Ask the Mirror Chapter 29: Inferior works but high profile (Part 2)

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Due to the impact of the sword, the Divine Network became quiet for a while, and Haihong took the opportunity to make further additions:

“This object does not have any control hub. It does not look like a magical weapon, but more like a ‘calligraphy treasure’ left behind by a master of swordsmanship when he was inspired…”

This kind of description can be regarded as a kind word. But the value of the fabric, which can be described as artistically inferior, has been clearly demonstrated.

The greatest value is that it leaves behind the sword intention of a master of swordsmanship. Although it seems scattered and unsystematic, if you study it with concentration, you may not be able to understand it.

The higher you go on the path of sword cultivation, the more indispensable it is to learn from each other, sharpen, and refer to it. If you practice by yourself, if you are less than immortal, you cannot refine the heart and sword intention, and you will naturally not be able to break the catastrophe; if you are more than immortal, if you work behind closed doors, , accidentally cut off some key law, and the backlash made it difficult to leave a whole corpse.

The sea outside Wugoucheng is close to the boundary of Lunjianxuan. There are certainly many swordsmen who are affected by it. Those who can participate in this meeting are naturally knowledgeable. At that moment, several divine wills jumped up and sent messages to Haihong. .

The sword cultivator’s avatar is studying the way of the sword and using his sword intention to deduce a flaw in the secret technique of Netherworld Jiuzang. Guiyan is already more sensitive here. Look at the ice silk fabric spread out in the wind. It feels strangely familiar.

Fabric… Sword Intent!

He suddenly remembered something. Back in the Sword Garden, when Xing Tian was commenting on his swordsmanship, he once said that a long time ago, the female sword fairy Haodian, who was in the world and had few opponents, in order to continue the “God-killing Thorn” Since then, he has determined to restore this pure “killing method” into a set of unprecedented sword techniques and pass them on to future generations.

For this reason, he deliberately went against his temperament and learned embroidery. He divided the method of embroidery to kill the gods into five pieces of fine yarn, and gathered his talents to embroider the method of embroidering the gods. Unfortunately, he was asked to go to the west during the expedition. It was never completed.

There are five and a half pieces of “Huamangsha” handed down from generation to generation.

Due to various opportunities, the Bailing Hua Mang Sha, the Shi Yin Hua Mang Sha, the Dragon Slaying Hua Mang Sha, and the half of the God-killing Zhengong Sha were all in Yu Ci’s hands, helping him understand the killing power of the God-killing Thorn. The sword intention is of endless use.

Only the Heavenly Demon Transformed Mangsha and the Demonic Blood Transformed Mangsha are still missing. Could this be one of the two?

Hmm, it doesn’t look like it!

The three and a half pieces of “Huamang Yarn” I received were all stained with blood, without any exception, and were exquisitely woven and embroidered. They were completely different from the horrific work in front of me.

Anyway, Guiyan became interested in the fabric.

It’s a pity that although Master Black Jiao is rich, he is short on elixirs. A natural alien species like him rarely needs elixirs, so he can’t come up with anything that satisfies Hai Hong. thing.

Coincidentally, transactions on the sea have also fallen into this dilemma.


This fabric naturally limits the scope of the transaction. If it is not a sword cultivator, it is meaningless. However, it is a sword cultivator. It is the category with the least demand for elixirs and foreign objects in this world. If there is no demand, there is no need to collect it. Divine wills swarmed around and offered suitable conditions, but none came.

Hai Hong was obviously very troubled: “Everyone, please be quiet for a moment. I can conclude that this piece of fabric must have been left by a senior Immortal Sword Cultivator. No matter how organized it is, its value is immeasurable. Reduced The standard is definitely not up to standard, and it is unfair to the fellow Taoists in front of me… Well, there are no finished elixirs, but there are elixirs and related elixirs.”

As soon as this statement came out, many people no longer cared about the Immortal Real Person, and they booed. Fortunately, the Divine Will Network could present such an atmosphere.

Although the elixir is a finished product and can be taken immediately, which is very convenient, everyone knows that compared with the corresponding elixir recipe, even a thousand elixirs are not as good as one elixir recipe.

Elixirs, especially those at the level of Xuanzhen Ningxu Pill, are something that can truly be passed down and used as a treasure to suppress the sect.

If the casual cultivators present have the corresponding elixir recipe of the “Nine Transformations and Nine True Elixirs” and others, take it to the Maritime Chamber of Commerce and, among other things, exchange it for an authentic recipe that directly points to immortality. There will be no problem. Many sects in the world would offer similar conditions in exchange.

Hai Hong showed an extremely calm attitude again. No matter how he reacted, I remained unmoved.

The hustle and bustle was about to end, and Fang said: “Since there is no suitable thing, I will take the trouble of Deacon Huang and consign this fabric to the Maritime Chamber of Commerce… huh?”

“How about a residual recipe of ‘Zhen Ji Xiang’, with proportions and no techniques?”

This “Suppressing Incense” is one of the several spices listed by Hai Hong. Its function is to suppress extreme thoughts and resist evil tribulations. As you can imagine, it is also very valuable. Although it is not an elixir, it is just a spice seed, which is not complete yet. With the configurable proportions, even if there is no corresponding preparation technique, if you find a skilled perfumer, you may be able to deduce it.

Hai Hong said flatly: “Change!”

It was Gui Yan who took action. He had the Unnamed Incense Sutra at his side and hundreds of thousands of spice recipes. Even if he didn’t come up with a very sensitive one like “Crossing the Sea Incense”, it wouldn’t be easy to choose the right one. difficulty.

After accepting the somewhat aggressive probings of several sword cultivators calmly, Gui Yan remained silent until the end of the trade fair.

Hai Hongzhi took out a total of twenty strange objects and magic weapons of various colors. Except for three items that had no suitable elixirs to exchange for and could only be sold on consignment, seventeen magic weapons all found buyers, and none of them had any real purpose. Unsuccessful shooting in the sense.

Even big merchants such as the Maritime Chamber of Commerce and Suixin Pavilion cannot guarantee this.

Hai Hong still looked calm and had no polite words. He said directly: “The second thing is about the origin of the ruins… I and several colleagues initially determined that this is the second largest city of the Hairen alien race. The ruins of ‘Taiyuan’.”

“Absolutely impossible!”

Some people immediately jumped out to object: “Taiyuan City was built fifteen catastrophes ago, and it sank into the trench four catastrophes ago and disappeared. Its location must be at least a million miles north, above the East China Sea. Who doesn’t know?”

“Yes, even though the Sea people clan was wiped out five tribulations ago because they offended the Rakshasa cult, and the survivors were also shackled into the Blood Hell and Ghost Mansion, where they will be slaves forever, there are still people left alive after all, we All the teachers and seniors have dealt with this clan.”

“It makes sense to say that this is a stronghold of the foreign sea people, but Taiyuan City…”

In the Shenyi Network, there was another commotion, and all kinds of information were spread, mostly without any concealment. Guiyan soon learned the relevant background.

The so-called alien race of sea people was originally born under the East Pole Tianzhu. They inherited the essence of the ocean and were naturally close to the creatures in the sea. They gradually grew in size. Due to the difficult environment near the Tianzhu, they gradually moved westward and spread all over the north. , East and South China Sea, forming a kingdom with vast territory.

They are just accustomed to living in the deep sea, rarely included in the scope of the cultivation world, and rarely have direct conflicts of interest with human monks. Instead, they can exchange knowledge and gain. It is said that the methods of cultivation of the Eighteen Demon Kings of the South China Sea are all There are traces of the Sea Clan, and today’s Maritime Chamber of Commerce also relied on reselling on both sides.

But for such a powerful force, because it offended the Rakshasa Ghost King, its sphere of influence shrank rapidly within a catastrophe, and was eventually uprooted.

Taiyuan City was the last stronghold of the Hai people. It persisted for a whole calamity, but in the end the city died and sank into the trench without a trace.


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