Ask the Mirror Chapter 290: The Ultimate Divine Power of the Square Cun Demon Kingdom (Part 2)

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That sentence came out like a sideways peak, extremely sudden.

At first, Yu Qingxuan thought it was Liu Guan’s angry words, but when the sound waves dispersed, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Wherever the sound wave passed, the few surviving creatures around them suddenly became furious, as if they had been tricked into confusing their minds, running like wolves and jumping into chaos.

It doesn’t matter. The real trouble is that the distance between Liuguan and Wutuo City is less than a hundred miles. The sound waves only rise and fall two or three times before shaking the whole city. Yu Qingxuan reluctantly follows with his consciousness. No one among the monks in the city could hear clearly the meaning behind the sound waves. They probably just felt a buzzing in their ears and were quite confused.

Yu Qingxuan confirmed that Liu Guan is still under the suppression of Prisoner Star Prison and is still wrestling with the Qianli Earth Vein. However, the power brought by the sound wave inexplicably penetrated the confinement of Prisoner Star Prison and acted on Surrounding living beings.

From this moment on, only three or two breaths passed, and the light in the city suddenly dimmed.

This is not a change of light and darkness in the outside world, but a change in the minds of millions of creatures.

When you reach Yu Qingxuan’s level, you can see that the shadows in the city are layered, and tens of millions of barriers are added up, forming a shadow demon domain covering the entire city in an instant.

The magical power of the devil, empathy and change of will. At this moment, some characters with weak minds felt gloomy. Some of the knots that had been temporarily forgotten came to their chests one after another, and they wished they could yell. Can slightly relieve depression.

The more they behave like this, the stronger the Shadow Demon Realm becomes. A “fruit” seems to have formed on the top of the Demon Realm. It is a miniature but grand country, only the size of a fist, with countless shadows turning into misty human shapes. Groaning and struggling.

Yu Qingxuan’s consciousness was swimming in the city, feeling the influence of the Shadow Demon Realm, and also touched the periphery of the Fang Cun Demon Kingdom. She confirmed that this was not the method of Shadow Void, at least not entirely, and there should be some heavenly demons added to it. Empty means.

The Heavenly Demon Void, or the Heavenly Demon Palace, is one of the most famous sources of magical powers in the Demon Sect, and the Shadow Void is one of its branches. It is not surprising that the two sides are connected.

The strange thing is that this Heavenly Demon Palace has been moved to the outer world between heaven and earth. This is a rare situation.

What she couldn’t figure out even more was how Liu Guan sent out this power and made such mysterious changes?

Looking at Liu Guan again at this time, a layer of black energy appeared on his face. He howled loudly and hoarsely. In the Shadow Demon Realm, which was dozens of miles away, the Fangcun Demon Kingdom responded like this, shaking endlessly.

While shaking, Fangcun Demon Kingdom released thousands of invisible threads, penetrating the bodies of those possessed monks in Wutuo City, and they were all inserted from heavenly spirits, which was extremely strange.

This is a strange scene that can only be vaguely noticed by Yu Qingxuan’s level. Unfortunately, now, she has no power to interfere.

Those threads have no substance and are not harmful to the human body. However, after penetrating into the brain, many monks who were already restless went crazy. Some jumped around, some howled, and some even raised their heads directly. They took out swords and magic weapons and started hacking and killing people in the street.

These people were crazy, and their cultivation levels were inexplicably enhanced to varying degrees. They were difficult to control, and Wutuo City was immediately in chaos.

This is a city of unscrupulous sand thieves, and chaos is contagious. Chaos spread from Zhicheng to Gencheng in a matter of seconds. The city was already littered with corpses. In the space of one breath, thousands of people died.

The darker and negative the emotions, the better nourishment for the Shadow Demon Realm.

The passions and emotions born in the chaos of the thieves, monks and even ordinary people in the city turned into the turbulent currents of six desires, following the millions of invisible threads and sucking into the demon kingdom. middle.

Yu Qingxuan could see clearly that the small demon kingdom had grown in size in the blink of an eye.

Correspondingly, the strength of Liu Guan’s aura also began to increase, and the effectiveness of the Prisoner’s Prison became increasingly attenuated.

Obviously, Liu Guan created the Fangcun Demon Kingdom and drew strength from the Fangcun Demon Kingdom.

So, is it the devil that captures the soul?

No, Prisoner Star Prison failed to block the passage of internal and external qi. This only represents one possibility:

“Shinto method…the ultimate divine power! Is he following that path too?”

Yu Qingxuan’s eyes shifted and he saw that Liu Guan was still under the prison locks of the prison star. He looked up to the sky and screamed, as if he was crazy. However, his body and energy were changing in detail, and unknowingly, he became more and more… It is elusive, and it has the potential to break out of the prison star prison and transform into a dragon.

“It is called paranoia to not let go of anyone you accept. Using the power of one’s paranoia to arouse the gloomy heart of a creature and wash out the power of transcendence… This is already the method of the free demon and the core of Shinto.”

The Fang Cun Demon Kingdom seems to be absorbing the turbid currents of six desires for its own use, but that is just an illusion.

The real power is hidden deep in the turbid flow of six desires. It belongs to a living being’s transcendent heart and power of faith. It is also the only “seed” of a living being’s transcendence and sainthood, and it is the most nourishing nourishment in the world.

Being able to ingest this substance is proof of entering the divine way.

Du Dao Liu Guan was humiliated by Lu Chen and Mrs. Huang Quan, offended the devil, and was sent to the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion. He has now sunk. Unexpectedly, he used his own paranoia to forcefully open a road to the Shinto, and he has already reached this point. Kind of level!

However, from this perspective, Liu Guan’s actions are too rough.

Although the world’s authentic spiritual masters are rare, it does not mean that there are few people who follow the Shinto path, and there are thousands of ways.

Observing Liu Guan’s actions, he should seize the dark corners of people’s hearts, satisfy these people’s paranoid thoughts, and gather incense believers. This is not impossible. There is no distinction between good and evil in Shinto. It can be seen that he has already achieved some results.

However, how could it be possible that among the millions of monks in the city, all of them were his followers, and all of them were paranoid figures who could not extricate themselves?

Liu Guan entered Shinto with a paranoid heart, so his field is paranoia, which is the “ultimate way”. Only in this way can he arouse the resonance of believers and draw out his own divine power.

This point is particularly obvious in the human body in Shinto, and even the five major gods are no exception.

Due to different paths, the level of induction of the God Lord is different and differentiated. According to the legend, we will not mention the Buddhas and Taoists who have seen the infinite worlds in the past and future, and know the existence and impermanence of all dharma. Let’s just talk about the other three:

For example, the Demon Lord of Yuanshi, it is said that his supernatural powers are closest to those of Buddha and Taoist masters, and all sentient beings in the world in the ten directions can transcend and perish in a single thought of him;

Before the Witch God fell into sleep, the rising and falling spiritual energy of the heaven, earth, sun, moon, sea, land, mountains and rivers were visible to him like the palm of his hand;

As unreliable as the Rakshasa Ghost King is, all the changes in the emotions and thoughts of all living beings in the world cannot escape her discernment.

Leaving these realms, for example, letting the Demon Lord of Yuanshi observe the changes in the mountains and rivers of the real world, letting the Witch Lord play with emotions and people’s hearts, and letting the Rakshasa Ghost King do things to transcend sinking, is not impossible, but it is better than “his job” Spend some time and effort.

These are still the real God Lords. If they were replaced by others, they would be as good as the gods across the mountains. They would be as powerful as the Infinite Void God Lord, the Great Brahma Demon King and the like. If they enter the fields that they are not good at, they will not be better than ordinary earth immortals. Where to go. Not to mention taking in “seed” nutrients from there.

But Liu Guan acted unscrupulously. He first used the magic of heaven and demon to confuse his mind and induce inner demons, and then used methods similar to illusion to induce the monks to send out the power of faith. This is not Shinto. But it’s evil.

So it can be seen that in the Fangcun Demon Kingdom, there are too many turbid currents of six desires, and the power is inevitably mixed and impure. But Liu Guan didn’t care, because this was a temporary measure, and what he wanted was to defeat Yu Qingxuan with absolute superiority. As for how it would end – he moved the Heavenly Demon Palace outside, just to divert trouble to the east.

As long as the true foundation in his heart is not stained, he can still bear the backlash.

In just ten breaths, the Fangcun Demon Kingdom has accumulated enough power. The Shadow Demon Realm covering the entire city has expanded rapidly and has exceeded the scope of the city. The ban formed the most direct conflict.

In the distance, Yu Qingxuan sighed almost imperceptibly, and the clone disappeared like light smoke. The distorted heavy armor twisted and plummeted to the ground.

The next moment, the bulges on the ground exploded one after another, and the majestic earth air spurted out. The bright yellow light gas swept in all directions, causing thousands of miles of area to tremble slightly, but the “crater” under Liu Guan quickly fell back. At the end, it was like a breath, shattering with a bang, and the huge natural power inside had disappeared into nothingness.

Liu Guan howled again, and in the shadow void, the long lines of starlight were distorted and no longer shaped.

The prison star is broken.

Liu Guan stopped howling, and the aura in his body went from flying and domineering to calming down. He scanned the area of ​​nearly a thousand miles with his mind, but could not find Yu Qingxuan. The woman seemed to be unable to do anything, so she dispersed.

Liu Guan doesn’t care about this.

He looked at Wutuo City, the demonic void kingdom that had expanded several times but was still no bigger than a human head.

The power contained in it is a little worse than his own, but the level is higher than him. It is the divine magic power that is comparable to the top earth immortal magical power.

Just now, it was just a small test of his skills, and he destroyed the Prison Star Prison, but Liu Guan did not hesitate to expose his Shinto trump card, how could he be satisfied with this?

He raised his head and looked directly at the delusion that was already reaching the top of the Blue Sky Realm.

Grinning, he swayed slightly, disappeared from the spot, and came to Zhengkong, Wutuo City, next to the “Square Inch Demon Kingdom”.

Just as I was about to reach out to get it, my senses suddenly changed. He was startled and raised his head sharply. Three or two seemingly soft ice crystals flew down, and in an instant, heavy snow fell from the sky.

The snow actually did not fall from the sky, but directly filled the vast but limited space of Wutuo City.

What’s more important is that a thin layer of ice formed in the city in the shortest possible time. It seemed that it could melt with just a breath, but it still felt cool and refreshing.

At this moment, the connection between Fangcun Demon Kingdom and the monks in the city suddenly became difficult, and the surging Six Desires Turbid Current seemed to be blocked by the cold air, and its flow rate became extremely slow.

“To seal the spiritual connection between the demon kingdom and the monks… Maybe you don’t know that for hundreds of years in this ghost place, I hate the snow the most!”

Liu Guan suddenly tore open his front shirt, exposed his chest, and screamed loudly.

The Fangcun Demon Kingdom suddenly expanded again, and some monks in the city who had just woken up from the cold suddenly felt severe pain in their heads, and the next moment, they exploded.

Wutuo City seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then completely collapsed.

Deep in the True Cultivation Circle of Gencheng, in the center of a talisman array that had been set up early, spiritual light flowed, and the sizzling sound seemed like a long sigh hundreds of millions of miles away.


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