Ask the Mirror Chapter 26: The ritual rituals of talismans rise and fall (Part 1)

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As the Yunlou tree that stores the “return mark” of the Seventeen Sword Immortals, it is not unreasonable to react with the sword intention of the Feixian. Moreover, its “mother body” recorded the “Shangzhen Jiuxiao” The copy of “Fei Xian Sword Sutra” can be said to have a great origin.

It’s just that when the three sides of the True Realm, the Land of Eternal Fall, and Cheng Qitian collided in the void, Cheng Qitian, as the weakest party, almost suffered a devastating blow, while Yunlou, who was the leader of the Land of Eternal Fall, suffered a devastating blow. Trees, not to mention.

If it weren’t for the special structure of the three-dimensional void, and if it wasn’t maintained by the true meaning of Xuanwu, the two would have collapsed long ago.

Fifteen years later, nourished by the true meaning of Xuanwu, this strange plant that was born from heaven and earth began to regain its vitality. The originally shattered trunks, branches and leaves were reconnected together in some special way, even if they were not reshaped into One, however, the aura is wandering and the Qi is connected. Correspondingly, Cheng Qitian, who is integrated with it, is slowly closing and gradually consolidating.

The trend is good, but it is still a bit fragile at the moment, and the complex structure caused by the crushing damage makes it difficult to detect the divine will. Yu Ci cannot see the specific changes.

Since you can’t see through it, just put it aside. At this time, Yu Ci had a new feeling – after the Feixian Sword Intention returned to the main body, its remaining power was not diminished, and it actually flowed to Guiyan’s clone body through Chengqitian.

The insights that Yu Ci gained from Xuanhuang were incomprehensible to Guiyan’s clone, and there was no need for them. But as soon as the sword intention and the differentiated thought in Guiyan came into contact, there seemed to be the sound of gold and jade in the void, rubbing and impacting, just like “cutting like discussing, like plowing like grinding”.

In a trance, there seems to be an immortal swordsman and a demon of six desires fighting in the void. The sword energy is falling, the demon light is cold, and he is a perfect match for his opponent.

This kind of thing similar to hallucination is actually an evolutionary process, which is the analysis of changes in supernatural power and consciousness. It is through this form that the potential of the two clones is deeply explored and the flaws of each are found. The so-called “drawing by analogy” also means It should be so.

The “hallucination” did not last long, but the benefits gained by the two clones were real.

On the side of the sword cultivator clone, a common law has been discovered. If there is no longer this restriction, the speed of the sword cultivator clone can be increased by at least 20%.

As for Guiyan’s clone, the foundation of Netherworld Jiuzang’s secret technique has found several flaws due to the invasion of sword intent, and there is a lot of room for repair. Even using this clone to use the sword will raise the level by one level. grade. Even if it is never possible to achieve the “pure” state, if there is another situation where Qijian Tianluo is trapped and killed, his imitation of the Twelve Jade Tower Tianwaiyin will never be limited to the fifth turn… Oops, both sides have similar results. Will the sword art connect those who are interested?

This question is a bit annoying, but then, another thought pops up. The Guiyan clone is not like the sword cultivation clone, which rejects everything that is not a sword. The simulated sword intention can also show some charm, so lucky Using the talisman… Tsk, why didn’t you think of using Guiyan’s clone to help?

If the talisman he created for Xue Pingzhi had been followed this way, he might have finished folding it into shape, and the finished product could be made. Now he can rest assuredly in seclusion.

After all, he is still not used to this clone mode, but it is not too late to think about it now. He will ask Xue Pingzhi about the progress later. If it fails, he will use this trick.

Some people can’t recite the Sutra, and just as they are thinking about it, Yu Nan knocks on the stone door of the quiet room outside: “Heiji Yuanjun wants us to come over.”


Hurrying back to Longxiao City, Yu Nan led him straight to the south of the city.

According to Yu Nan, Xue Pingzhi has found a master of talismans in the Tianzhuan branch in the city who is willing to “take over the work”. However, the talismans created by Yu Ci involve too many and complex fields, and the skills are overlapping. It’s extremely difficult to get the shape together, so I asked him to go over and explain it.

This kind of thing also happens often in the world of talisman cultivation. It usually occurs in people who have a relatively large gap between theoretical knowledge and practical ability. That is, they can create an excellent talisman, but because of their cultivation, induction, control, etc. Factors couldn’t make it happen, so we had to ask for help.

The Tianzhuan branch of Longxiao City is located in a quiet courtyard in the south of the city. Yu Ci wanted to go in and see how it was different from the one in Beihuang. But before he could get closer, the front door of the single courtyard opened, and a group of people When people came out, it was Xue Pingzhi who was in charge.

She had no expression on her face, but Luo Yuniang behind her had gleaming eyes. She seemed to be in a bad mood, but she was just trying not to get angry.

After that are the monks in Tianzhuan Society. They seem to attach great importance to Xue Pingzhi, the master of robbery. A monk with long eyebrows and handsome appearance keeps talking and talking. He bowed and apologized, but received no response from the female cultivator.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Yu Nan said hello, and he and Yu Ci both hid in the shadows to one side, watched Master Xue Pingzhi leave, and then followed them for a while until they reached a remote place before coming forward to meet up.

I asked right away: “Yuanjun, didn’t you mean to invite Fellow Daoist Yu to come…”

“Tianzhuan Society has shrunk.”

Luo Yuniang said in a hoarse voice: “Tian Dun Sect has already spread rumors that the teacher is related to their fundamental method, and Tian Zhuan Society is not willing to do it anymore.”

Is there still such a thing?

Yu Ci began to feel incredible. Wasn’t Tianzhuan Club clearly offending Xue Pingzhi? How can a society have such a good reputation if it favors one over the other, bullies the weak and fears the strong?

But if you think about it from another angle, it’s not impossible.

The power behind Tianzhuan Society is so great that it includes almost all the talisman cultivation sects in the world, even giants like Bajing Palace. In fact, they don’t care about Tiandun Sect, and it is not something that one Tiandun Sect can shake.

However, precisely because the society has complex morals and huge influence, it has always claimed to be neutral, and it involves the fundamental methods of the sect. If you knowingly violate it, it will be disrespectful to the sect, and it is a very reputation-damaging act. Wise people will not take it.

Besides, it is very unfair to the Fu cultivators involved in this matter – it is really a tricky job.

As for offending Xue Pingzhi, it is not a matter of principle.

Yu Nan was not very surprised by this. He was obviously prepared. He said directly: “Then please invite Taoist friends from the early Ming Dynasty to come over…”

Hearing this, Luo Yuniang’s expression was a little strange: “It shouldn’t be necessary. There is already someone who is willing to take over the matter privately and arranges for us to meet somewhere.”

Is this happening?

No matter how strange Yu Nan and Yu Ci are, they must go to the appointment. Of course, they have to do some cover-up this time so that they can’t come to the door openly.

The four of them can be said to be the combination with the highest level of cultivation in Longxiao City. It was really easy to hide oneself. After walking around the city a few times and making sure that no one was paying attention, the group of people arrived in front of a small courtyard on the southern outskirts of Longxiao City silently.

It has fallen into the night, and the courtyard is dark. It seems that everyone inside has rested.

The group of people did not go through the main entrance and flew directly into the front yard.

At this time, there was a person waiting there quietly. Seeing the four people appearing silently, he was very calm and said in a low voice: “But the senior who made the talisman has arrived? Sect Leader Xu is waiting in the hall.”

Xue Pingzhi hummed, and the man immediately turned around and led the way.

Behind the yard, the lights in the hall lit up.


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