Ask the Mirror Chapter 290: The Ultimate Divine Power of the Square-Cun Demon Kingdom (Part 1)

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A clone of Buxu level blocking the path of the Great Tribulation Master seems to be an incredible and extremely unsmart move.

How could Yu Qingxuan not know that there were too many differences here? However, this was the condition set by Donghua Palace, or Lu Suhua: to block Liu Guan and allow the Lu family’s bloodline to complete the competition without interference.

So, Yu Qingxuan is here.

Liu Guan still kept his interesting look: “Yu Qingxuan? I’ve heard that at the end of the tribulation, you are much more famous than that **** in front of you. Why are you from the Taixuan lineage wading in the muddy water here? ?”

Yu Qingxuan didn’t say anything. He only stood here in his avatar. Facing the Great Tribulation Master directly, even if he stood still, it would take a lot of effort.

Liu Guan was very considerate. He seemed to have forgotten that he was on his way. His tone was neither urgent nor slow. In line with his usual clear articulation style, he seemed to be reasonable: “You are not having a hard time in the south. I heard that Tai Xuan has been unable to recover from his old injuries and has not shown up for decades? The foundation of Ruizhu Palace is what you should be concerned about.

Behind the cloak, Yu Qingxuan was also observing. Her real body is also at the level of the Great Tribulation, and it is hard to tell with Liu Guan. However, in the past, they were in the south and the other in the north. They were in different circles and had no chance to meet. This was the first time they had met face to face. Looking at it now, Liu Guan His performance is somewhat different from outside legends.

When Yu Qingxuan was slightly confused, Liu Guan looked up at the sky. With such a delay, his goal was already thousands of miles away, and he had to spend more time.

Then he turned around and looked directly at the sky-blue cloak in front of him: “You are not here in person, can you bring the magic weapon with you?”

The topic was suddenly thrown out of the blue. Yu Qingxuan’s heart moved slightly. Almost at the same time, Liu Guan laughed: “I brought it!”

As soon as the sound fell, a clang was heard, and a ray of light shot up into the sky behind him, but the surrounding sky dimmed. In the blink of an eye, shadows covered half of the sky, like a blazing sun that had just been isolated by clouds. After that, it was obscured again.

The shadow area came so fast that Yu Qingxuan’s clone didn’t even have time to react before it was swallowed up. In this area, the shadows were like knives!

In an instant, the sky-blue cloak was crushed to pieces. Not only the cloak, but also the void itself in the shadow area was crushed to pieces, with cracks everywhere. Any living creature that came here would inevitably end up being torn apart.

It seemed like he succeeded with one blow, but Liu Guan let out a “tsk” sound, very dissatisfied.

That move again.

At this moment, from another direction, Yu Qingxuan’s voice came again: “Shadow Demon Sword?”

“Ha, it’s the Shadow Demon Sword.”

The brilliance emitted from the back of Liu Guan’s head is a very famous treasure of the Demon Sect. It looks like a knife, extremely sharp, but it can be used for sacrifice. With the help of a unique method of sacrifice, it is definitely the two wheels of Tiangang Earth Demon Sacrifice. of series.

In particular, this sword is most consistent with what Liu Guan has learned, and complements Ying Xukong. At that time, Liu Guan relied on this sword to become one of the most dazzling masters of the Great Tribulation Technique in the North Demon Sect. However, because he had a manic attack during the sacrifice and was disrespectful to the Yuanshi Demon Lord, he was sent to the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion. This sword was also Deprived of it, it was stored in the Infinite Fire Demon Palace, but he didn’t expect it to return to his hands at this time.

With this knife in hand, Liu Guan’s combat power increased by at least 30%.

However, Liu Guan came with a sword, and Yu Qingxuan was not bad either. At this time, her cloak was chopped into pieces, but in the blink of an eye, she was replaced by something. It was a pair of green heavy armor, which seemed to be made on the spur of the moment. , the details are still a little rough, and the surface is lined with runes. At this time, it emits a blue light, pushing away the shadows, and standing on its own in a void.

Liu Guan glanced back and was about to turn around, but at this time, the area covered by shadows was suddenly illuminated by skylight. When he raised his head, he saw that between the shadow curtains, at some point, several stars had been embedded in them, spreading a faint light. Down.

Liu Guan has never dealt with Yu Qingxuan before, but he still has some understanding of the methods of Taixuan’s lineage:

Attract the Seven Stars, Taixuan intercepts the Star Lock?

No matter what kind of lock it is, if there is no cultivation level to hold it down, it can be cut through with one knife.

Liu Guan screamed sharply, and the light soaring into the sky behind him merged with the gray void. The shadow was like a wave, covering a hundred miles in an instant.

This blow was too much for even the black storm below to bear. It cracked open and penetrated to the bottom, revealing the mottled earth below and the half of Wutuo City that was clearly trembling.

The Wutuo City Formation flashed with light, which was just the aftermath of the impact of Liu Guan’s sword.

Liu Guan no longer planned to use each move with Yu Qingxuan. As soon as the sword came out, the shadow void expanded rapidly. He always maintained the suppression of Yu Qingxuan and tried his best. This sword was ten times stronger than before, but Inexplicably, Liu Guan felt more comfortable than ever before.

Yu Qingxuan’s clone still exists, even though it was swept away forty miles away by a knife, the heavy armor is cracked, and he looks a little embarrassed.

“This doesn’t make sense…”

Liu Guan’s thoughts reached this point, and he finally realized that although he was wielding the Shadow Demon Sword with unparalleled power, he was always restrained by some force in the dark. Maybe the power itself is nothing and can only act within a small area. However, a person like Yu Qingxuan can **** the chance of birth even within a small area.

“What tricks are you playing?”

Contrary to the lengthy ending, the third strike of the Shadow Demon Sword was like thunder, locking firmly on the location of Yu Qingxuan’s Qi machine, while still leaving some room to defend against the disturbing power.

The shadow blade pierced the air, but Liu Guan was shocked to realize that the originally weak interference force suddenly increased to a level, and there was no intention of stopping at all. He was simply turning somersaults.

His body sank, falling more than half a foot.

“What the hell… open!”

He no longer cared about Yu Qingxuan’s current situation forty miles away. The Great Tribulation Magic and Divine Power burst out with all its strength, but the starlight above his head shone half a step ahead of him.

At this time, he did not look up again, but turned his gaze to the black storm hole that had not yet closed. He did not pay attention to the mottled ground in front of him, but now when he looked again, the layers of aura flowing through it turned out to be a The talisman array was arranged early.

The talisman array was previously obscured by bad weather such as the black storm, and even if there was a slight leak of spiritual energy, it would be difficult to detect it unless it broke into the depths of the black storm.

He vaguely remembered a famous talisman formation in the Taixuan lineage: “Is this… the Star Prison?”

As soon as the idea became clear, dozens of starlights condensed into long lines, tearing apart the shadow void. The Qi of both sides became entangled, and Liu Guan’s figure fell again.

He wanted to use the Shadow Demon Knife to cut off the long line of starlight, but his energy moved quickly, and his lower limbs took shape rapidly, as if they had the power of a volcanic eruption.

This is the majestic earth energy contained in the thousands of miles of earth veins. If he cuts off the star line, maybe the bottom of his **** will really turn into a crater!

With his level of cultivation, being in magma is just like taking a hot bath. However, most of the huge and powerful forces of nature contain the calamity of heaven and earth. If a chain reaction is formed, he will have great fun.

When will such a trap be deployed?

Liu Guan was silent for a moment, then took a long breath, squinted his eyes, and looked at the blurry figure dozens of miles away: “Yingtianxing, connecting to the ground veins, using dead objects to achieve the talisman formation seal, Taixuan’s His skills are truly unparalleled… I have been playing hide and seek outside the city for the past two days, and it seems that you are also paying attention.”

He hit the nail on the head.

Since Lu Suhua forced Yu Qingxuan to help, he naturally wanted her to play her maximum role.

In the past two days, she and Liu Guan have been entangled near Wutuo City. In addition to waiting for Lu Qing to take action, she also created convenient conditions for Yu Qingxuan to observe and design nearby. As for how Yu Qingxuan hides Liu Guan, that is her own ability. .

Anyway, it’s done now, isn’t it?

Liu Guan’s voice came over, but Yu Qingxuan didn’t respond or get closer.

The “Prisoner Star Prison” is one of the top achievements of the Taixuan lineage. It is extremely difficult for her clone to set up the formation. The success was mainly due to the heavy weapon sect’s years of preparation in Wutuo City and the foundation of the formation ban. It was also thanks to the fact that Zhan Shuicheng took action last year when he was bored waiting here and completed a prototype.

Several factors were added together to successfully deploy the formation within two days. However, because of such a high altitude, activating the talisman formation to block it was still too reluctant for a clone with only a Buxu level. If it were not for Supported by temporary heavy armor talismans, the clone may have long since dissipated.

Yu Qingxuan also knew that without a powerful person at the level of Changsheng Zhenren to preside over it, no matter how mysterious and unpredictable the Prison Star Prison was, it would be impossible to trap Liu Guan for too long.

She naturally knows the ability of the Great Tribulation Master to move mountains and reclaim seas – the limit of half a quarter of an hour is already the most optimistic estimate.

It depends on whether Lu Suhua can catch Lu Qing as she said.

She looked up at the sky, then moved her gaze to the ground.

The black storm in the sky of Wutuo City has been suppressed by Liu Guan’s strong pressure and has been unable to close since the Shadow Demon Sword came down from it and tore open a huge hole. From the hollow, we can see that the ground with deep runes and auras are swelled piece by piece. The biggest one is the change of the formation itself, while the other ones are all twisted and twisted by the strong pressure of Liuguan’s great calamity magic power. characterization.

Liu Guan has been resisting.

And he has indeed grasped the fatal weakness of the current “Prisoner Star Prison”. The Prisoner Star Prison uses the earth’s veins as its “root” and the stars as its “change”. The heaven and earth are connected, and the sky controls the earth, creating endless changes. Only then can we dissolve external forces and achieve the name of being unblocked.

But now Yu Qingxuan no longer has the energy to preside over the center. The changes in Prison Star Prison are the same as the preset ones, which are very rigid. But if Liu Guan concentrates on competing with those changes, he will only get detoured. Her promise It can be done easily.

It’s a pity that Liu Guan, who is such a person, chose the most “stupid” but most effective method right now:

Ignore those changes, but confront the Thousand Miles of Earth Lines head-on, and use the power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas to forcibly uproot the foundation of Prisoner Star Prison!

Yu Qingxuan’s Qi was weak, but his mind was still sharp. In a blink of an eye, he calculated the time for the prison to collapse:

Only sixty breaths, which is about one-third of a quarter… barely acceptable.

At this time, she heard Liu Guan shouting with his head raised and his voice hoarse: “You **** from Huangquan, that **** of yours is as cunning as you!”

Let’s start with three thousand words. There will be another three thousand tomorrow morning. It’s enough to count. By the way, adjust the time. I can’t afford to hurt the old man who has a date later…


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