Ask the Mirror Chapter 225: Building a Small Hell to Chaos the Great Northern Wilderness (Part 1)

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Yu Ci feels that her luck is pretty good**!*

During the dangerous period when Zhan Shuicheng’s mood was ups and downs, and he was suddenly happy and angry, he was still able to escape back to the cave with Jiuyou Lao in his arms, and he still maintained his human body and did not turn into a mouse, cockroach, bedbug or the like. It was really a blessing from his ancestors

He even brought back half a plate of fairy fruits – Xin Yi’s “burning bridges across the river” has not yet been completed, so at least this half plate of fairy fruits is left, each of which is a first-class spiritual root, either nourishing vitality, or It protects the soul and is extremely effective. If it is put into the Suixin Dharma Ceremony, it can make monks from all walks of life break their heads. For Yu Ci, it is not without small benefits.

As soon as he returned to the cave, he immediately announced his retreat. In fact, he just left a sign on the stone tablet of the cave to practice retreat and refuse visitors

Of course, before that, he did not forget to tell Gu Zhi, pick out half of the box of refined Yingtonian incense, and asked Gu Zhi to send it to the Tianzhuan branch and give it to Su Yu , to calm his mind, and after everything was settled, he sealed the cave, went to the quiet room, and began to study the Nine Nether Prison

After all, Zhan Shuicheng was quite generous. In addition to handing him the Nine Nether Prison, he also gave him a copy of the application method. This was produced by Ruizhu Palace and was much more detailed than what he could study on his own.

Unfortunately, Yu Ci is not serious about using this treasure at this stage. He only follows the guidance of the method given by Zhan Shuicheng and slowly understands the structure of this treasure.

The structure of the Nine Nether Prison itself is not complicated. In a nutshell, it is a metal box made of special material. It contains the wheel-turning spirit-slaying magic light that is hated by gods and ghosts, and there are some spaces or arrangements for imprisoning ghosts. The entrance and exit corridors are divided into several levels, corresponding to those captives who are either obedient or stubborn

All of this is arranged around the wheel-turning soul-slaying magic light. If the Nine Nether Prisons are valued, the wheel-turning soul-slaying magic light will undoubtedly account for more than 60% of the share, and the other 30% is to gather the magic light and maintain it. Its existence restrictions, materials, etc., and the final part is the design ideas.

For Yu Ci, the latter two are not necessary. His goal is only the wheel-turning spirit-slaying demonic light

He has prepared the necessary tools, and there are actually only two of them: the Heart Refining Dharma Fire and the Buddha Bone Furnace

For him, as long as he throws the Nine Nether Prison into the Buddha Bone Furnace, everything will be fine. The Heart Refining Fire will completely follow his will and peel off the wheel-turning soul-slaying demonic light from the structure of the Nine Nether Prison. , as for how to use it later, it depends on the results of Yuan Shen’s deduction

As soon as his train of thought reached this point, his heart began to stir slightly, and his consciousness and soul were connected to decipher the message

Your sister… you still have to wait

The true nature of the Yuan Shen actually went back on his word. It’s not that the deduction was not smooth, but that after what happened today, he gained more nutrients: In the thirty-six days, the many auras captured were very good. It takes a while to sort out the references, check for gaps in previous ideas, and continuously improve them

Although it is a delay, it is undoubtedly a good thing

Yu Ci can’t be idle either, he is going to get involved now. The ability to deduce the acquired consciousness of the gods is far inferior to the supernatural power of the true nature of the Yuan Shen, but the communication between the two is also part of the practice

This is actually the process in which the light of the true nature of the Yuan Shen permeates the entire soul. When the distinction between levels completely disappears, it is when Yu Ci Yin Shen transforms into Yang Shen, and acquired nature transforms into Xiantian. This is a long journey when the soul’s cultivation is complete. The process will continue until the day he attains immortality

In this kind of enlightenment, time flies by, and three to five days pass by in a flash

On this day, Yu Ci’s heart beat suddenly, driving him out of a deep state of trance. He originally thought that the soul deduction was successful, but then he realized that something was wrong. His mind turned a few times, and suddenly he flew across the void. , connected with the remaining spirits of the demon species thousands of miles away and in the abyss of the earth

It’s Shadow Ghost and Wuyue Yuanling who have arrived

The two of them still couldn’t find Lu Qing after all. They returned two days ago, covering a distance of nearly 100,000 miles. At this time, they were not far from the Underworld Secret Mansion

Ever since Yu Ci used his heart to refining the magic fire to reshape Shadow Ghost, the spiritual connection between the two parties has become even closer. News came from Shadow Ghost that it has locked the location of the Underworld Secret Mansion, but it is too busy there right now. A little more

On that day, Xin Yi used his earth-shattering thirty-six-day supernatural power to attract the Dharma of the Hou Tu Emperor, and sank the secret palace to the bottom of the cave. He drew a river of underworld to isolate the inside and outside, and there was a yellow dragon hidden in it. Logically speaking, this way Even the ordinary Immortal Master has to carefully consider the arrangement to scare off the idle people. It is simply overkill

But it turned out that Xin Yi still underestimated the madness of the refugees in the Northern Wilderness

In the days after the secret palace was sealed, there were hundreds of monks risking their lives to sneak in every day, but most of them, or all of them, could not even cross the Dead Yin Jue Cave and Huangquan River

“Someone forced his way into the cave and lost his head in the Yin Qi”

“Who and so relied on their treasures to forcefully cross the river of underworld and let the earthly yellow dragon swallow it up in one gulp”

Similar news is introduced into Fengdu City in large quantities every day, and is widely circulated. Before Yu Ci retreated, more than 300 people had been buried there, including two powerful Buxu people. Even so, the fugitives still It goes on and on without stopping, and because of the end of the Sui Xin Dharma Conference, a large number of masters have diverted their attention, and the trend is getting worse.

When Shadow Ghost and Wuyue Yuanling arrived, what they saw was this situation. Shadow Ghost was naturally not a fool. Upon seeing this, he looked for a way to sneak in secretly. On the other hand, he contacted Yu Ci to see if the remaining spirit of the demon species was Can we cooperate

Yu Ci also wanted to give it a try and then transferred his thoughts. At this time, he discovered that the outside was lively and the inside of the Secret Mansion was not inferior

In four or five days, the spread of Karma Fire was much slower than expected. It has now spread to a radius of three hundred miles. However, as soon as it spreads over, the area will completely become a world of Karma Fire. From the sky to the earth, the red flame fills the entire space

If that were all, it wouldn’t be called lively. What really surprised Yu Ci was that there were a group of more creatures in the Yehuo area

He drove the remnant spirit of the demon species and observed from a distance outside the karma fire. In the red flames, there were indeed many shadows moving, some of them human bodies, and some of them illusory

After observing for a long time, he came up with a guess: Could this karma fire have taken away all the people who were robbed by the devil in the Underworld Secret Mansion, including the demon itself?

Karma burning the body can cause a person to “fall straight into hell”. Internal and external evil karma will burst out, and he will suffer endless suffering in hell, but he will not be able to survive or die. Even temporary destruction can be transformed by karma. If you live forever, you will be like this unlucky guy, and you will be called “the **** people”

The transformation of the **** crowd consumes karma, but when it sinks, it is the time when its own bad karma is stimulated. This also has a supplement. If the balance can be grasped, if this model continues, the scale of the **** crowd will be Continue to grow, then here——

Isn’t it really like a miniature version of hell?


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