose this great opportunity for a breakthrough. While they were struggling, they heard the wailing sound inside.

Extraterritorial demons, especially incorporeal bodies, do not have natural vocal organs. The sound that can be produced must be a fierce reaction on the spiritual level that breaks through the barrier and has such an effect of swallowing up the immortals.

The three-headed tribulation demons are all smart people, but because of the presence of the three parties, when the sense of crisis brought by the wailing sounds came like a tide, their first reaction was:

What to do over there?

As it turns out, this response was incredibly bad.

“Crack.” It was like a nut being crushed by one foot. It was in this sound that the Fangcun Demon Kingdom collapsed without any buffer.

Countless long and narrow shadows, brought out by the impact of the explosion, suddenly stood up with long thorns, like hedgehogs, but incredibly sharp.

The three-headed Heavenly Tribulation Demon was riddled with holes at the first opportunity. For them, this was not a fatal injury, but when they fled in shock, these long shadow thorns began to twist and flick, like willow branches, and at the same time, there was an extremely insidious suction. The force was activated, and its power was so great that it caused the surrounding void to sink, forming a cohesive vortex.

They let out a wailing that was almost the same as before, but they were involuntarily hooked on the long shadow branches, struggling to get up. Under the influence of the tyrannical suction force, they were filled with energy and mana, including a huge amount of anger and despair. All the emotions poured out and were absorbed by the initially formed monster in the center.

From this moment on, the people in Wutuo City saw a ridiculous growth process.

In the Fangcun Demon Kingdom, a giant tree grew instantly.

The shadow magic mist forms the backbone of the big tree. It cannot be seen clearly, but its root system is really developed and strong. It actually tore apart the defensive formation outside the city, penetrated into the earth, and interacted with the surrounding people. Leylines connected together.

The black storm roared, cutting through the cracks caused by the roots, flying sand and rocks, and instantly razing the surrounding houses to the ground.

But what really makes people’s hearts tremble are the branches that then spread out.

It was still in a semi-empty state at first, but soon turned into a dark color and texture. It also broke through the defensive formation easily, growing endlessly and extending endlessly. The sky above the city seemed to be floating in the air. The demons released thousands and thousands of demonic hands to explore every corner of the city.

No one believes that these things born in the darkness will be good to people. In fact, that is indeed a luxury.

Thousands of branches penetrated Wutuo City at the same time, completely tearing apart the outer defensive formation in the blink of an eye. Without the protection of the defensive formation, Wutuozhi City was immediately completely exposed to the impact of the black storm. Most of the buildings collapsed in pieces within the next ten breaths or so, and the people here had no chance at all. Angry about this, they were beaten, tied, or directly strangled under the overwhelming black branches!

Unfortunate are those who are not dead. Once the black branches are tied up, their tips will immediately penetrate into their bodies and inject highly poisonous juice. This is the manifestation of the turbid currents of the six desires, stimulating the body and stimulating madness. Emotions make them the nourishment of giant trees. Thousands of monks just “hang” on the trees, unable to survive or die

But even death is far from the time of liberation.

The twisted shadows on the dark branches are the souls of the deceased strung together, retaining the most painful postures before and after life, moaning and wailing.

“What kind of thing did Liu Guan *** raise!”

In Cheng Qitian, he re-established contact with Wutuo City thousands of miles away through the long branches found in a completely rough way.

The demon tree… is what Shadow Ghost calls it. The growth and growth of this demon tree must be inseparable from Liu Guan. In Wutuo City, he used evil methods to drive the divine way and extracted hundreds of millions of people without restraint. The emotions and belief power of the cultivator Wan were transported and transformed in the Fangcun Demon Kingdom, and even swallowed up the tribulation demons from outside the world that competed for control, and finally gave birth to such a monster martial arts supreme.

Now that the Fang Cun Demon Kingdom is over, this aggressive guy has entered Cheng Qitian through the connection between the Demon Palace.

It is hunting.

After the black branches were severely damaged by the Xiaowu magnetic mine, they no longer swung to “prey”, but inserted into the stratum of Chengqitian, turning the branches into roots, using them as the foundation, a few thin circles, but there are many The branches that make people jump are growing wildly and swaying.

When the demon tree’s long branches were inserted into the ground, the ice layer sealed by Taixuan was smashed into cracks, and the long branches were able to directly “grab” Cheng Qitian, and its roots spread rapidly under the ground, even Holding the roots of the Yunlou tree.

Fortunately, the Yunlou tree is considered a heartless sentient being and has no emotional fluctuations, so the demon tree is not interested in it.

Knowing that there was a big trouble, the shadow ghost took the risk and released his spiritual consciousness while he was entangled with the girl’s evil spirit, and penetrated into the direction of Wutuo City where the demon tree’s body was located to see what was going on there.

Then he discovered that this big tree was also very picky.

It is creating a large amount of negative emotions every moment, forming a sea-like turbid current of six desires, but it has no regard for the turbid current of six desires, and only regards it as a standard. It doesn’t care at all that it is destroyed in the turbid current of six desires. But whoever emerges from it proves that that person has extraordinary power, and naturally becomes his target.

The next step is to eat without restraint.

This is too evil!

Shadow Ghost can’t understand it anyway. Such a rough method can create such a monster without causing the body to explode? This completely goes against the will of the laws of heaven and earth, and there must be some weakness. But if this situation continues, Cheng Qitian will be destroyed before it is found.

Now it seems that there are no particularly obvious signs of intelligence…

Ying Gui suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Now was not the time to think carefully. He shouted: “Xiao Wu!”

I have to say that Xiao Wu is really getting smarter and smarter. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Wu’s aura was completely restrained. Shadow Ghost was one step ahead of her, and the Feixian Sword Intent penetrated the air, bursting out with all his strength. Injured, he forced the girl Yinmo to block the starry sky.

At this time, the demon tree’s branches began to expand wildly.

Just when the long branches of the demon tree were attacking, it used the Heavenly Magic Gate to forcibly hold its breath, fell heavily on the ice, and flew out. The position was moving, but the body seemed to be dead, and no trace of it was exposed. Children’s breath.

Just as he had guessed, the demon tree had no intelligence at all. Even though he was close at hand and had shown enough extraordinary power before, the demon tree still didn’t react at all.

After their flamboyant aura disappeared, the most obvious thing about Cheng Qitian was the freezing coldness. Taixuan’s ban was Yu Qingxuan’s handiwork, and the unique power contained in it made the demon tree’s long branches extremely excited, hitting the ice surface even more fiercely, making continuous sounds.

Furthermore, there is another point that must not be forgotten. Without any resistance, the momentum of the girl’s evil spirit will naturally increase. This is the trend of the will of the laws of heaven and earth, and will not be changed by changes in the situation.

The demon tree doesn’t care what your background is. While knocking on the ice, it also has this target in mind.



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