Ask the Mirror Chapter 293: Attack and Defense of the Demonic Palace in Heaven and Under (End)

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Heavenly calamities can be divided into primary calamities and external calamities. Primary calamities are calamities caused by oneself, while external calamities are calamities indirectly caused by this calamity.

For example, the weakness caused by the heavenly calamity attracts the covetousness of enemies. This is the external calamity and is also a part of the heavenly calamity.

In this tribulation, the laws of heaven and earth are fair and will not release seriously unequal forces, but in the outer tribulation, it all depends on character.

At this point, Yu Ci seems to be in trouble.

He is a troublemaker who has provoked too many powerful forces that should not be accessible to him at this level.

The Six Desires Turbid Current that was attracted to Fang Cun Demon Kingdom is just one of them.

The black color is spreading rapidly, and the demon spirits inside are also scattered. Some simply escape into the ground. These demon spirits are born from the turbid air. They do not even have the most rudimentary wisdom, and some are just destructive. Sexual instinct; its individual combat power is not high, but it can defile Taoji.

The more this happens, the more difficult it is to deal with.

Seeing that the spiritual light generated by Xiao Wu’s stamp on the ground completely penetrated into the ground and gradually dissipated, but there was no reaction at all. Shadow Ghost thought that Xiao Wu had missed it. On the ground, a five-color aperture opened, and a flying centipede buzzed the ground. A sound flew out from inside.

This alien species seemed to have suddenly opened a certain portal. At that moment, a large number of insect alien species were born from the five-color light. Amidst the creepy “rustling” sounds, these little things that were by no means pleasing to the eye, He collided with the demon spirits above and below the ground, and then started fighting fiercely.

Taihua Xuan Ming Zhuo Ling Shen Forbidden!

This is a type of Beiyue Divine Forbidden City. These evil spirits and alien species derived from it have no entity at all. They only live on turbid air and feed on filth. They are slowly born through the transformation of the Talisman and Forbidden City.

From this perspective, although they are all evil spirits and alien species, their job is to cleanse and remove dirt. They fall directly into the tide of the six desires. Naturally, they must seize the opportunity to feed on them and improve themselves. own alienation speed.

At this moment, the dirty and black ground of Chengqitian was completely covered by these alien species of insects. These creepy little things covered the top with their mouthparts and sucked vigorously. Some of them directly jumped into the sky to absorb the filth that fell. Some of the tides even simply feed on the demon spirits. After sucking them dry and swallowing them in a few mouthfuls, their bodies expand rapidly and their breath becomes more powerful.

What’s more important is that through these evil spirits, Xiaowu brought the six desires and turbid currents into his own realm of life and death, thus achieving initial control over that situation.

Shadow Ghost couldn’t help but shout out, this move can only be used by Xiao Wu, who is proficient in the five elements and the forbidden method of creating and defeating talismans, but if it is used so timely and just right, his more than one year is not in vain. Aiming at cultivating their combat consciousness.

However, as soon as he finished his compliment, some feeling from outside made him change his color.

Zhu Wenying and his party, who had already boarded the underground river ferry, suddenly stopped, looking a little flustered.

Because Yu Ci was sealed in the ice, the luster of her skin suddenly disappeared at a visible speed. After ten breaths, her whole person seemed to have lost weight in the ice. Seize the phase.

Shadow Ghost didn’t care what to do over there. He turned his head sharply and stared at the girl in front of him who was still trying to pounce towards the stars.

He forgot one thing,

The origin and foundation of the existence of the girl’s demon comes from Yu Ci. The demon seed originally implanted in Baoyun’s brain has now been transferred into the body of the girl’s demon. In a sense, this is a tunnel that goes straight to the core of Yu Ci. Through this connection, the Yin Demon can bypass them and the protection of Taixuan’s ban and forcibly extract the essence.

In other words, the calamity has never stopped damaging Yu Ci’s foundation!

He was in a trance, and the figure of the girl Yin Demon disappeared again, rushing towards the starry sky, with the power to pick up the stars. Out of instinct, the shadow ghost used his strength to intercept, but his heart was burning. ,what to do?

On the other hand, Xiao Wu has initially taken control of the situation there through Taihua Xuanming Zhuoling Shenjin. Although she has to focus on protecting the human world, with her level, there will be no problem if she performs normally.

But things are changing over there too.

The ferocious alien species released from the Taihua Xuanming Zhuoling Shen’s Forbidden City must have a very good appetite. In a short period of time, it swallowed up the first wave of six desires attracted by the girl’s Yin Demon. According to Xiao Wu’s idea, the second, third, and fourth waves would definitely come over again, but the development of the situation was beyond her expectation.

A gap suddenly appeared between the Heavenly Demon Palace Pearl and the Fangcun Demon Kingdom it communicated with.

The turbid current of six desires has stopped.

In fact, it can be said that Xiao Wu actually helped the Tianwai Tribulation Demon who controlled the Demon Kingdom. From the beginning, that person lacked enough interest in this side, especially since the will of the laws of heaven and earth controlled the girl Yin Demon. After that, I don’t even want to wade into the troubled waters here. It’s just that the turbulent flow of six desires, which is not so obedient, is attracted by the girl’s evil spirit, forcing it to come.

And when Xiao Wu released Taihua Xuanming Zhuo Ling Shen Jin, which suddenly blocked the momentum of Liu Desire Turbidity Current, it knew that the opportunity to escape had come.

The Heavenly Tribulation Demon definitely lacks wisdom, and its decisiveness is super strong. It seizes the opportunity and immediately cuts off the connection with Cheng Qitian.

Xiao Wu was a little dazed, but in her mind, this was of course the best. She controlled the vicious alien species to devour the remaining demon spirits, and she was ready to help the shadow ghost.

But at this time, she saw that the Heavenly Demon Palace orb suspended in mid-air was trembling. It should not be a structural problem of its body, but…

With a muffled sound, the condensed ball in the Heavenly Demon Palace exploded. To be more precise, it exploded.

A dark branch as thick as a child’s arm was pounded out from there, more than ten feet long, whirring and swinging, making the little girl’s eyelids jump.

The branches were dotted with leaves, but each leaf had no vein structure and was a bit weak. Then she saw it more clearly. What kind of leaves were they? They were clearly writhing shadows. These shadows twisted into various strange postures on the branches, as if they were being bound and violated, and they also made moans like the rustling wind.

Xiao Wu’s pigtails almost stood up. Almost instinctively, he hit a magnetic mine and landed on the branch, shaking it so much that it cracked a gap. What poured out of it was the dark Liuyu turbidity. Sap.

The Yuanci God’s Thunder Molten Gold Pin Iron seemed to be taking care of itself, but Xiao Wu panicked and struck with all his strength, only to crack a gap. Such strength…

Right here, in Chengqi Heaven, an extremely painful scream sounded.

The source is not from Cheng Qitian, but from the already very distant Fangcun Demon Kingdom.

That is the dying cry of the demon from outside the world!


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