Ask the Mirror Chapter 225: Building a Small Hell to Chaos the Great Northern Wilderness (Part 2)

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Looking at the scene in front of him, Yu Ci was initially concerned about the size of the “small **** realm”. Three hundred miles of karma fire. Look at the momentum that reaches the sky and the earth. Even if there is a natural secret treasure like Taixu Green Lotus Robe to protect it, After only half a trip back and forth, my life was almost at stake**!*

But after watching for a long time, Yu Ci’s attention shifted again

In the past few days, he has been deducing and comprehending the changes in the void in his heart, and he is most concerned about the structure and laws of one realm. Not to mention Xin Yi’s thirty-six-day magical power, it is difficult for him to match it for a while. , this **** realm also has its own mysteries, but from his current perspective, it is still in a relatively primitive state

When he left last time, the karma fire was just a pure karma fire. But after filling in these hells, the qi movement inside has changed to a certain extent. There may be some inner layers. Structural changes

It is conceivable that as the **** crowds continue to grow, the laws will become more and more perfect, because there are already established regulations and skeletons, and increasing the **** crowds is a process of filling the skeleton with flesh and blood

Hmm, it’s quite valuable as a reference, especially the law that is based on the “skeleton” and fully leaves room for changes in its extension. It is almost the same as what he has been thinking these days. Its mature regulations can be improved Learn

After circling half a circle outside, Yu Ci secretly wrote down a few subtle points that could prove the reference, and waited for the urging from Shadow Ghost before moving towards the boundary of the Underworld Secret Mansion

Once the shadow ghost regained its limited freedom, it regained some of its previous style. It became more and more rude when talking to Yu Ci, but it did have a way. When it first condensed into a demonic shadow, its cultivation Although he was only at the beginning level of spiritual communication, in the past ten days or so, he had jumped to the upper level of spiritual communication. The progress was so great that it made people jealous

With his swordsmanship, supplemented by the Heavenly Magic Sect, the weak can defeat the strong, and he can kill two monks who are in the early stage of returning elixirs, and it probably won’t take much effort

But what is admirable is that it can train the Five Mountains Yuanling to be obedient. Even if the latter Yuanling is new and is too simple and easy to deceive, it may be able to give guidance to the practice of the Five Mountains Yuanling and make others How many people in the world are convinced?

In this regard, Yu Ci is happy to see the success. Since he is determined to refine the magic fire, the connection between Shadow Ghost and him will only become closer and closer. No matter how arrogant he is, he is just playing tricks on him, which is just a pleasure.

“I’ve arrived, where are you?”

“It’s still across the Huangquan River”

Shadow Ghost responded, and the two parties exchanged position information in a blink of an eye. Excluding the void separation, the straight-line distance was only about twenty miles, but even within these twenty miles, there was a yellow spring and a yellow dragon blocking the way. Breaking through these two levels and triggering the Netherworld Thunder Sword Formation is not for fun

Neither Yu Ci nor Shadow Ghost has the ability to cross these barriers at the moment, and they can only place their hopes on the Five Mountains Yuanling

Yinggui hummed and asked, “Xiao Wu, how are you?”

Through the shadow ghost’s means, another thought manifested into a voice and joined in, a bit timidly: “Huang Quan and Huang Long can both suppress it temporarily and make room for Senior Brother Yu to come over…”

The main reason for using this title was that the relationship was too complicated at the time. Wuyue Yuanling couldn’t understand it yet, so he simply called him senior brother. Yu Ci followed the example of Shadow Ghost and called him “Xiao Wu”. It has to be said that, in this way, The title gave Yu Ci a wonderful sense of satisfaction

Xiao Wu’s words haven’t been finished yet: “Suppression is possible, but it may alert the people who arranged the ban. There is also the Netherworld Thunder Sword Formation. If you want to break through it, you must fight head-on.”

“There is no problem with the Netherworld Thunder Sword Formation. I am familiar with that thing.” Shadow Ghost solved a problem, but when he thought of disturbing that Xin Tianjun, he was a little afraid, “It is better to wait until that guy is far away before taking action. ?”

This is indeed safer, but Xin Yi seems to be taking some measures against the Great Brahma Demon King behind Zhao Ziyue. He doesn’t know how long he will stay in the Northern Wilderness. The momentum of the expansion of Karma Fire is also a factor that needs attention

“If you want to be safe, you have to stay around here for a long time, Lu Qing’s side…”

“If you keep searching like this, where will you end up? Why don’t you set up a game and let Lu Suhua take advantage of it, and just settle it once and for all”

With relative freedom and Wuyue Yuanling’s advice, Shadow Ghost’s self-confidence is also growing at this time, and his ideas are also very bold. However, Yu Ci has seen Lu Suhua’s scheming and set up a trap to catch him by surprise. It might hurt her, but if you want to keep her, it’s impossible

If you can’t kill a tiger, you will be harmed by it. Yu Ci has never forgotten who is behind her

Yu Ci has been in a critical period recently, and he is absolutely unwilling to cause trouble, so he quickly rejected it. As for the other two plans, he also prefers the safe one

While discussing the details with Shadow Ghost, there was a sudden silence

“What’s wrong?”

“Another one is here to die.” Shadow Ghost laughed, but then he was a little confused, “I didn’t pay attention just now, this way of death is quite strange… Xiaowu, hide”

After saying this, it took the initiative to find a shared perspective for Yu Ci, and at the same time hid in the earth energy attracted by the Five Mountains True Shape Map. In this Death Yin Jue Cave, the abundant earth energy is everywhere, this It is also the best cover. Unless you are like Lu Suhua, who is positioned as a preset demon, the only people who can discover them in the world are probably the top few in this world

The guy opposite is probably not here yet

Just after hiding it, a person screamed and fell down. Jue looked at his gray skin during the scream and knew that it was soaked in the yin energy of the nine places, and the yang energy was lost and he died. This is a frequent occurrence in recent days. situation, but no matter how miserable the death is, it will not attract other evil spirits

The blurry shadow flashed, and it was clearly chasing from above. It flashed again and landed on the back of the dead body. Then there was a strange hug and a slap on both sides. At this time, you can see that it is a hateful-looking ghost. , the whole body suddenly ignited with fire, and when it touched the dead body, it bonded together

The dead body seemed to still have some biological instincts left. It struggled twice with its limbs, but in the end it could not escape. It fell straight into the depths of the Dead Yin Cave. The fire there was dim, but it also created a small area. Later, , I clearly heard the man moaning and wailing again

Yu Ci wondered: “Are you alive again?”

“It’s impossible to die…this is a lonely hell”

Shadow Ghost answered coldly: “The **** realm is divided into eighteen levels. There are eight colds, eight heats, near areas, loneliness, etc. Among them, the lonely **** can be located outside the **** realm and connected with it, which can be more than a thousand miles away. , small enough for one person, didn’t you see it when you first entered the Underworld Secret Mansion? Well, if you don’t know who is controlling it nearby, and you are trapped in the lonely hell…”

Yu Ci responded first: “Of course it can reappear in the **** realm”

The shadow ghost was stunned. This is exactly what it wanted to say. It seems that the Great Brahma lineage has not given up and is constantly strengthening the scale of the **** realm in the secret palace. This must have a plan

Why is Yu Ci’s response so brisk?

Contacted Yu Ci again, but only received the “standby” instruction


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