Ask the Mirror Chapter 234: Open the gate of heaven to manifest all living beings (Part 1)

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The void in the heart is divided into four levels, that is, the void is opened, the air is introduced, the inner scene is formed and the outer scene is formed, and the heaven and earth are unified

Only the first step is pure self-operation. From the time when Qi enters the country, it has already intersected with the external world. However, at this time, it is only opening up another channel in addition to normal practice to introduce the vitality of heaven and earth. , thicken the cultivation base, and enhance the ability to return energy, which must be transformed and filtered before it can be used by me

At the stage of inner and outer formation, Yu Ci’s mental image clone, and even the void in his heart, can manifest outwardly and affect the movement of the heaven and earth’s vitality. This is actually a kind of law field, but Yu Ci, in addition to the mental image clone, can no longer I just don’t have the ability to put its functions into practical use

At this stage, due to the influence of the Burning Marrow Curse, the potential of Yu Ci’s whole body was greatly stimulated. However, Yu Ci was unable to advance, and had to pour the stimulated potential into the void in his heart, so that the void in his heart could grow. Degree, far beyond Yu Ci’s body

Void in the heart and Yu Ci’s true nature began to “disconnect”, but that was also the starting point for the activation of Void’s magical power

“First of all, you must artificially promote this disconnection. It is true that your physical, spiritual and material images are the foundation of the emptiness in your heart, but now, this foundation is obviously unsustainable. Either you strengthen it, or stay away from it.”

Yu Ci understands

The leap to the level of body and spirit will be an extremely long process. It has been less than a month since Yu Ci became an upper-level Huandan monk. If Yu Ci moves up the level again, the difficulty is probably the same as killing the Great Brahma Demon King with one sword. At this level, he can only choose the latter

“The greater the gap between the mental image and the physical image, the higher the degree of disconnection. Of course, this is like flying a kite, and the thread must not be disconnected – don’t worry, because you now have the magical power of the void in your hand, which is equivalent to holding the With the strongest long-term thread attached to you, what you have to do now is to let the emptiness in your heart grow as quickly as possible.”

Yu Ci knows what to do, he is ready,

At this time, Yu Ci’s body was still under the thick strata, in the true cultivation circle cave in Fengdu City. But the void in his heart was filled with the projection of stars and a temporarily controlled tailless bird. , came to the blue sky that is more than hundreds of miles high

According to the plan, he hid all the areas except Cheng Qitian in order to focus on it. If a monk flying high in the sky passed by at this time, he would surely be able to see this colorful area from a long distance. It is a hundred acres in size, and it has all kinds of pavilions, terraces and mountains and rivers.

But if it really flies over, it will definitely not hit anything because at this time, in the void in the heart, except for a few magic weapons and supernatural powers, most of them cannot be truly manifested

Yu Ci is trying to improve this situation, but before that, he must lay a solid foundation

On the altar, the fish-dragon foreign ministers in a formation opened their huge mouths wider. The core talisman beads in them bloomed with a circle of warm light, turning into a beam of light, penetrating the five-color clouds in the sky, and There was a slight stagnation in the void, as if it had broken through some obstacle and entered the azure sky.

This is the true inner scene and the outer scene. The talisman bead is the manifested projection of Yu Citianyuan’s natal golden talisman. As soon as the spiritual light it emits rushes out of the void in the heart, it interacts with the surrounding vitality, and countless talisman fractals are formed. They rushed out and spliced ​​into shape in the void

Looking carefully, it looks like a huge vermilion door, but it is lying flat in the air. It is ten feet long and three feet wide. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one round-headed door nails on it, nine horizontally and nine vertically. , yellow and sparkling, with a spiritual light running on it, like a golden snake and electric fire. The trajectory left in the void is clearly an extremely mysterious fairy talisman

With the sound of “rolling”, the giant door opened to both sides. In this way, the immortal talisman imprinted by the spiritual light was split into two, and this was the opportunity to activate the talisman

A spiritual light soared into the sky, as straight as a sword, piercing the blue sky. Seeing that its front end was already as misty as silk, a thunder suddenly sounded outside the sky, followed by thousands of golden lights. Behind the golden light, a portal opened.

The portal is ethereal and cannot be seen clearly. I can only see that there is thunder surrounding it, and there are all kinds of divine lights shining like wheels, intertwining and changing, reflecting the glow over there, almost as if the gate of heaven is open

Yuchen Qiling opens up the heaven and the earth. The method

This talisman is one of the twelve talismans of Zhou Tianxing. This talisman has no ability to attack or defend. However, when it is really used, it opens the door to heaven and earth, attracting the energy of the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, and even from outside the territory. Strange energy penetrates into the body, temporarily stimulating cultivation and breaking through levels

This road talisman is in the same line as the Taiyin Refining Method. They are both strengthening and cultivating talismans, but the grade is much higher. With Yu Ci’s current ability, he can use the Jade Chen Spirit Enlightenment Talisman on himself. , his combat power may be temporarily increased tenfold, but what awaits him in the end is undoubtedly his death by exploding his body, destroying his body and soul, which is no worse than the disintegration of a demon.

But when he uses it now, it’s not because he is impatient, but because the void in his heart stretches across the blue sky, blocking the way. All the power is absorbed by the void in his heart

This is also a means of strengthening “disconnection”

The next moment, a ray of red light came out from the Tianmen, following the trajectory of the spiritual light just now, all the way down, but the color of the light changed continuously in mid-air, from red to purple, and from purple to blue, a huge change, magnificent and unparalleled, and With each change, the beam of light grew larger, and finally it was more than dozens of feet wide, just like a brocade of clouds in the sky, or a piece of rays of light brushing down

There was a loud “boom” earthquake, and the opened “Gate to the Earth” was almost submerged by the glow. Some of the power that could not be restrained sent out a visible shock wave pattern in the blue sky, but most of it was Part of the glow still pours into the portal

The next moment, in the void in my heart, Cheng Qitian was the only one currently displayed. The five-color clouds were swept away, and only the magnificent glow, with the heart-stopping thunder, wreaked havoc in the void. Some time ago, just by Transformed by the turbid currents of six desires and the thoughts of all the true spirits, most of the pavilions, towers, towers, celestial beings, gods and goddesses, fairy mountains, caves, etc., collapsed at once, and the momentum was actually about to wipe out the entire Chengqitian.

But at this moment, under the Dharma altar, the jade light aura buzzed and spread. It was the Jade God Cave Spirit Seal Seal that suppressed this heaven. The rays of light divert the flow, reduce the hostility, and then use it for one’s own purposes

You must know that there can even be a little bit of “the most profound truth” in the foreign air, which is very precious to Huandan monks

The old Taoist Xusheng is right next to the altar, which happens to be the place where the Jade God Cave Spiritual Seal is protected. He did not suffer any harm. On the contrary, after the rays of light were diverted, some stars fell down, and he felt refreshed. , the feeling is very different

He looked around at the devastated Chengqi Tianyu, but he felt inexplicably that this place suddenly became…

How should I put it? It feels a little brighter and more vivid

At this time, the little girl tugged on his sleeve: “Now, we can go out. According to Senior Brother Shadow Ghost, the more we go out, the greater the possibility of Senior Brother’s success.”


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