Ask the Mirror Chapter 233: The Heaven of Daluo, the Position of No Calamity (Part 2)

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“Yes, yes, I’m sorry”

The old Taoist Xu Sheng responded, and sent several monks away, and then sat down in the room. After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, he felt that those people had gone far away, and then he took a long breath and sealed it just now. The pores opened, and the back of the clothes was immediately soaked with cold sweat

But he couldn’t care less. He forced himself to calm down and entered a state of semi-trance. He silently shouted “Shangxian” three times in his heart. A door seemed to open in front of him. He was overjoyed and thought through it. past

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in a “cave” with complete furnishings and unique shapes. However, they were not real objects, but the manifestation of his thoughts. This “welfare” was only easy for the first period of time. Enjoy, as the energy of this world becomes more and more stable, this kind of thing becomes much more difficult

He left the cave, used the stars to figure out the direction, and hurried all the way here. He felt that the sky was getting brighter for some reason, the breath he came in contact with was quiet and clear, and he felt much more comfortable

He was not in the mood to experience it carefully, and he arrived at his destination in a short time

This is the place where the seal of the “Shangxian” was originally lowered. There is an altar with magical weapons, surrounded by golden-horned black dragons. It is magical and extraordinary. It can be regarded as the center of this world. Master Xu Sheng rushed here. , the manifested body of the true spirit immediately knelt down and kowtowed several times:

“My disciple is in vain, and I have something to report. I sincerely ask the immortal to pay attention to me.”

He said this seven or eight times in a row, but there was no response. Xusheng was a little panicked. When he was saying it for the ninth time, a very soft voice suddenly asked timidly:

“Who are you looking for?”

Old Taoist Xusheng was overjoyed and raised his head and said: “Disciple Xusheng…”

The words were cut off suddenly. Although he had never met the Supreme Immortal, he was certain that the person above was definitely not the real master

I saw a little girl appearing on the altar. She was only five or six years old. She was wearing five-color clothes. Her big eyes were black and white, like black pearls rolling in mercury. The color was pure. The luster is warm and moist, and the two corners of the head are pierced crookedly, but there is a bit more childishness and liveliness in the cuteness

It’s strange to say that the little girl was obviously afraid of strangers and hid behind the flags and flags of the altar, half-hidden. But the golden-horned black dragon that was more than ten feet long was hovering outside her, but the little girl didn’t care. And when he looked at her, Xusheng Laodao’s true spirit was shaking, and his heart was throbbing

“Isn’t it the beautiful girl under the Immortal Seat?”

As soon as he thought of this, he bowed down again: “Jade girl is above, I am here to pay my respects to my disciple Xu Sheng. I have something urgent to report. In the Sanlianwu Fort, there are monks from Xiyu League, Sanjiafang and other parties. Led by the real person, the investigation of Wubao seemed to be aimed at the incident at Duhu Mountain, and the disciples were also investigated…”

Speaking of which, he also struggled for a while before deciding to come here to report the news. Master Guangwei has a very good reputation in the Northern Wasteland. With him as the leader, an investigation can almost confirm that the master of this world is , is a giant of the Demon Sect

Logically speaking, he should have confirmed it immediately, but in the end, he still pressed the button. He was old and dying. He finally got an opportunity and couldn’t miss it no matter what. This opportunity is in the devil’s cave

Then again, this place looks less and less like a devil’s cave. There are no voluptuous witches, only timid little girls who are afraid of meeting people

As soon as he thought about this, he was frightened again. His thoughts were disrespectful to the beautiful girl, so he kowtowed again

At this time, he heard the “Jade Girl” on the stage whisper: “Look for your senior brother, he is practicing”


When Xu Sheng raised his head again, he saw the little girl looking up at the sky. He couldn’t help but look up, but the sky was still filled with five-colored clouds, and occasionally stars could be seen, but there were no other surprises that day. A glance of majestic law is equal, needless to say

However, perhaps influenced by the little girl’s focused expression, he felt inexplicably that something great had happened

“The stars are getting brighter”

The little girl’s voice was weak, but the stars she focused on broke through the five-colored clouds and became the brightest spot in the entire sky. Old Master Xu Sheng has lived for three hundred years, and he also knows a little about celestial phenomena. The shining star is the more famous bright star in the sky, Fomalhaut

At the same time as the stars were lighting up, on the altar in front of him, the flags and flags suddenly moved automatically without the wind, the seals, jade and other magical weapons lit up one after another, and the golden black dragon with a pair of front paws also moved. Quietly, looking up, the mysterious talisman bead that it has been holding is shining brightly

The little girl let out a soft cry and ran down from the altar. She saw Xu Sheng kneeling motionless in a daze. She waved her colorful sleeves and picked him up:

“It will be manifested soon. You are an external spirit, do you still want to stay here?”

Xu Sheng could understand every word the other party said, but together they were like heaven. He couldn’t come back with the questions that followed. Just a few “ums” and “ums” made the little girl think that he had made a decision. , said:

“Okay, if you work hard in a while you can manifest successfully, senior brother will be very happy”

Xu Sheng still didn’t understand most of it, but he definitely understood the “happy” part at the end: “I want to ‘manifest’… will I be happy if I become an immortal?”

“Yes, yes, it makes the inner scene appear outward, interferes with the laws of heaven and earth, and makes them converge. That’s what Brother Shadow Ghost said”

Before he finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly shone down from outside the nine-sky cloud. When the light shone on the increasingly thin five-color clouds, they melted like boiling soup and fertile snow, revealing a broad field of vision

The stars in the sky are gone, and what is revealed is a clear blue void. The unique sky blue is so quiet and clear that it is addictive

Xu Sheng looked around in astonishment. An experience he had when he was young and frivolous made him vaguely remember what kind of place this was:



“Get ready to start” Shadow Ghost shouted loudly, fearing that Yu Ci, who was close at hand, could not hear clearly

Yu Ci did not respond. He reorganized Shadow Ghost’s theory: Xin Yi’s thirty-six-day magical power was deeply influenced by Buddhism. It is actually a bit far-fetched to force the Three Realms and Four Brahmas to be attributed to the Taoist tradition

But above these three realms and four Brahma heavens, there are also three realms of purity, and there is the Daluo heaven, especially the Daluo heaven, probably because in the setting, it is the root of the separation of the heavens, using ancestral energy to transform Xuan, The three Qi of Yuan and Shi turned into the Three Pure Realms, which suddenly changed the foundation. The importance is evident

In the theory of Shadow Ghost, Xin Yi’s thirty-six heavenly magical powers, Daluotian and Sanqing realm, can be said to be illusory, just the appearance of the magical power; the Three Pure realms are the magical powers themselves; Daluotian realm It is the foundation of supernatural power

Since it is said to be fundamental, there must be a fundamental method

It is a pity that such a method that directly points to the great road is a supreme treasure in any sect, and it is higher than the secret method of saving tribulations. For example, the Lichen Sect where Yu Ci used to belong, its ” “Tianfu Xuanweitong Zhenjiu Sutra” is already the sect’s supreme classic. Whether there are any descriptions and methods in this regard is still a matter of debate.

In this case, you might as well take a shortcut


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