Ask the Mirror Chapter 25: The City of Forgetting the Love Fan and Dragon Sky (Part 2)

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According to Yu Ci’s idea, it would be good to go into the Sword Cave for retreat now, but the reality is that we have to wait for a clear result from Xue Pingzhi.

Yu Nan contacted the other side, and it seemed that they would have to wait for half a day. They had nothing to do, so they simply went to Shaoyang Sword Cave first.

Shaoyang Sword Grotto is located outside Longxiao City, about 400 miles eastward, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, gathering more than 20 spiritual veins, and opening up 1,421 independent retreats. The place, according to its level, is divided into four levels: room, hall, hall, and mansion. According to its function, it is also divided into refinement, trial, enlightenment, storage, etc. The divisions are clear and the prices are naturally different.

Anyway, Yu Nan has arranged it, and Yu Ci doesn’t care about the price issue,

The journey of four hundred miles only took less than half a quarter of an hour with the speed of Chang Sheng Zhenren.

Looking down from a high place and looking ahead, you can see the green shade is like a sea, which suddenly stops at a certain line. Going further, there are stretches of sand and rocks, forming a desolate area that looks like the Gobi. At the junction of heaven and earth, between the blue sky and loess, there is a majestic mountain peak rising from the ground. The surrounding mountains are like a blockage. Only when you get there can you see the faint green color again.

“The spiritual veins gathered together without leakage, creating the ‘Sword Washing Pond’, and then the Shaoyang Sword Cave was built. Although it benefited sword cultivators all over the world, it also made the surrounding area barren and barren of vegetation.”

Yu Nan introduced in plain language: “Crossing the mountains and heading east, you will find a desolate scene. It will not turn around until you reach the boundary of Qianshan Sect.”

Yu Ci said nothing and followed Yu Nan to the distant mountain peak.

That is the Shaoyang Sword Cave.

As its name suggests, the Shaoyang Sword Grotto was built by hollowing out the mountain. If it were to cover thousands of miles, this stretch of mountain range would probably be hollow.

The main peak is mostly the place where high-level monks from the Chunyang Sect retreat and practice. However, the distribution of the best caves is not a “blooming in the center” style, but deliberately staggered distances, that is, “high and low matching”. It is also because of taking care of the divine inspiration of the master.

The training place set by Yu Nan is in the southwest corner of the mountain range far away from the main peak. The Chunyang Sect monks have already been there to guide them, and everything is done step by step. They are guided there according to the registration in the temple.

The Sword Refining Room at the Huandan level was just a quick glance, and that was all. The two of them finally went to the Hidden Sword Mansion under Yu Nan’s name.

The cave here is indeed the residence of Immortal Immortal. It almost occupies a mountain peak, and the clouds and mist outside are controlled by the formation disk embedded in the mansion. This is just for confusing people, but it can be adjusted by the resident himself. You can also change it to a killing array. Anyway, those who break into other people’s caves without permission will be killed and not buried.

The entrance to the cave is on the mountainside. There is a lake nearby, which carries snow water and flows down into a river. It flows continuously. A part of the spiritual energy within a radius of dozens of miles gathers on the lake, forming a dense mist.

In the middle of the lake, you can vaguely see a pavilion. It would be a wonderful place to study the principles of swordsmanship.

There is nothing particularly surprising about the interior layout of the cave. It is mainly simple, but the spiritual energy is abundant and silky. If it is sharp, if you take a breath, it will be clear and transparent, which will almost wash away your lungs. Read it again. There was a bit of chill at first, but it soon turned into warmth, nourishing the five internal organs and making me feel really comfortable.


What a great place. After all these years of practicing Taoism, Yu Ci asked himself, only the Lichen Sect’s Zhaixing Tower had a stronger and more pure aura than this place.

The market price of such a treasured land for cultivation can be imagined. Yu Nan immediately booked it for ten years, and his thoughts were obvious.

Yu Ci smiled, and without caring about anything else, he went straight into the cave and found a quiet room with the purest spiritual energy to experience it first.

In an instant, he fell into concentration, and his mind spread over his body. The body formed by the aggregation of the three-party energy was constantly fine-tuned under the influence of the differentiated thoughts that had been promoted to a higher level, and he instinctively found the most suitable structure. Yu Ci did not need to worry about this. What you have to adapt to is the subtle and mysterious aspects of the Immortal Sword Realm.

If you don’t master it, the combat power of this clone will not be unleashed. Once the ten-year period is over, will Patriarch Anzhi Guliang slap him to death with a backhand?

His mind was submerged, and he seemed to be flying into the clouds. His thoughts were vague, whether he was alive or dead, only the sword intent was strong, growing across the void, as if there was no support.

Leaping into the Immortal Sword Realm gave him the most direct and strongest feeling, which was the word “independence”.

His mind and sword are as one, and he is separated from the laws of all things in a trance. He does not ask for any changes to the laws, as long as he is unfettered.

For example, the living beings under the realm of immortality are regarded as prisoners wearing shackles and padlocks. Once they leap into immortality and the sword intent bursts out, they can cut off the shackles and locks and win freedom.

It’s just that the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth are not that simple.

The separation and aggregation of all things, lifting and sinking, growth and decline, as well as the most unpredictable emotions, are all controlled by laws. When it comes to the human body, every breath and every breath has its own laws, and every move and gesture has its own limits, and the Qi and blood are flowing. The circulation of liquid essence pulse is more natural.

Without these laws, how can people be human? Not even turning into a pile of rotten meat!

Therefore, there are some laws that cannot be cut without stopping.

Extending from this, it is only natural to pursue the word “pure” when practicing swordsmanship, whether it is rainbow or atomization.

If we didn’t have the ability to purify things down to the smallest detail, how could we go where we should and stay where we should in the complex and intertwined laws of heaven and earth?

The so-called “Tao’s heart is only subtle” and the so-called “only essence is one” are the same.

This also proves that a superior sword art is too important. Without the guidance of the sword art, you can only rely on your own thinking. It will be fine in immortality, but once you enter immortality, it will be thorny every step of the way. , behead those who shouldn’t be beheaded, and the laws of heaven and earth will bite back, and you will end up with no bones left.

In contrast, Xuanmen, Buddhism and others are much more diplomatic and have been striving for compromise from the very beginning.

Yu Ci possesses the “Shangzhen Nine Heavens Flying Immortal Sword Sutra” and lets Xuanhuang take it with him to realize the mystery of the twelve jade towers. Earlier, he was also influenced by the sword intention of Ye Bin’s “Mid-level Mirage”. As for the sword guide, there is no problem.

The key now is that Yu Ci took a step too far and was pulled up by Xuanhuang. Although he entered immortality, he didn’t know what shackles he had cut off, let alone how. After taking off the shackles, , if you still stick to your old habits and follow the old rules, you will either waste your energy in vain, suppress your self-cultivation, and you may even use the wrong force and hurt yourself.

Now you need to go back step by step and truly become familiar with the mystery.

However, this is also a long process, and it requires more concentration and concentration. At this time, it is obviously impossible, and we can only try it briefly.

That’s the case, the mysterious power of the Feixian Sword In addition to the continuous effect on the clone, it also has feedback on the main body. In particular, it echoes with the magical power of Pingtian’s “Shangzhen Jiuxiao Feixian Sword Sutra”, and even inherits from Qitian. It was also affected, and the sword intention reflected back and swept through the void. There was no killing intention and no power. It was just like a spring, with clear water gushing out, which was a bit friendly.

The weird thing is that Yunloushu actually has feelings.


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