Ask the Mirror Chapter 224: Play chess without saying a word and express your position silently (Part 2)

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If it were another situation, Yu Ci wouldn’t even be qualified to sit against Xin Yi, let alone play chess_&&

However, he never felt inferior to himself. He quickly adjusted his mood. With the thought of “everything is supported by the one above him”, he took his seat and turned his eyes to Xin Yi. Xin Yi responded with a smile.

At this time, he found that he still had a fruit plate in his hand, and Nine Lives was hanging on his arm. Just as he was thinking about how to let go, Master Guangwei, who had never spoken, walked up with a smile and took the fruit plate away. Today, Nine Lives is with The fruit plate became more energetic and pounced on it

Yu Ci hurriedly thanked Master Guangwei, but after sitting still, he remembered another thing: “Fairy Zhan, I don’t know how to play chess, and there are those chess pieces…”

“I don’t care about you”

Zhan Shuicheng’s response is extremely irresponsible and does not take the outcome into account

Who was shouting “Old Xin Yi, you will be defeated today” before coming… Oh, there is also ah hoo

Yu Ci shook his head and couldn’t see Zhan Shuicheng’s expression. Judging from Xin Yi’s words, he was just smiling

That’s all, this game of chess has already exceeded the ordinary category of victory and defeat. In this case, he doesn’t care about anything. At this time, it was his turn to make a move. After calming down for a moment, he imitated Xin Yi’s chess game just now. posture, stretch out the two middle fingers of the index finger, and tap them against the outer edge of the “spot” to indicate that they will land here

Perhaps due to the influence of my breath, when my finger fell, the Karma fire was clearly swaying and tilting

This is really a test of courage, especially after seeing the fierce power of karma fire, he understands that any contact, or even a connection in the qi machine, may cause karma fire to invade the body. Once it takes hold, If he causes his own bad karma, it is still unknown whether the three masters of Talisman around him can save him

Cursing secretly, he was about to withdraw his fingers when there was a snap on the back of his bare head. This was the cat’s tail hitting him again. It was clear that his strength was not great but his potential was not small. Yu Ci’s head sank forward. His fingers immediately clicked on the chessboard. The stone table was cold and the karma fire was scorching. Cold sweat broke out on his body

But at this moment, he saw a star shining on his fingertips. A round and flat white seed condensed out of the karma fire, and the swaying flame immediately stopped

So that’s how it is

Zhan Shuicheng was finally not ridiculous enough to ask him to die. Yu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, now his life was safe

But then again, he is not even a bad chess player. If he plays chess with others, he will be “dead” sooner or later

Since he didn’t know how to play chess at all, after racking his brains for a while, he simply gave up all unrealistic ideas and just stared at the black piece. Wherever Xin Yi’s piece was, he would also make a move aside. Chasing and intercepting, I was so happy to see the clear water above my head, but fortunately I didn’t forget to continue to bless the star chess piece

After losing another dozen children, Zhan Shuicheng felt a little strange: “Huh? Your physique is very interesting.”

What does it mean?

“I didn’t expect that the Qi pulses in your body would flow so well that you would be so adaptable to the ban on one of your veins in the palace. It’s very good, very good. It saves you a lot of effort.”

Yu Ci’s heart moved slightly, and he immediately remembered the experiences under the Sky Rift Valley at the battleground between the Taixuan Demon Mother and the Rakshasa Ghost King. To say that there was emptiness in his heart, the Taixuan Ban was still hidden, but Now the void in my heart is closed, and it is still waiting for the results of the true nature of the soul to be reopened. Certain words are definitely not suitable to be said at the moment.

He simply kept his mouth shut until the end, and just played the chess pieces. His method of playing was really just a joy, and he went back and forth for dozens of moves. He had people block a large piece of chess pieces. This time it was Xin’s turn. Yi Tizi

Xin Yi glanced at him first, and then the chessboard suddenly burst into flames. At this moment, Yu Ci’s heart suddenly sank

At first I couldn’t tell where this feeling came from. I just felt like I was suddenly pressed into the deep sea. My normal movements suddenly became a thousand times heavier. The sounds of the outside world also disappeared suddenly, and when they reached my ears, they were also buzzing. Roar

On the chessboard, the starlight white stones were lifted up one by one, but they turned into smoke halfway and evaporated out of thin air. The space above the stone table was also affected by the high temperature and appeared distorted. I didn’t know what was happening on the chessboard that was more than a foot wide. What a terrifying power

Fortunately, this feeling did not last too long and went away as quickly as it came. Due to the temporary discomfort, Yu Ci was still trying to resist, but she tried too hard and almost fell over. Still the water on her head was clear. Use your strength to stabilize, and say with a smile:

“Play chess, play chess”

What the **** are you two doing

This was Yu Ci’s inner voice, but he didn’t have the guts to say it out, so he could only keep silent and continue to behave. There was no suspense about the result. He was defeated by Xin Yi, and he was defeated in the chess game. The outcome was second to none. , after going back and forth several times, he finally understood it.

The two of them are using him as a buffer

The pressure as deep as the sea is actually the intertwined qi of both sides. Before he entered the game, the qi of Xin Yi and Zhan Shuicheng were directly facing each other. Although they were separated by a layer through the action of the chessboard and chess pieces, But the black and white chess pieces, namely Taixuan Ban and Karma Fire, are the most dangerous forces in the world. No matter how careful you are, direct and sharp confrontation will inevitably occur under the interaction.

But when he joins in, all the qi forces will work through him. Since both sides have to protect him from harm, there will be very few direct conflicts between the qi movement changes, which is equivalent to adding another layer of buffering. , and will not fall into a serious situation

During this process, Zhan Shuicheng was his main controller, so it took a lot of energy. In this regard, she gave up to Xin Yi

This is the most intuitive guess at the moment, and on another level, the game itself is not that simple

“Tsk, tsk, Mr. Xin Yi, are you really embarrassed to beat him?”

“I can’t help it. If you live a long time, you must be thick-skinned.” Kindness

At this time, the number of sunspots on the chessboard was greatly dominant. The flames of the karma fire almost gathered into a ball and burned brightly. The flames rushed up to a height of about half a foot. Xin Yi stretched out his hand and passed through the karma fire. Ci thanked her and stretched out her hand to take it, but found that her whole body was soft and she didn’t have any strength. She wanted to raise her hand, but she didn’t do it at all.

Indeed, after being immersed in the energy of these two powerful men for so long, even an iron man would melt

“There are two of us fighting, but you are the one who exerts the most strength.” Xin Yi flipped his arm in the fire and put the fruit on the edge of the table beside Yu Ci

Yu Ci grinned, but at this moment he even lost the strength to speak

Xin Yi turned to Zhan Shuicheng again and said with a smile: “Is this the game of chess?”

The black cat sneered: “The chess game is over, what does it have to do with me?”

Xin Yi laughed and stood up: “Okay”

Amid laughter, he flicked his sleeves, and the fire burning on the table was swept away. At this moment, Yu Ci had a flash of inspiration and understood their attitude

Yes, this is not a gambling game, nor is it an accusation of guilt, but a statement

The key to the outcome of the chess game is not only Xin Yi and Zhan Shuicheng, but also Bajing Palace and Ruizhu Palace. It is clear at a glance who is advancing and who is retreating. As for who is targeted, the fire burning on the table is not the target. ?

He won’t get involved in things at this level. Anyway, it looks like the results will be good

But that bet…the thought didn’t stop, the void in front of my eyes suddenly distorted, the mountain and sea scenery disappeared suddenly, the roaring black sand storm suddenly rose. At this moment, Zhan Shuicheng screamed:

“Old Xin Yi, you ran away from the battle”

Xin Yi’s laughter echoed in the dark storm: “Wrong, it’s crossing the river and burning the bridge”


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