Ask the Mirror Chapter 293: Attack and Defense of the Demonic Palace in Heaven and Under (4)

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Take out that magic seed?

Except for Yu Ci, I’m afraid no one can do it. In fact, even Yu Ci is more likely to not be able to do it.

As for how Baoyun became like this, Shadow Ghost knows a little bit about it, and he also knows that Yu Ci is responsible, but he doesn’t care about it. Now he just wants to escape unscathed…

When he was anxious, he actually came up with an alternative solution for him: Sooner or later, the Heavenly Demon Palace here would have to give up. There is actually no difference between giving up one step early and giving up one step late.

Then, let’s go earlier. Kou Chu will leave first, then You Rui. As for the other people… I’m sorry, who are they?

When the two people Yu Ci clearly wanted to protect escaped, he had much more space to move around inside, and he could use some tricks.

Currently, the Demon Palace integrates everyone’s minds into one, which means that Shadow Ghost’s cultivation and skills are far beyond those of others except Xiao Wu, and he can temporarily block the true thoughts, so that the bottom is not exposed.

Kou Chu was very obedient, but You Rui was more thoughtful. Shadow Ghost also thought of it and would make another shield.

As soon as his thoughts opened up, Shadow Ghost gained confidence again. As for the backlash that “one step earlier” brought to Yu Ci, let’s see which one is stronger, Taixuan Ban or Liuyu Turbid Current.

After surviving the first wave, he was 100% sure that he could help the group escape safely.

However, no one could hide his thoughts from anyone, not even Xiao Wu. Of course, the little girl was surprised: “This… is not good.”

Her thoughts are not blocked!

Shadow Ghost caressed his forehead, knowing that he could not delay. He broke through all the turbulent thoughts with a strong will, and notified Yu Ci’s distraction, because in times of crisis, the principle of protecting Kou Chu and You Rui first is there, and there is no problem with this. It passed, and Kou Chu didn’t even react before he was “kicked away” and the contact was cut off.

You Rui is indeed a bit smart. She used some skills in the spirit witchcraft to help Shadow Ghost temporarily stabilize the structure of the network, and then retreated. However, because of the lack of this new force, after she left After that, half of the main structure of the Demon Palace collapsed.

No matter how messed up the others were, there was nothing they could do, but at this moment, they almost rebelled on the spot, and could not withstand the impact of the Six Desires Turbidity Current on the other side, which caused the backlash of the Heavenly Demon Palace and distracted Yu Ci immediately. He was severely injured, and the ferocity and ferocity finally reached Cheng Qitian.

Shadow Ghost smiled coldly, and with his thoughts like a sword, he cut off the connection between the Heavenly Demon Palace and his mind. It was as easy as cutting off a section of his robe, so Xiao Wu didn’t have to worry.

Next, he only needs to help Yu Ci withstand the initial wave of impact. After the assimilation of the two Heavenly Demon Palaces is completed, the control will be handed over, and there will be backlash. Since the Heavenly Demon Palace was externalized early, it will not be too much. powerful.

Problems such as adhesions were solved smoothly. At that time, it was just a matter of heading east. As for “minor situations” such as injuries, Yu Ci was responsible for them and it was none of his business.

He was full of confidence, but the situation suddenly changed at this moment.

The backlash from the Heavenly Demon Palace grabbed Yu Ci’s Qi veins connected to it. At the moment when the two parties came into contact, Shadow Ghost seemed to hear a sound of thunder.

The voice was not loud, but the information and power contained in it made him tremble slightly.

There was once a master of calamity, and Shadow Ghost knew it best. This thunder was an opportunity for the laws of heaven and earth to be transformed. With this sound of thunder, the power of heavenly calamity stored in Baoyun or the body of the girl’s demon suddenly “awakens”!

This word is the most appropriate to use. It is like a sleeping person waking up. No matter whether it is a treasure or the consciousness of a newly born girl, there is nothing in front of the tyranny of the laws of heaven and earth. The effect is ultimately dominated by the will of law.

This is Yu Ci’s fate. Due to the current backlash from the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Law of Heaven and Earth finally found another opportunity to reduce the fate.

Shadow Ghost said “ha”, but could not continue.

He knew that something was serious!

The first person to react was not Shadow Ghost, Xiao Wu, and naturally not Yu Ci who was still sleeping, but the Death Demon who was sealed in the upper level of Soul Slaughter Prison.

They cheered. The Soul-Slaughter Prison and the Taixuan Confinement made it impossible for them to regain their vitality for a while, but the power from the laws of heaven and earth is of the same source as them, and they can sense each other. As long as a small gap is opened, they will He will rush out and swallow up the emptiness in his heart until nothing is left.

Due to the awakening of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation Demon in the Fangcun Demon Kingdom, who was fighting against the wind disaster, cleverly contained the impact of the Six Desire Turbid Currents, which caused the girl Yin Demon driven by the laws of heaven and earth to , there was a break between , and the Fangcun Demon Kingdom.

Doing this is equivalent to giving the Heavenly Demon Palace here to the Yin Demon Girl to take over. Although most of it has collapsed and cannot exist for too long, it can still be used as a springboard for attack. In a sense To say that is tantamount to “sending it out of the country as a gift”.

When Fang Cun Mo Country reacted, the corresponding surrounding energy changed.

Bai Lian, who had been paying attention to the situation, looked slightly moved when he saw a new figure suddenly flash among the extraterrestrial demons struggling in the wind disaster.

Unlike the demon who constantly changes his form to reduce the damage caused by wind disasters, the dazzling figure is very clear from beginning to end, but it lasts for a very short time and disappears in a flash.

Miao Xiang said softly, but she was just surprised. However, Bai Lian’s eyesight was much better than hers, and she could detect the flow of Qi in it and the changes in the situation it represented.

Twin Palaces of Demons…

It turns out that there is an external Heavenly Demon Palace here, and the Yin Demon Girl is trying to seize the palace. During this period, the will of the laws of heaven and earth clearly dominates and is highly targeted.

And its target direction is… east!

She turned her head, her gaze seemed to penetrate the boundless black storm and pointed directly in a certain direction.

Miao Xiang felt the change in her, and when she turned her head, she heard: “I’ll take the first step.”

Before the words were spoken, there was no trace.

Miaoxiang didn’t capture her figure at all, but thinking of the direction she was looking at and the information Xiao Wu had revealed earlier, her eyebrows furrowed. Then she looked at the wind disaster demonic energy above Wutuo City and shook her head. Rush over there too.


Shadow Ghost clasped his hands behind his back, his face expressionless, looking straight ahead. Xiao Wu was beside him, holding on to his pigtails, mumbling something, still a little nervous.

In the Chengqi sky ahead, under the red light, it looks like the setting sun is slanting, and there is a blood color. This is the intrusion of the power of heavenly calamity here. The two shadow ghosts didn’t think about blocking it, because with the Heavenly Demon Palace as a way, it would be futile to try to resist the enemy.

Where the red light is at its strongest, a human figure appears, and the girl’s demonic light is naked and coming slowly.

Xiao Wu let out a sound, as if he remembered something. He covered his face with his left hand, but spread his fingers widely, and looked curiously through the gaps between his fingers.

Shadow Ghost slightly adjusted his Qi and blended it with Xiao Wu’s to enhance the effect of the subsequent joint attack. Little girls don’t understand this little trick, so he has to worry about it.

Now, he and Xiao Wu are equivalent to Yu Ci’s protectors when he goes through the calamity. They were originally doing the job of checking for deficiencies and filling them just in case. One person is full of mistakes and omissions, and two protectors have to work harder than surviving the disaster on their own.

The only good thing is that while the Taixuan ban restricted Yu Ci, it also played a role. Before it was broken, the structure of Chengqitian was more stable, and the intrusion of the power of the heavenly tribulation still did not cause direct consequences. of damage.

So, we must definitely control the situation here.

Shadow Ghost communicated his thoughts with Xiao Wu, and the little girl quickly took her hands off her clean face, and rubbed her jade-like little hands gently, and there were flames like rain, facing the red light and the girl between them. fall.

This is the talisman fire contained in the talisman. It can burn any intangible or tangible object.

The inch-high flames would not go out no matter what, clinging to the red light and sizzling on the ice.

In this regard, the girl’s Yin Demon’s response is very simple. She opens her mouth slightly and spits out a jet-black bead only the size of a dragon’s eye. It mixes with the surrounding red light. It seems to be engraved with patterns. If you look closely, , but the figure is struggling, and the turbid current is surging.

The Heavenly Demon Palace is the one that Yu Ci separated from!

The shadow ghost took a quick look and felt a bit toothache. I don’t know whether it was the wisdom of the girl’s Yin Demon itself or the evolution of the Law of Heaven’s Heart. It was not completely destroyed before, but Yu Ci’s distraction was preserved. , forming a symbiotic relationship.

In this way, when Xiao Wu’s talisman is burned, all the damage will be borne by the girl Yin Mo and Yu Ci.

Xiao Wu was neither Fang nor Hua, so he could only look at the shadow ghost with a pleading look. But at this moment, the girl’s evil spirit suddenly attacked, ignoring Cheng Qitian, and flew around. Reality turns into emptiness, turning towards the starry sky.

There is the foundation of Yu Ci Tianyuan’s natal golden talisman, and it is the first step for Yu Ci to transcend the world. He must not miss it no matter what. The shadow ghost can’t care about it, and he transforms into a sword light and bursts out to intercept.

But before the two sides could get closer, a large piece of red light peeled off, like a layer of mist, seemingly covering Chengqitian, but it was another transformation between reality and reality, and it turned out that regardless of Chengqitian, it fell straight to the human world. .

Shadow Ghost was stunned for a moment, and then cursed, which hit him and Xiao Wu’s fatal weakness.

Whether it is the starry sky or the human world, they are all components of the void in the heart, parallel to Chengqitian and not manifested. There, the combat power of Shadow Ghost and Xiao Wu will undoubtedly be restricted. The opponent must be targeting these two areas when they come up.

The Starry Sky is a bit dangerous, but the greater impact is on the human world. Although there is only the most void projection, most of the time, the outline is vague, but it is connected to all the creatures implanted with demon seeds. Once the girl’s Yin Demon exerts its power, through the connection of the void in the heart, all the essence of these people will be absorbed. After seizing it, there is no need to say anything. All consequences and disasters will be borne by Yu Ci.

The calamity thunder that was originally reserved for the top figures might be given to Yu Ci as an exception to enjoy. At that time, it would be called a ten-death-no-life situation.

His sword cultivation skills were used in interception, but he got half the result with half the effort, so he had to call Xiao Wu: “Seal it!”

In his haste, Xiao Wu didn’t even have time to use the talisman, so he simply opened his mouth, sprayed out the gray-black magnetic fire, and transformed into the divine light of the nine earth magnets, sealing the hundred-acre Chengqitian tightly.

Now the girl’s Yin Demon wants to turn from reality to emptiness and take the path of emptiness in her heart to avoid the blockade of the two people; Xiao Wu uses the unparalleled power of Yuan magnetism to seal Cheng Qitian tightly and prevent him from giving in. Any opportunity for the other party to convert.

The girl Yin Mo didn’t seem to have expected that Xiao Wu had such a method. He couldn’t succeed with one strike, but let the shadow ghost bully him, and the sword energy burst out and passed through the body.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been cut into seventeen or eighteen pieces by now, but the girl’s Yin Demon is unpredictable. Although a red light flashes and her aura weakens after being struck by a sword, she maintains her body in the end, and There was a pink light in his eyes, which illuminated five feet, making people look awe-inspiring.

The shadow ghost retreated as soon as it was good, unfolded the invisible sword technique, and disappeared suddenly, but as long as the opponent continued to rush towards the stars, he would naturally give him a few hard blows.

The Yin Demon Girl did not rush upward, but the dark ball manifested by the Heavenly Demon Palace rose again, spinning in the air.

Shadow Ghost looked at it and sensed that there seemed to be a huge power of attraction inside the bead, connecting with the huge power in the distance.

This is taking the initiative to connect with the Fangcun Demon Kingdom. The Heavenly Tribulation Demon originally wanted to stay out of the matter, but now, it is about to be forced into it.

No matter how much cultivation one has, it is difficult to make the naturally violent thing like the six desires flow like an arm and a finger, and it is even harder to resist if it is catalyzed by the will of the laws of heaven and earth. The Heavenly Tribulation Demon over there is probably scolding me too.

Damn it…

Shadow Ghost finally confirmed the power of the doom represented by this girl’s demon. It doesn’t matter how terrible the type of disaster is – against a monk who is half-stepped, there is no need to mobilize troops. The way of heaven is to make up for the excess damage and make up for the deficiencies. Basically, it is soldiers against soldiers, against generals, and there is no ” Extravagance and waste”.

The really scary thing is that because she is not driven by her own consciousness, but is based on the laws of heaven and earth, let alone two-purpose, ten-purpose, hundred-purpose, thousand-purpose, there is no problem, and it is calculated So refined that mercury leaks out of the ground and penetrates every corner. Relatively speaking, the types and rules of heavenly tribulations are actually a limitation.

In the Soul-Slaying Prison, the dead demons cheered in unison again. In their induction, the ban had begun to weaken.

Now that the matter has come to this, Shadow Ghost thinks less and just says: “Watch!”

The laws of heaven and earth must always maintain a minimum level of “justice”. For people of Yu Ci’s level, even if the void is opened up and arouses jealousy, the total amount of power of the heavenly tribulation will not be large. There will be one The standard is here, if you stay like this until the end, you will win.

The impact of the Fangcun Demon Kingdom has finally arrived. It is still the turbid current of six desires. Chengqitian is a part of the void in the heart and has its own unique operating rules. No matter how abstract it is, it must be manifested here. A certain image, once the turbid current arrives, it is a dark and foul-smelling tide of dirt, spreading in circles from the black bead of the Demon Palace.

There are also strange things inside, which are demon spirits transformed from the six desires.

If such filthy things are really rampant here, even if Yu Ci survives, his foundation will be damaged. Within a hundred years, he will not be able to go any further.

The light of the Shadow Ghost sword fell sharply. There were many ways to destroy evil and eliminate evil in the Flying Immortal Sword Sutra, but he was not confident whether he could control the endless flow of six desires while resisting the destruction of the girl’s evil spirit. .

At this moment, Xiao Wu shouted and stomped the ground beneath his feet. A circle of spiritual light spread and penetrated into the ground in an instant.

This was also the time when the great tide of dirt from the Six Desires fell to the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, there was a chirping sound and everything was black.


Two updates happened at the same time. Today I encountered something very emotional. I said it was posted at noon, but I missed the appointment again. However, I am still glad that the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up.

Tomorrow’s update will be relatively late, so please check back tomorrow night.


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