Ask the Mirror Chapter 291: Go forward and follow the three-way intersection (middle)

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After a period of coma, Baoyun finally woke up and saw that the house was covered with a thin layer of snow. She couldn’t help but feel a little dazed. !.

Snow is falling from the large hole in the roof.

There are endless black storms. For many people born and raised in the Northern Wilderness, snow scenes can only appear in legends. Baoyun was also brought by Lu Qing and Wan Quan and others a few years ago. I only really met him once when I was traveling in the Northland, and now I feel that he is very friendly.

But then, the cold and lonely feeling was like an ice and snow mountain spring, gurgling into my heart.

It’s so cold!

She unconsciously hugged her knees and huddled on the bed, using her own body temperature to keep warm.

The snowflakes were still falling, and she just watched quietly, her mind just like the vast snow, which lost its direction when the wind blew.

From now on, she is just one person.

It wasn’t until the chaos and noise outside broke the loneliness and silence here that she woke up from a dream. There seemed to be trouble in the city.

At this time, a severe headache suddenly struck without any warning. She couldn’t help but moan in a low voice, and her body was trembling slightly, but at this time, she couldn’t even break out a cold sweat, and her body temperature soared sharply. This was a sign that her body was weak to a certain extent.

The demon girl who is about to take shape is using the most brutal method to extract the last bit of vitality from her body as the nutrients to “break out of the shell”.

Baoyun knew something was wrong, but now that she had a splitting headache, it was difficult for her to think normally. She could only feel better by silently reciting the magic formula Lu Qing passed on to her.

But those things treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The headache continues, but is only slightly relieved. She vaguely felt that if she stayed here, she might die in pain, so she staggered out of bed.

Most of the house had collapsed, with bricks and stones all over the floor, and no shoes or socks could be found. She simply walked barefoot in the thin snow, and the cold chill seeped in, which made her headache symptoms get better again. Some.

“This snow… is useful.”

A wonderful feeling sprouted in his heart again. Stimulated by the ice and snow, Baoyun felt a clear understanding in his heart.

From the moment she woke up, many of the vague and unclear feelings came not from herself, but from the demon girl who was about to take shape.

To be more precise, she shared this feeling with the girl demon.

The “bridge” connecting here is undoubtedly the method Lu Qing taught her.

Slowly walking in the snow, the icy cold air penetrated from the soles of the feet to the brain, and the headache symptoms became lighter and lighter. At this time, Baoyun finally got a piece of valuable news from the new feeling.

The culprit of her weakness is undoubtedly the girl demon, but the crux of the headache is really not with her.

That comes from an external stimulus.

At this time, deep in the void that was invisible to the naked eye, there was a powerful force that was trying to inject some emotion into her heart.

With the power of Baoyun, it is impossible to resist, but now that the girl’s evil demon is about to take shape, it is tantamount to tampering with her forbidden possessions, which leads to a secret wrestling.

The headache was a “fight” between the two sides, with her soul as the main battlefield.

Baoyun can’t control it if he doesn’t care about it. Moreover, from a certain point of view, the more the girl is made to feel as if she is facing a powerful enemy, the more in line with her wishes.

She slowly walked out of the half-collapsed courtyard gate. This place was originally a heavy industry, but because of someone’s order, it was used as an isolation zone and no one was staying. The noise from the distant street was clearly heard. It’s coming, and it’s getting closer and closer.

Finally, heavy breathing sounded from the other end of the alley in front of the door. Five or six people turned to this road, and the two sides happened to meet each other.

Then, Baoyun saw several faces that were confused and greedy.

“Mom x, you made a profit!”

As a city of sand thieves, Wutuo City will never lack lawless characters. The more chaos the city has, the more some people will fish in troubled waters and do things they usually want to do but are unable to do, let alone Said to be stimulated by some secret emotion.

The visitor belonged to a small group of sand thieves. They had just escaped from the chaos of the street to this quiet place when they saw a stunning figure.

Bao Yun stood barefoot in the snow. Although he looked haggard, his beauty could not be concealed in any way.

In the remote and dark alley, the eyes of five people were shining brightly, reflecting the woman’s dazzling light.

Of course, some people inside still have some sense: “It’s better to leave the city now…”

“This woman’s cultivation is not good, so it doesn’t take much effort to take her away.”

“Yes, I was so shocked that I broke into a cold sweat just now. I left the city, so I need to recuperate!”

A man in this state always thinks as closely as possible, so he quickly reached a consensus, looked at each other, suddenly let out a shout, and rushed towards him with a strange smile.

How long can a lane be? In the blink of an eye, the distance between them and Baoyun was less than five feet.

Baoyun’s feet were cold and his forehead was hot. Other than that, all the feelings in his body and mind were numb. He just watched the people bumping into him coldly.

At this time, there was a sound in the sky. It was a hoarse howl. She didn’t know what it meant, but she found that the cry seemed to be the same as the one who had been wrestling with the girl’s evil spirit. source.

The sound wave turned wonderfully, reaching straight to the bottom of her heart. At the turning point, it suddenly transformed into a voice that she could understand:

“Come, take revenge…I will help you take revenge!”

She raised her head and looked up at the dark sky.

Bao Yun can feel that the female Yin Demon is quite “averse” to this kind of call. If she follows the idea of ​​”it goes east and I go west”, she should respond to this call now, and she does mean this. .

But at this moment, a new exciting point appeared, and it was deep in her soul.

To this sudden increase in stimulation, the girl’s reaction was a bit strange. She was not too repulsive, but that kind of “non-repulsion” was not a pleasant attraction, but a cruel murderous intention due to her innate nature.

In this case, Baoyun got the information over there very smoothly.

It’s just that there’s nothing valuable inside, it’s like a direct and cold iron hook, completely ignoring her intentions and trying to take away the power from here.

Baoyun suddenly remembered what Lu Qing said in her ear: “There is a demon seed in your soul…”

At this moment, too many things happened, making Bao Yun look stunned. The sand pirates who were about to rush in front of her had time to exchange glances:

Is this woman crazy?

Some people saw Bao Yun’s messy clothes and laughed: “I’m afraid there has been a lot of fighting before… It’s okay, brother, I don’t mind it!”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and explored Baoyun’s white and plump chest.

At this moment, Baoyun suddenly looked over, faced five tall and thick men, and smiled brightly.

That smile was like the rising sun, red and dazzling. Before this smile, someone blurted out: “Me first!”

Wait, red?

A ray of red light burst out from Baoyun’s body, covering a ten-foot radius outside him in an instant.

Under the red light, the finger that had touched the beauty’s white porcelain skin suddenly dried up, like a piece of rotten wood, which shattered with just a little external force!

Embarrassed, I didn’t send it earlier…


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