Ask the Mirror Chapter 226: Rebuilding the void, human and heavenly realm (Part 1)

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“Their desires are connected, and this corner has finally been rounded_&&”

Yu Ci’s thoughts returned to the cave in the True Cultivation Circle of Fengdu City in the blink of an eye. He had just passed the reminder of the Lonely Hell. He suddenly figured out a somewhat confusing question in the Yuan Shen deduction results, and it was not a general question. Understand the truth, but go down in one breath, and understand all the related changes in qi.

This kind of epiphany-like result confirms the in-depth communication between Yuan Shen and Consciousness Shen, and also represents a further step in his soul practice. The innate spiritual light irradiates Zifu, allowing Yu Ci to return to his best condition in an instant

God-given opportunity

Zifu Yuanshen captured the current opportunity: long-term deductions consume mental energy, but if you rest and recover naturally, your thinking may become stiff. It is quite difficult to find such a powerful and lively person. Easy

When it is broken, it is decided. Decision is activated from the Yuan Shen of Zifu, spreading the tense yet moderately calm feeling to every corner of the brain at any time, thereby driving all the joints around the body, causing the energy to gather, and feedback it back again In this way, from the mind to the vitality to the body, the essence is like a noose, with each strand twisted into one; it also seems to be condensed into a flawless bead, shining brightly in nothingness

Subsequently, all images disappeared, and Yu Ci’s breathing stopped. Although the essence was flowing back and forth, it was gradually restrained and infinitely close to stillness

There was a soft sound in the air, and a ray of white light shot out from the center of the eyebrows, condensing into a square seal. This is the treasure seal of the Taoist Master. It was originally a magic weapon that Yu Ci sacrificed and refined, but at this time, it spontaneously broke away; then, the Nine Holes of Sang Luan were scattered. The soul smoke bottle could no longer be warmed in the body and fell to the ground

That’s not all. Another ray of light flew out from Yu Ci’s nose and mouth, baring his teeth and claws in the quiet room. However, Tianlong’s true meaning, which had restored about 70 to 80% of its peak strength, was also rejected; in his sleeves, Illuminated Bronze Jianqing The light disappeared and slid down the couch; in the space of Yunloushu, the immortal ropes that were temporarily put away to hide the identity, such as the Jade God Cave Spirit Seal, etc., also lost their attachment at the same time

In addition, there are Shiyin Huamangsha and others, which have blocked the induction earlier, needless to say at this time

Yu Ci didn’t care at all about this, because he had already lost his mind, and his perception of all things and himself was confused. Even if all the magic weapons in his body were separated, it would not arouse the slightest thought to him at this time. Fluctuation

I don’t know how long it took, in the almost eternal chaos, some unpredictable inspiration brought about only one beam of light and only one variable

This is the beginning of all changes

Inexplicably, an image spread out in the chaos: late at night, a Taoist temple, a quiet room, that dull and straightforward man taught the “pen” to pass on his skills, and a “pen” opened up a world

It’s like going back in time, and a pen as big as a rafter is lifted out of the chaos. Only this time, there is no need to rely on others, just a little tip of the pen, and a wonderful talisman will appear

With a turn of the palm, life and death are turned upside down – this is the talisman of life and death, the mystery of life and death, from which the roots of life and death originate. It is also the foundation of the mental image that unifies the physical images and pulls them up

The symbol is thunderous

A dull booming sound seemed to come from the endless depths, but its source came from the life and death talisman. The moment the booming sound “lit up”, it was like exploding directly in the skull and heart. Medium

The irresistible force penetrated the chaos, and it was like the creation of heaven and earth… In fact, it was also the creation of void

Yu Ci’s mind seemed to rise from the deep water, and then he “saw” countless stars shining. He was among them, rising, rising endlessly. Although the stars were dense, they appeared in this density. Hierarchical divisions and rich and clear organization

He was among them and quickly understood his position

“I should be in the north”

In the northern sky, in the Xuanwu Starfield, there are seven constellations. Nearly a thousand visible stars are shining together, and one of them, dazzling and isolated in the sky, is Yu Ci’s current natal star, Fomalhaut.

“I’m in the West again”

More than a thousand stars in the White Tiger Star Territory are also shining brightly, and the Aldebaran star is particularly eye-catching

In contrast to these two star fields, the eastern and southern starry skies appear correspondingly, and the vast whole presents a wonderful arc. It is by no means listed on a plane, but the stars hang down the plain, and the sky is all over the sky. Called “Sky”

Now that the four directions are clear, you can see the center

The three star fields in the center are increasingly clear, and they are at the top of the sky. The four star fields, namely Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, all live under them and are guarded by them

In this way, there is a distinction between up and down, inside and outside. Yu Ci’s position is in the north sky, looking up at the three walls

But how can we restrain him? This is the world he built. His abilities are limited, but his qualifications are at the top.

My mind was still wandering, and I continued to rise. In a blink of an eye, I was freed from the shackles. When I landed in Sanyuan, everything still seemed blurry, not as real as the Xuanwu and White Tiger star fields. Yu Ci didn’t care, and continued to rise, until he reached On top of the three walls, when you reach the top, you can start to overlook the world of stars

The magnificent and magnificent starry sky is right under his feet

An almost uncontrollable tremor struck his mind – how intoxicating this was

After a moment of trance, Yu Ci calmed down again. He finally remembered that this was just the beginning

Condescendingly, when he looked at the Star World, he knew that it was too high here, but the bottom was ethereal. He couldn’t directly create the thirty-six heavens like Xin Yi did, because he didn’t have the other party’s incomparable cultivation. In order to lay the foundation, it is necessary to build a foundation:

“With the sky, how can there be no earth? But… what is the sky?”

He stood on the top of the sky, looking at the prototype of the world he had created with his own hands. He smiled dumbly, with a confident determination and the pride of creating the world, and his heart turned into the thunder of the nine heavens, pouring down:

“This starry sky is transformed by me, I am the sky, and below me is the earth”

The mind manifested, and the top of the sky suddenly turned into a raging fire, the color was like red gold. This was the heart-refined magic fire, because it was entangled with his will power, and they were really indistinguishable from each other. The magic weapon had just left the body, this thing There is still a bead in the fire that keeps rolling – since the fire of the Heart Refining Method is attached to it, along with the Bead of Equality, the same is true

On the reality level, Yu Ci’s eyebrows were open, her vertical pupils were blazing white, and the Pingping Pearl behind her emitted a beam of light that hit the Illuminating Bronze Mirror lying flat on the couch

The green light is so powerful that it gathers like a sword and becomes invisible, invisible to the world. This invisible light breaks through the roof of the cave, penetrates the strata above, and then breaks through the black storm for hundreds of miles, and goes straight into the blue sky with momentum. At the highest point, it exploded with a bang, and thousands of stars flew down like rain


In the Yuanguang Pavilion, the black cat, who was curled up in a ball and sleeping late, raised his head and looked out the window: “Something flew up just now, huh? Someone is covering the sky?”

She became slightly interested, but it was too laborious to find out the real location from the mess of sensations. After only calculating a trivial amount, she couldn’t help but be annoyed: “It’s boring, combing the stars. It’s better to ask Senior Sister for interference, and it’s still in Sanyuan Star Territory… Sanyuan? By the way, what did Senior Sister tell me before coming?”

After sleeping for a long time, her brain was not working very well. After thinking for a long time, she became more and more confused. She simply buried her head in her arms again: “Meow, sleep… Just wake up and contact your senior sister.” ”


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