Ask the Mirror Chapter 234: Open the gate of heaven to manifest all living beings (Part 2)

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Go out… go out?

The old man Xu Sheng was very confused, and after hearing the little girl say that this was related to the success of the Immortal, he paid more and more attention to it, and asked cautiously: “Didn’t you say you want to stay?”

He didn’t ask clearly, but he made the little girl faint. One old and one young, you look at me, I look at you, and no words were spoken for a long time_&&

Fortunately, at this time, a vivid example jumped out: around the altar, the golden-horned black dragon seemed unwilling to be lonely in the glow. It jumped up, opened its teeth and claws, and went up and down among the five-colored clouds

The essence of the three lights of the sun, moon and stars contained in the glow is an excellent tonic if it can neutralize the violent incoming force. When the golden-horned black dragon swims, it is also “eating”. After a while, it may be eating. When I was full, there was a long cry, sound waves swept across, five-colored clouds stirred, and dark ripples appeared in the blue sky

“That’s it”

The girl finally grasped the key point. Seeing that Old Master Xu Sheng still didn’t understand, she demonstrated it herself: She stretched out a green-white finger, and Old Master Xu Sheng saw a gray-black light shooting out, passing through a building two miles away. The ruins of the half-declined pavilion, the space in that place suddenly distorted, and half of the pavilion was directly twisted into a ball of smoke

At the same time, Master Xusheng also took a breath from between his teeth: “Yuanci Divine Light”

This, this…is truly worthy of being the beautiful girl under the Immortal Throne

The remaining power of the Yuanci divine light was not exhausted, it went up diagonally, and was about to penetrate the clouds, but as soon as it broke through the range of the five-color clouds, it suddenly disappeared

Xu Sheng, the old man, had a little enlightenment, and then the girl pointed her finger again, and the same divine light of energy emitted, but this time it went directly through and flew far away in the blue sky before slowly dissipating. At this moment, in this world, the corresponding energy collapsed like a bowstring and buzzed continuously. It was clearly a response to the girl’s methods, and it was quite benign and positive

“Conduct the power out, or… go out by yourself”

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl’s figure disappeared suddenly. When she reappeared, she had broken through the five-color clouds and came into the blue sky. She circled a few times and flew back again, still landing in the same place

At this moment, Cheng Qitian’s Qi reaction was violent, and the girl looked at him expectantly: “That’s it”

“Uh, yeah, yeah”

The old Taoist Xu Sheng responded in a nonchalant voice, and then he gritted his teeth, flew up, and rushed into the sky. However, as soon as he reached the five-color clouds, he suddenly felt that there was an incredible thing between him and the Biluo Tianyu. The gap is obviously infinitely close, but in fact it is infinitely far away and cannot be touched no matter what.

Three hundred years of rich experience came into play, and he completely woke up: “It turns out that I am not on the same ‘level’ as the blue sky outside. What the Immortal needs is for me to cross this layer of distance and go outside. Go”


When the divine light of the Nine Earth Yuan Magnetic Penetrated Chengqitian and entered the infinite vast blue sky outside, above the five-colored clouds and at the top of the sky, Yu Ci’s mind suddenly agitated, and the energy coming from that direction Machine changes are the “tonic” he needs most at the moment

“Xiaowu is still awesome”

Seeing the qi machines over there radiating as densely as fireworks, Yu Ci couldn’t help but praise her. As the Xiaowu True Spirit manifested, the billions of qi machines she drove fully interacted with the outside world and constantly enriched her heart. The qi level of the void

In Yu Ci’s eyes, most of the current Chengqitian area is dark,

Only a few magic weapons in the core and the appearance of the fish and dragon are shining with light. Now, there is also a Xiaowu whose bright color of Qi fills the space. There is no void in the heart and the outside world. In the interval, the vitality of heaven and earth rushes back and forth, and the vitality of qi is far beyond comparison with other areas

“That’s it”

Throughout the ages, Xuanmen monks who created self-created voids set up Daluotian in self-created voids. Their fundamental purpose was to seek the convergence of self-created voids and the way of heaven

Daluotian can be said to be a kind of ritual and a kind of mental method. It is through this ritual and mental method that self-opening emptiness can turn emptiness into reality, turn things that “I have” into “should” in the world. “Something that exists”, in other words, is “recognized” by the way of heaven and becomes a small world that is independent but can exist self-consistently within the laws of heaven and earth

If it can be done, the laws of heaven and earth will fully affect the void here, and the laws here will also affect the flow of heaven in another way

That is the highest state of inner and outer scenes. At that time, it can be regarded as the true magical power of the void that opens up the world

Unfortunately, Yu Ci did not establish the Supreme Heart Technique of Daluotian. The real Daluotian is profound and all-encompassing. Once established, it can connect the internal and external emptiness

Yu Ci can’t do this, but he can manifest every object in the void in his heart individually, obtain the approval of heaven one by one, and finally integrate it. Using this stupid method, he can gradually reverse the process and slowly Slowly outline the outline of Daluotian

This process is by no means smooth. After all, there are very few examples of people like Xiao Wu who can easily manifest successfully by relying on their strong cultivation and knowledge of the magical power of the void

So Yu Ci wants to use Yu Chen Qi Ling to open up the heaven and earth. Gate method, inject a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality into the void in the heart, stimulate the activity of the qi here, and make it closer to the real laws of heaven and earth, which will facilitate the subsequent manifestation.

“Those pavilions and pavilions are just dead objects that have gathered their vitality. The trouble lies in the monks’ true spirits that you collected. Unfortunately, Xiao Wu is too strong and is also a weapon spirit, so we can’t refer to it. Those who are capable , you have cleared them all out again, and the rest are still in a coma in Cheng Qitian, obsessed with six desires, expecting them…”

Ying Gui suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed somewhere. Yu Ci had already sensed it and moved his eyes away. He saw the old Taoist Xu Sheng, whom he had met once before, taking one step forward, and then penetrated the five-color clouds and came into the blue sky. , when the strong wind blows, shivering, the manifested shadow is almost about to collapse

“That’s it”

The two of them shouted in unison, and Yinggui hurriedly gave Xiao Wu an order to rescue Xusheng Old Dao. Although he was back, the atmosphere there was different

The true spirit of a monk is the spirit of his innate soul, and it is also the foundation of vitality and wisdom. How can the real void of heaven and earth be said to be lifeless and inanimate and without wisdom? How can yin and yang be harmonized to create inspiration?

Therefore, whether its manifestation is successful or not is one of the important signs that the self-created void is recognized by heaven. From this, the void in Yu Ci’s heart can theoretically have its own spiritual power and conceive all living beings – then It is still an extremely distant thing. At this stage, its greatest significance is that they have found a few of the most critical Qi machines, and when combined, they are enough to do something

The shadow ghost next to him laughed loudly, suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled, and then took a rubbing of the few fragments that had broken the air and imported them in:

“With this ‘skeleton’, let’s see how I can hide this thief from God and… change”


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