Ask the Mirror Chapter 26: The ritual rituals of talismans rise and fall (middle)

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The group of people went straight to the main hall, where there was indeed a person waiting.

This man wore short civilian clothes, his sleeves were habitually rolled up above the elbows, his arms were strong, his hands were thick, his face was quite rough, he even had a beard, and his chin was obviously burned. Standing there, he didn’t look like a Taoist master who was proficient in talismans, but more like a blacksmith getting up from the forge.

Then, he heard Yu Nan’s somewhat surprised statement: “It turns out to be Sect Leader Xu of Bailian Sect…”

The man in the hall laughed, clasped his fists and said, “Everyone, Xu Yang has seen you.”

This person obviously doesn’t care much about etiquette, but he speaks and acts upright, and his cultivation seems to have not yet reached immortality. However, towards the two real people in the hall, a master of robbery, he is calm and natural, not hiding anything, obviously There is a strong self-confidence in the heart.

Bailianmen, Xu Yang?

Yu Ci somehow felt that he had heard this name somewhere before, but couldn’t remember it for a moment. But I feel that this Sect Leader Xu should be very famous in the Three Lakes of Beidi. Otherwise, how could Yu Nan have such a tone?

Xu Yang just turned his eyes this way: “Could this be…”

Yu Ci smiled and held up her hands. She wanted to say Zhang Yan’s name, but her heart moved slightly, and when the words came to her lips, she just made it up: “I met Sect Master Xu in Xianan Lake.”

Nanhu is the name of the cave where he lives in Shaoyang Sword Cave. He changed his mind before the battle, which attracted the attention of Xue Pingzhi and others, but the three of them remained calm despite being so sophisticated.

Xu Yang looked at him up and down, a little surprised, then smiled and nodded, then turned to Xue Pingzhi: “Is it Brother Nan who made that talisman?”

Xue Pingzhi also nodded. Anyway, it was just vaguely mentioned before and no name was mentioned, so she felt no pressure.


Xu Yang praised: “With my current cultivation level, it is really incredible that I can have such wonderful ideas on the talisman. I have to ask for advice today… This matter cannot be delayed. Can I have it now?” Time? ”

This person is really hot-tempered, but Yu Ci also wanted to make a quick decision, so he immediately responded: “Yes.”

“Well, there is a quiet room here, which is quite secretive. The most important thing is quietness. How about we go there?”

“Just do as you’re told.”


Xu Yang is indeed a man of action, and no longer polite, he turned around and walked ahead. Halfway through, he suddenly said to the monk behind him who was leading everyone into the hall: “Third brother, you go prepare the utensils. If everything goes well, , let’s just work together and practice directly!”


Yu Ci was a little confused by this word. He turned his eyes to the monk and saw that his face was quite old and his hair was gray. He was obviously a monk who had not yet broken the Zhuyan Pass. He only had an intermediate Huandan level. of cultivation. But when this person fell into his eyes, Yu Ci was stunned for a moment after another “familiar” person appeared.

“Oh, this is my right-hand man and my family. His surname is Xu Mingbo. He ranks third. You can just call him Lao San.”

Yu Ci smiled and signaled, and Xu Bo quickly returned the gift.

At this time, Xu Yang said again: “The third child specializes in the refining of magical weapons, but his skill in refining weapons has also improved greatly in recent years. It is only by following me that his reputation is not obvious. Brother, if you have a job, you might as well Take good care of me.”


Yu Ci responded with a smile, but was a little distracted. At this moment, his thoughts started from “sacrifice” and suddenly jumped to Tianzhuan Society. From there, he suddenly realized:

It’s him! Third Master Xu Bo, the one who had an appointment with Xin Yi in Fengdu City!

Yu Ci still remembers that day, this man was holding a full arms full of magic weapons, crying loudly, and was overwhelmed with grief.

Of course I also remember that it was from this person that I learned a unique sacrificial refining technique. Didn’t he use this technique to refining his own clone a few days ago?

Yu Ci really didn’t expect to meet an old friend here. Compared with when he was in Beihuang, Mr. Xu was obviously older. The wrinkles on his face could not be covered up, and his hair was mostly gray. But if you look closely, you can see that his back is straight, his eyes are shining, and his old face is full of concentration, giving people a firm and steady impression. It is a far cry from the sad face of the past. No wonder Yu Ci recognizes him. Not coming out.

Just looking at these, Yu Ci can be sure that regardless of whether the agreement is completed or not, this “third master” has indeed been moving towards the goal in these years…

Maybe it really is “one thing, all things”. After the memory here was smoothed, Yu Ci’s heart suddenly flashed again.

Xu Yang, Xu Yang of the Hundred Refiners Sect… He finally remembered where he had heard this name. It was when he met Murong Qingyan and heard Baoguang mention it the night he met Murong Qingyan during the Zhixin Contemplation.

Xu Yang, the first-class weapon-refining master in Sanhu, Northland, has a sword work called “Passing Water”.

And this sword is exactly the sword worn by Yu Zhou Laodao.

It turned out to be Yu Zhou’s old friend… Once he remembered it, Yu Ci’s eyes looked different, and he felt cordial.

However, when he came back to his senses, he began to feel lucky that he had not revealed Zhang Yan’s identity just now. Otherwise, given the relationship between Lichen Sect and Bailian Sect, it would be a big joke for a fourth-generation disciple to not know who Xu Yang was.

No one present knew these thoughts in his mind. Xu Bo responded and went back to do things. When Xu Yang turned around, he saw Xue Pingzhi and the other two people still following him, which was quite strange:

“Yuanjun understands talismans?”

One sentence stopped Xue Pingzhi and others there, and he patted his forehead again: “Sorry, I was negligent.”

As he spoke, he clapped his hands and a wooden puppet came out from the corner. It was only roughly human-shaped and looked rough, but its every move was smooth and smooth, as if a living person was covered with a wooden shell. The puppet made a gesture to guide the way and said:

“Distinguished guests, please go this way.”

Well, a master like Xu Yang always has some quirks and privileges. Xue Pingzhi didn’t say much, glanced at Yu Ci, turned around, and led Luo Yuniang and Yu Nan there. Went over there.

Yu Ci followed Xu Yang, walked through two corridors, and reached the backyard.

Xu Yang is obviously not an arty person. The place is simple and empty, with just a rockery and some flowers and plants. The layout is only rudimentary. He led Yu Ci directly into a rock crevice under the rockery. There is a staircase in the rock crevice, which goes all the way down, and at the end it suddenly becomes clear.

This is a semi-enclosed space that is half an acre in size. In the center, a circular pool is opened in a yin-yang layout, that is, a pair of “yin-yang fish” shapes are drawn. On one side is a clear blue spring and on the other side is blazing lava. The two poles of cold and heat converge in the round pool, and the red and green light interweaves. I don’t know how.

Around this pool, furnaces, anvils and other tools are placed on all sides. It seems chaotic, but in fact it is quite orderly.

Obviously, this is the place where a master craftsman refines weapons. What kind of quiet room is this?

Although it is indeed quiet here.

Yu Cizheng was watching, and suddenly Xu Yang laughed and said: “How?”

“Is this the weapon-refining place of Sect Master Xu?”

“Well, I accidentally discovered this ‘Eye of Water and Fire’, and I was so happy that I built such a shop. But nowadays, it is mainly used by the third child to practice. When I came to Longxiao City, I occasionally Come on, come on.”

He pointed to a corner. The furnishings in the corner were nothing more than a low table and a seat on the lower bunk. There were ready-made pens and paper on the table, as well as a few jade slips scattered around. The meaning of talisman.

Yu Ci moved forward and suddenly realized something:

How did Xu Yang, a master of weapon refining, start selling talismans?


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