Ask the Mirror Chapter 25: The City of Forgetting Love and the Treasure Fan of Dragon Sky (Part 2)

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“At that time, I was full of blood-killing energy and it was difficult to start.”

Yu Nan gave a very simple and true reason: “Although the spirit of the sword is unclear, the murderous intention is getting more and more violent. If the loss is not considered, destroying the Xuanhuang Killing Sword is somewhat certain, and the damage it can cause, But it’s not what the teachers are willing to bear.

“At that time, the other party proposed that he had a way to weaken Xuanhuang’s foundation and reduce losses. He also agreed with the teacher that once the Xuanhuang Killing Sword leaves the nest, the teacher will take action to separate the Xuanhuang Sword Spirit from the sword and kill it. As for the The Demon Wu’an captured by the Demon Mansion Spirit Flag was also designated by him to deal with the blood-killing energy. During this period, that person also played a role in forcing the Xuanhuang Killing Sword to change its path.”

“Is the mastermind behind the scenes…”

Yu Nan’s statement, judging from the previous changes, is quite credible, but Yu Ci will not listen to one side or the other. After all, he has taken away most of the responsibilities of his teacher, and his purpose is too obvious.

The so-called “mastermind behind the scenes” is a mysterious image, but Yu Ci can roughly piece together this picture:

At least eight years ago, the other party had already started to set up a trap. At the same time, it kept the matter secret and covered it up very effectively. Until the second-generation disciple of the Siming Sect was lured into the urn, causing a catastrophe and weakening the Xuanhuang Killing Sword…

“Did he go for the Xuanhuang Sword Spirit from the beginning?”

In this regard, Yu Nan did not give a definite explanation, but thinking about the ten-year period he had set, it didn’t seem like it.

Ten years, what changes can happen in ten years?

Xue Pingzhi suddenly said: “Gu Liang has contributed so much, how much will he be paid?”

Yu Nan calmly replied: “A complete tribulation secret method that seems to be able to help the teacher achieve enlightenment.”

Xue Pingzhi said “Oh” and thought it was reasonable.

The ancestor of Guliang is well-versed in hundreds of schools and is known as the “Northern Ancestor”. Since the past three tribulations, he has been regarded as a first-class figure among casual cultivators, but compared with the amazing and talented people of the large sects, he is also dim. Eclipsed.

It’s not that the qualifications are inferior to others, or that the efforts are inferior to others, the most fatal reason is the shortcomings in the mentality and Tao foundation. After all, his own secrets of enlightenment are no match for those superior methods that have been passed down for more than ten kalpas and refined endlessly by tens of millions of talented people of all ages.

This is also a common problem among almost all casual cultivators.

Especially when achieving immortality, it is difficult to check whether the foundation of the Tao is stable and complete at that time. When the practice deepens and the horizons widen, the flaws are discovered, which is too late to regret. When the catastrophe is imminent, they focus on those flaws and attack fiercely, and all the demons breed here. I don’t know how many casual cultivators have died with hatred.

Therefore, when most casual cultivators reach a higher level, they focus more on how to make up for the Dao foundation. Patriarch Guliang is not that exception.

Of course, Yu Ci also heard the word “seems”. Apparently Patriarch Gu Liang was not very sure.


After a moment of silence, Xue Pingzhi said again: “Those who can complete the foundation of Taoism are the only authentic ones in the world such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Xuanxuan, or the fundamental Dharma of the Demon Sect. There are no more than twenty in the world. The one that suits him is Even less. If Gu Liang could get it, he would have got it long ago. Why wait until today?”

Yu Nan lowered his head and said “yes” without any explanation or refutation.

Xue Pingzhi stopped talking.

Yu Ci’s heart moved. If Xue Pingzhi and others had defined the scope, there would probably be only a few people who could be trusted by Patriarch Gu Liang. He only regretted that he still had too little knowledge and was still clueless.

While talking, Longxiao City arrived.

Yu Ci has seen many famous big cities in the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. In his opinion, the cities in the Northern Wilderness are limited by the terrain, compact and complex, and the atmosphere of the world is strange and chaotic; Wanli has a name but no shape. It is more of a geographical concept.

As for the Three Lakes area of ​​​​Beidi, the city is more “normal”, just like the cliff city he saw in his early years. It has a clear layout. Depending on the function of the area, it may be row upon row or sparse and open, and the general outline can be seen from a high altitude. There are many people walking on the street, and there are also people flying in and out of the sky. They rise and fall at certain times, and there are certain rules. The common people and monks get along with each other like this, but it is better than the cliff city.

Seeing that he was very interested in this, Yu Nan explained:

“Three lakes in the north, hundreds of millions of people, as long as they have the conditions, are keen on refining qi and guiding them. If they can break through the three ordinary barriers and achieve divine will, they will have large and small sects to guide them, and they will take the initiative to travel and search. Those who are destined to be immortal are like the crucian carp crossing the river.”

On this point, both the Lichen Sect and the Northern Wilderness are far inferior.

The former is a little closed-off, with an invisible wall between monks and ordinary people; the latter is chaotic enough, and there may still be ambitions for advancement, but in the environment where ghost prisons are prevalent, most efforts will fall into decline. Go to decadence.

It is no wonder that the Three Lakes area in the North will become the most prosperous place in the spiritual practice world. The environment in the South is very good, with many businesses, it can be called “prosperous”, but the spirit seems to be lacking.

The most conspicuous building in Longxiao City is a Taoist temple in the east of the city. It is the foundation of Chunyang Sect in the city. Emperor Chunyang is worshiped in it. Many people come to pray there. The Taoist temple also selects days to preach the scriptures. Demonstrate Taoism and select qualified young people to enter the sect.

Probably for this reason, a common feature of the sects in the Three Lakes of the North is that they have many disciples. A medium-sized sect like Chunyang Sect has thousands of disciples. An extreme example like Feihun City has many disciples. The total number of disciples, guests, and outsiders is in the millions, let alone impossible to say.

In comparison, the Lichen Sect far away in Duanjie Mountain is more like a small family.

However, according to Yu Nan, most of the upper echelons of the Chunyang Sect are cultivating in the Shaoyang Sword Cave, and some have traveled around the world. In Longxiao City, there are only two Buxu-level monks with Yu Nan’s status. Rarely interact with them.

Just outside Longxiao City, a group of four people were temporarily separated. Xue Pingzhi and his disciples went to find a powerful talisman cultivator. In the current situation, it can be said that who should be harmed and who should be harmed, and how to operate, Yu Ci did not know.

Yu Ci and Yu Nan went to the Taoist Temple in the east of the city to register for the lease of the Shaoyang Sword Cave retreat cave.

Chunyang Sect holds a very open attitude on this matter. Shaoyang Sword Grottoes have 1,421 large and small caves, quiet rooms, sword testing halls, etc., with more than 800 long-term leases to external parties, and four More than a hundred are on rotation for use, and another hundred are exclusively for use by the acquaintances of the sects within the Xiyu League. Because of their “generousness”, sometimes the disciples within the sects are not ranked when it comes to sword refining and enlightenment. The level of generosity is staggering.

However, this is probably the key reason why the Chunyang Sect has been prospering over the years since it is located in Baoshan without being taboo.

The process of leasing the cave was very smooth. They just visited a few temples in the Taoist temple, and Yu Nan took care of everything there. Yu Ci did not meet any of the top figures in Chunyang Sect during the whole process.

This is probably where Yu Nan is thoughtful.

When he came back, Yu Nan said to him:

“I have opened a sword refining room and a sword enlightenment house. The former is used at the Huandan level, just to hide people’s eyes and ears. The other is also helpful to people in immortality. This place is of no use to me. You can use it for yourself. .”

Yu Ci would never be polite to him.


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